Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 24, 1942, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wednesday job 24th 1942 ctwgitowa high school invotti lars sum in wv savbfs j8n hundred and four clooare and call invested is war svre stamp and bonds oil been coctntwitm by ioo pantis m george town high school atne lut septem ber averaging it this null that cub ptrpu boubt two bond thmmtwit th year it iu derided befor hut- fas th campaign that an mutt keep op tints pledge ioo per cent every was a hcjuitfu or fotnnini th pledged money iu thai th contribu tion murt be earned by lb pupil tnmsrlf and each on try to ellminat th little luxuriea aucb a cum soft drinks bom ate aa mueb as pos- smle aa a result lb ouutandlos feature of b wbol ayslam tu tbr maintenance or their wefhy pledge ta pupus bad tbalr own bookkeep ing system and it a pupu failed to contribute oca weak another group in tb cjaaa aotad a secretaries and issued bills keen competition between tnn farms was an important stimu lus to regular contributing itt h j heldmann as cbalnnan of tb committer was largely responsible or lta success credit also goes to uary paul vbo was ln charge of the eytlsea and also to bar assistants from each cits tb dais representative kept tb record book distributed tb stamps and looked altar tb purchas ing of bond it ao desired th fol lowing atatnttf show bow mueb each torra invested total no of form rep ami contrl butors v isabel oobton isms u iv robert lawson ltljo 13 m norah cutt 11sso u noogw wuhsm tnso ib norman lot 1338 15 ia pamela oousene iis to 11 campaign headquarter asked xor a contribution or s36n weakly rrom tb school and tb ttivvnl oeer-aubsextb- d this amount by tioo per week tb school is justly proud or their achievement and w would b tnlrr- eted in hearing from schools of tb aam all to ss whether any have in vested mar than 1604 tj in war savings stamps and bonds owx imllir period well drilling a b clark weudrtller ut hamilton pout oftsc tu baalssa h r tl pure food store taw advantage of proctor a gamble mooeysavina offer redeem your coupons here for oxydol ivory snow ivory soap and chipso euukplaltx fancy us salmon vzm 23c d- jacksons ueal belais puddy pltg 28c ayhner candrased soup vegetable t oa tins 2 for 25c pard dog food lunll tins 3 for 29c neilbons jtjtmev bband cocoa ben u load i lb tin 29c york boand choice tomatoes na tt tuu 2 for 26c maple leaf toilet soap 4 cakes 18c oitftaal dnlth htjk short bread i nuxn in rrlu pa 10c juhnmon1 glo coat pint tin s9c quart tin 98c wtue glass cleaner ll as dlsnrasrruii 35c u1bx fly swatters ea 10c bex brand fly coils s for 10c we have a limited supply of fresh cured and cooked meat place your order early ae farnell phone 75 free delivery reduced prices on chicks feb iu day old nonixej chicles pullets cockerels barred rocks light sussex and hybrids 950 s c white leghorns 900 a week old while leghorn pullets s weak old white leahern poll is s week old while ulhern rollrte week old barred rock pallets 1 week old white ltfhsm pallets 1600 1900 33c eexh tc each tic earn 22c each lie each 700 150 thompsons poultry farm and hatchery rr 3 georgetown phone 48 r 5 pleas phone around 1 00 ptn to ensure barrios the a tre wednesday thursday friday june 24 25 and 26 sergeant york the soldier who eonldnt be stopped played by gary cooper cartoon brave little bat saturday june 27 the body disappears jeffrey lynn jane wyman march of time main street disney canine caddy sport rodeo roundup chapter 7 king of the texas rangers matinee at s pjm 3 days wednesday thursday friday july 1 2 and 3 captains of the clouds ta tialmlralat with jam carney and the royal canadian air vans cartoon the bug parade this and that in sport br a iiaf ufioofi ju4iavftitflm fliwl fruhk tct kltfej t tit rvtwwwt aanttlln ikii vt jttrt mtw um is ta um ba fc turn ch ulrtf to titu futa far fri u4 lniirfvt iwulk t jks kwtr lvr him rritatfa kto cwrtljaff pafa mt hrty y44 a a lurary ttarvb whf t4 t hms mt im ek4st 1kat wj u w ucatef ta nvaalay aasf atataal frctlac t ufrw bat wv u lliim tafar ta m of bkl atast m aajauay m- ywag ui km i ail la xrrt- ftf taal lau lata taxll at lua- aaa u aaauauy 1m acilrxfruffmnt ii h teat th rvra a ik dnta br t4 waa rtrn bmrr ltcajrif ta jotu port rrlbr liun auybsr m aoald b th rataaj rrujr ml ihu tuper llr h wrllun llw aaar of hhtreny teat tb- bbd time mm we ubmuu bis wrmsh in ubr bscarj unn aad n lb bawball elaamnd ii tm- rd if br