Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 1, 1942, p. 3

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the george herald wtaatttlay july irt 1942 imjtovfd unifocm intetnational sunday i chool lesson fieitaa ft july 8 ooo nx cueasos lbmom mroaai 1 1 1 1 ooldksi taatt u t thm ort am til tu ittitt tae ta omwaii what u to baoome of tttla wertdt that if th cpjmtloo oa th mind end up of everyone aa they all mnmnd egsjad ta ctruula which hid fair to wipe out every thing called ctvuliatloa la each a urn hi sod to remind eursrva that mas did not make thla world dot la it th product el natural fore cod mad tl god who la euroal tannic taowtog ao cram the baftnalng la not moved by the impulse of th moment dot staggered by tha cataa- troph of a day lie mad tha world lie mad man ii had a clan for tham and rull ha a plan which la du aajoa it arm work out for hi own lory l cad had ta baa aaj rartk w 14 m- tha plalo biblical account of cra- atlon in th beginning ood land aa dignlnxl aauatactory intelligent explanation of th origin of thing and la bold cootrart to th confuting and almott untmllev- abl thaorle of men tha beat of adrntirta admit that thy know nothing of th origin of things and aom even conf that thy never will know tha anwr to tha query with which every hu man philosophy open la the af- srmauoo with which tha divine ac count in geseela opens in the be ginning ood bpaca forbids full discussion of the account of creation but a study ot it will reveal its besuuful order symmetry and ccmpltnes sci ence when it gets beyond theories to feci find them confirmed by scripture pleas do not reverse that and speak of science confirming scripture if my watch does not agree with the time of the stars it is the watch that must be reset a ood ued hu ta bis oa imsg vv zs30 although msn under the control of satan doea not give much ground for tha observation it is neverthe less true that he waa made in the likeness and image of god because that la true we never give up hope for him that image no matter how deeply defaced by sin still may be touched by redeeming grace and restored to fellowship with god the likeness and image ot god in man undoubtedly refers to a moral and spiritual likeness man la a living soul with intelligence feel ing and will power he la a moral being knowing the difference be tween right and wrong be la a selfconscious personal being to man god gave doirunlon over the earth and ail its potential pow ers sometlmea one haa been hope ful that man waa making good prog ress in the development of tha eartha resources for his own good and the glory of god but one is almost tempted to conclude now that he haa used this great godgiven opportunity only for destruction and death only a revival of real chris tianity can bring him back to his senses let us pray and work or it obacrvc thot the family was es tablished as the center of mans life on earth as god gave him a help meet unto him woman was taken not out of mans head that she should rule over him nor out ot his feet to be trampled upon but out of his side to be equal with htm under his arm to be pro tected by him and near his heart to be loved by him matthew hen ry the decay of family lite and the substitution of social or civic units as the basis of life have led to dis astrous results not only do wo need a revival of religion we also need a revival of the home life of the notion iii gada creation waa com plete and good 131 ji when mon do recognize the hand of god in creation they all too often seem to feel that what ho mode waa very limited and detective it would almost seem that god ought to be grateful that man has been so clever about perfecting hli work developing it and making it useful as a mottor of fact god who had all knowledge and whose standards are higher than mans standards could possibly be looked over his creation and behold it was very good v 31 it was a finished job 21 han has destroyed much of its beauty sin como in and marred the wholo creation what mans in ventive cleverness has developed of use possibilities of this world is only a minute fraction of what la yet available instead of boasting man might well be ashamed of the pathetic slowness with which ha has r gods thoughts after him instead of lighting and destroy ing ha ought to give his energies to building developing and above all to loving ood with all hla heart and hli neighbor aa himself matt u mo thla u gods first and great commandment to you and to me hughes cleaver addresses house continued from feje quoted la tbe toronto