Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 24, 1942, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wednesday june 24th 1942 r make it a habit to take care of woollens guard four woollens e you mould pnciouj jewell theyre almost 01 vsluible and mijr be hiiict to per than jewellery now that dumculc um of wool are rcafkxrd clean out knelt and clixhn chrui reulsiy and nocr neglect precaution tgunu muhi in lhi way your nerd ft new woollens will be reduced co a minimum and more wool will be avajlible for war needs your own parr may teem mull bur ict nu if ou meuurc ir in icrnu of the nundmli of thouund of people in all the pulp and paper lowru in cmirt the pulp and paper irdd1tiy of cam a da uprssf- 7f canaoa national selective service contbol of employment mo emmotes hexuattek shall hole awt feksoif ob rucale wtthodt the avthoval ot a selective service omen nt am emplotmeht oitice or the pmemftotmemt prjtjmmce cowtlssiom whenever a vacancy ocean or additional ataff is required or a layoil of staff it anticipated tha employer shall notify tha local employmant otuoa ha may angaria only parson raiarrad to him by or approved by tha local employmant oifioe a local selective service officer may revoke at any urn an not laai than ian day nouoa any approval grantad by him appeal from a selective sarrloa omcars decision may ba mad in writing within tan days to tha divisional registrar ol tha national war service board and tha da of tha board ahall la final exceptions thif order doaa not includa mploymant 1 in agriculture fishing hunting or trapping 2 subject to tha fssenrlnl work sclantltio and technical personnel regulations 1942 3 in domesho eerrloa in a private home 4 of students after achool hour or during holiday but doaa include mploymant during summer vacation 5 in parttime work which la not the principal mean of livelihood 6 casual or irregular employment for not mora than three daya in any calendar week for tha same employer 7 under the govern ment of any province this order does not affect reemployment 1 within not mora than 14 oonsecutiva daya after tha last day a parson worked for tha same amployar enoe according to length of service or seniority 8 on compulsory re-instate- ment after military service until further nouoa from tha director of national salacuve sarvioe or a local national selective sarvioe officer any employer may tmpmriu engage any employee if ha sub mils within three days to a local office an application in dupli cate for the approval of such engagement such application shall state the insurance book number ox the insurance registration number u jc form 413 name address age sex oooupation of such employee the name of hi or her most recant employer and tha dale he or aha left employmant with such employer penalties for infringement of this order provide for a fin up to 30000 or imprisonment up to 12 months or both fine and imprisonment tills oceu nasrasnss pctriou matte selaeti s ohisjm leeyenhns r awl usraatrletail oeeaqsauana idim lantern temple bailey elliott m iiittle dimotar hauonnl salaetim bants humphrey mitchell minister el labour th talephon rug and ah en- mil il evan cu at th other end of th wire mother want to epeak to you mr follette asked if ah might change her plan tor trunin uric- will you and your brother dux with u instead of our coming to your our new york cousin find that they have th day tree unex pectedly thy had bn asked to a house party in vlrgtnls but thalr hostess haa had to poetpooe it on account of ulna la tt going to b wry grand i havent thin to wear ooot ba foolish jan you al ways look like lady thank you mrs folia tu jan hoped tht ah didnt look a com ladles look but thr wvr of cours others it ws wd for hr at th moment that urs follette could not a har eye and 1 thought went on th un conscious aaatron that if you war not too taaay you might go with ev an to th crow and gt soma grease 14 ak th house to look attractive i th snow too deep kot a bit whan will h come youd batter arrang with him her he is evas vole waa th only un changed thing about him th sound of it at long dlatanc always brought tha old daya back to jan after lunch b asked olve me tiro to dres three yes when luncheon ws over jan went upitelr to get into outofdoor clothes at the foot of the stair ahe had glimpse of harsalf in th hell mirror she wore onepiece lilac cotton rock with email square apron and an infinitesimal bib ii waa a nicelooking little frock but ahe had had it for a mil lion year that waa the way with all her clothes the suit she waa going to put on had been dyed it had been white in lie first incarna tion it was now brown thcr was no tailing lis chromatic future she beard etapa on the porch and turned to open th door for ev ans but it wa not evans brlggs frederick town chauffeur atood there with box in his arms mr town compliments he said and ahall i act it in th hall oh yea thank you her eur- prlae brought the quick color