Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 10, 1942, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wednesday june i oth 1942 dim lantern temple bailey bd jane listened with all her ear and modified the opinion the had formed of frederick towne from hi picture and from her first glimpse of him he was nice to talk to but be might be hard to live with he hud obitlnacy and egotism why edith should have done it amazes me she was hurt she said and wanted to hide but people seem to think that in me way it is my fault 1 dont like that it isnt fair weve al ways been the best of friends more like brother and sister than niece and uncle but not like baldy and me said jane to herself not tn the least uke baldy and me of course sunms ought to be hot towne told them heatedly he ought to be hanged was baldys amendment janes needlea clicked but she laid nothing she was dying to teu these bloodthirsty males what she thought of them what good wo it do to shoot d i afield sim mi womans hurt pride isnt to he o led by the thought of a ma dead body young baldwin brought out the beg it is one that delafield gac her frederick stated and i cashed o check for her at the bonk the day before the wedding i cant imagine why she took the ring with her t she probably forgot to take it off her mind wasnt on rings janes voice was warm with feeling he looked at her with some curi osity what was it on oh her heart wai broken noth ing else mattered cant you sec jane swept them bock to the mat ter of the bag wc thought you ought to have it mr towne but baldy had sen ics about revealing anything he knows ubout miss towne s hiding pluce he feels that he trusted him you said you had advertised ur dames yes well the one thing la to get her home tell her that if she calls you up frederick looked suddenly tired and old baldy leaning against the mantel gaied down ot him its hard to de cide what i ought to do but i feel that im right in giving her a chance first to answer the adver tisement townes tone showed a touch of irritation of course youll have to act as you think best and now jane took things in her own hands mr towne im going to make you a cup of coffee i shall be very grateful he mlled at her what o charming child she was he was soothed and refreshed by the atmosphere they created this boy and girl were a townes tone showed a touch of irritation friendly pair and ho loved his ease his own house since ediths depar ture had been funereal and his friends had boon divided in their championship between himself and edith but the young barneses were so pleasantly responsive with tholr lightedup eyes and their little air of making him one with thorn edith had always seemed to put him quite definitely on the shelf with littlo jane and her brother ho had a fooling of equality of ago look here ho spoke impulsive ly may i tell you all about it it would roliove my mind immense ly to jano it was a thrilling mo ment having poured the coffee she como out from behind her bat tlement of silver and sat in her chintz chair she did not knit she was enchanted by ww tax mat towne was telling she sat very suu her hands folded the tropical birds about her to frederick she seemed like a bird herself slim and lovely and with a voice that sang i chapter tu edith towne hod uted with her uncle frederick nearly four years when she became engaged to deta- field sim ma her mother was dead as was her father frederick was her fathers only brother and had a big house to himself after his moth ers death it seemed the only ha ven for his niece so he asked her and asked also his fathers cousin annabel towne to keep house for him and chaperon edith annabel was over sixty and rath er indefinite but she scrtfd to play propriety and there woi nothing else demanded of her in fredericks household of six servants she was a dried up and desiccated person with fixed ideas of what one oued to society fredericks mother had been like that so he did not mind he rather liked to think that the woman of his family kept to old ideals it gave to things on air of dignity edith when she come uai differ ent so different that frederick wus glad that she had three more years ot college before she would spend the winters with him the sum mers were not hard to arrange edith and annabel adjourned to the towne cottage on an island in maine and frederick went up for week ends and for the month of augum edith spent much time outofdoor uith her young friends she was rather fond of her uncle fred but he did not loom large on the honmn of her youthful occupations then came her winter et home ana her consequent engagement to dclaftetd slmms it was because of uncle fred that she became en gaged she simply didnt want to live with him any more she felt that uncle fred would be glad to have her go and the feeling was mutual she was an elephant on his hands naturally he was a great old dear but he was a turk he didnt know it of course but his ideas of being master of his own house were perfectly archaic cous in annabel and the servants and everybody in his office simply hung on his words and edith wouldnt hang she came into his bachelor paradise like a rather troublesome eve and demanded her share of the universe he didnt like it and there you were it was really uncle fred who wanted her to marry delafield simms he talked about it a lot at first edith wouldnt listen but del afield was persistent and patient he came gradually to be as much of a part of her everyday life as the meals she ate or the car she drove uncle fred was always inviting him he was forever on hand and when he wasnt she missed him they felt for each other she de cided the thing called love it was not perhaps the romance which one found in books but she had been taught carefully ot college to distrust romance the emphasis had been