Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 24, 1942, p. 3

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1te georgetown herald wednojay june 24th 1942 carrolls queenland sweet mixed pickles wastaas sasutott biscuits pataul s9 sherteaiag tefssf 9e puffed rice c puffed wheat je jelly maker xc wba vh bar caff ash tee romak coffee 39c ro njkvoua heinz ketchup isc 190 standard lynn valley peas 10c su 9 tla ceisraa drr cinoem alb fztzs lay caascm tomato fickxb s lilua sss salad drbsstmo ste j me waal wbucwul msddies t tr cubsr a sse hat sweet gherkin pickles laea jar sfe 3a4 lee fc rmip bao crown corn syrup sse orma uj llm a nn tasta two aylsfer marmalade icmj axe potts corn lake dependable classic cleanser 5c vwauovj tomatoes x 21c teastad pafyw wheat frae clunan newport fluffs x x5 39 campbells wwwro e 3lck bnrtk halas ssadwuk spread 19 i 39 kasp year floor riafct with hawet wax jzse 45c talks twt white swan loc 3 fe 25c saniflush fee tuat bawl tim sfc s aylasar srrfll orange marmalade sumhr ae biamhu rsd carraat or gras aylmer jellies iraaau s8e ckrlatua round shortcake aa aoe will marssnanow christies orange later aoe sweet juicy oranges 27c and 37c doz large fbehii i heads head lettuce lie finn bjpe 1 tomatoes lb 19c fruit and vegttablas frloes goad tiu saturday night only we reserve the right to limit quantities to family weekly requirements free delivery phone 357 main st the world- new seen through the christian science monitor am intirutuoiul dstly ntwtptftt is trartral ciaimmiln ijnmsssil praa from timarlwal issa ddiurlab are tfaaaly and butraetrat and ia oattf paafomt togatliar with tha waskhr msgsrlas sactlaa hit th m an waal ntaapapar lor th kama tha chrimiaa sdane publishing sadat oat norway snaat boston mastathusstisi prtos ik yearly or ttl00 month iasa tadodlna magasjna saedan tmm vaaa lamdaccorf offer 6 lams t gtata meat aavia m sample copy on bequest ta oo wedding announcements and invitations distinctively styled the georgetown herald mm jute rslme rtugru mist a fairborn b succcuor student and teaehera of oeorgv town high school gathered on wed nesday afternoon june 17th to espms their reant at the resignation and de parture of aire jane palmer vho nju been teacns there for the past thrr yeara on their bahalf uary paul prelected her with a handxome diary appointment and rectoe book aa a email token of thlr eateem- un palmer apeclallled in the teach lng of pbyaval culture and liuilc since her arrrtal oeorjetown lllih bchool has taken a more actltr pari in uuilcal petthals than ever before and she was largely instrumental in their success at these contests lira palmer came here as ulu janr beats and last year married ur simon palmer of toronto ur palmrr lj no a 2nd lieutenant suuoned at a onion llead o o on tuesday un palmer surted on her trip to join him out there the board has appointed uuf atlrr u palrborn to succeed sirs palmrr ulu fairborn comes from thr toaii- shlp of trafalgar and u a recent gruj- uale of the uruerslt of toronto and the ontario oolr of education line will teach plslcl culture and eni- ltsh and also tne lira- deferue truln ina course tncludlrur ajtp aork which is brlnjt inaugurated at whool this year imwovco unifosm ihtlbhatlohat sunday i chool lesson oj irvi r fcvnwlj mtoir rrtfif as pitdai hilmij br wsm mewwar dssu1 lessoa foe jtme 28 ssssss k c mdwlillin moves into hew business location on juetph st rsrmtv artva44 olttt lrtrr uui hi mi vmt ispumrtil airnrr iullllse vsranl tnil- vrarv for the ptut lew mcrlu uw fcrmrr arnold oor factory on ourlph tit h bcrn buxdns uh actimty 1 tr ration rrr madr in thr bulwlnu vhich ha brcn acant for ihr put i wn ty nn ttir bulldlrur us i r crntly purchard by o d ii wright and hus bcrn rrnud to k c mrmll- un iho u in procr of moving hi impli ment asrncy from thr prrwni location on mlu htnri to tm nr prm1sr ttc building u llnr to- torry rrd brtca itructurr va built in 1904 by thr late ii t arnold ann hourd the rknr factory mhlch oprr- alrd undrr thr name ii t arnold v borv until thr bumnrw u mened t- acton about trnt ars oao horval school pupils salvage conscious third coutrtlon aid umi hajvar drtf clob dnatr w00 to jr hd crs thr pupib of norvul public tlchtx arr sal ukc conmloua and hat co operated in the ttalvucr for victory dmr sporvmrrd b tlic oioruttmi lions club by organizing thxi drufft in thr nrighbourtng luagf under thr itadrrnhip of principal e p jordan and mim o rc bumrh the pupils have juat flnuhrd a mlsorllancou collection uhlcii includixl paper bat tlrs and about 30 rubber tin a in