Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 20, 1942, p. 8

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the georgetown herald wednesday may 20th 1942 active service notes opl am mat fcu arrived safely eiiimi tu tin hjooc mi um sweelvcd a obciisnm lut wifcezsd ba hir rmahtrvl crytnlrvg uw balif hair son of mr and ub barry hal hu btn prompted to tia h u with th jloja at dbrrt nova scotl- ft oyru baocta ctark of us lu boot spot on to jwnni rf uu autsday hd uu huo to his mends us town anousrr oeortttowo member of th twtn seme khvi recruited r- ssuy by use lome scot i pi casarks taww hot umt wu tcauj- vrttaatty omitted from lb tut in kit week mmld th platoon kit feat friday nvsrnlrig 8a brantsard wnef thy will tk further tralnin acs lawrenc beaumont of olr williams hu biro uranstrrred from trenton to mountain vsrw with thr jtcaf dougsa bargro ion of mr and un o bucau ha been notified of wi promotion to pilot otlsorr with lh aoap dating troe ui nth coo- gjratulsuons doug rv reutsns bsrmrsn of ertn gradual of oeorgetown ibgh school ku bts aotsistnled navy chesialn and u stationed el hallfas l km uumi u taking a training nnm i x maganur quebec ft w p health hu transferred trom lb veterana ouad of canada to lb rojuic and l stationed at bowmidtu mlillarj hospital other members of the v a s includi lcul orange ftnj lsnce-ow- a norsry and plea jam murphy jack smith and o 6y blaory air taking a court at perohajs quebec 111 and mrs bam harrison recetsed cable on r aartnc that their on pu jack lurrtson had arrived safely owrseas with us royal cana dian army medical corps pu clarence kennedy la recovering nicely from hl nttnt litnssa and ha lm transferred from oamp borden to us military omilmont ikes us toronto oar fred engleby of the hit rc a son of mr and ura w f inflf- hy laft utinervlty arnsourlm laat ryl- tar for brantford vhrrt isr will con- unua hit banc tralnuu assessneot appeals elected moderator cross news 1 b kntartk huuu 1 nrwlyaopotntrd uodriator of ihrl pnmbyurun 8mod ol hamilton and i london u rrr kmnrlh uaclan ot i wlnahun itr uaclxwn u rlrrtnl to ihr hllhru pouuon of thr ojrnod at lha avth annual mttang hrld in knoa ctiurch woodatora rrtmur iu im pastor of ttnoa ctiorch ororrkowrs from 1k3 to iio0 uln brfr lo wlnaham ahrrr hr tuii lnrr rrildrd towmhip of esqimins tmaa notice that a court of rrtulon tn be held in the council chamber wawarttown on atondav tux lit day ot june um1 at 10 o clock un daylight aa hmtimt roll of 1m3 tng ttma to bear apprala aaalrut the i m doinett at tovruhlp oterk localjiews dool ivritt aron tuut itocn punjon crtrtl orrfor ttirtr is pn thurmltj- njttsi junior farmer tuoc it iuttomtu pufc ptuuv lay aeot doru unlit 7pic onhfir dane- trif 0 to 1 adroutlon 11 00 coupu kmp futiv4a uy ui rrrr for uw luimmm g 114 in th uaoltoboo biock brlnnlnf tt 330 pm under uw ftuipicc ot thf women amocuuon of b unlld cnurch doot orsvt uw uhx op pch- rftcb oiturdiy iuy 30ui tponiofro by uie iodr for melr vmr ork pjt your pennjrt lo food uw u no prcinim uw jxjut iilrt ami buy penny ipcr on xuln and uiu otrrr- member auutet by uv junior red crou vml be on duty from 1000 m to 10 00 pn let tr no fr our pennle will ueuh tleerex healb bkin ail- uettb ltord b hundiroji from oottt to cot to or unrqualled lor eczrm pvorluu lmpeuo dolb punpae ertnema etc aoc 1 oo t3 00 medium and atronfi iir- oommtnded and soul by robbs dru olorc hu uajeuy the kinj in tau nr e ut all lo tiie front tin dcd you rer pauw to uxijt that you fai teortecitauir lo lb tract unca ot uui art thr ili- crobb ti your per- octal eenoy drnaseo oo you to bark up th heixwc txu