i1 hwm wdomdy jbr sid 1842 buses leave georgetown tunaotno otuhro trm aa tlm lit tuw a ksepa ulpa up tit pa bl ib wastaocw u uwmw lcur aa alia ta us pa ptta p4 m pa tfja pa axus pa tu pa iaapj dyta i pa sius pa a nefty esxeat son e dtdy eaeept ban tad bel d sat bun- im kal jto wiiaar only y to stratford only obuttts dayiigbt beting ttoa iuhi ui tafiiwmrlia u w a uw at gray coach limes how uaii tost ostitis ewirtwurt no ii eeueetm sociii tesaccouiiti tlw morle usher ni to tha din ttt ohslr dentist now us which tooth u siring you all tb trouble tkbar flaoood from th left la tfa balcony the replied hpudmy a banff jk the catuiariipti rwke happy cmrefripedltioiui into the canadian kocsdee roe- fortebjy far from tha routine of cjruuauoa ar among tha many bealthrfvlns uniuttvflu avail able to visitor at tha banff- spring hotel at banff albaru thl seaso these sprdition can ba made on horseback with tha trail riders of tha canadian rocldaa or on foot with tha trail hiker both organisation err baaed in tha banffuprlnirs hotel where riding kxkinir irolf tennis and swimming ar out a few of tha vigorous activities which con tribute to tha success of a moun tain holiday physical fltnan moat ba among tha first personal role at mi dllten of lha alllad eeubtrla is thee dara when tha stress aad train of war make exceptional demands on everyone holidays thu year ara being plinnarl with increased fltnaaa la view aad ima la particularly trua of cansdlsna and vujtora from tha united slataa who ar including banff in their holiday itinerary tha canadian pacific railway la keeping with this spirit ha ar ranged aitramaly low american plan rate on a weekly or month- iv basl and the cover a really maxrjfkamt holiday aad prortd template escape from lha spectre of gu oil aad rubber thar i r joy greater than riding a esawfootad meuatala pony aloof farflung scenic trail or la hiklnr above tha cloud along what la uurmlly tha aky una tha banffspring hotel golf couraa la intemauoaally famous and juruy to and la a continual challenge to expert and ama teur alike thar l much to do at banff and a aplrndld holiday ta the dolnir ithe dim lantern by temple bailey penn pcmubhtmo wnu 8qivice 3iiuies recruiting patriotic dollars at soo canadian stations every branch of the bank of montreal is a recruiting station for canadian dollars whose owners wish to serve their country at any one of our 300 canadian branches you can buy war savings stamps and certificates and obtain full information re garding war loans enlist to the full extent of your ability to help win a decisive victory for freedom bank of montreal a bank where shall accounts are welcome modern experienced banking satvica tb outcome of 124 years successful op retinal r war savings certificates georgetown branch a c welk manager on trie last steep rise of tha wd he lifted her over a allppery pool and a hi hand sank into the soft fur of her wrap he was conscious of it luxury it seamed to him that hi mustardcolored cost airly shouted incongruity his imagina tion awept on to raleigh and the velvet cloak which might do the ituatlon justice he smiled at him self and smiling too at her fait a tingling aense of coming circum stance it was because of that smile and the candid boyish quality of it that he trusted him do you know he said i havent had a thing to eat this morning and im frightful ly hungry is that any place that i could have a cup of coffee where you could bring it out to m in tha car could it the morning stars sang theres a corking place in george town without tha world looking on without your world looking on boldly she hesitated then told tha truth im running away he was eager may i help perhsps you wouldnt if you knew try me he helped her into his car tucked tha rug about her and put up tha curtains no one can sea you on lha back seat ha said and drove to georgetown on tha wings of tha wind he brought coffee out to her tram a neat shop where milk was sold and buns and hot drinks to motor- men and conductors it was a clean utile place fresh as paint and the buttered rolls were brown and crisp i never tasted anything so good tha runaway told baldy and now i am going to aik you to drive me over the virginia olds ill get the trolley there when at last he drew up at the little way station and unfastened the curtain he was aware that she had opened the suede bag and had a roll of bills in her hand for a moment his heart tailed him was she going to offer him money