recognition of their good ork a do nation of 6 00 vus made from th salvage fund xor junior rrd crorss actiltlrs in the 0i100i ashgrove nineteen members of the brlkht slar mjrctnr band met an friday al- ternoon in the basement of the church with oeorsr wilson prcldlnjr the dc- ollonai period was taken t oeorkfr wilson herbert wilson bloyd brlk- den and oladyn kuddell lou- m i ruddell played u much appreciated number on hl guitar and mn frank wilson told the story from the study book i mrs r j graham cnlcrtntntd n i lame number of ladies on wcdnevda afternoon in honor of her daurhti mrs maurice dixon a recent bride ouests were present from hamilton toronto brampton norvul ocorkc- town mlllon hornby and hurroundina district during the afternoon beautl- i fill solos were rentlered by mui s i edith wrlgglemorth and joy ruddeil i a very dainty luncheon brought the dcllshtful afternoon to a close norman lucas with the theatre in his veins a mnsle score usually close at hand and air never far from his mind norman lucas veteran of the first great war slncer announcer and planeer radio man is one of the betterknown producers in the cbc lie is a member of the to ronto studio stair has supervised numerous musical comedy pro grammes la eorrently produclna several cbc recital serlra these an beard mandaya at 745 pan edt and tuesdays at wo pm he haa been in ekarca of 4ha curtain memories series lust uncludlnf beard we4nasdayi at ftja pm and imprcaiarlm the very paular organ reciul program played by m s farmer on shitredaye si m pjb asr alcobol facts veauus oaunsoko raoraoakda tmoa textpivrsrbs tlrl b t isslsk 0 uasaa tl 1 ssl t fc riaasiiiis ui goldzm tkxtu ataasrs eatlm oaa c uwo aocprovarbs lla the acta are on the aide of the ooe who oppose the uquor traffic and they ar ao plentiful and ao devastating that the industry does not care to face them their beat bet lj to uss propaganda ao skill fully prepared aa to disarm the reader if the propaganda la truth ful it 1 only because it has to be and only la that measure our lesson ouggeau several point in the liquor propaganda each ot which we can prove to be untrue l they say eay ufa hats what we ar her far pror xi 17 consider the ads of lb liquor trade they carry the beautiful lady the brilliant young man the socially correct surrounding rich ease etc they suggest that arcs the grandmother in the bom ap prove the us of intoxicant to bring comfort and plaasur to th breadwinner in tha home what i th truth uan is not her for pleasure he 1 bar to serve ood history demonstrates that the nation that lives for pleas ure especially in connection with th us of intoxicants is doomed to extinction d they say llaoer is net daagerooa ptov tjj3 it is presented as pleasant and harmless stimulant when in fact it is known to science to police and aoclal welfare worker aa a narcotic which not only upsets digestion and deranges physical processea but moat vicious of all affects person ality by its action upon th certain specific brain area it disturbs confuses slows down and removes the restraints th checks and bal ances which make a wellrounded personality it is tha highest func tions level of the brain th per sonality level which la first put into eclipse by the action of alco hol carson taylor hj they say those whs op pose liquor ar fanatics isa 3 20 21 23 the prophet answers that claim by pointing out that thos who favor the us of alcohol are the ones who call evil good and good evil etc a little study of liquor propaganda as it appears in the advertising of th industry soon demonstrates that fact of lata they have been trying to convince ua that beer is just a soft drink for the horn any police man who has seen a man drunk on bear and any social or religious worker who has seen the destruc tion it hss wrought in tha bom and in society knows that is not true iv they say strong men and leaders ar drlnksrs isa 822 sadly enough many of our lead ing nen do tndulg in liquor but if th truth were out it would b known that they ar less capable as leaders and weaker men for their use ot it and who- has not seen a leader become a poor dere lict by the alcohol route or strong man becomo a jittery mental mor al and physical wreck in the same way the work of a nation in both war and peace is dono by sober steady trustworthy men who have a clear head not becauso they use a cer tain whisky but because they do not uso it v they ssy the pleasure la worth price hoscn 411 joel 32 3 the wicked ones who captured israel felt they mode a good trade when they gave n boy for a harlot or exchanged