ttinmxa j i hope he will not accuse th tvl- tnm of m him of october lux whit did be say this boa frtutlrsian who now my we cannot have an u out wu effort rtthom rcomcripttad and that he hu always cttortd conirrtfuioo tor omfmit here 1 what he told bis own suppor- ur m that ttzo i have bn uiwjed to declare for conscription of manpowft what voum happrn if i did txnmrdj atcly th oonserveuve party in paruamrni caurd cofucrtptlon to ka maixhrad wed consolidate all thocg forcae that have been oo- poud to ui they would w marahallad afalnat ua borne will duasrre with this wrw i haw ttudird it from rwry ancle if it were put to a pouclte x donl know what would happen i with jou could ww the letters x have received letters from mothers who didnt ralaa thetr boy to be a sol dier kerr we have the nations lradrr of thr ocnsrrreuf party who lah wed nraday evpreeued in this houi thr views 1 have quoted cpraalng to ht own tupporters in the city ol toron to irta than etfht month jo ekd he uu thrta we cannot have a total vir effort without coruarripuon no lie toid them h would not be pouu- rally vise lie lold them he had re- ceitd utter irom mother ho did not raue their boys to be tckllrra dut 1 want to be fair to the hon senue man it u quite atthln the mlm ol portability that he did not compat i that wrlurn tprrch that waa irad to the houe if the hrh wa lrupu rd by toronto 1 brii of him to ill thoae irnllecnen in toronto the rrai time hr feta advice from thetn to sri thravrlvts elected by popular oir nd then come to thu houtr and nulr thetr own apeechet there srr tmo coruuiuendea vacant right now one of which la wlnnlpeti north centre nd the other griarlvou4iairurnay mr itaiuuo dan forth x do not think the hon member haa a righl to atatume that thli meaajrr came from toronto and then to quote from thr tneuatf aa having come from to ronto mr cixaveh 1 i4ould havr brn i vurprued if the hon member for i don forth had not obrted komotr i i bhau have a llttlr of homcthlrm for i him in a moment or to lrobubl i hr will net up and niurr it mr i ian hon yorksunbury mr tipeaker on a qurtion of pruilryr i deny abbolutely that nnbod but m trlf wrote thai pweh or that it ui in43lred from an quarter thlft joun man nou fpeakina la dravlng on hj i imaulnauon one which u much too fcrtuc what hr haa naid ahould be vwithdraan i mr cleavul x accrpt the hon mt mbrr o explanation i houm likr nw to rirul ith nnotrm r point i uojct htrrnuoubly to thr onranlzrd rf- tori btinti mad in this country to inlsrtprtcnt uic whole situation and to licht racial flra in three edi torial this car the toronto olobr iind mall hoaitatcd that the promw male by ubcrala und conwrvatlvc alike in the 11h0 election waa mode purrly to oppcase quebec rortun- uttly through our newspaptra we huc u rtcord of uhat happened in the past aa wr know before the election the political partu j ad t rtlied tht ir platfoim and tht y rtuud tn udw r- tlsmenta what they mood for thow late men ts were made to attract otcit i hold in my hand a full prc adver- tlmment appeartntt in the toronto teickram the day before the lection tote this adiertlement was pon- sored by the national oovt rnnunt hi udquarlcrn l ivdlnn up to this there crc three uujtr otlw rtwmenti little fuecolumn dlsplays to at tract thr nttenjon of the people so that thiy would finally fcc the rt ul nd i rtlcmcnt i shall uad tlw one of thrive teawr advertbtmenta hlch rnpand on march 20 vote for theftc national ooern- ment candidates in toronto rid- intra parkduc doctor llerbtrt a ilruce davenport john it mucnlcol bruadvlem t l church uanforh j ii harris the linn mtmber who inu rrupled a moment oro then follows a com plete list or every national govern mint candidate in toronto at that time that teoftcr udvtrttcment ap- learcd in the wues of march 0 j3 and 25 then followed the urand finale x have made inquiries und i find that thin advcrtlserm nt would tcost between 400 and v00 so unit hhy were not foollnu tliey really i meant it i this advertlstment bcrlrus wlui the words manlon the fan and con- unucs natlonul tiovernment or liberal party which doeu canada want ttun follow the plonkh of the plat form one ot which reads i am against conscription x ublc the hon mimbcr for dunforth mr harrb who interrupted u few momenta neo and every other conservative member from toronto did these hon mem- bent contribute their bharo of the 400 or 500 to publish thoao advcrtltcmcnus in the toronto tclcbtam telllns the people of that city that they were op- ikxsed to concrlptlon did they do that just to