but what aha said with cheeks flaming was i havent anything less than ten dollars do you think they will take it its doubtful t have oodles of change ha held out a handful m ao fniim and y must la e haw your cjw ob rims ha poke had aa edge ea arjars- nees course h must be lata ha haedad her his card to silases she mad the asaja ur bays you have baecj wary uad i aa tramtfidoualy grateful it was not irtndneat but now aad than a princess piim for a breathless tmn bar imitri glance met his then the clang of a ball hemf an ap proaching car as he helped her out hurriedly the stumbled over the rug he caught her txp lifted her to the ground sad mohonad to the motor- the car stopped and she mounted the cups goodby sad thank you so much r stood back and the waved te him while be watched bat- out of stfat- his work st the omce that morn ing had dreams for sa accompani ment rs went out at hmchtune but ate nothing it was at lunch- time that he bought the violets pay ing aa unthinkable price for them sad not caring it was after office that baldy car ried the bower to hi cor u cat the bos on the back seat la the hurry of the morning he had for gotten tha rug which still lay where hi sir paangr bad stumbled over it ha picked it up and some thing dropped from its folds it was the gray sued bag half open sad ahowlng tha roll of mile beneath the roll of bills was a small ahaar handkerchief a vanity cose with a pinch of powder and a wee puff a new checkbook aad negligently at tha very bottom a ring a ring of such enchantment that as it lay in baldya hand h doubted its reality the hoop was of platinum alandar yet strong enough to bear up a carved moon atone ta a circle of dia mond the carving showed a deli cate psyc erllh e butterfry ea her shoulder tea iimm blared uke email suns inside the ring was an inscrip tion dl to edith forever dal to edilht where had he seen those nsmest with a sudden flash of illumination be dropped the ring back into the bag stuffed the bag in his pocket and made his way to a newsboy at tha corner thar it waa in startling head- una edith town disappears dal- aeld rlmme yacht sftd to have ileen birthed near norfolk bo ms naurasrr had been the muclitalkrdaoout edith towne deaerted at the moment of her mar- rtar he ihouzm oi her ru of burning olue thr filraai of her skin and nair the touch of hausnuneu stroma wa a cur of counel m ihould hut knell at her feet i the thing u do was to fet the baa back to her lie mult adrer- um st once on the wins of this drceirn hu car whirled down the avmur- tlie ones which aster nuch deliberation he pushed across the counter or tha newspaper office mould be smblsuoue to other but clear co her wu1 pauenoer who left bait with valuable content an the car call up sherwood park as is she really as beautiful as nt jane demanded as what her picture in the papar havent i aald enough for you to know it jane nodded yes but it doesnt sound real to me are you sure you didnt dream it ill say i didnt isnt that the proof the gray bag lay on the table in front of them the ring was on janes anger she turned it to catch the light baldy she said its beyond imagination i told you think of having a ring like thia think fiercely of having a lover who ran away well said jane there are some advantages in being un sought im like the milleress of i care for nobody- no not i since nobody cures for me i she song it with a light boyish swing of her body her voice was girlish and sweet with a touch of huaklness baldy flung his scorn at her jane arent you ever in earnest intermittently she smiled at him came over and tucked her arm in his baldy she coaxed arent you going to tell her un cle he stared at her her uncle tell him what that youve found the bag he flung off her arm would you have me turn traitor heavens baldy this isnt melo drama its common sense you cant keep that bag i can keep it until she answers my advertisement she may never see your sdver- tlsement and the money isnt yours and the ring isnt- he was troubled but aha trust ed me i eant do it jane shrugged her shoulders and began to clear away tha din ner things baldy helped her old merrymald mewed to go out and jans opened the door ita snowing hard she said tha wind drove the flakes across the threshold old merrymald danced back into the house bright- eyed and round as a muff the air was freeslng it la golmj to ba a dreadful night young baldwin heavy with gloom pronhselert he uwight of edith fa the storm hi bey bucjusel