of brtnjttnf help and bealirx to tulferinx propie vbetrtrt the ned artte ttiu u uu- cinrue of a liirume to do cmedirug about it a ab u never finuned anuj u u finuhed ruiat we cw rracb our obrcuke ot mo00 brlrr ojt dxltr u completed we are hoptn to ri ou present quota completed by the end of llay trie committer are ptnninr to dis play lhla or in ur toom vbeo it u finihed tne public u be inlted nd a cup of trm u1 b urted kauuji vnst ha happened to our kuuttert liate they houclexuu we hat peoty of fcoefc oo4 ott hmj we air erpecunj a quoa frum lxdqjartrr any day now the aruiter vnll be rxjjied aheo it arne your coal now we think domestic coal will be very scarce by september for the following reasons 1 the fuel oil restrictions in the new england states will require six million additional tons of anthracite and it is very doubtful if this additional quantity will be available 2 the sale of byproduct coke in nut or larger sizes for domestic use is prohibited by government order 3 all anthracite has to be moved by rail instead of large quantities by water as in former years and together with generally larger railway traffic will make shipments uncertain and slow 4 the importation of welsh anthracite will be much smaller r probably nonexistent 5 the shipment of alberta coal cannot be greatly increased due to labour and transportation limita tions we have pea nul and stove anthracite coal and pocahontas coal on hand at the present time and can make early delivery terms all coal cash the fuel controller has stated that the purchase of next winters coal now is not hoarding the committee are puruunj qjit a laxvr ihliamrnt nrit vrefc and e j1 be able to she you a drvaued account of it then raeta wtaru iuttb the total cou of tie uued tajf in ontario dluioo rrpretxntt lee than tt per reml of he moniei paaud through the dlvmonal book thu u poaibe only became of the irenerout volunteer help evtended in all depart ment the canadian lied croo- hoc let acounu are ubct to scrutiny by thr audi tor ornrral of canada the lied crou doe not utue fock to indixlduab but i ill tlir requisition oi the officer oomandlnii tie rm unit none of the iul crouo aoxjln are labelled there air many rumor that the fled crovt bell aock but to far thia ha neer been pnnen the fled cro a u unjqar in at leat two ery ital r tenlcrv trial ol uir olooo donor clinic and prlwxirnol tjr parcru thr canadian fled crtaw society hah on hand 700 000 arkjtovleditrfnrnl cauls from briti h irinonrr or that uiry hr rpcuvrd thrlr food parcel merry 1f keol nln by red crow money lnr rd in lh red cros bnngt no cjjih diiurnit io he eon- trlbutor thr prtcelru regard u the jtnolrd4r uiat ihr niorw y u hrlnvin nr life to omeint in diirv a drituh prisoner brrathea a prayer of ihank alien he 0xrs a red crovt iruonrrofmr jmrrtl a oun uomun buried under the rulna of her ahatter- ed home 1u be icvied b blood mtuid brought all the ay fnum crtiiadj a fohler on tu btttlctront ui aland ttuard kratefji loi hu arm muffler comfortable ocks and rllmicje ooi un nloek the red crav k an ln islblt army marching aide by aide vtui the troop into battle it la alo tht irtntle help er of the lck the unpiotecled und the needy hrtp the rid c ou to keep uie flag of rr rcy fly trm k cp the par cel of nourunlng food md clot hint honing kcrum the ca to allied pruon era of uar cruure uie mm of the armed forces ore kept ell supplied lth comfort and that the helple qmrn and children in bomb torn britain are cared for ttiu you can da by contrtbutlns freneromly to the canadian red ctoa cjlen w1ixiamh invaded bv camp borden troops a detachment of mechanised