to her cheeks she watched him go back down the terrace and enter the car then ah opened the box beneath cloud of whit tissue pa per ahe cam upon long iowbas- kat heaped with grapes and tan- gcrinea peaches and pomegranate tucked in between the fruit were shelled nut in fluted paper casea gleaming sweets in small glass jar candled pineapple and cherries bunches of fst raisins stuffed dstca and prtnes jane talked to the empty air how dear of him the white tissue paper fell in drifts about her as ahe lifted th basket from the box there wsi a little not tied to th handle town peraonajpapar waa thick and whit jane wss aware of its expenstveness and it thrilled her hi script wa heavy and black tha note had unquestionably an air dear miss barn i cant tell you how much i en- joyed your hospitality last night and you ware good to listen to ma with so much sympathy i am hop ing that youll let me coma again and talk about edith may it and here a bit of color for your thanks giving feast gratefully always frederick town jan stood staring down at the friendly words it didnt saem with in reason that frederick town meant that he wanted to come to see her and aha really hadnt uitened with sympathy but oh of course ha could come and it was heavenly to have a thing like this happen on a day like this as she straightened up with the basket in bar hands she saw her self again in the long mirror a slender figure in green bobbed black hair golden and purple fruits she gasped and gaud again there was baldys picture ready to his hand novemberl against a back ground of gray that glowing fig ure boldy could idealize her make the wind blow her skirts a bit- give her a fluttering ribbon or two a glorified loveliness she sought him in his studio ive sot something to show you darling- ear ha waa moody dont interrupt me jane she rumpled up his hair which he hated mr town sent us soma fruit baldy and this she bald out tha note to him n read n he doesnt say word about me no be doetnt har eyee were dancing baldy tla your little sis ter jsne you didnt do thing but sit there and knit perbapa he liked to me knitting baldy passed this over tn pus- tied aueoc wheree th frultt in the house tie rose 1 u go la with you alt out of sorts discouraged the morning had been spent tn listening vague outline e sweep of fair hair under blu hat de tached feel tn those with shining buckles a bag that hung tn the air without hands at intervals be bad stood up and looked out st the blank snow snd the dull sky the room was wsrm enough but he shivered he suffered vtcarlousty for edith town 11 had hoped that she might telephone he had tyd horn really for that i have spent three hour doing nothing be said as ba abut th door behind turn not much r couragenmil in that i har a modal for you where ill ahow you- he followed her tn faatl ef curt- oil ty she showed him the fruit then picked up the basket look tn th mirror not at me ah command ed reflected there tn th clear glass so still that ah seemed fixed tn paint baldy really gave for th first time sn artist eye to th possibilities of his little sister in the midst of all that crashing col or i cosh he cried youre good- looking i hi air of utter astonishment wa too much for jsne she set the basket on the steps and laughed un til ahe cried donl anything futmy b told her well you wouldnt darling she wiped her eyes with her little handkerchief and sst up i am just dropping a tear for tha ugly duckling have i made you feel like lhatt sometime their ughtedtra aye met and suddenly he leaned down and touched her cheek a swift cartas youre a little bit of all right jan- ay which wa great prsis from baldy it waa ruber a if tat suing har milk ah rustroutod fa vors- it eras on this tncoea that aba tu heist ad aha and her son later he and jan walked tc r in th clear cold- she was tn gay mood- fa eras wrapped as her old orange cap and th sun braaking th bank of euuse cloud la th west mmsi to turn her uth young body into lure dont you love day like tale evans eh preeasd forward up rfc km wtrh an bar stranftn ev ans followed psnttng at tee top they sat down far rmnmarit en as old lag mh scad the laagt elsla ef snow between this blstfc traaa fh vtsta wo cleareot ana eaoci arttfidal la its restraint ef cease- and rt rtj bajwapaoas evanc uttl doc baety nut tack and forth touowg thle trail ted rtfishy k bursna of rab bit h was ud tar asakt they heard ttj madry to the distance- it was th only sound la tha hiunim jan evans said do yoa re member th last use w war bar y- th ugm waa out of bar i look back tt was haavaa jan rd give anything on oode arts b i wa where i waa than all th blood era trasses from har tee evan y wouldnt passionately you wouldat ftve up those three year to prone he sat wf stm than tee said lee ho i wouldnx tvao though u ha mad ma lose you chapter it mrs follstt had been born in maryland with a tradition of aris tocratic blood it waa this tradi tion which bad upheld her