trie georgetown herald wednesday may- 27th 1942 camv st ive read how hitler mart training hi killera when theyre toddlertt so i reckon it up to me and every other canadian mother to train our children to realize that theyve got to pay for their freedom thats why i nee to it that all my children buy wax saving stampn ctry nva i tell uinn what freedom mrim wluit the grown up are fighting for that ith for them so theyve got to give up komelhing too and the money 9500 hark for every 400 aavrd now will come in mighty handy when they tart out on their own ovy vm laita taaae tmm fca paat am iaali mn mtu national war fiaaara cummiluv mjfiaity temple bailey a beautiful love story by one of americas best known writers read every thrilling installment serially in this paper old city of london burned but st pauls cathedral little hurt jlrtlew km by huoh teupldj lau etk i tindertocfc to toy iomr- lhinj tboul wartime ion4on 10 that uw who have ruwer seen the city might know tomethlns of 1u uoui i dldnt get very lax drxcjlna only the thame and a number of th buildi and undmaitu cut by uou of the famous part of london that afaln nor win any other city in britain tin wiener are oo the job continually nd fedr auppbw of ivter are stored up la eobcretrt fqmilafvwvj of ruhud fwrttln or tn tuunka co th atrwta st paula cathedral wrapwl al though htilmfnti w bona around two tide of the bit church and dam fed on the other two audm- ajvta it seem to hav been the dcalfn of are north of the thame i at uxith lhe ro hlna fhoiifh bo doubt of the river only a few umu once driving out pat croydon the famous airfield to hlch mott ol the lcrdon traffic cam before the war it was a you may remember the first part of the city to be bombed which a no turprlung for many of the oerman bomber pilot had undojtedly been commercial ptlou befcrt- thr war and they would know the way to croydon with their eye khui horn thr airfield probably lint used and that diitrtct doe not ahow the tear from bornb in uiat tome other part of the city da on another day went by bu to the eat end and toarr brldir going by y of the fcuephant aitd cattle prob ably the name of an old pub tn day cone by but now one of thr main traf fic centre with bua route tn fi directions incidentally the bus con ductors are nearly all lulit- tn unl the rin watchers wtr on th job too the shape of to frtat doma shed the inoendlarlea as they abovej- cd down over the city and they dulnt penetrate i was tn blpauls and ut only one sign of damage of any extent a high explosive bomb apparently fairly sxiall came through the roof leaving a hole some three feet in diameter and exploded where the altar used to be it is being re paired i first saw the area behind ot pauls en the day after i arrived tn loo don it was a sunday afternoon alth few people around the destruc tion in that area la so thorough aa to br beyond belief the more danger ous walls have been torn down or were still being dernoluhed- little thing seemed to makw more im- prtaioo than the general destruction in one pile for instance were a dozen typewriter battered beyond form a stranger tnum depend ou iu v them for help la finding his way wl ao jll j rttt41 for mkr ihn nrt tni fung lay amid pile of rubble i arouavj for maps arr taboo and the windows of the buse arr nraxly all corrrd alth blackout rruurul so tht one dortii t see much one tiunday afternoon 1 too a spectul train from waterloo station ruh is soutli of the mrr to llamp- ton court hln is up thr