troops from no 0 advance trulnlna centre camp borden took otcn williams rc- rsldrnu by surpruc tills mornlns in a mock invasion children on itulr u to hchool a tanlc and jwjws camouflaurd to avoid snot ting by air craft at stratcitlc locatlon in thr milan mhile men in uniform stood ttuard at ual jtosltlons j b mackenzie son georgetown mr and mrs farmer we want your coopera tion in the special rubber salvage drive on thursday june 4th while housetohouse calls are being made in georgetown proper it is not feasible to use this means in rural districts if vou have rubber to donate brhig it to town next time you come and leave it at the salvage shed for information phone no 8 or no 71 rubber salvage drive sponsored by georgetown lions club he kvw c4 tkaate to bak mm tflscrwfiea to us etlj than it data as us fcittay w car esoacd us ns tear all hmlt im fcaoda that usa 4am um to b ww cart on tb read in us atj ust eara atan to t a ptcetitui nrr tut usty dm muth liemtr ttsr lvswuw down ol ola apaad us us city uw lo oootah dnld ditwia and a oouitol u any luiiwim in cl unite a food mao7 can mil rati alass us aij atimu wtto ja us ots occupant us oo la us dorusran oonsrr brtand tb vtsxl and u look aa usoucb w aiw aiont war csb rmlutd th amoui iu and uir tltuauoti thf atlll mitwi lo tj ulmtj ot glajusf biwdlvbu on usr road and w drot iu usees w dool lufwa that us ovrsar of us auitrvf radllgtiu ua to drti a tat srttrr uiao uu rrat of ta do and prrftapt thry dont rralu usat thru utu oftrnd prmaps wa should uu xhrm tulubrb httll ai pitnutuj roj4ti uf alwaj paom up th ssrn us unlfunn tsrn vt hast room tor thrfn txjt thr ctvusan lhum vr rm hkr our tdra of wmroody trytnf to tmpra on ui tts othrr uy r ptrard up a aoldsrr aod as hr tooard to or 10 young r asard rtuis ru afr lilt nviy was that hr wu nitrm iu had rjrrjt in ttsr arm for s month when hr a fou trm and w diarhartrd on aooount of hu afr but hr had fsvqtad out anothrr town lo rnlui in lhla um and now hr hat all more month of training to hu crrdu it wrnl on lo trtl ui that hr jum ot uld of tchool onr da and wrnl down and rnuatrd ifu fathrr u a major on acutr fslrr and hr lntmdj to fol low in hi falhrr fooutrtw and ha brrn doing falrty vru so far for his gr at lrat llr wrnt on to tu ui lhat hr hard thr army and mmllon- rd that in ordrr to grt along in uir irrvtor all on had to do waa to du a- onr li told wrvr nouonl oldrr frllows utan this ixing soldlrr uial hadnt iraml uxat roisch up to datr ttltsx hecmh to or an rpldnnlc ui rviprs in thu port of thr world urrl thrrr har brrn rather loo many inlrmrd prtsonrns racap- uig from thr camp at oowmanvlllr wr hairn i hrurd of any of thrr ci- cprd prlmsnrrs aa having brn arn in lhl kscallt hoarder onr rrnlng nol long ago wr noclcrd wmrbod truing u on ihr radio thai an n- cprd kangaroo tnal had madr hu trta from tomr aalnallan alr- mrn in ihr wrlnll of uonlrral had ixin minrd wrn hrar oronrrtowrn it ma hr brrn a falar alarm a thr animal would havr had to txasvl ftomr four hundrrd mllr in iwroly- four hourit and t had nrtrr hrard of aanuarocr bring uptodlr rnounh to hltchhlkr anwway wr hatml notlcrd ihr kangaroo making thr hrodllnrs in thr hrrald ms wr bmo arts a thai th lrl off um- hfl bogrthrr on thr othrr hand if u hliould be locatrd around ihrar pan and could br capturrd it might makr msmr mono tor ihr rrd crorui if it acre to br rafnrd off jt imjing bv the standing of the toronto maple tjsf dauiball uam right now in thr intrrnatlonal ugur thr club ownrra must has jtudlrd thr wrll known porm druor and thr 8pldrr for a good many rar the toronto tram hair brrn mlcklnii to thr bottom