the ei no war services camfalfcrf under a new policy recently formulated the dominion government ha decided to finance from the public treasury the requirement of several organiza tions operating auxiliary services for the members of the armed forces of canada at home and abroad and there will consequently be no war services campaign this year or in the future these organizations include the canadian legion knights of columbus salvation army ymc a y w c a and the hostel opera tions of the navy league of canada and the mercantile marine prior to 1941 these organizations carried on separate appeal but in march ol last year they united in a joint appeal for five and a half million dollars the appeal was exceeded and approximately seven million dollars was raised in this way of thii some 3400 came from citizen of the georgetown district thi year preliminary plan were drawn up for a new war service appeal with the red cross joining llir above group with an estimated total budget at from seventeen to twenty mil ion dollar when tlie government decided to take over the financing oi these services it was not possible to include the red cross in the budget a it ha convention obligation to live up to which make it impossible or a government to directly aid in its support as a result the present red cross campaign was undertaken by this society in order to raise funds for prisonrrsofwar parcels the blood donor service and the numerous activities of this international organization on schedule again it has been a pleasant experience these past two weeks to once more have the herald on sale early wed nesday evening it has taken some time to get back to normal after sickness and stuff changes i j thrown the regular schedule haywire but we hope in the future to keep on giving our renders a wednesday evening paper this means that everyone muit help the earlier our advertising copy and news is in the earlier we can get it mrmblcd and in the mail so when you have a news item dont wait till tuesday afternoon or wednesday booming to phone it in do it on friday or saturday or monday well upprecinte it and so will you when you set your paper on time help keep up the list last week we published a revised list of district men on active service it wai as near correct a we could make it at the time but several addresses were in complete and possibly a few not listed at all this is the only complete lit compiled in the district and we like it to be accurate complete ond uptodate friends and relatives cun help by submitting new names and ch inges of address promptly when such occur and keep the list uptodate many organizations use this when sending cigarettes und parcels to the men and we dont like to misi anvone when these come along what makes the world go round money ho become the accepted medium of ex change in the civilird world and while highsounding definitions may dcrile it more accurately we like this little poem winch we heard rusvll t kelley hamilton ctdw rtisint rnun recite at a meeting sonic time ago the farmer sells a load of wheat and all the world grows fair nnd sweet lie hums a couple of cheerful tunes and pays the grocer for his prunes i the grocer whoihas had the blues now buys his wife a pair of shoe this ten the shoemnn thinks godsent and runs and pays it on the rent next day the rent man hands the bill to dr carver for a pill and dr carver tell his frau that business is improving now he cheer her up and says my dear youve been quite feeble for a year i think that you should have a rest youd better take a trip out west rm and in a couple of day his frou is on the farm of joshua howe she pays her board to farmer howe he takes the bill and says 1 vow here is something that cant be beat this is the bill i got for the wheat he hums a couple more cheerful tunes v and goes ond buys a lot more cranes hah report for may a luf report of dr o v williams mlillnilrtniiiii ot health tor oeorg tmsk sbmm tour cases ot measles our wosmmab measles ud one or mumps i report follows 0 0 the ccotttam hertm wafcy jkm 3rdl 1942 wert w ot umjoii tjm with fwtfm known worfd german measles 4 measles 