Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 27, 1942, p. 7

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the ghotgttown hejcl wednesday may 27 ai 1942 are rationed ships and lives must be conserved to brtag tat boa ojloa aad udu to hrtaa oolite trots soelk swirtrs stipe aital cross ooatx filtyra bilk whairtnat todir aou seize tad tkttr unl 1 1 rmw are raqalrtd lot wn rnnhil tatvlnt emj akin wrr loot el cargo aptoa it andid to otitt mi h cad to bttea tsnttlsl good to via eohidhioh hllttltnatulrbuu nun tmm urn toe anil tot bo am tkaa 3 eapplf ej lu o ooelta tot roanah tad snetsknld is eay so cittdltfit mum bow radons tkttr onmnwrainn ol tat aad onhs too saast redooe roar aoraul cratarwrelnr ol tee by at lata a kail too bbsi radoo year aoraul nmsnmrrion ol cottat bye taaat on fourth that radacttoas ere abtolotel corns coxsmnom to atatt tot aula ranker parckuwolusor ooiu uur data wkea too kin too bhu eopply oa ktad at la rtdacad shoe esoaphoa isaee la areas n boat espplr j bauuere ka ik ho is lleul or rttute cutoastrt ordan 11 ike aspect ike law u act bsuwj kapt ft bui aot ktee oa ktad on lata oaa woatkt mpoij ol tea aad oolite vkeiker packaged of balk taere trt bury panslnte lot siniinnat of uus uv the wartime prices and trade board w registration or unemllrlioyed men who must register every man between the ages ol 16 and 69 who u unemployed or who will not bo gainfully occupied altor may 31 1942 mutt reg ular tho following arc excepted fulltlmo students or those oonbnad in an asylum oz a prison or hospital or homo or tha aged and infirm or ara ouboct to the provision ol tho essential work scientific and tochnical personnel regulations 1943 when to register if you have not already registered at an employment and claims office oi the unemployment insurance commission within tho last two wooka or have not obtained work you are required to register within tho wook oi juno 1st 1942 or within ono wook after be coming unemployed or notgainjully occupied at any ttmo after may 31st 1942 where to register 1 at an employment and claims ofhoo oi the unemployment insuranoo commission if you live in or within five miles ol a city or town in which there is such an office or 2 at tho nearest post ofhoo if you do not live in or within uv miles of a city or town la which there is an employment and claims office renewal you must renew your registration at least every two weeks if yott remain unemployed by authority oi orderlncouncil pc144s oi march 2nd 1942 humphrey mitchell lualatar oi labour unemployment insurance commission apply post office building georgetown aw dim lantern temple bailey doera the path aba went tha two pussycats uke small shadow la her wai until suddenly a voice ram out of tha dais i balm it u little jan bamae she stopped oh ta that sou evans unl ii a hmtsljr night im oot aura dont talk that wsy why not because an evening tik uu it uke ulna u oaa to mjr had vou ara lit mum ha told bar jan how do rou do lit do whet hold th pot ot youth and joy and happiness you know it isnt a poa i jail ml that wty etana ujr dear i believe ou do fl limped a bill a ha walked beside hr k wtt tall and aunt almost grotesquely tall v whan ha had oaa lo war ha had not arrmad in tha la art grotesque ha had bate tall but ool thin and ha had goo in all tha glory of hla splendid youth thar eras 00 glory ian ha was rweetyarren ii had fought and h would fight ajsln for tha aama causa but his youth as drad ax capt vhati ha was with jan kh ravlvad hlro as ha said uks win i was comlnf ovar h began and brok off as a aibilant sound in- tarruptad him oh ara tha cats with yout wtu rusty mult tak tha road ha laushad as tha littl old do trotted to neutral round at th rdf of th tova ituity was friends with kferrymald cacapt ahen there uara kittens about h kjiaw cooutih to avoid her in dajra of anxious motherhood jane picked up th kitten they ould come all animals follow you youre sort of a domtitlc circa with your dogs and chickens and puttycala in the place of tlgcra and uons and leopards id love to haw lived in eden said jane unexpectedly before cv and adam sinned what it must have meant to have all those great beasts mild mannered and purring under your hand like this kitten what a dreadful thing happened evans when fear came into the uorld what mokea you aoy that now jane ills voice uas sharp shouldnt 1 have said ut oh evans you cant think t had you in mind no with o touch of weariness but you are the only one really who knows hnt a coward i om evans youre not youre good to say it but thats what 1 came oxer