truunrs no far beyond uir uburtk of the city thr train paited ui rough indus trui diatricu with small lactone and most ol thr housrs fairly mu much cumave has been done in some place and it looked as though the ornnarv often dumped their tjombi juit wlirrc- ur th- notion canti- to uirm at hampton court argo cram met me and sliosrd mi likijii thr line old cuitlr hlui hull b cutdjuil wouuy and ukrn over b lliiiry viii pit re urt lunioui hiirdrm tvtiu bruutlul thouih ouvluoij iuji so urll pl in p re tlmr mr cni rider son ol mi j j crm of ktr aiua jti iniiit- ho lirj u tajtttund ulirr uir ul ur uiul aork lui isplirr and a vj pot li of anous kiid hii hoiiu- li ut hump on court north of the thanes ungs lay amid pile of rubble rounr again and again that it was these little things that attracted my attention when ipg at ruins of house or other buildings it might be some child s plaything lying there forlorn or some article of clothing still hanging on a peg on a wall al though everything else in the room had duappeared on the north edge of this btg area of ruined bulldlnga there was a plot of green stsa the lean of an in stitution on it a number of men in while trousers aerc practicing for a cricket match i was new then to tnilh wiys and 1 did not under- 5tmd how they had tht heart to play u umr in such dismal surroundings the iwipaper district thr utrand which ran in front of the hotel had a church in the centre of tht street at its rust end and be ond that it brtame fleet street the church a one of the beautiful struct uir dimgnrd by hi chrl tojihrr wren alter the great fire of lmdan in igc6 it rnt by thr odd nunu of ht clrmrnl dune and i- stun of lift- a as from one great firr io another for it is oocnplrtely ruui- the georgetown herald kcaj f cnuilith iteat aits wwiiat thiinf i ftossoaipticw uxs oaoada tad th valua sfcttw tlw ytar btatja 0tk e a lu mlm mm to f h h a wafrw o unw auuratd u udtmxwu y u -mlk- ollsa braaa gauaa k uesfaar of th ewata wu- hnctct tmnntwft aad tlw oeaxrtkjofce omtvb t tfaa omtmjl idikiiil now roi o tj a b o h yo w n niwarapbb bow to shut auju ano kotb aoainst too ttccb nous war scma ma tart if air raid node com unlcu you clamp doea no oo imtwremry una tbat ralu blood prcuun cam fatlcu poor otk and r tmly ducattoo an aruel in tn amrrtean whkly with ihl buboafb uar jl uau of th dtrolt sunday time esplama bow to lo tnlj o lure to get tn batrott sunday ttmt tnl mttm and directory f r watson um uoj 0orgtam offloa noun to 8 cxeapt thursday afumooa dr j burns milne mental 8cboeon xbat oaarmm hum oillmdird uir cctpl the aplrr fltfl htirvt u lhe nriaspuprr area the dim tlir culiajian iditoit htjd tvavu liuttl vthtiti heuht of lusur no doub it la but i un no gonir into detaa about the j lcrvdonslrunge how lhe man da ut prrvnt but it might iuifrd to roup mrjujlng into arras added uiat th- ver iu thai r all ch along thai uret had uitri u thai famous iwtil is uround corntrs in tne trret nrax- amihrr prool if any ua netdd or mre the great newspaprrs uiat thr lluaih councu iu treating j mtu u1 ici honored uiu th- hotel and u boyhood farorite thr uie bavl th n are oil in thr sum- i own impvr moat ol them stnl bock and thr hotel u said to have isn n rurr on l douwrte sure tult out 01 the prollli o uir ouben turned doan u see the boi clifford a reid ocmst phone 410 main otreet oeorgeown and uuhtuii ohiiii u ilaed b tl suoyardi 111- iiao tn rd oil an ill off thr jiiand one of loivdon n uumi uncient hlid liotub t tier is