Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 1, 1942, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyfifth year of publication wedomtby july it 1m2 5c a copy 200 a year address of hughes oeavermp before the house last week tfer icjiowin tdlnu taken tram hi nurd u dtl tern in lhr llauw ef ownmrni su oui ut vwt by hal too urmbrr ujgas cjrarr llr huoheb cleavzr briar aflrcuq my rtr on the bcl jcn fa no before uw bouse for second reoiua t thou lk to mil com comments witb referrac to tbtr fcrj- bote nrch ouvrred by th leader of thr ovpoaojo ilr ilnon oo wtoarvuy last 1u md irrbaum from nrapajwrj typrwrutee statr- evni vtucb via haodml out to thr prrt brforr am word of hi type written p9rcb or ttautdrnt u rrd to ibis boutr in lbr cprcung re mark of that fa tchlr this ry rrmarllabir aialrmrol x he urnrd with unditvd trnuon lo lb aprb of lb right boa ouitau this after noon and i caafr l oner hut it irft m cccd i uk boo numbers to ponder lor moment lb tilghiy imajtinallr flits of lb boa mrmbrr bo to lb qairt of hi otd room at lrt to brforr mora ol lb sprrch s ut tered could calmly dictate to hu private wcrrtar the aord which i bar joit read tbr prtmr minister fpweb b utd if rt blm oid ot- tlousi lb chill mou har otcurtrd at least two brforr lb speech of lb prim uiaulrr u uttered so we are left to conjecture h lbr chill on pondrrlns lb problem lbu occurred to mr we all too that lb present cofurrvttlve part in lbr house u goirrned by remou control if that purt of tbr bon mrmbrr speech mtin by lbr ilalit hon arthur r ton undrnund uw dull for br b been itrpt by tbr canadian people and b hi on port in cold storage for a long ion tune hoarcr but wedhrsia afurnoon tu a itry warm afternoon and lbr bon gentleman toon aamxd up lie ibrn inflicted on thia houw some poetry from a muaical comedj think of it at a time when uiu house is discuasing one of lbr moat terioua problems that will coror brforr it dur lag this bar t a umr mtjrn ractal frruntfs run high a thai the brtt iradrnhlp lbr iradrr of tbr opooii- uon can gtr ui llr rrad from comic oprra and he did not rcn rrad it ru th iradrr of tbr oopoajuon went on to announce srudlnjily that hr a coins to tupport this mraaurr but br terved warning that br would prraa for the immrdlate tmpoaitlon of con- acrtpuon llr wrnt on to poar fun at and to belittle and muifprrwrn the land of our war leader a man who iras elected prime minister of this country wilh the largest maorli err accorded to any prime minister in our hutory in conclulon he made tatemenu rcttardlng canada war effort that i fee ure he 1u br a- hamed of before he la much older llmen to this on canada t war ef fort and nobody knows better thou the leader of the opposition what a magnificent war effort this country t making i quote from hansard page 9534 shall be the prime minis ttr insist that we continue with inter minable detours to victory that 14 what we hove had for thirtytwo mon ths shall he irulst the prime miniate r again that we plod wrartly along a wind ing and unllghted road in the pious hope that somehow some time some where we may grope stumble and flounder into the open light of vic tory x ask ban members is this a fair comment on canadas war eftortt it is rot the duty of any hon member of this house to mike such slighting atatementa regarding canadas war effort much leas the duty of the lead er of a loyal opposition no one knows better than he the wonderful war effort this country la making and as x listened to those words i just wondered what ocneral mcnaughton and hl gallant men overseas would htnk of that description that gross lander if you will of canadas war effort x wondered how the boys in our twentyfive odd air squadrona over seas would feel when they heard canadas war effort being described as a atumhltnff floundering effort and what about the boys in the con- adlan navy engaged in constant con voy duty on the atlantic how would they like to have canadas war effort their war effort described and mallgnej in that fashion do they bell that we ore plodding wearily along- an unllghted road tn the pious hope that wo may stumble into the pen light of vlotory then commg to the industrial production of can ada how will h r mcmillan the friend of tho leader of the opposi tion and the forty odd thousand men engaged in tho ahlpbuldlns program take a statement