Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 1, 1942, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wwdy july la 1942 pot officer sell them buy mom tsutt eit tmcii glfimibw flom hmwit hniii fottccosiiitl r dancing i huftoftvillt park vest i wcdomtby a stardy cfttra stays oieaeetiw iw rumim wmsi oordon hockley or pbon brampton t r h buses leave georgetown kabtbocnd to tokonto m em lli en m pa ta4 pm utpn dj pm mm am westbovnd u london hjh u xlljs em 140 pa aftto pa bb 40 pm cf15 pa xfl30 p bsjo pjxl dyloos pm u1j9 pa a it fly except oun it him and uol e dally except bun end hol d fiat bun and itol ato kitchener only to etnvtfoni only jautera dayllgbt oattng time tfaama aad tafmatlee at w b long rests t gray coach lines loot cbmkm of wotnta enttttaritwtj at horn of mttjhmoytr hie closing meeting of the local oouncu of women was held on the beaottful lawn at the home of un it it uoyer on friday afternoon jan utn tin c raye the pretl- diet opened thameettng with tilent prayer tto minute were read and approved the cceretponding secretary read a letter of thank from lira ethrrux- tor ottawa for the 150 victory bond whicii was wot to the general fund u tu alio decided to carry on the collection of soap and linens cor hos pitals several account were paued it m dsrtdsd to make all oeces- tary repair to the wading pool with lira a- it fetter a convenor l five dollar wa toted to the local red cross uls anne btaunton very kindly tnrtted the local oounctl to hare a meeting et her home in august end give the proceed to the soldiers ocenfon fund- thl wa really ap preciated and ula llettl lawaon and lira it- paul were ppotnted a com mittee to look after the arrangement our aural speaker the provincial president of the local oouncu lira f uuiar hsmllton was then intro duced by un luyra ura wller brought very complete report of the provincial end national oouncu con vention held in montreal the next contention will be the 0th anniver sary mrs paul movd a vote of thanks to lira ulllar for coming to the meeting end giving such an tn- interesting xalk tea was served by the hastes ulu ouunton poured tee nd miss kettle levson nd ltra psul srrvrd assist ed by the ulssta mary moycr lots nrllsrn and barber faram ura hayee eiprvased the appreciation of the local council to mia uoyer for rnurnalnlng the council urge red crou shipment the following urge shlpmrnt of knitted goods quilts and british civi lian garments on the last srwlng quota of the oeorvetown red cross hss gone forward to the warehouse in toronto this verk army and air fvevw cemfwta 80 pr socks 3 pr twoway mitts 3 scarvrs 3 pullovers 2 scarvr heasuna cesaferis 8 pr sraman a long locks 10 pr sea boots 43 pr seaman a tocaa 13 turtle nrck sweaters t pr plain mitt ii aro eta scars 4s- mrttuli crrthj ctsikfasg oa quota 10 unit no e consist ing of 1 coat 1 unit 1 blouse 1 pr kslbkera t sweater so diaper 35 ftanltary pad 50 girts drae and panties da pr boys pyjamas da 1 pr boys pyjamas else u 3 pr boy pants da 1 sweater sis i sleeve sweater sis 1 scarf i handkerchief 37 quill i small rg babya knitted outfit met listing of coat bonnet bootee 3 girls tarns knitted 3 baby outfits rmitung of coat bootee i girl outfit sir a of skirt sweater tarn ouuotte blouse bloomer firtt cetnmiifiiaa for cathotk chltdiw tusiuur jun jut tu in import ant day to uve history of iu- jotrpha ptrlih acton and holy cram ptruh ofontrtovn u it wu hint italy communion oundiy at tn oclock th main altar and durd virgin allax vrtr moat ttrtuitllully dtxcrmtm 1u flovrra for tiw occajion tn cantfiferm wlu lurmj candlm on for rach boy and gl1 rtcttrln hu or rir holy oommunloc rre placvd along th communion rmllinaj and pre fcrttd a ptcturr long to br irmrmbrf- m by ill prrastnt thr uulr ruu vrrr dirwwl in white and vorr vrratha and u wtiilr uw boy orr nbbon bova on ihrlr anna and a uowrr tn tn laprl of thrlr coat nlnrlrrn cnlldrrn r- crurd tnrlr pint lloly communion nil un mao thr aolrmn or rrnrv- al of thrlr pint lloly communion thr church maa morr than fillrtj to capacity the children under thr dlrrctlon of uaiir clayton and uary papulon marctied from thr haul to the church aflcr miwfl thr paator rrv v j uortrun mrollrd thr pint conununl- cantn in thr brown acapular and a ct rttficutr of pint oooimunlon maj prrwhtod to ach child thr folio inn rrr the chlvdrrn lo made uiilr pint hol communion michael mccuauiji lro alurclunrnt michael korchoalec leo mcolllovay bojui puclnl ifrlrn krelan drnur cots delaine olbboru marie mc- cuotall joan mccrra adele chi a bhrlla olcourkr dndsrt ann mc- uiurhlin hijrn kofukouskj blgllnda vundervtlnten marvarct milton uar- txn ilale doritr hornby and pau line tcni ead oft wczbzy twrfakibmi atttswitivi an army 1viry canadian may will bi proud op crouched and poised with disciplined impatience walling to pounce at iho enemy is canada great army which will form iho spearhead of that decisive offensive ust about to be a dogger pointed at the heart of hitler that something that the valines and ruggedness of this great country imparts to men who have hill a slronfj strain of pioneer blood in their veins has made possible the muttering of an army unsurpassed for physical fitness and which in mental mould and moral might is the most magnificent that has ever set forth to defend the freedom and uphold the honor of this young and virile notion of oun we of motteyhorrls are naturally proud that many from the various divisions and branches of our farflung organization are serving in the ranks of this great army it li gratifying also that the thousands in our several plants