through years of poverty after the civil war a close scanning of the family tree might have disclosed ancestors who had worked with their hand but these mr follette family had chosen to ignore in favor of one grandfather who had held colonial office and who had sine been mag nified into a personage mr toilette during his lifetime had walked a mile each morning to take th train at sherwood park and had walked back a mil each night until at last he had tired of two peripatetic mllea a day and of eight hour at hi desk and of eternally putting on hi dinner coat when there was no one to see snd ilka old baldwin barn ba had laid him down with a will at his death all income stopped and mrs follette had found herself on e somewhat lonely peak of ax- cluslvtness she could not afford to go with her richer neighbors and she refused to consider sherwood seriously now and than however she accepted invitations from old friends and in return offered such simple hospitality as she could af ford without selfconsciousness she had too a sort of admirable courage her ambitions had been wrapped up in her eon what bar father might have been evans was lobe they had scrimped and saved that ha might go to collage end study law than at that first dread ful cry from across the sess he had gone thar had bean long month of fighting be had left her in the flower of his youth a wonderlad with none to match him among his friends he hod come back crushed and broken he whose career lay so close to hi heart could do now no sustained work mentally and physically he must rest he might be years in getting back he would never gat back to gay and gallant boyhood that waa ton forever yet if urs fouettes heart had failed har at times ahe had never shown it she was making tha farm pay tor itself she euppued tha peo ple of sherwood park and surround- hi estate with milk but she never wag la any senssa milk too mustnt say such things i must dont i know you war such an unswaksead uttl thine my dear but i could have waked you and i coat waka you now thsfs my tragedy youll never wake up for m dont- well if tru why not say it rve come bock a imu tha shadow of a man and youre just where i left you only lovelier- more of woman more to ba wor shiped jane a be caught bar hand up tn hi ah hod a sudden finning vision of him aj he had been whan ha last sat wttb bar to th rove the swing of his strong figure hi bar head borrowing gold from th sun th touch of assuranos which bad been so compelling t i never knew that you eared i knew it but not sa i did after your wonderful letter to m over then i fait at i ever came back id move heaven and earth he etopped but i cam back differ ent and i havent any right to say these thing to you im not going to ssy themjane it might spoil our friendship nothing can spoil our friendship evans b laid hi hand on bars tbn you or mine until ornabody come along and claim you thar isnt anybody else ah turned her finger up to meat his so donl worry old dear aha smiled at him but har laahas ware wet hsr hand wa warm to his and she let it stay there and aft er a while she said i have eome- tlmes thought that if tt would main you happy i might might love me yes he shook his bsad i didnt say it for that i just had to have the truth between us and i dont want pity if if i ever nt back tu mak you love me jane there was a hint of hi old masurtul- oss and aha waa thrilled by it sh wilmraw bar band and stood up then rb pray that you get back do you mean it joneyf i mean it evans then pray good and hard my dear for im going to do it they smiled t each other but tt wa a sacred moment the thing they did after that wre rendered unimportant by the hare of enchantment which hung over evans revelation no man can tall a woman that ha loves hsr no woman can listen without a throbbing sans of th magnitude of th thing which haa happened from such beginnings la written tha his tory of humanity deep in a hollow where tha wind had swept up the snow and left the ground bare they found crowfoot in an emerald carpet there were hol ly branches dripping red berries like blood on the white drifts they filled their arms snd at last they ware ready to go evans whistled for rusty but tha little dog did not come hell and us he knows every inch of the wey e but rusty did not find them and they were on tha ridge whan that first awful cry cam to them jane clutched evans what is it oh what is it he swallowed twice before he could speak its rusty on of those steel trap ha was panting now his forehead wet the ne groes put them around tor rab bits- again that freniled cry broke the stillness theyre halllsh things jane began to run in the direction of the sound com on evans oh come quick he stumbled after her at last he caught at bar dress and held her uhs hurt i cant stand it it was drsadful to sa him jan fait as if clutchad by a nightmare stay hare and dont worry tu giwm out-

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