appease quebec mr harris danforth if the hon member wishes an answer as to who paid i can hwo it it is a simple one of only two or three words it is none of your business mr ole aver i thank the hon member for danforth and i agree that is the only answer he could give me that promts wu made on prac tically every political platform across canada it was not made solely to please or appease quebec it was made because wo all believed that this country would make a better war ef fort would raise a better army per haps under the voluntary system than we could ever have raised under on- sorption besides that we had had a very urisausfaotory and bitter ex- perietiee with conacriptlon at the time ol the last war the bill now before us for aeoond reading has for its purpote th re moval of territorial rirtcuonj tn rrrrciv with tha wvl rendered by men rabed under tha national re source mrjuhrtttnn act the piebu- die ou waa oaiird to permit the paoplr of osnads to releaxe not only the tjowrnaent but every hoa metb- ber tn the house from pramlsre which moat of us had erven to the effect that roojctlpuoo would oeer be enforced for serrlot overseas- asveryooe now reallaea that the prrarat war may be a wry lon one cvecu move rapid ly the urn may come wheq volun tary recrulunt will dry vp no one knows what win happen it la only a matter of food butunea ludxment to come back to the people and in the llgtrt of existing cucumtanca azk for releaar from the pudie during the oxbate in the houe on the plfsbuclle and throughout the campaign tn the courrtry the plrdgr waa flvrn by the leader of the op position that thu waa not a vot lor ccavcrtptlon i read now an eatact from hla tvpeech outered over the national radio drtboik on april 30 this piefcurlte it almply to gitr the covrmment and mr king tr- iraae from a commit mrnt not to enlut men for ovrrtraa wrvvcr by ccnpulory mrthodt tht pri marily u the onl luur invohed bnphaucauy it u not in thu prrlf oe an lutur for or aualiut compuuory terrlce for ovrrura it la merely a iot to rrtr or tr- fuir to relevuar tr king from a prcrlrction plrdur cocirludlrikt ur aprh ik uid you are not rallrd upon by uiu plhjucite to dwlarr for or agalrut conbctlptlon for ourviu tarrvlcr that ma ootne it dot- not fol- loa from thla pjrtolltr not thoae word it doe not fol low from thla publaclte let u no analb4 tht- otr there were 3931300 lio oted to and 1 608 600 aho voted no at pme u36 of llanurd the leader of the opposition l rrponrd in tlrrtve unda wr labouird unitedly to achlie an amrmaue rrault and attain and 1 brut r e contributed mlhtll to lh icult tht fcow mmtnt did lurwlr tht rovrrnmrnt trave a mrrular oauranrr to um- ptopv that thu tut rot a vo of conscription th irimr ministt r coupled with imt the definite uur- esiatat let u analyae for a cacment lbs one and only reason which u advanc ed by anyone in favour of eonacritv tlort i have yet to hear any member of the house auext that the volun tary tyetexn is not railing the men nurtured for our military pkagramme i have yet to hear any serious cnu- cum of canadaa mtlttary program no one knows better than th ulnl- ater of nauoul dfic tur raulon what that program ahould be oo pvniary 10 of this year the mlniiier outhned canada rwjulnmenia for the following fifteen month lie toid ua that we would nd 70000 to iojooo men for the air force ujq0o men for the navy and from 60000 to iqojooo men for the army that were the requtrrmenta for the period january 1 164 to uarth 31 itt wr hav raurd already by volontary entolmrnt over aojooo of ihotr men it la quiu obvious therefore that our military requirement 1u be met by volun tary enlistment month befoer we nerd them ctn the olobe and uall tn a recent editorial admitted that voluntary rerrulung t taking care of our military prctgrwmme it said the real ant amen of the in diriment agalrut tike voluntary trtn ur in the unfaimrta of it incldtncr it lk not thai ihrrr lv any lhortar ot voiuntar rnliktmenu it b that r hie not equmty f wrve 1 do no brtetr tlui the pivent cunpalgn lor coximrrlptloo wu iruututrd b uio- v hunrtl brllee in etn- crpn n 1 brlirtr it 1 purely poll utatl it it chrrtvettr i cannot mr tltx o uuna il the bojrrr frum huh thr pftunt raunparn ttarted you unnot rotrct 6uoou0oo0 rj muni of the income lu a ir tmt done in twrhr month luout tit ad- ing un mxnronr tor iinn ue lavrt ur lr thn iiooujoijo in in- toc av m aj collected under the iieruanil nuriitmint vtyi would lhr nvt unt national twrnmrnt the oil j way to url natlonul ktnern- mrnt iv to ad orate coruriipuon