for i am up jan golcg ta round met culdy bad ulephcead ha kaint ga hare until tatve bophy told bar you had better run along horn jan told bar tu cook th steak whan m comae bophy was old arid ah 111 urad ufa hadnt b ay th toa who was to hav been lh prop ot her old age had been aillad to franca thera was a daugtvtara daughur who had gone north and who now and then sent money old bophy dtd not know where her granddaugh ter got the money but it was ood to hat ii when it carre but it was not enough to old sophy worked i hair to leave you bar alone ulai janey oh run along bopny baldy will come before 1 know tu jan went through th kitchen to tha back door throwing an epprale tng glanr at the thing to tha wtrm- ing oven and stood willing on tha threshold hugging he naif ta tha keenness ot th wind praaently hr brother tall form waa silhouetted agatnjt tha silvery gray ot tha night i thought you wvre sevar com ing aba aald to him i thought to too ha bant and klatad her his cheek waa cold as ii touched bar arent you nearly troient no eorry to b lata honey oet dinner on th ubla and ill be ready im afraid thing wont ba ver appearing she told him theyve waited ao long but ill cook tha leak he had gone on and wai beyond 1 he sound of her voice she opened tha fat parcel which he had deposit ed on the kitchen table she won dtred a bit at lu sire but bald had 0 way of bringing home unex pectrd bargains a doien botes ol crackers unwieldy pounds ot col fee but this was neither crackers nor coffee th box which waa revealed bore the nsme of o fashionable ror 1st wiihtn were violet ingle ones act off by on perfect rot and tied with a stiver ribbon jane gasped then she went to th door and called baldy where the tleak if came to th top of th stair great guns ha said i forgot iii then he saw th violets in her hands laughed and came down a step or two i sold a loaf of bread and bought white hyacinths theyre hesvenlyl her glsnce swept up to him pesc offering there were gay sparks in his eyes well coll it that she blew o kiss to him from the tlpa of her flngera they are per fectly sweet and we con have an omelette only it we eat any more hiiui asisitv vaaa sua e casts ut w ogoinst it ognln jnnc some cous- 6u u be flapping our wings ins arc on from new york theyre at the new wlllard and mother and i vcnt in lo sec them last night they have invited us to go back with them theyve o big house east of fifth avenue and they want us as their guests indefinitely they think it will do me o lot ot good get mc out of myself they call it but i cant see it since i came home every time i think ot facing mobs of people again his voice grew sharp im clutched by some thing i cant describe it is per fectly unreasonable but i cant help it for a moment they walked in si lence then ho went on mothers very keen about it she thinks it will set me up but i want to stay here and i thought if youd talk to her shell listen to you jane she always does docs she know how you feel obout it no i think not ive never told her ive only spilled over to you now and then it would hurt moth er no end to know how changed i om jane laid her hand on his arm youre not brace up old dear you arent dead yet as she liftod her head to look up ot him the hood ot her cape slipped back and the wind blew her soft thick hair against his check but ill talk to your mother if you want me to sho is a groat darling they had reached the kitchen door wont you come in jane said no ive got to got back i only ran over for a moment i have to havo a daily sip of you jono baldys bringing a steak for din- ner help us eat it sorry but mother would bo alone when shall i talk to her theres no hurry tho cousins ore staying on tdr tho opening of congress jane dear dont despise mo his voice broke evans as it i could again her hand was on his arm he laid his own over it youre the best ever janey be said husk ilyand presently he went away i dont care what we have i am to hungry i could eat a house he went back up the stairs isugh- ing jane breaking eggs into a bowl meditated on the nonchalance of men she meditated too on the mystery of baldys mood the flow ers were evidence of high exalta tion he did not often lend him self to such extravagance he came down presently and helped carry in the belated dinner the potatoes lay like withered leaves in o silver dish the combrcad waa a wrinkled wreck the pudding a travesty only janes omelette and a lettuce salad had escaped the blight of delay then too there was philomel singing jane drew a cup of coffee hot and strong and set it at her brothers place