laid on the transient qual ity of adolescent emotion one mar rled for the sake of the race and one chose quite logically with ones head instead as in the old days with the heart 4 so there you had it delafield was eligible he was healthy had brains enough an acceptable code of morals and was willing to let her have her own way if thcro were moments when edith won dered if this program was adequate to wedded bliss sho put the thought aside she and delafield liked each other no end why worry and really ot times uncle fred was impossible his mother hod lived until he was thirty- five she had adored him ond had passed on to cousin annabel and to the old servants in the house the formula by which sho had mode her son happy her one fear had been that he might marry he was extreme ly popular much sought after but he had kept his heart at home his sweetheart he had often said wan silverhaired and over sixty he basked in her approbation was soothed and sustained by it then she hnd died and edith had come and things hod been differ ent tho difference had boon demon strated in 0 dozen ways edith was pleasantly affectionate but sho didnt yield on inch dear uncle fred she would ask when they disagreed on matters of manners or morals or art or athletics or religion or tho lack of it isnt my opinion as good as yours apparently my opinion isnt worth anything oh ye w is hot you must let me have mine yet as time went on he learned that ediths faults were tempered by her faetidiottsness she did not confute liberty and license she neither smoked nor drank there was about her dancing a fine and stately quality which saved it from senxuouxees yet when he told her things there was always that irri tating shrug of the shoulders oh well im not e rowdy you know that but i like to play around his pride in her grew in her bur nished hair the burning blue of her eyes her great beauty the fineness of her spirit the integrity of her character rf yet he sighed with relief when she told him of her engagement to dela field sunms he loved her but none the less he felt the strain of her pretence in his establishment it would be like sinking back into the luxury of a feather bed to take up the old life where she had en ured it and edith too welcomed her emancipation when i marry you she told delafield i am going to break all the rules in uncle freds house everything runs by clockwork and it la he who winds the clock their engagement was one of mu tual freedom edith did as she pleased delafield did as he pleased they rarely clashed and as the wedding day approached they were pleasantly complscent delafield dictating a letter one doy to frederick townes stenogra phrr spoke of his complacency he uos writing to bob sterling who uas to be his best man and who shared his apartment in new york del afield was an orphan and had big money interests he felt that washington was tonne compared to the metropolis he and edith uere to live one block east of fifth ave nue in a house that he had bought for her when he was in washington he occupitd a desk in fredericks of fice lucy logan took his dictation she hud utn for several yearn with towne hhe was twentythree well groomed und self- point ft id she had blender flexible finders und del u fie id liked to look ot them she had mjft brown hulr and her profile as she bent owr her book wub clearcut und composed edith und 1 ore great pals he dlctuted i rather think we are going to hit it off fumously id hate to have a uoman hung around m ncvk and i want you for my txnl mun i know it is asking a lot but it n just once in u lifetime ojd chup lucy wrote that and waited with her pencil poised thats about ull said delafield lucy shut up her book ond rone wait a minute delafield decid ed i want to add a postscript lucy sat down by the way delafield dictated i wish youd order the flowers at tollcys white orchids for edith of course hell know the right thing for the bridesmaids ill get edith to send him the color scheme lucys pencil dashed and dotted she looked up hesitutcd mtss towne doesnt care for orchids how do you know he demand ed she fluttered the leaves of her notebook and found an order from towne to a local florist he flays here anything but orchids she doesnt like them but ive been sending her or chids excry week perhaps she didnt wunt to tell you and you think i should have some thing else for the wedding bouquet i think she might like it better there was a faint flush on her check what would you suggest i cant be sure what miss towne would like what would you like intently she considered it seriously her slender fingers clasped on her book i think she told him finally that if i were going to marry a mun i should want what he wanted he laughed and leaned forward good heavens ore there any wom en like that left in the world her flush deepened she rose and went towards tho door perhaps i shouldnt have said anything his voice changed indeed i am glod you did he had risen and now held the door open for her we men arc stupid creatures i should never have found it out for myself she went away and he sat there thinking about her her imperson al manner had always been perfect ond he had found her little flush charming it was because of lucy logan therefore that edith had white vio lets instead of orchids in her wed ding bouquet and it was because too of lucy logan that other things happened three of ediths brides maids were houseguests their names were rosalind helen and margaret they had of course last names but these have nothing to do with the story they had been ediths classmates at college and sho had been somewhat democratic in her selection of them they are perfect dears uncle fred til have threo cavedwellors to balance them socially i sup pose it will bo a case of sheep and goats but tho goats are darling