rhrrr are tame dfmruntlrd polltl- fljiu in thu conn to who woud tutce canada war rftort oe do an- thinu to vum uatir own hrlfirji im1i if on one could convince m that cjuwriitluu would itud to tquullty ot wnur i would udi rrviw my tw i think cne riamplr 1 ervoukh o picvr huw i1umo the trim jull- t 1 m rvier iv lurink the lat wrea an wlr lorrt utnerr a bu from nij conmiuni wiii npornd mluuig alur a raid uvtr orrman mr waj u bruiht h4iith ctn lav inn bo who had been a lrdrr in r porta ut hlh mhool url who hud ktuduatrd in o i culture fruni ua out iph uttrlcultur ance thjtt eonwrrlptlon would not br cojif r enlkbud ln the air force enforced until it could b ilimontrat- qualified a u puol und wtni ovtr- ed that it wa nrcevir on top of mus u j rnonuii uo lat eai thut prattlcall rin pruate mtmur y iustxl as mnii 1 ok of lhl liouse cumpaujtxd lui own rid l lo 1 ih mirnflor of thb ing for a ra vote 1 pok at ttum j man in ue health on enr rul mrctlrua ui m ndlny and i nt out c ht inc uun on hie othtr fjde circular it ltrn rvnrd not only by jrt ou lnr rcntnbution m1e b hi myorir but b th defeated coiim-na- i nun in cun tiu i do not cart if the candidate which atkrd the otth iie tjrk iwnt houri a da in a fac to vote r and hlch asurtd uitir tj iio nol far h min ul hlv that they wert not ounu for con- s wut- lor war purkftes i hcrtptlon uo ot tan what ht d jil burl- if ln uie final unalm tht total ef- j ls conhwrub to thr rcrl- total ef fect of all that the total weight of lic is not fut of th uuib lad who avt hi- ur lhc lhc tlvtreart suikrlcalutwho drum up ettfht of the uural part and u peronal influence of all mrmbcra of uils housi if th it combined t flort caued onl 700 000 iotcn to ott yv who would oihcrwlsc have ot- ed no tl n the pltblhcite would tiualny ol ttin js un urumtnt ti u tit r iu iry to dlm rt rttiuh can- id a from the war t hort i say to tlitni rorti t about equality ol m r- met tin rt is im mrli thin i hat htard other iwopli wiy ul ia uidu and m t on oii t t r ht ar have ben drfeatetl had it not betn i zjviirli oil jttmh ci for the assurance wliich war kitn go t say to those who would llrhtl brush usldt uils us urancr tlilnk well before tallrjnk that way any rnott i could hardl believe my ear whtn i beard the uadtr of thi otiorition ut dare sa27 tmte in the houm- last wcdneday any effort to ma lie it ap pear that the ararmutivc vote was nothing more than a n it a of tin koh mmtnt ami of parllammt ls no facltiit tht fact on april 20 he tald that it was men ly a ot to n lea- the prime minister from hls prt- ekctlon plrdre and on june 10 itss than two months afttrwards he said i if ou fnsldtr the vote anythlni more than a rtltnse you are not i facliik the facts did you mr t such a rlulu about fate in hss than i two months i mltkim to my hon frlttid that the outstanding rtason why the conservatlvt party dots not hold tht public confldt tui ukii le thal the do nol kttp their prnmlsi purtlur i ay that this last tplsode prows ronelil4vt ly to me thut tin do not evxn inttnd to kttp tin ir pio tnlseswlun uiey niuke thtm com in i to my own vliw on ton- mrlptlon i wish to admit rankly that uie vote m qui lite was a trt at mir- prlse and a hit it r tllsappointiii nt to me nrverthtli vs tht taking of tht pleblsuu lius strvttl u useiul purit und has bet n of urt at usslstunce in the final solution of the prtibuni in thut it has clearly lndlcaud jum what is our problem whether we like it or not lrrtsectte of who in to blume for the felling lrresptstive of the cuuse we in canada are faced today with the luct thut 80 per ct nt of our ivenchcunadlun population arc bitterly opposed to cunscrlpllon for ovcrtteas service until it can be demonatruted to uicm thut it 1 nec- cswiry thin betnu so it is quite tip- parent to mo that nothlnu but harm could ensue to canadaa wur effort were wo to atumpt to impose con- ucrlptlon at the present time before it is necessary up to date french canada haa come atoner the full mile with ua on a voluntary basts wo have had over 70000 rocrults from quebec for ser vice anywhere in the world quebec has borve over tho top with the red cross campaign the victory loan cam paigns the war service and every other war campaign that has been put on on top of that the production of war equipment and war supplies ln quebec is equal to the production of any province in the country if any lion member doubts that statement x ask him to visit the gun plant ait borel the aircraft plants at montreal and the erest ampbualdlng plants ln the province in the light or