4 mumps 1 infantile paralysis 0 typhoid fever 0 whooping oousb 0 oerebrosplnal munlngw 0 darnle by rvoh tdittjm rror of nwfu and most othtn utvul fiim co fi it doot know why tt may haie b tat the oermana did not drop lnendler tee tbeee or peruana tbee wfccd no oeozuid on iru rtaun 1 ouice utile boat axe not qu4le so effective for lfceir noldt or yloo vl vnere bouse are not quite o dote dud many tamutr nunn in tn west i together aa3n it nnj have teeo end it begin i uod t at 1 tnat uie weet endere kept a better ttalelxu- qdtre eturh ts olirn cum fire erstcb- thr heart of loudon prrp tiut three err just ruma of court if e tnt loo far ret to or rraliy uir but tie easy to tril vfalcb type of bona w4 x4 kraxt u wivjninittee cauied tne tamae in moat caua vtucb corvusin tr tij t ot pail-a- plra oauted by bomb loo tn tne end oroi wtutebell and no 10 dovninf lae many otnrr lute and tne blacken- 8utr rvrtrft ei air 6 jtmn d ruin are timllax but nigh epio- paxa bjcainttiam palacr ptocadjjy oont bucaeo tney pubertal ctrcut ii4e rr and krruaoo and mx now tney will ace teem to oexovru tch feosou ttieeu atbr partly a matter of cnanee rrect arwa oijci3 and rmi and i flomr of tne mxart london abopa are btirr n ivrtlad puretj rumr gonr otnrr have all tne plate ftlua onl fr tiilhlnf rronu are boardm ut rarept ttiiaur pi iir a a on a fra f or email bolt tbeae little tndo bloc a r ol our hotel uir vr k oluo tnov nothlne but a cnrerful it 1 anon tu rrry luit lo lon don lo trr rtilir l trr ill piilii w which tandt the ttat ol krlton around ire 6r ri tnr pllr mtr liar tkr dr- rrj b lnturrr i thin ptooi ihr 4atr tlittu run it fc i of vnm d rrrtkxu tnr nttionil oil irr u alo uir ndihrni rof cl tir jirr rrl l r cjrh o h ur- tm in chr lrld u rl of uiat to- jjn hyaerara ae ue oratan rwrynr hat heard of hyde per it a utgf part tornethlns uke lgh iara in toronto and u altualrd in lhr hrart of thr wrat end their t qjitr a lamr pond or laar in 1u but tiar trilnit thr wartime viator noticr mou air thr anualrrrart gun thry rr all orr the para and there air rnra ld para 1 juat behind duca intsam palace and thrir muit har tmvn a terrific tin wnrn uir raid inr oonrr or laur 11 onl 10 w oirir nutlt canada hojw u on tir fwnrt of thr ihort cortjpur tirrr tju it a dr dofil oanadia hlnd oaxtl dana of ctnad with thr oanadun mtmar hlcljrirr vhanng thr aamr bodne thr canadian l ntion- wtilgux ihier amvetune urlr i cndin parific and ran uir mutr ln ftmm lhr 57 j a i ml of hor park and iruy n the gun air tuaaliy tn thauow lian ihorougtrarr iv- undha to jl t crtp n pintn i nrr a a ur gun in ltde pik in acticn but onr nlghi i did r timr pirtcnuifnt ifur m inr bioch rtrarslf tutiamivn u u kenawon oardrn in tfvt l vyink f of ihu para it a uulr uae trait lrar hqua r flrtt ahrn ruoiff anywhrre by mjwu no maim rr availtbv nai but it armrd that or coulj br an in central london by laaung onr of lhr ttrrru oul of trafalgar oquarr bouthward thr re arir the itouir of parlitmrnt mrt aid iwcajntham palacr and tart- oua ffris tftid thr north ird to lricmirr bquarr itccidill tin j thtn to thr iru weal fid ltafnliitr bquarr u fta fur ouirr para aiih am and taan and overhead a barrage balloon or two drcde thr latr it lhr famout tutur of prtrr pan a drljghtrul ihing a copy of it ti in in park at avenue rood and til clair in toronto i thr whole place 1 o pracrful that en would not think that their waa war nrar at hand if the rvrrprctnl bullion did not rr call thr fact at uie northeatl comrr of jfdr a uorh of girl not ao tamr iern i to br around lhr brrvchr in front of n there a an open apace backr1 canada houae all thr time b f- l j u f x have been ard if an damtirr h on4urt hot1 a done in ttnfaurar oquarr ttic nawr of courar u yra all tnat lts pan of london had bomhe officer f on oround tie at the canadian headquarter told mr uj that half a doarn bomb hit then p rai to buuding out tnrr utile nigr of it h i now all road and aide els hnvr rp- ladder a ith one widr aiep to brrn rrpairwl i tnlna iherr it a bit wi and a broad lop to make a mlaalnt from thr front leg of one of w p thr hon thoujih i dldn i notice it myarir 8t uartin a aerou