aaa always en ear unr- op far batb a if had taara aa tntrr4 in port- oar mind van- drrd bara and wt trlrd ta r- mrmbrr when r tnl aarw bert tent afinrd a lang time o r doc ap an aid wbaal plctarr r ihrrr n brrt tom in tb trcond row hrnior iii or l rlaat w attlrrr for tbr dalr aald april uh il and ihrrr itnl marh dlffrrrnrr in thai plctorc of ertrr iwtelj yrr and ta one mbown hrrr nrrpt of coax tn mft for hhnj worr a ftia thai rrrrolrd bia rry ail and good aportamanahlp whrn tbr rail cam for rrcroju for the drfrnar of ibr mothrrtand brrt toat waa ortr of the first grorfttawn bsrn to offrr bia arr- ruv ilr cnluird in october 1939 with tor royal hamilton ugh i infantry and went orcraraa ta aontftl 1m0 and brrt tool play ed at tbr tram or war jaat like he played bu port living hu beat at all tlmea and ror hla rf- fortw roar i ram tbr ranaa lo artlnx- her grant which poalllon hr held at the time of hla death the name of sheeny toat will go down in local aport history aa one of jmmeur hockey a lineal puyrrm ilia brilliant alia tin tricky manoeatiing in the game and fine aportnianahlp on the ire endeared him to all hoi sup porter and his krenrat mala of- ten marvelled at hla skill and ac quired art of the gam vol only did m toat form the back bone of a georgetown hockey team for many a aeason bat he roald also torn hla hind to baseball and in the later years of hu sport cureer played second base for the local nine urii tost had many r lunges to further trat bis skill at hockey in the larger field of amateur aporta but alter a season with a senior team in hamilton decided that hla efforts could be put to more ad vantage playing for the home town which hr loved and return ed the nest year to wear a blue and white uniform bert tost is georgetowns first cas ualty in this war he has made the supreme sac rl rice and when he comes before the one great hcoirr his name will go down aa having reached the greater goal for greater love hath no nun than that he lay down his life for hla friends soda and persottaj adoubl trto rwea ta fobue seneol comprised el joaepfaln oca jun clark uarjorb uarrisrlon paulina norton john wfaltnsy and kenneth wmrthsm sans tinaeeomnafiled lev dtvtns at iht mornln seme of knox presbyterian ctrorch sunday tb trio was under the direction ot lira j brana and sass h harrison the lawns of ofdarre senool pro vided a lovely srtuni or the rerular quarterly meetlai of the tjnlted churoa w a on wednesday slur- noon june nth this marine look the form or a cardrn tea and urs k clirt was hostess to shout 35 mrn- brrt a pteuant soelsl afternoon waa xpent and lunch was scrted under the leadership of oroup 3 or the associa tion the lome scots band were in ac ton saturday nlxht where they orm- ed an important part or tb prozraia or the giant ittnro hfld tn acton arroa in aid o the bombed victims or alalia fund they took pan in the parade to the arena and sirr thrlr arrltal there played several numbers for the ralenslnmrot ol the patrons a utile blrhdsy party was hrld lait thuiadsy in honor of danny usrtln utn of lcpl std sirs itootrt slarun ut the home of his crandparents afr itni sirs p c frmtenr the guests rrr jean diwxy peter lluist and booby waller danny also re ihrd concratulattons by eahlegram fjem htx fsther lcpl robrrt uartln tho is otrmras the rahle read mhy happy rrlums danny he a cood boy eve jou soon on uondsy rdstil june 33 the olrts knitting club hrld a drughtlul kit chen shower at the home of llr icmeit itide tn honour or ulss liar- garet llumberstone popular young bridetobe wss llumherstone was the redolent of many lovrry and use ful gift and in addition to these won the huihtcore prise glvrn tor court whiil which the girls plsyed during the course of the evening a delici ous lunch served by the hostess brought the enjoyable evening to i close a miscellaneous shower was held at the home of mr and urs t j fisher tuesday evening jim ittfa tta fsww friends and nelafictotroi gav thand to honour icaa uarjorl 8wu- atr and lloyd wsher th brld and grcoratob after a few wcllfaosen reeaarka fjy uj tbama aaobi tn young eoupls raorfesd many icniy and useful gifts ltmcfa waa served bf ta osbbltu and dtxrma tise even tntdasetns and cards wrnjoyd by an aa twirfitni trtbou to th sign rrfrrm ta wnlcb th men and offloera of it oompany held bias sra plor- ane tost mother of th 1st acting sergeant hubert prank tost who was killed on manorurrea overseas recelv ad a beautiful bououet of