all this is tt wis to iinperil all thla voluntary ef fort on the part of onaxuatrer of our populatldttby lmrjoaing conscrip tion before the need for h actually with the war td rurh u recklcs mattmcnt did you iir luai of a hockt ttam klinn a muni uith j in r cnt of its ttam hi th ptiuli box aiiun i ad mit at onct thit ritiuh canadians are tine stt p bthmd those of entllili- hpe iking canada wui retiard to con st riiiioi und wh should tht y not lx f illkid tli i an stronger than m othtr tit s hut what would jou tiink ot a crulm r ctnvo that would s i nni auu frnn j i r rtnt of its fiurihant lilv linply btcaust tln oi eknol an hour slowtr than tin othtr hlih in tht tomoy llu ii is anot iw r jkiint on which i slwj ilil like to touch bt fort i com hide rw fact that ihls whtile tonsciiptlon ukmie his bttn mitkiilfled far beyond t rut import is unotw r piool that is i oiitu ally insplnsl it dms not afltt th air orct nor iui it nfftci fi riv cluat ilritatn notwith- taiul ik llu du that j t is uiult r tuiistunt thrtal of invaslmi htlll holds to tla oluntar sjsttin lor both thr air ituct antl the na thus net pitks miu h limn tlinnntl tlim uiij words ot mine could sptak in la- tour ol thr voluntary msttm ai ii tmiim rptliui tlots not allut tin iill to urlinln or one billion dol- lus unit ol ilatu tanks nuns antl ktruwfls whlih in dollir value ln thru tlmts the total effort or tht country in tht nuk year of the last wti in mill this tountry spt nt ftir all its wai punxists only j43000 and inllnud dollars at that coiisciip- tlnii dots not utlttt our war pollu tion of ftmklstult const rlpi ion does not allct our industrial pukluetlon ol planes limits nuns run lis and the like thlh prukm milliners down to about onefllieth of canada s total wur ef fort betuuse lit the final unalytuh the problem ls just the difference be- tueen the number of men you would raised by thu voluntary process and the number you would mlbe by con- bcrlptlon tliere 1 odd tlioiirtht ln claslnft which i think should be expressed borne day the war will be over when that day comes this country will be faced with a very trying reconhtruc hon period during that period we xcnftuhhfipcaklng people will have to unite with our prcnclispealdng neigh bours ln an endeavour to build a na tlon where life will be worth living should we imperil that end by do ing something now which will need leily antagonise onequarter or our population should we endanger the present wur effort the present sytn pathy of french canada by doing comet ulna just to please conscription 1st toricb i cannot do better than close with the followng words uttered by the leader of the oprjoeibvm on wednes day last as hported in hansard at page 8538 i do not agree at all with that robbw stamp mrani a cu tsy canadas cottoa textile in- duitry is 11 urar ahead of its war pro duction record of 191418 the industry is delivering aboot 216000- 000 yards a year of ajrcraft fabric ammunltloa pouches antigae cloth camooflsge oettiog gud covers parachute rtbhinj pemder bags uniform cloth web arjulpment and other essential materials dominion textile is proud to have a part in ihs we alto wish to report that our plint tmplos ae earning 28 more ikr hour linn in 1039 and e psv fit t ic rmu in taies thsn the totai paid in iiilr o rjur setrraj thounani hhr- dominion textilt company umtteo montreal canada v 0 91 f 19 0 tlle way i look at it i thir my boy cnlihtimloriiihown frrrwill ilrvpot to do without ii lot of tliinrjh iicm ixf n nrcus- toiul to i wouldnt frtl right if i couldnt fio without xoiticthinn too tin- iriiht i mil lt iw to uoru hard and itave my kitihrn my hhoppinp bag my work buhkrt arc thr nrarcht i can get to bin battlcfront rut i can buy war savingh stumptt and lots of them every week ho thut he may have the tools to win anil thatu whut im doingl how about you buy war sarins sramn from iuuilf post offim telephone ajficma department etoree druggiwtt grocera tobacconltte book atorem ami other retail atorea national war flnaruxt gtramlttr us appleauoa of the word but i do agree with the words he said this have you thought thla matter thhhich to the end i ear not i bag or you while there ls set ume topausa and think this thing esest tttroutu x mwaii that ur speaker with all tha ataeertty at my to my fellow entllshspealdng nwnnnw of the houa the boyal csnsdisn army corps troop oiuryhu onmpanlaa tva vtdo trsmportsuon fe tha mlsmlty- lnareaalng the tance ef onarajlah l the set eoldfcr from u to lomh mile a day

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