intact a great many of thr painting and an trrajurrv werr removed from the na tion 0illtr and mi ru k ntn i tt but tir a ild t hiive ben amah a casual yliincr around ttvfil- gur bquarr hom little dimitrr rirraduly c irrm nal ho rv naw piccudill circus i aiio hrr puc herr vrairal lmiortant ttxut nut t it 1a neither qunr nor clrrulir in shipr but rathrr irrrvulur in the ntn- nil kind of odd doclrtrkv there waa ttrnrmllv a bright bun rr hung on lhr i runt of lhr lc ladder with thr man n namr john bomidao ohrut- lait anchit or aomeuiing of that kind 8cmr of them werr quilr fluent in a loudmouthed wa moat of thr ilstcntr dldn t mfm to br interested but rttur curlouv and thr rooiied ironi one group to another i did nearb ulong lhr atntt tlutt kkiru isorth of thr park uurc was u lonjr broad bed of dahlias thin in uie hilkht of their bloom trnicundh floa mauds the uie of it vuur wi mlilch ut hnve ivo doubt auffrrrd hlncr tire fcns i think ftumds in maettme uar bt iun plucrn an n t so rnutlv kepi hes gone txrw nnd uir buse of the ttecnus- of lurk of hrli but lum brpt at u tire ih ujl ixkirded up and iitobubl iiitul ortobtr lite rs iind dahlias protectnd wah saiulbiuis un r tli re beautiful boorxln i vtt mincer abbey dkappelnu tlii intersection or eevrral treebv tt vi r ih notubi piceudul nd il4vn is illiti h s2 h to be the busirm mt tn the eiiuilre ln rfivapiwinted mr but wrmmln teace turns it unt tint t tarn iti abt cu of l t1bl ear irafric cut diraii so serlousln the r l vjliap it ua because part buililli all round are an even la ulc w church an ahiit off 1u autne hh o comp th b jj 1 no doubt umt ttir abbr k a krral blni onr of uirm hit nn anclrn but nntubli sivatu ii hll iknformimc urvd r ihi sur- isltv nrr lhr nuin lrrls f uir iillnoiiv plrcdlll undruniuncl tlluoll hrrr umr 300 mtmiil rrr still klrifilnit in an imprtntvd uir rnll hllrltrr lum octobrr i invr nrrud dcncrlbrd um pimplc whu nlrrp at lilttht in tlicftr undit- itround utalloni ttic aluht o humlivd of nrnuina nlrrplnk llkr that cmuiot help but makr an impmuilon uiut u hard u fortrrt dut onr urts tuutl to it evldrntly thr jdcrprrn auo urt umd to anj thins ouirrwuir uny could ncrr alrtp on ntonr rtalrwayn my raprrlrncf wlui undrmround rauuvya u llmltrd to nrw york uiut tondon really thrrea qultr a dlf- fcrrncr i uard the undrmround tery llttlr not trtutlns mywir to find my way btlow lhr irround wtaiout lhr aid of a map but 11 arrmrd ihut thr uindon trolna wrrr far irim crowdrd than ihoae in nrw yorkjt subwayn mayor that wax becauu i didnt hup- prn to rldr in a rush hour certainly the london trahu and station sre far drancr frnca gone vnm ralarc the kino- and quern were away from london while the canadian editors werr in the city so i did not ee them but i paused the front ot buckingham palace several times though never inside the sates work- men were busy with blowtorchu cut ting down the iron fence around the palace grounds xt seemed a pity but britain 1 short or motal and the king is said to have expressed a wish to make the same kind of sacrifices as other people were making in another way the king shared the troubles of his people buoklnghsm palace has been hit in several places by bombs the small building at the front righthand comer shows signs of damage throughout the ansa noruhwaro from the palace the bombing was not nearly so severe as in uie old city or in the dock are in the east end but nearly every block shows sign of dam- sge it seemed to me that the destruc tion in the west end was all from high explosives not from incendiary bombs as in other parts of the olty the dam- liutlunil mirlnr but 1 found 11 all rluttrrrd up allli ur1 nuilunr and inriikirtals of srieral crnlurlca ago kvdrntl thr older itrnrratlonn acre no so particular about the qualifica tions if hosc who acre burlrd in the abtky and it may br that tastes tn statuary change i appreciated the simple slab that marks the tomb of tin- unknown boldlrr but fell that once in every century wrsmlnatrr abbey might be better if n general housecleanlng took away some of the oldtlmera that may be heresy but i hutr glvrn my imprrwilons frankly