rose cabled tram th old country by uajor kerris waldron commanding omasr of th royal hamilton light inf there were s3 rose tn the bouquet ajb- toat would have been s3 this october had be lived ut lloyd nsult who has been manager at carroll a gtore for the past three years left on tuesday for to ronto to erulat in one the branches of the army services lloyd whose home was tn ouclnh has made many friends since coming to town who sre sorry to so him leave ills position at carroll s ihorr u bring ruled by ui kenneth msit of at- uarrs who comes to town with a number of rv experience in the groceiy business ur iltcfc ts not married snd at pres ent is boarding at airs ilumerttonr s on ohsrle street a welcome to town is estended to him on tuesday afternoon ltlafars norah cleave barbara pararo alary afotr and lots netlien gsir a ura at the home of mrs t peram in honour of their former teachrr un jane psl- mer who left tuesdsy earning to join hrr husbmnd tn ilrtuh columbu those present included ul p lukr ulss u inmsn urs j u lambert and ulss c prnson the girls of porm ui flarbara cousens doris uacleusn usronr krnlnrr betty psu snd betty ituddru presented urs pajmrr with a cup and ssucer norah cveve made the presentation and said in part we third perm girls want nu to accept this utile gift wr hope that when you look si it it will re mind you of us and though we may hsve been troublesome at times vre hope our memories may be pleasant ones urs lambrrt poured tea and during th lunch ifartstret bradley and norah cleav played piano solos on tusaday algnt jus itch ut and sara oranara rarnau aolartalawi a few frtmds at farawau party for ur walter bssha th ealrig was spent ptaytnat brtdt after which the guests enjoyed a e buhet lanft- heon ur psmell then presented ice blahn with a sterling surer idtnttb- canob nraoslet oa bjialf of these present and all mnts their refrea at his leaving and hoped b would be staltnrim near snoutn oaarwhowa aw they could se him often ooeata m eluded ut and ura wilfrid ford ir btanlry finlay ulss uanraret htnw beraton aad ur aad urs walter bleha ur and ura bleha were entertalss- ed agbln oa prlday night wtf ufaas at th bom of ur and ura oartssaw uoouvray during th court of taw evening user gav editor btrhn carton of cigarette a a parting gms from those present baksa cswjsly kihia emtusa htajy orw c c fa meeting high school auetrtorftifa burlington m0h june 29 mits agrvw maclhtail r eraser up ulva marpkau wtrj speak pnllrsws f great lateral t kstk lscsw aad oea open ro cveryaady wsssagsw ii born riddall to mr and mrs richard rlddall nee anne hall n son rtc- jiord kent at peel memorial hospi tal brampton sunday june 31st 10u mother and baby doing fine in memoriam mocreiojht in memory of my wife marjorlc who died june 36th 1036 the world may change from year to year and friends from day to day but never wilt the ono i loved prom memory fade away sadly missed by husband sari mcorelght windsor boyd in loving memory of a dear husband and father david abner boyd who died june 38th 1037 he ta gone but not forgotten and aa dawns another year m our lonely hours of dunking thought of him are always near days of gladness will come oer us friends may think the wound is healed but they little know the soitow that lies within the heart concealed sadly rananbered by hie wife and faaiuy agriculture marches with our armed forces behind the lines where men and women are risking life to defend home and tountry other men and women are toiling to supply the materials of war ships planes tanks guns these manufacturers management and work ers alike arc thus fighting shoulder to shoulder with our armed forces but what about the farmers they are doing a work of equal impor tance they too are marching to battle by toiling early and late to per suade nature to increase food and other essential supplies on which the issues of the fight so greatly depend the farmer marches side by side with the soldier and his armourer farmers who are doing their bit to help canadas allout war effort may find it necessary to borrow money at the bank you should not hesitate to discuss your requirements with our nearest branch manager your business will be regarded as strictly confidential bank of montreal a bank where shall accounts abe welcome modern esperlencsd banking sgrvlo tit outcoma of im years teccessfal oewatlaas gartvgmown bronchi a c wblk mfdugtr

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