or that kind in re gard to canadas war effort and what aocjt ralph bell and the hun dred thousand odd canadians who this year will be engaged in building aircraft for victory how will they take that sort of description of can adas war effort will they think it is fair criticism x could go across the entire picture of canadas war effort and challenge the leader of the opposition to name one person engag ed in that effort who would dream of making such statements in the light or these comments x wont to read again just what the bon leader of the opposition did state at page 3u4 of hansard hvohxt curves mt hatuftv gj al ottawa ohjli be iniiit that wr continue with tntmninabir drioun to vic tory that u what wr rune had for thirtytwo months u that on horutot itatrmrnt ah ail be lruost that we pod rarlj aiong a winding and un uxhtrd road in the piout hope that somehow tome time scene- where wr tni gropr tumble and aoundrr into the open light of coryt then lbr leader of the opposition irorn on to ny that what wr nerd to day la canada is courafvou national irudrrahlp i now ask him a pointed quruon what rt of national uod rrshjp has he been giving lu iu hr donr anything- to improve canada war morale has be done un thing to iniptne in the htarts of canadian jinde in the war effort wruch thl country is making coming no to his stand on the othrr qurttlon that of conscription for oven a service i bhould like lo quote brvrral rurthrr extracts from the perch delivered by the hon gentle man lat wrdnrtmla at page 3631 of hansard tbr bon grntirman tmld we cannot have loal war with out unlimited selective national aervlce and again as in the pat m position to day is that a full allout wur ef fort on the purt of canada l possible only if all the material resources and manpowtr o tlu nation are fully mobilized with out restrictions of any kind keep in mind thote words as in the past and again i quote uhall he insist that wr continue with interminable detours to vic tory 7 that is what we hove had for thirtytwo months i think a fair summary of the quo tation t have juit read mr sneaker would be this the leader of the op position utiia the house we cannot have a total war effort without con scription for overseas service i have believed ir conscription for oversea service all along i think that would be a fair summary of the statements mr homuth not very mr cluavlur well i cspectrd to hear from my hon friend i have been dlappointcd that he has been quiet for so long now let w look at tnc rrcord and see whether it sub- manuates the statement of the hon gentleman before doing so however i hhould like to say with all the vehemence at my command that i sincerely believe that a majority of the people of canada still feel that this country will make a better war effort and will raise better armed for ce under the voluntary sytem than under conwrlptlon and that conscrip tion should be resorted to only when when all else has rolled now let us look al the record of the leader of the opposition and see whether he has been in favour of conscription durtwr all three thirtytwo months of alleged de touring i say at once that the record conclusively proves that he 1a either a new convert or that he did not hove the courage of his convic tions and old not voice them just a few months ago the leader of the op position ftpolce at the head of the lakes and is reported in the port arthur newschronicle of august ft last as follows itonourable r b hanson na tional conservative leader told a luncheon meeting of lake head and district supporters at the royal edward hotel yesterday he was not sure that public opinion is ready for a declaration for allout na tional service he was not sure it will be noted that at that meeting he was spooking to his own supporters did this great national leader tell his own supporters that this country could not have an allout war effort without conscrip tion for overseas service ihd he tell them that he had always been in favour of conscription for overseas ser vice no instead of that what did he tell them he sold he was not sure that public oplrilon was ready thon later in the year he spoke in toronto ogam to a group of his own supporters the albany dub he is continued on page a mr efettfui cowdy rtttwts importat we cocixratuiatr mr rhaiv ix oowdy too of hi wm ood ot umtfeoutr