they were however the six of thorn what delafield called a bunch of beauties their bridesmaid gowns were exquisite but unobtrusive the color scheme was blue and sil verand the flowers forgotmonots and sweet peas its 0 bit old fashioned edith said but i hate sensational effects continued next week daums weddins for ceusiiis is toronto hbjbi afeoowan and both al lison wed tskbviciizn at a quirt ceremony at bt- saviour rrcaory toronto tut friday a doub tdduu vas performed by rtv lurbcrt a- jamleaon ha when 1 trim elliabeui llooovan only daughter of ur and lira joupn l uooovan of barrle became ihr bride of pte a- j h harry bmrtriurt ouner ion of lr and lire a j smethum oi limebotue and her cousin ibtft aj- lion dausliur of mr and un bus- tell allison cf cooks tovn as mar ried lo pte patrick trainer of bt jovrphs island uiu urooaan for merly lived in umenoue and atlend- 1 oeonirtoarn lulh bcnool pie omeuiurst is itauomd at cump llor- din wlui the queen york rangers late may wedding in toronto for shirley brill flbb uaurlcr n elmralraui offlcl utrd at a apodm gtunday uay 3ut in holy ikouon tiynsjroffur rwn ihlrlry ocrtrudr daukhtrr of mr and ui jaojb ilrtjl brcamr thr bcwr of mr jack tailor nn ot mr and mrs anraxn tuor of xlomrraj mi jrrle ikharffrr ut thr or tan and mits htraurt lanji clvrn in marrtar by her aun thr brldr aorc a picturr gown of ahitr r lrl- mbruks rrd orvundy thr bouffant tkirx formrd alignl train hrr iriyrrtlprniru ru of tullr a caught 1u a dutch cap oi rlct rrsbroicury and fchc car ried ulofinrubr anaania and turdrnlaa lur ulundsnu arrr ktmned ojuu in bouffant froclu- of uxurr bliss vtth tnalching dutch cupt and carried com srranjum blue ralja titles and quern mary rof mus edna nmj uster of the btidr a maid of honor and the bttdfii muld wrn uxhs kfcuwr ilrm eouajn of thr brldr and ulvi lm ooldbrnj mr thcoiioiv ouvrrman of montrru ui ttruomjnaii und tin ujitn trt mr kdmurd llrlll brother of thr brldr mr nelson and mr william tular 0 rut in n of thr bridegroom boui of mourn und mr william piiw mlck oulii or hi brldt toronto tni- rcnuon una held at trie limrom club oolna aa uir brrdt uort u prinuxl talk frock of uru- qurt tllou rnitchuk ruubu hulr jarktt bron baku fiat und mink tuts tin coipi m uw in mun- ii al tht bridr n u n of mr und mr d drill nf wrm loun und i ttialknavil umonk the ovini r mi in its ton uhi n mit ha frrquintl l lied kings chef saves sugar in reeipm r farther eld la conserving pnnr j p uorfsa chef la true tor canadian national rail- v 18 who was cti to tbclr majiitluiktn oeorito and qurvu ellte- bt in during their north amtrlcun lour ha prtparid a mniibir vt mif ark 3 recipes fuhrt ttutlnc maple uukor corn hrup molsi hi tbo n w rvclpes nli aily intro- iiiitd to din- tiik car pjtrona on tho canadian national include muffin moplo tiutit limrbrad cup custard cyu and t fllllnr hero aro romu rf nmn faorllo new tiuhinli iurkci uo- ccldcn corn cs i lp luiirr 1 ur iiuku it 1 t aimmin knit chef uorcai 3 atim 4 lk- irisi 1 up iiriimii cium tin butt- r in id molan a ami ttk yolk gradually mid rrlllc alxtnatlir ly innrrdlnta mlv 1 und blluil lkat thoruurctilv kold in whiten of i rim beaten ntuf hike in i i d cttko pan 30 minute nl r milea 2 miich luutt m fruit fl i lli boil o i half pint mopli syrup ltli msjm olka of 4 tk tn double boiler until mixture thickenn btlr conatantly removo from are odd 1 lablohpoon butter and beat until cool stir in 1 cup citron cunanta and chopped nut meats which have been flavored with 1 tablekpoon sherry and h teaspoon kiatod nutmeg spread between layers of cuke and ico with maplo fronting soft molasses gingerbread 1 4ui tnuu4 1 tgg ut huttcr cui hour l ttiap4ntnm wda i tcaapoona snffr uii nour milk tenrpoan aatt put buttor ond molasses id sauce fion and cook until boiling point b reached ftemovo from tire add soda and beat vigorously then add milk cbs well beaten and re maining ingredients mixed and slftod dako 15 mtnutea in small tin having pan twothlrda filled with mixture chef morgan wilt gladly furnuh ether cholco sugarsaving recipes he may be reached in caro ot canadian national rnllways 360 mcfim st montreal canada you roll them bettor with j ogdeks cigarette tobacco dependable protection the lonoltc carrirt hl home about with him hu broad thcu back afford dtpcodablc protrctloo lo the mjoc way braotford roofa cotutc complete roofing protection extra fire retituoce 1 attored be came of the coadog of cruahed late embedded la the fiotit asphalt the weatherproof quautlc of thl tuperior roofing niccetifuu retltt ralo mow tlcet and aun thouiindi of caudiao homes banc beocfited from tbetc adoo- uget during the patt 37 yeara draotford asphalt slate may be applied ocr your old roof giviog your entire home new colour and beauty thit will list throughout the yean aik your total dralrr or iwormatiom and prim aipbalt suutlmtuultj suimgroll rxfmp brantford roofs brantford roofing company limited brantford ontario ft su h- georgetown lumber co ltd niovt 2m oeobqetowm keep august 3rd open for big day in georgetown about how easy it is to shop by phono from eatons catalofue youll hardly believe it unit youc tried itl you just bit do in your most comfortable easy chair choose what you want froii the cntnloruc then i i the courteous dirk in eatons order office tukc the details by phone its such fun and youll be deltghud with the prompt careful attention which eatons gives to every order acquu ut yjursclt with this friendly service by phoniiik in on order today and remember the eaton piiurantec goods satisfactory or moi v r funded it counts i u khopning in penon dont fall to me eatonsbiasamplctlook thtycon tmn uiouanndtof uimple matcriahwhicb you can see and feel before you buy main a weblevan georgetown phone 27

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