tlirouuhout this series so ont stop now outside uie abbey a soldier stood on guard in front of the door leading to tlie ancient cloisters my irishcan adlan guide of that day talked the soldlrr into letting us inside because we were canadians those ancient cloisters plain and simple with the memorials of persons dead long cen turies ago seemed much more beauti ful than the interior itself no is dawning street tlie canadian editors met viscount oranbome dommlons seoreuuy tn his office in whitehall one day he gave thr british official opinion about canadian soldiers in england saying that after dunkirk the canadians were the only forces in england who liad equipment when the canadians were more needed elsewhere then in england they would be sent there he described the air training plan as wonderful leaving his office by a bock door we found ourselveason downing street directly opposite the famous no 10 its a short street only a few minutes walk from the houses of parliament the house is not at all impressive on the outside and probably not on the interior either but its a famous ad dress just the same we met prime minister churchill a few days later but it was in his office not at his home and we preferred it that way no 10 downing street looks exactly like its pictures which are familiar to most readers ot newspapers in three weeks and in almost a full page ot type i have described only the hrl georgetown heratd he w qr mmw ola whaam 1 t 1 satsbsawsaf llefirrl mb tw cms mniviifl nun turas csdatd sad tfae thiuad matt feu fttr 8a4 tjl ih walt 0 bzbot r u -ma- actbote ub90k2 l ieaoayy tsruccfita shssoib k ueasbsr f wis wiitly hccr sis sat hat ootirtoqosbse dfrtssco eg tfu ow3ul mtr heart of locdon then are the ajb- burbs and all the great irtng of houses and factorlm which havent eren ben menuoom and there the artrra of brpss roads which abon a motor ist to ft awsy qulrkly on broad pave ments four or six lanes wide but of these i aonl be able to saj anything more as there are other topics to covtr yet idiioiiit now roi voce hometown nbwspapeb f r watson dds ilbjt oeort office noun to esospt thursday aftsraosb a m nielsen ak tear of ffnrmii cbiroprmctor xray dniglem tlermput lady ttlhiiiat otsce over rvinbm btcn oeortptown lours 19 1 j4 fun cutet tkarsssy ritii utv dr j burns milne mvrl romocon xsuv ossmtsau fkoa f r radio repairing clifford g reid lba dja dcnti st phone 410 main street oeorgstown le roy dle kc m sjrfcil bennett bjl barrlstrrs and 8nain uui btrset oearg4wb phaa it we specialize in this work m tsars rjrpsrtabse j sanfordson fheoei ocoborrown u kenneuj m lftngaoa first mortgage money to loon office oregory theatre b3dg mill street rhaa tt oeergsiewn monuments makjuas and lctteuno pollock a ingham gait ont designs oo reqaastrbea an inspect our work in orseowom cemetery t frank petch 1 licensed acctiohtek i one f txl classes of drscstanoe i pbsb ml cmutiaii i po bos 413 it irai robrt f worthy cemeterw lettering and monumenu rnese it pa m u qsean 84 w iiturion elmer c tbotnpson nscwancb sebvicb plre auto windstorm txt aowaj mat allied btasmabfp 8ummcb excusuions pneae ilrw er j oeergetewb seenre ralph gordon the veraatlle entertainer tor your next program illustrated circular pre tokonto asunasi mts ckmtol m gray coach lines timetable how in av0s naritot ta uutb aatmamomn tailh nj wsstbsad tm ojn 10m am 034 am k113s ajn 1100 pm 230 fwn 3m pm ay 44b pjn 4j4 pm b 540 pm bm run e tja pm 010 pm bx s20 pm b im ajn dylooo pm 11j5 pm a dolly except bun b bun and bbl only o dally except sun and hol dsat sun and rbl x to kitchener only y to stratford only cnr timetable dorhinl ssstag tlh gejawbus passenger oal in psasengfr and uad ifs sbx passenger and mall 4 pm pasaenger sunday only ih pjav passenger dally 041 run btops for toronto and east of toronto psawngeri only oeingwesi passenger and moll m un passenger sat only us pm penter dotty eaaept saturday and sunday t4 pa possenfer snd moll a4 pa passenger tubdoy only lufm oetag rtertk ifetstoftr and itta uut oaflwastalk mtnoair tstlmf utba bph tislirt bhill tllol her keep your name in the pubuc eye through clattlfiej aovt i