who bas recrcuy been ap- pcuunl uaxiaxrr of the ivsjjruj post hr rammraafid hi cuver cm the tff of the pcai in 1s3 and junor 10x3 ha brro usuar uan- 4r l usitioo lo his weerw tn the butlnras wcvkl doug has been as sociated in man loiortaiu publc actiiium djjiag hi rrtdmc in to nxiw lit u l djvoto of the nvotial auan lion of canadian ctjjb and irtl a firtt tkvpfttidtni of u turuulo cwnadian clot in lfus0 he u a member vt ue boaud of cmt innr cirtt cpratro by ccntfai vu ca turocto and aho brkiao to lb naoulij ctjt the advrrtuing and hair clib uf tuuito abd to tbr oanadsn and ktcjwr out hr u a mrtnbrr of lbr raiua of timothy talon urrnortal chujrh trsfic death ovtneu tbr rrpui ol the corrjnanii tt erunmlro tu slik wliuitn k rknitii ho li s itceived ne of hrr broctrr death wrrutt on jonr 2ikj tbr umu itdil uf a mojorvcje a- rtdent ural chsrlrt v itrrwjn ijh of sir and mr lunr itrtkcxi ai born lit limmoo in ib 16 hr attended ununpon tibrlboumr utrtrutlur and oakviue if jtoou upon gridumtumi from toronto nctrmal hr tauiht ikib- lie hfiiool for er at culeriiui uiwi newtctt itollnson it lhrn en roiled at queen unlvrrtity and tftaduaud ji u 1m1 taking honor in iulo lie was a mrmbrr of uir muutuc uxur at utrrruvuir hr look ihr oclcrrs ttwinluk ckjim h ilrocamllr and went ovrr-a- in o- toor im1 iittahrd lo ihr 2nd cn dv amn g no co itcamc he irave to moum his luv hln mo ther und father in burcv uir und brothers prrd of wlnnlprr bordtn und herbert tori uvule and h lt r luarguieti ur w p hmltli ol v 04h miss e udwmfs wed at st altais cttardi at alban chorcb of engund girn william tu tbr setting for a quiet wtdding lsxt atunly aflrr- txu wbeo itr woo thoscp ton uruud y- txj dsahur of ur arid xut cnarva lc3idr cj tmorgrtow n ar3 it6r rt j kec le r ci ol thr late us and ur j h rtler km tn txiy marjnony 11 alma tlcenrrj pi rl ut w rddir the bride gltn in majriajr b hrr fatirr a ciiarmln ui a powdrr war liitxt tnt1 lftilh 0ira with wtut uk tlr borr a cortor of lljllrroy ivun u doru kxirr of knn ter vt ur tujn ue bid uttrtmlnt tium a tuqjc4 bjjr crrv dirr wliitr acerwmwirft and a urmr of ltrlrmu rinr tttm lidr twojier of ue brde j tni n a rrctjtwt tut laid at lhr bridra lomr alrrr sir lovtdtir ircrlrd auittrd by un u llerry of lrm alut a uvirt wldirg np the cojpie aiu mke tbr i tkurnr ln liw ltn dis trict rtc loltt own wtatiilh m vn if the bun cm kjtlirr forexss uiit1n ou deni i b upv i for lh n orr alawj old il and prowrbn lo uutdr jxj und winr of thrm arr rrall good hcience ilobrrt v pot ter bcjencr liltof poinu out in the american wrrklv iti ihii bund a a july si issue ol tx d troll iunda timr br hurr u net the detroit sunday ttmr thlv erk and eir week 8rnd om cp in rarl and make swrt of having it inirted in tin- cur rent lvtue ida mckine bride ef tev ah mcmillan a jurtt artiduirf a iairmnuj liaturday afumoon at uu huar ol ur bftd brounr a ii uckajie ronrevowtx when idj kathnn lc kafir wa mjiuxl to itevrrmd altrrd norman udchan ttr bride u u daurther of mr and siif jame a mr kane uroitiiurwn nd die groom 1- tlu vnn of the late- mr and mr tliuih m mluaii 1 rorvnli tail standards ui blix djjiliilun im blovajnu und fern lormrd the back- trurid fot tlm ii inon mhlcji was t ifuimixl b itrvt und artliur l8 ol i l in tiuiil b h r father tjt b u i tmino n hiu i jfdl lailr u llb llnt vlll caught aith u lit lo ut m 4 s jnd c am tl 1 a vlldl bouq r o ihi mli r ro b i anlia and bt a bn tji mlv mai ai x- ulml r vts brili vjii nd utd wo i k kfrn of k blui tifli hh i ainil a ravaiir bogjit ol uii am iu iui inaujiiiif iwiddri murra mcmluuli av h lnjt h l man mi a lh f truth andi r on roijn of lir briiii iliil ji uixldnn dir und during h mknmk r tjir nvin i mn rraiici tliomirji tans o per- ft um mrs mtkiini moimi in a tltit ol navy blue sjki r aitit white artt-tr- rt uod ton a ornitki of pink unit while cur nations tuir woa aulsted by ml jxmi mcmillan uunt of the urtxrn attlrtxl in back ucr with a corner nf a hiu ctniallonn tlic brldr uu riled in j duvi ol new tw mlk rre wllb nav fingertip cout und rav ux c sole upon their rrtum hrrrml und mn- mcmillan will re- nldr ut calexlonla tliin dm ktoom is minister of the presbyterian church mary cummins competes br united states championship mis mary cummlnga fports career uidwv for ocean city nj to eom- at oeorgetoun huih school when she pete for the united