thr bmk ol llw houl a inn- hunt ol the diiuim ihnn ur luokt i ii ovr tin kuuri- nml th- rinbauknieni to the liimif a kupli ol iiuhil1 itvmv o lh- utii vnn- ci mill ik ciov htatuin an i i iililu l to the nist villi wulillto tjlulai tn i the old city of linduii cnlinihani rr ollrn inlul lv rveriins lo the city of iuhiii unci uitulon hit- former app r to hr in n uli u- the uncli in aalut it nlmal and it lf in mils dittrkl umi our iiimis the old mm iiiiiiliiuil ollh ol iihmlllll llklhi ilkl it ll i ui in i iitlnlii loi iutuii in u tiiitir jm ru nit li a niiiiunii nl iiiurkinu the old liiupli lu n iim lyoltl vllit h the klnn laitlilltit go wiihoul triiiivloii iittni the lord muyoi no lotihl iilriiluk t wtiir lutitl wvii u i it h nl uitht ahil only tint 11 1111 iii i iii ta 111 hits hh ii hi tt iiilith lluiuitli hi old im alth iifd lkaintti inr re rtinnliiit into mh tiuilltloiii in loidon l in iii lie ii llml ml imlll rlimt uiul lite 41lllthlll hill hi ihu mtli- tlltil mini tmlie o tlllii- lopliti witiih old ihiiiiliei i urn iut sun- of the nut i limits im the hank ol kiiflaiut ih then oi lum tint the cltj llir otil t lly ul tndun it irx i hit tllitllil wlih h milttlitt hie liiniit uilivtiuily ii hll ihl- ifiilllhlliu i wliuh- hltks ule none lln m ir 1 inulnly vihohvult litttthes eleiuul rn- tulillsliliniits hillliii otlltih lhe whole tiuu wo- clttiiirii out it wim tin 1 1 li tut lllllmtfvilve ohjeil hmiu iii imiltlli- uiu that i nuw niiywltele ist ut coventry and now then ls wmu cn- nuutum in kiumtiiirt tlmt immmiitn irriiiiih ihkrt pnibulily look in imd it wua partly the fault of iwiirrn i iiroimrty in uuh dlstrlit lhit it via dfrttruyrd tlib great lire liliu lnik ntiict- on december 20th luto ihiiiu the holiday weekend between chrlsl- inuh ulid new veurn when tiutliifi whs mart or ct uuhiundht und no one van n round to do tire wutehlim duties jr to put out liictimllury hoinun it wa a buslnlned uttiuk tint of ull with thousands ot smiu liuviullury bombs rhese burned uie whole ureu in spite of the concentration nt tlremen and apparatub it is believed by omo people that tt was not only an at tempt to burn much or the centre of london but also to wipe out the fire brigades when the tflrcmen had concentrated in tho burning area the bombers came back aguln and began dropping high explosives which wore meant to kill since tho tire had al ready finished the bulldlngn but providence came to tho aid of url- tain once again a heavy mist sprung up over the airfields back in ger many and the big bombers were or dered homo for fear they would not be able to land if they delayed their turn now london wont be caught like flue nouiuig nmauut but ute burr uulls 1 har told in u pnrnlous story of uu- u 1 spent an nrruiuf at thr ixilly kxprrrvi offur part ut it up on uu- roof with the litt uutchrr wlille it niiiiiiii plane upiuthitjuxl trvxil tht ltit uir only one lo gel nrar iiontlon during in tu iltrrrs a itm t alarm ulith sliti uiuy in tht- a it i offuvs u ml the mm- pilhr building ai an l neui ap- pnuirliei thr ivtt a yellow hht ts on wlte li it ii drlliillrly hradtm owaritn uiiuum u urple llgtil guws ol iimw ttlirl uu- publw knowi nothiiik hut uhen uu puuie reaohrs ie i iter tlfitue of ludoh a led hiht slur- it ii then lluit uu- auriu leroy dtle kc m sybu bennett bjl barrlxm sd 8slian luil strwt carrtgb rkaa l a m nielsen bhfc tsar at rrnbn citlroprsctor xray dm slew tberaplat lady allodia offif orcr dommlon bear omrcxoes ibmn 1 s 7 f jo pjn cu4 