rung ol tht lsndrr and jrl thry conunur lo grt all kinds or publicity both on thr alr and in thr prrw wr oftrn wondrwd how the owner kipl up their enthusi asm li wanx brcauw of the attan- dancr ot thr gamra a merit ol the gamra following the opening game roch inuon failed to draw very many ball funs of oounve toronto wasn t uie onl city that failed to draw big crowds and we remember one day a rrgdur mheduled ball game in mon treal drew exacuy 50 paid customer dut toronto ha kept on and right now thry have a bettrr than average team that in drawing good crowds and uir u om oa c write theae llnea i in uilrd position it look unnatural to mv toronto llvud o near the top ol the interntlonnl league juindlrn iialtom mimic festivm held at milton continued from page li pnbhr mrhool vocal holo urban glrla 7 lo 10 theresa wagnir mllloii b5 doimn wright durllngton cintre 84 dhine exile burltnglon easl s3 dorotli mubl durllngton east 8 sails coclthlmtl slriiulcona 70 uihsle hur ley qeorgcloan 70 anna dc paul durllngton central 70 mury shlplo oukvllle central 78 mary ocsal btrathcona 78 susan btotl oakvllle ocnlral 78 jcnile wuson bronte 77 jonn oolloway milton 77 jessie wll- hon bronte 77 joyce mcmillan citoructown 70 vocal solo urban boys 7 to 10 tom bale oakvtllo central 85 donald macklln burungton central 84 robert orient burlington central 83 jack bargant bronte 81 buddy brown oakvllle central 80 larry aldham burlington east 70 tommy qlovcr btrathcona 70 donald bums ocorgetown 78 ralph mcklm bronte 78 robert ncllson btrathcona 71 vocal solo urban boys ii and over john whitney georgetown 84 barry imber btrauicona 83 barry lush burlington central 83 ronald hill bronte 80 kenneth mendham acorgctown 70 ridley baldwin bur lington central 70 william sidney ookvlllo central 70 robert wilkin son oakvtllo central 70 robert wood btrathcona to floyd cooper burling ton boat 70 vocal duets urban girls pamela and nloolctte humphrey burlington central 84 jessie rokoray and violet bell burlington east s3 june clarke and marjorle herrlngton qeoraetown 81 hlbaieth main and lois heuier tsstob ttwttuyse t ttsttu ad aitttb alsita hrofsta s aaiwa taxh watftscu and joan lavol nil ton l bahsus jjb and barbara hugh oacwto oabtral 7 voeal iaut urban boss john wbitna and tcasaaus mnvhim o ao tow h jtoaoy ossraa and donovan kaoa oafcmll orntral at v9d ocopw and afarrat twrmwrr baruntton bast m mdivy baldwin and oasw atobarta btrrufton an tral tommy olowrr and robert hood strauseona tf vocal tola urban lru ii and oer menlttt htsrtn brirlmtvus omlrai si jaatt rajusray buruss- ton east jun clare oaorfmown s4 joiacibln oox oaorsttown w ruth rvuher rvirhnitrsn omtral tj beth atamts wilton o tjocna jaokahav burtinfton ui zna- luw juui oakrta orntrti k bar bara jh oatnul omtrai b duna hood stmneona se doru aitmin buathoon to lorttta kuu bronu rt atanarh r uliton t brdr- 17 roaars broeu tt ilvott bo choir 4 rooms buwusooa so bront 79 hvotot uixrd choir 4 rooms bualhcona 40 burunfton cast so bronu ti thrrrpart choir mils 3 voire sroet so ahtr oorfttm 7f euwiheon tt doubt trio oaorawtown jus clark jofcapbln ooa paulin nor- ton aaarjoti h john whit- ny kttamh mendham j bur- tacton oantral u b b 14 mauwo tl milton so acton so lirllitron eaat so auwtheosa so bneli tt oakrow orntral tt l a d e bjnoo on thunday vunf may 14 th ooostta of strathmor cbapur i o d ehald abtngoln tn lccson rooms under us oonntsorshlp ot uu ann hetty th mslng prorad a auooaaful on uh a lam crowd in in addluon to th regular bingo nrun odnaud by us ust mensban thrr r irrrral -apatial- to add intrrru its frank ptch draw th winning uokat