aboae had she found sanhir waa she frightened aad alias octiwfefe he want into the livingroom whence jane pwsintry rouowwj him jaae was knitting a sweeter and the worked while baldy read te her he read the full account of edith townss flight- she had one away early in the morning the maid uking her breakfast up to her had found the room empty she had left s not tor bar unci but he had not permitted lu publi cation he was they sah wild wtta anxiety til bat hes aa li tyrsnc was baldys comment frederick townee picture was is the paper i like ms face said jane aad he doesnt seem ss frightfully old why should she run away bora him if be want a tyrant be de manded furiously well dont scold me jan was as vivid as aa oriole ta the midst of her oraag wool ehe loved color the living room was an expression of it- its funuv tur was old fashioned but not old- fashioned enough to be lovely jane had however modified its lack of grace and it dull monotonies by cover of chlnti tropical bird against black and whit stripes arid thr was s lamp of dull blue pottery with a chinese shade a fir in th coal grste with the glow of tha lamp gav th room a took of burnished brightness th kitten culled up in janes lap played cos ily with th tawny thrtedf dont scold roe said jans it isnt my fault im not scolding but im worried to death and you arent any help ar you eh looked at him la astonish ment ive tried to help i told you to call up young baldwin walked the boor sb trusted roe you wont get enywhere with that aald jane with decision the thing to do is tall mr towne that you have newt of her and ihst youll give it only under promise that he wont do anything until he has talked it over with you that sounds better aald young baldwin how did you happen to think of it now and than said jane i have ideas baldy went to the telephone when he came back his eyee ware like gray moons be promised every ihing aad hea coming out eiatw vev h wouldoft wait until to morrow he wild about her well he would be jane men tally surveyed the sluisuoa daldy im oln to make tome coder and have aome ebeaa end crackers he may not want them on a cold night ilk this it1 ssy he will anybody would- baldy helped jsne get out the roundbellied silver pot the pllchtr and tray the young people bad a sour of complacency as they han dled the old silver frederick towns could have nothing of more distin guished history it hsd belonged to their eteatfrandmother debner who was really raublgne and it had graced an emperor a table each piece had a monogram sat in an engraved wreath the big usy was sb heavy thst jane lifted it with difficulty so baldy set it far her on the little mahogany table which they drew up in front of the fire there was no wealth now la the barnes family but the old silver spoke of a time when a young host ess as blsckhslred as jane hsd dispensed lavish hospitality frederick towne had not expect ed what he found the little house set high on its terraeee seemed te give from its goldenlighted window squares a welcome in tha dark i shant be long brlggs hs said ta hi chauffeur very good air aald brlggs and led the way up the terrace baldy ushered towne into the liv ingroom and frederick standing on the threshold surveyed a cosi ness which reminded him of nothing so much as a color illustration la some old engliah magazine there was the coal grste the table drawn up to the fire the twinkling silver on its massive troy violets in a low vase and rising to meet him a slen der glowing child with a banner of orange wool behind her jane aald young barnes may i present mr towne and jans held out her hand and said this 1 very good of you hs found himself unexpectedly gracious he was not always gra cious he had felt that ba couldnt be a man with money and posi tion had to shut himself up terns- times in a shall of reserve lest h be imposed upon but in this warmth and fragrance he expanded what a charming room he said and smiled at her jane felt perfectly at ease with him he was after au she reflect ed only a gentleman and baldy was that the only difference lay in their divergent income so u the two men talked aha knitted on with the outward effect of placidity do you want me to go aha had asked them and towne had re plied promptly certainly not theres nothing we have to say that you cant hear but doctor you gave me an en tirely different duurnois yesterday well that just goes to show how rapidly medical science advanoee does your label read ims