tbnwjy ftou u radio repairing we specialize in this work j sanfordson geoaoctowx m kettnetb m ijmgrlon birriatrr sauritar naury fakbc pint uortsaa uonry to loan omcr grfyory ttwatr sdc xiiii strtwt riua u c tin iuiil tiht u on mill irtni llir t 1 itmut h the tlii0n- trvuu tlu- iiitlnirirufl vui un uu mumt tlu ihttlv ritrrst uiul ou tttmi- tlurl uie loril lutiwrtivo iiihta hi- la ulit to lmr vlil 1svhi u tmuiitnkr uu llo bulutui uiul tu- hmitiutl llu- tilumliuxl btmuu up miiul ii iuuli ol rullia llu luprr- i ou hivl txt ulikll la lut m liull tlullu1tl aa u uhou tin- uuuuiii tlinin li llu- nnvt i llllfll ol ill lllli ol toulm ii ii imv liuin uii- otlu-n- iiiimll lilit iuttih u thru lour lor iitlvt i hiuuv iiihl nituiiuxl it fi-at- niort- uiul iiiiuk ouri- u iykuiui milai lu ll ii- iliniuitl hunt to itit ii ipv ol tt uuiinii tin- uiinulni tir uliiilim in itu- liiuit ol tin- runm llllllttlllk uus tllllmii ollt iiiul lllllill olllil iliimiiut- iliuu hut llu- flillta itrr inllitl to ixmii- oiit iui luuml uiul ollul ttilura htivi- iiiiuiu inanl itit- tliiy wtriht luilita ull uulr iiuliiiuiit uliyuuy uiul uuy lulixsl cuilt uthir out wlitu iucriury it la jnuit lliut durlllll uli llfltfllt ul uu- bliu it tiuvr lauuluutu a coiiilortluu liillliu lo ut- ubli- to uii u uir luair iii uu tnuriiliitf uitrr a lattflit of terror and rind uir morulim luprr uiul a uotlli ot milk uuto uh uiuul no iloubt it would llu vlhltlnti ciimiutun ihlllorn wt-ri- inuili memucra of uu fret club in uimliui llmta aonitlilnii of u ilb iliiituill i brllrvt uiu lilllllt nonir or iu vulted uiul lllltrcatllilt club it th uiifcuitra in u bliort lulu aonuwhrre oil pliit btrivt wi- were in uie ilarkrut part of uir uluciout pick- hill our way over thr brlclu and rub- dluli in u street uiul hadnt boeu clcuncd up yet where a taxi couldnt no the stairway of the club is border ed with valuable historic picture and documents and in the library up- salra i uaw tome son photosraphs of of london bealnnlns at trolalgur ncvt week iu take the west end or london beginning a trolituflar square lrelltfimbhrwrrrlj ogdens cgaftsrre tobacco frank petch urcnsko atcttonxtm and tx ruasan or vnvscx irompt srrvu- itmn ml omrftlb po box am elmer c thompaon rnhlknc8 hkttvicti fir auto wuwtatarm cp railny aad auuni blaamamp htuhbm bxclrslonil rhanr w or j onntlawii monuments ulikilt vvp lflltllwc pollock a lngham gait ont robrt p worthy ceraelery lettering and monuments rba rt r cv tfca til qaam n w bkampton gray coach lines time table now in armor dayhata ssitai tiaa laurm acomarown rilt nd wnlbsand a tm ajn 0j am 11 00 pjn 23 pjn 4m pin 834 tm 010 pjn b 1jw ajn 1000 ant xi12s am 330 pm ay 445 pm b 840 pn o 715 pjn bx w0 pm dylooj pjn 11135 pm a dally except sun b sun and hoi only o dolly exeept bun and kol d sat sun and hoi v to kitchener only y to stratford only keep your name in the puuk eye tkroush clauifietl aevt hevure ralph gordon te versatile rnertulner far your nrxt nnvram tuustnitrxl circular prw toronto aildmmi cub crafm i ii c n r time table dayllim sartag gain eaat iaauntter 8ja ajn pasaencer and mall 10jm am passenger and mall 648 pjn pasatncer sunday only ul pja passenger dally 043 pjn stops for toronto and east ot toronto passengers ordy oamtwtat passenger and mall 639 ajn passenger sat only 315 pra passenger dauy exeept saturday and sunday 814 pjn passenger and mall 848 pm passenger sunday only 11j8iub oatag narlb passenger and uau tm aa oatbaatb rtmnuiulm mpat mm owits tiiiw w