tho violets were in the center ot the table the cats purring on the hearth jane loved her little home with almost passionate intensity she loved to have baldy in a mood like this things right once more with his world she knew it was so by the ring of his voice tho cock ot his head hence she waa not in the least sur prised when he leaned forward un der the oldfashioned spreading domo which drenched him with light and said ive such e lot to tell you jane the most amazing thing has happened chapter u when young baldwin barnes had ridden out of sherwood that morning on his way to washington his ear had swept by floidb which were crisp ond frozen by clumps of trees whose pointed tops cut into the clear blue ol the sky over icebound streams all shining silver in the early sunlight he had the eye of an artist and he liked the ride even in winter tho countryside was attractive and as the road slipped away there came o few big houses surrounded by wide grounds with glimpses through their high hedges of white statues of spired cedars of sun dials sat in the midst ot dead gar- ctoyowd tkwtw ttvkre ww tat trie strettb bbm the lake we htrath tnea the bales ei on eoaatry cawa tae eld uruthvxs u caeca- tad a last en use crest ot hill a vkrar of th rlty ewwptrg ea tfc right toward aruagtaa and ea ts us toward soldiers boms turning into writer tn strut be c a bridge with its bottrim guarded by stce pantnara nd at was on this bridge that hi car punning out h kimt rt fe- rlouxly years afterward however ke carwi act thitk of th disereeo at atigt bev mad if hi tittl to vr bad not tailed mm osc trbea h stopped a womaa passed him sb was tall and tlaav dar and snapped up to bar car la m hrr email bat we baot from bar band aarueg a grey eata bag bar tact were tn grey tbeea van cuteteal nirklae baldys quick rr took tn the de tails of bar costume ha rtatrud aa b wrei back to work that woeaca sere feels to court destb la that fashion with thin allppera and silk stockings tn this bitter weather ha found tha trouble axed tt jumped into his car and started bis motor and it waa just as b are moving that hit waa caugbt by spot of blue bobbing dowe the bill balow tn bridge the womaa who bad paaaad him was making bar way slowly along tha tijppery path oa etch aid of her tha irate were brown and bar at th root ot lb hill was a thread of rrotan water it was not usual at this urn to at padrtuunt tn that place now and then a workman took a short cut or on warm days there ware picnic partita but to follow th rougb path tn wtntar wa a blaak end arduous adventure he stared for a moment to welch bar than suddenly left hit car and ran the girl in th blue bat bad caught her high heels in a root had stumbled snd fallen whan ba reached bar th was struggling to her feat he helped bar and picked up th bag which the had dropped thank you ao much ur voice wai low and pleasing h taw thtl th wss young that her skin wa vary flr and that th hair which asepl oer her ears wai pal gold but most ot all he taw that her eyes war burning blue ha had never taen ayes quit like them th old poets would have called them sapphire but ttpphlret do not dame a it wat to tllly ot ma to try to do it ah waa protesting but i thought it might be a short cut he wondered what her destination might be that this remote ptus ahould lead to it but all h said was high heels arent made for mountan climbing they arent made for anything aha said looking down at the ttsat- buckled allppera useful let me help you up the blu i dont want to go up h surveyed the staep incline i am perfectly sure you dont want to go down i do she nesuetad but i sup pose i cant w h had a sudden inspiration can i lax you anywhere my little fliv ver is up there on the bridge would you mind that would i mind it a lifeline ware thrown to me in midocean she said it lightly but he fancied there was a note ot high hop they want up the hill togathtr i want to gat an alexandria car ahe told him but you are miles away from it am it eh showed momentary contusion 1 hoped i might resets it through the park you might but you might alto freeze to death in the attempt uk babe in the wood without any rob- wouldimlndualife4lberere thrown to me in mldoeeant ins to perform the last melancholy rites what made you think ot such a thing he saw at once his mistake her voice bad a touch of frigidity i cant tell you sorry he said abruptly you must forgive me she melted no it u i who should be forgiven it must look strange to you but id rather not explain continued next week

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