statt chumplon- won the oirls aihelnlc cluimploiwilp ship she 1h uke part ln the 100 rvtiy year she wa there has not yard duih and iu also run on uie been allowel to fade into the back- lnunl lieu tram tluy will arrive ground of her life since leaving school in atlantic city on thursday and on she has been going down to toron- i saturday will compete in the chom- to once a work for quite some time plonshlia at orian city after the and since they started outdoor imln ing twice weekly to train with the laurel ladies athletic club in to ronto durlrut her mrlod of training with them mary hah attended and com pe tod in many meets and has won several medals and ribbons for the 100 yard dash on thursday of this week mary 1m leave toronto with the laurel competition i over they will leave for new york city to take in a few of the altthta before returning home on monday the laurel ladles have u heavy comiwtltlvc schedule berorc them in canada this summer they will run in the police oamr io lor the ontario chaniptonnhlp were rooting for you mary best of luckl georgetown public school 2adlketcfubt ktftacfb h edwards weds diosum lumiltoo tbr borne of mr and mrs jcrfn canton cailsg- hji ita thr auiiaj for a prrtty crre- mwi cxt h4onii then utr daugh- ur uito jane lluujrth calughan wsj rrumtxj to hafkdlieulrtulni ktniirui ii ijhju itcoc son of mr mi h1 ui k ltu cdwaid of tvrvuo cwpuin itr vtmaj nor man i la orhruul and a stnng qawrtetu iid lhr knldlng muic olun in aitttutr by hrr father vr bridr or fvmii vt itcry llru ul iniiissir iatr oirr uviin made on pniicw liit lt r vw vril hrid lth a mary tituart txadditatat she ramrd fim crt pra and pink ore hid ui cil itunrr malrun of rtoticr jr iu pink chiffon matrhmtf hraddrtu jm3 can ird puik a bi ar cornfvnrr thr bowr ctrl mica haiainr lr niece of uw rfide worr a kale oiinw flock ol rou- point drijt with flowrr ln fur fittlj uid earned a nenrgsy of omnowrr the gruomunan wa sroodlleiilrnajil urucr duniop r coc thr cojpir j1 live ln london home hurting class itaiive diplomas the home nursing ciam of tlw ut john ambulance association held a supper meeting at the legion iuu on pnda lujtht june jttb after a v r i noubi kuimt rrvrd by the uuhun wa mli jean mat ckr rule tstmintv tillid the mi tinu t rd r aftir the uw to uir kink mr c jtari iioikjt4d a taut to the bt john ajnbilitui arlatlon strtu- inj tji fni th tin avsuriauon hal aiut- umjd tin iirrpajednera a lee- son which wr utt jual beginning to valu al tin piejin mr mcklbbln us liutsl hwaliii hn mkuu lo um tist kiiiunn in that the ordrr of h joim an uir drat organiiaiaon to mum f iintj m tin bitijrtd id and uirtmivhoat it long hutory had aorked lo relieve luflerlng or willunis anil mr olrcve thin prritt4d lh ifttfitjh tu tlm mic- uvslu tandidat each speaking brefly oil thi iiiihk tance ol pirm aiu work on bchall of tin nursuij clas unl ik brliadr mrs w it ander son and mivs lun 1 ljle prrsentid iils u m oriiw und lr williams in iippiccjittion ol u intra time and illul thr have ii l aiui hr clash mu marha oratiom then presented klfts to tuo briiii of die nrlgade mrs w it andirson und mr v miarim und our uridt tobe mis amy onrnwoud tlic evening closed with tin singing of auld lung tiyne the cmnmltiee in charge of this en- j3ube event sa miss a hlckey mr i w h andrraon mrf jones and mivs maniaret leslie and the pianist was mivs jean ituddrll thaw receiving pendant were mlssca uolcne mckncry evelyn shore lois crlppj charlotte mccullough amy orcenaood mortiia orutiam marion rvr grave ann itlokey janet fclugall jtan mackenzie mrs hill mrs u brill mr o oulcvct mrs w h anderson sirs v sharpe thoso rccclvliia diplomas were mlsmt- mary walhon marie wucox cuthrrltu hill alice coatlgan jean huddeli marlon williamson peggy- adams helen dolg helen mccalg icthel ualle mnnraret leslie sarah bllck kauilren uuck kuby laird margaret culn mn cole mrs smith mn mlno mrs 8 o ins berg mrs c haycn mrs armstrong mrs jones list el promotion pouow-ng- u lbe tau of promouonj at lhe oorgrown putje school oftadc i to orade hiloo jifb- mie stack joan pvddr jane ousarr cmrtt korwu bobue locu jane milne sandra bjiaw dorothy wu his specialty is heavy artillery ever nun in canadas amy la a operative plan ol attack on ahort force with which they may be ooitv peclallat in lrtst one branch of military praetloe bseauas officers of