a fflrl for wine the modem system of making merchan dise of boys and girls is not as open ly crass as that but when you figure the cost of alcohol to our land be sure to odd in the girls who have gone into iniquity by the way of tavern hostesses and the boys who have lost everything sacred be causo of boozo remember too that the beer mak ers are deliberately using this war to cultivate a taste for beer in millions ot young men their fu ture customers and we are letting them get away with it right in tho army camps vi they say drinking and re ligion go well together eph 818 tho contrast of paul gives that claim tho direct brand of falsehood being drunk with wine is tho exact opposite of spirituality liquor interests know that if church mombors can bo led to bo- llovo that wlno at dinner beer as a soft drink and an occasional social cocktail is not incompatible with religious lite thoy will havo effectu ally shut the mouth of tho opposition they tear the most the church let pastors and church boards deal plainly and drastically with drinking church members and tha church will profit spiritually and and again become an effective means of stemming tha tide of sodal iniquity which la engulfing our nation timely topics for women iy lartwa tateet tkcavov vtooos to bcptjtcx stcuk meets may dot contain vitamins but ttuy are the ouixa of food mrrry and to important is food energy in wartime that fjonl woolton os th brluih war cabinet asys iie is not food tjijwfjor bat dlrvctor of nsflonsj amercr so vttb canadians on a sugar ration 0 half pound per penon it is important that houevie knov atrfrr q quality and quantity of other svwtecera ttie slmpu sugar upon which human his tjrtvrnda for eoercy is dtrolr dntrat la formed in nauur by the action of aunnght on plant hit in the human systrm sugars and ttarchea combine and axo oonvrrted into deatroar heretofore a plentiful supply of the sugar needed for energy was derived from the sugarcane and the sugar beet and the atairch laxgrly from cereals and rcrtablra hut for a long time now we have been able to manufacture dex trose commercially lu cornmoruet fotrn u corn syrup which is familiar to every hoojraife and grocer as a inuk modifier corn syrup haa been nummended by baby doctors for its dlgrouble jorm it is manu factured from the starch of torn which is turned to dntroce glucose and m it 1 leas sweet than white sugar but supplies energy to an raiuly atumllated form moj honey and ma yrup are alio rtceuent iweeteners but iroumes is as much a war product as sugar for it la used in the mak ing of riploalves and the supplies of heney and maple axe too limited to be very important roriunauly however the com yrup industry u wll rstamlthed on this continent its capacity to produce corn syrup starcbe and other product from com gmn in the united fuate and csuiada haa already reached tremendous proportion- and it u capable of quick ex pansion should the need be pretulng pur rr the industry ruu conducted modern home kitchens wherv it has docd hundred of new uses for lis product these teated re- cipr hate been distributed among housewives dietitians and cooks so that the use of com syrup as a seeunrr is already familiar to many with thr shortage of sufur its uve is bound to increase many times over and it l quite conceivable that thou id the aar uut for some time people iu acquire a taste for its subtle blandnrrfs and continue its use for cook ing and baking long after sugar is again plentiful this pobibly is on ict to some em tent by its high price compared to sugnr 1 havent been able to find anient a ho can eiplaln why tha cost hat advanced more than 40 percent since the war started and i think that the fact that it has is somewhat est a hardship to the many famlurs forced to live on a limited buds tt whath bcttcr than a tajuxx from hoi4x nothing la quite 10 much fun as setting a parcel from home first there is having your name called and marching up for your parcel alth all our buddlra looking enviously on then there is the opening of it the rsclietnrnl of guessing a hat is in the various small packages it contains and then the sharine of the good things to eat with your apeclal pals or the guy in the neat bunk ho gets no parcel from home this is an eserpt from a letter from a oung and my guess la sometime lonely lad who has been in england for plrrm two years now and judging from other letters coming back me can be quite sure most soldiers no matter who they are think parcels from home are pretiv aonderful bo keep the parcels going and remember two small