held by ura walter bkhn for a 5 so bass anothrr aptclal con- listing of a lart hamper ot frocrrt was won by mrs a beaumont and 0rard wuooa was th lucky wtnnrr of th co 00 cash prtar during the court of th rvrntnr ui w v grant aucuonad off s pairs ot wool socks donatd by mr a brau- moco try new advertisements in the spiihg they ring results mxr wajotd itrlavblr gin wanted for light house work lit us oood ware kcfrmscca apply foxveits lip cworgwtown rabttex r04t cattle pwslurt for j bead of caul iso acrr applj to j j r undbay lot tl cknoaauon 8 naaaagawrya bolhk aav ataktmrvr roa bxnt upstairs anaitnsrnt in brvok houar all convrnlrrsm also fuse slots house on fsrm nrar ororgrlowm apply imiald opfice v uoiuz rom bent ts roomrd hout on th line water and light apply ooonoe ii irrntt oeofgalown it r 4 ttp phonr brampton 333 r 14 arabtment to bent 3 roomrd apartmrnt with bath ap- pit dale and bennett t phone 10 mhartcvtno and befauuno lawn mowrrs aharprnrd and repair ed cajlvev bboh hamdwabe htobe if phone oorll norval rob hale man ccjj bicycle in good con- dluon owner in the arm a lo mrs a m jauteoon it dauinalad ontario boajidebh wanted csn accomodate two or four genuc- men with room and board clean bright rooms oood nseala with dining room tervtce raablr apply herald office u phone 2m fob bent s roomed apartment with all con veniences posaeaalori june 1st- app t lt herald u1tujl lost ladys small wrist watch between 8t oeorge a church and w v orants poaalbly along albert street finder please leave at herald office or it phone ms boajuttrjls wanted boarders wanted factory custrtet apply k herald offaoe quantity of breed asaw as nasl two ywui eld auanttty at seed ssba a apply j p prion 4 r h rabrtwo aad rj4wobato0 painting and dawwiittit at ntmr ahl prlcaa aawtmilat trae is wallpapar awbtnlaa d haataototoh aoent8 wanted to tu madam or miss perhapi you have already used rawlesfh pro duct vou know thrlr superior quality did you rnrr think of sell ing thrae products and making good profit each week easily w hat openings for you and without putting more umr than you think you can por detail wrtte rawlelghs dnx no ml3i4313e montreal canada 3 beattv eltctsuc wahheb8 roa hale orry enamrl tub all rccondlllonrd ukr new 13010 cream and gr usb idrmonslrator new guaranlr stotys have too 00 all whit tuts thrnnonlokrlunrd originally sold for 1140 00 will las h00ao thu washer u nearly new rickard80n8 hardware it phone 39 auction sale of i1ocseh0ld rvbnttlibx thr undrnugned haa been instructed by mrs fred bxwamhaad to tell by public auction at her resi dence on ouelph bt batvilday may mrd lmt at 3 o clock household purnttone- tncludlng helnuman piano simmons beds 3 stoves nearly new dishes dining room kitchen and bedroom furniture garden and other tools also goods contributed to sale by other parties terms cash frank petch auctioneer pure food store domestic shortening far plea and pastry i lb carton m t7c monarch pastry i flour unallty gaaranteed 24 lb bag 84c ciuum1uvm marble cake i 14 ea lang bar i ea 25c i club house jomtto blanched halted peanuts 15c iiobtehh pure white tissue 3 rolls 25c blue slake canadian 7i os tin fancy red salmon 23c iiedlunds 10 ea un steak and mushrooms 39c jnsl heat it and est ii avlmeb brand oranoeltmus marmalade 21c is ot table jar crunciiie brand so ex jar sweet gherkins tasty crisp ftekles 35c wellington b pure lard i lb carton 15c for sandwiches fresh cooked ham lb 59c fresh fork tenderloin lb 38c wellington brand weiners lb 25c roktt bologna lb 17c by the plwe a e far nell phone 75 wbekuver

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