all training centres are drawn from many arms of the service soldiers are familiar with use functions of the other branches prepared for any co- notice at petawawa for instance artillerymen like the resolute chap set- tine his gunslghts in the above photo graph are prepared for cooperation with infantry royal canadian air force the tank corps and any other blned in an operation at every camp in canadas network of training centres the program is proceeding building a striking force which every day grows fn site and strength iw- llxnr armhuvos uh1b ajtxmkxif- uajitc luadd brtty boo lku itoruiid nmo n cuibiu fluf cvry oriu co aura otrtsf iwtly uxi oavu cluiliw daru john dobfrty usruu rrnmrrson iluy pui ooiv lumnjton dttnny arutur ucckjji trrrrncr norton lloruld wuiixr 111 ra krcito ua- ui ihf donn tlkiropttcn uju ttici kihh tuh ynncit wtl- rr jm wlnlvu oiiadc n to oraoe itilton jnqucunr ltruman1 iurtr floyta 0tfir conn davtd dofair joan lau nut iluy uucbnnuk oorg sir- cjulr norm otnry iv alixn luliry paul luibrr ann iu tvmiw bluod ja ikxulu ilroca ilruurr print cu- ut luililr cuy ruth dlqon joan dauur lumlry dutrtnr dauxr rvrry durld toro lurum orcc joul lurrtoti joycr lurrtnflon rfgat llill jrk llullrr daroutr lnr jan lutty dab tlcoul iblty ujdlr oao- id ikiklman hot blmton uiat lilirvlitrii junr ann thamnuxi pau- iln tjr aun wurr lurbrrt wldkrr rtorc wralon ooaoc iii looiladc iv hon litd djrbrr dvid dowmsji joan mrullry donald oofrll ann crabtr- juivi ford corry llrrrtntoo cyrus wlltaji luri wjllr pa ptmnk anorrion usry jane arrold pitr lurtrr ear derrmaa jrn unjrll brrt carry marujm chapln lirtty clar ovmdouno dul llhlllry dotjblr dllhr donrrty jim puow isarl olacrr oordoo lurdmn illulr ii1u dobsre her- nnitton bujtr hlulrr dorrn hornby dnny lorttxnn jon ph luth john mrkjbbn ornild morro- mart roe nob llokrr kalhlrn huxkjry drao ttlomon djdd varr annlr vlrtan alun txtrr fjirl aldtll oiladi tv to oradt v ilonv donald djitu akwrt carur uarearei uoldin donald hiunbrntonr xlolrm krlly krllh klnx joan tuck ohlr- ii- thomnfton darl walter pav e3i nor anthony uamaret llradr joun campbril jran colman kathrrn coi junior oracr dfaftle llulry donuld llrmntrton dllll htmltt inn huftman buddy hd jovih uoruuo drnu uocortney jose mcmillan john nodwrll dtng- las norton wrmry our gloria puinto rom ptrfttoo alfrrd pmo iwllc trnnint jack thompson ron ald vlvlan orade v to oradevt hon ruut drandlord donald drill joan ruck manon dlcklr landa ouubrrg patunr hrrnnirton marlf irulma nty klnu prcey mulr krlth thompson puv diuy arnold dobby boulklll nilly duuliant bftty conn thomas connrly rom diuon xjorralne rsnmrnioii oconic parmer albrrt ford jamrs ooldrn james olaxlrr john hrtdmann june llllller paul hllta kenneth mendhara rosa nor ton dorothy olney oeorfre rosero john tyrrs mariraret wardlaw oerard wlloo- mamaret young orade vi to orade vh hon nanc dron josephine cox bhlrlry harrlaon douffus madaren doris roberta kathleen thompson paaamary appleyard joyce bedell audrey becrman oordon clark maniarrt oonnely bulle frnmeron rulh olailcr dorta hllta beatrice hllta keith huffman etale rulme keith llulme sylvia larrunan wesley macleuan alice murphy albert nor ton ralph peck cecil millar marl ritchie claude reld margaret bar- rent roaa bykca leonard tennanu blule thompton emery thompson grace walters mary wood john whitney tereaa wuoax orade vn to grade vth hon clare bums june oofell beth oon nely virginia chapman grace olsll- ouly hoare douglas latimer david williams pass ronald bailey ross boyls dolores broomhead philip carney bernard olucvct joseph oulevet olen globs ingeborg hauptmann eleanor ilyde ethel james irene king joan lyon ally mfitmnsm helen mcoul shirley muokart june shepherd violet shepherd hugh wylle o asterisks in front of noma means recommended a the weather by h l kutt at last one whole week without drop of ram and the mercury climbing u- into the eighties it be gins to feel more like the good old summer time and wont the far mers rejoice that they can at last out hay with some assurance they may get it dried and in the bam without spaa ing following are the local records for the week date h and i temp tues june 33 69 tt t wed june 34 60 thurs june 36 71 tt brl june m 74 47 bat june h 76 tt sun june 96 m 51 i june 30 61 65 i

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