purer li are just about twice as mjch fun as one large one vrnat a ill ou put in them why almost anything a young fel- loa likes or can uue first there arc all thr essentials so scarce in eng land boap and shaving cream and razor bladc tajcum lotion and btpttc pencil a pocket comb new toothbrush and tooth paste mending outfits are aelcomr especially if they contain a small pulr of really irood mriiaora and plenty of extra buttons a compact anting portfolio with paper and envelope is a find tor or how about a pen and pencil set maybe he has a camera if so he 11 like a supply oi filnu for it and oull enjoy getting the picture he sends home one soldier said nothing he got gave him so much comfort as a pulr of folding uppers mhlch he aould tuip on ahrn he took off rua hrav army boots then the governmwu never seems to issue quite enough to els or socks or gloves or handkerchiefs or even underwear if he is a brnokrr he u want cigarettes cigars or a pipe or tobacco a pouch or pipe cleaners and you know smokes are very important in the urmy and hard to get in england these are just some of the things a soldier or a sailor or an ulrnitim will aant ahen he is overseas but remenirber the fun of get ting a parcel is not just the things that ore in it but imowlng that there are folks back home who are thinking about ou tor ocr scrap book the only hope of preserving hat is best lies in the practice oi ar immense charily n wide tolerance a sincere respect lor opinions that arc not ours p o i umber ton the booh of the ueek until the day bjieakb by lckkifl elromfield muuonx 323pp 275 until the day brcnks is the story of an american girl who matched wits with the otwtapn in occupied parts roxle dunn an american dancer hnd been the toast of palis for 14 yours when the gtcy- green oerman hordes marched in for the first time in her life vhc was really in love with nicky a young french patriot of it u v ian birth it is through dabrlnlo an ugly little man eminently sucoeftaful in the theatre that roxle and nicky were first drawn into the underground movement to light the nazis at lulgls where our lit tie group gathers to eat italian spagettl nnd talk ou discover something al the first bewilderment ot the french of the little people of a base luutbands and vans there nas no word and of the refugees oi nil naionulltlcii who had come to paris without pnivrs mr bromflelrt hns giwn us n clearcut picture of the triumphant entry of the germans into lnrl they came prepared to be hated but wre lowly uiiiurvcd by the petty limilts that were heaped upon them everywhere they went and by the scorn they saw in every french mans and every frcnclmomanm eye there in herman ooerlng seen dining at maxims in o resplendent yellow uniform with his dyed yellow hair his rouyed llia and hls fingers trip pi nu with jewels and looking like nothing so much as a painted mndame there are the smart young oerman otllcertt strong efficient and very correct 11 perfect product of the id tier jugcnd but with a mem- tullty that ut warped und twisted by an irrepressible envy oi the engliah and the french and that mongrel race the americans among these was major wesselhoft who was toon captivated by roxtcs beauty nnd allure but blind to her cunning and true intentions ftpm here to the inst clupter the story goes on with mounting excite ment nnd drama until the dny breaks will hold you enthralled to the very last line hlgarlemh fudge brown 11- here la n recipe that will mnke tho rationing of stigar a pleasure chewy chocolate fingers thnt melt in your mouth with rntslna and nuts to provide the vitamins cream together the shortening and com syrup- add thr melted chocolate and vanilla sift together the dry ingredients 3 or 4 times add u o the flou to the creamed mixture nnd then the well beaten egg add the remaining flour tho fruit and nuu pour into on oiled pan 0 by 0 by 3 smooth evenly and rjatoe in a moderate oven 3m degrees f for 35 mlnuumor until jirm to the touch and srurunken from the side of the pan cut into fingers while tlu warm when oool store in a cockle tin vj cup anortcnlng 1 cup corn syrup 3 squares unsweetened chocolate 1i cup pastry flour h teaspoon vanilla l teaspoon baiting powder 2 eggs well beaten pf u teaspoon salt i tt cup chopped raisins u cup chopped nuts do you love brass but find the pcdlshtng of it ft taioref hu tff elmuaolng it for the aunimwr sjlah uuntil gleaming j wartnsmwuds ritur and dry thoroughly and aheluo you will be tux- prised how long it toeps looking nioe

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