are permitted to play an important part in providing the machines and munitions to essential to the success of that army in modem mechanized warfare and the great canadian army which has as our minister of national defence toys a larger proportion of armored troops than any army in the world will be a decisive factor in hastening the day of victory masseyharris company limited the service adm of 1 h e canadian farm dim lantern temple bai ley tt wu e cruel thine to face there wa blood and that little trembling body the cry reduced now to an agonised whimpering how she opened the trep aha never knew but she did open it and mad a bandoge from her blouse which she tore from her shoulder regardless ot the cold and alter what seemed to be ages she staggered back to evans with her dreadiul burden wrapped tn her cape weve got to get him to a veterinary itun doun to the rood and set if theres o car tn sight there wus u car and hen evans slopped it two mtrt rumr rt irking up the bank jane gave th dog tnlo lh arm of on of them youd have to go with them evsns she aid and wrapped herself more closely in her cp there ar sev er doctor at rockvllle youd bet ter ak the statlonmaster about lh veterinary it waa lese when evan cam to cartl manor with hi dog in hi arm ratty w comfortable and he had wagyad grateful tan the pain had gone out ot his eye and the veterinary had aid that in few day the wound would heal there were no vltol part teced and he would give om medicine which would prevent further suffer ing mr folieite w out and old mury wa in the kitchen singing she stopped her song as evan came through he asked her to help him and she brought a square drrp basket und made rusty a bed you all les put him heoh by the fiiih and lu look alter him evan shook his head i want him in my room ill take care of him in the night he carried the dog upstairs with him kntlt bcalde him drew hard dicp brvutha os the little fellow licked his hand what kind of a man am it ev- nns said sharply in the silence god what kind of a man through the still house came old marys thin and piping song stay in the bel stay in the flcl oh uah yah slay in the flcl till the uh is ended evans got up und shut thi door june vas tiokid usually by the lirsc crow of an audacious little roomer who mt his challengo to tin- rising sun out on thanksgiving morning she found hcrhelf sitting up in bed in tlil dicp darkness slim und white und slmtnnj oppitssid by some phuntom of tin nikht she comu to it gradually the stronre exentb of yesterday evans lltr own share in his future tier own shnrc in eunn future had she really linked hir life with ins she had promised to pray that tic mijht gel back she hud llidicd youth hope and constancy to his cause and she had prom- istd before she hud stcn that stum- hling figure in tilt snow in the muttcru of romuncc jnnua thoughts hud nlwuys ventured she hud drenmed of a gallant lover a composite hero one who should combine the ricklcss courage of a llobin hood with the high moralities of u guluhud with such a lover one might gnllop through life to a piping tune or if the gulahud pre dominated in her hero to an inspir ing processional and here was evans griy und gaunt shaken by trcmore fitting himself into the background of her future and she didnt want him there oh not us he had been out there in the snowl yet she was sorry for him with a sympathy thut wrung her heart sho couldnt hurt him she wouldnt was there no wuy out of it her hands went up to her face she had a simple and childlike faith oh god she prayeu make us ull happy her checks were wet as she lay back on her pillows and cer tain serenity followed her little pray er things would work together in rome way for good she would lot it rest at that when at last the rooster crowed juno cast off the covers and went to the windows drawing back the curtains there was a faint white ness in the eastern sky amethyst and pearl aquamarine the day hod dawned well after all wasnt every day a new world and this day of all days one mutt think about the thankful things baldy wanted to hear from edith towne so much that he did not go to church lest he miss her coll but jane went and tat in the barnes pew and waa thankful aa aha had aald for love and warmth and light evans with hit mother in the pew looked straight ahead of him ha teemed worn and weary a aarw shadow set against the brightness ol iho comrade caa the glowing glass alter church ha waited in th slsle for j ana ill wlk down with you mother 1 going to rtd with dr hallaro they walked e little way in 1- lence then h aald rutty u conv fortabl thl rooming your mother told ro over the telephone j h umid along st osr tide jan i didnt deep last night thinking about tt it la a thing i canl understand a dreadful thing i understand you love rusty it was because you love him so much out to let a woman do tu jana do you remember year ago the mud dog she did remember evan had lulled it in the road to aav a child it had been a horrible espertsnee but not for a moment hftd he heai- totrd 1 wasnt afraid then jan7 thl waa different you oouldnt see the thing you loved hurt it wusntfear ii wa affection oh dont floss it over i know what you felt i saw it in your eye saw what contempt shi turned on him you didnt perhaps just at first i didnt un derstand she fought for self- j control but in spite of 11 the tears soiled down her cheek dont janey dont if tn an ogony of remorse ive msd you cry she blinked away the tear it wasnt contempt even well it should have been why not no mn who calls himself a man would have let you do il they hod come to the path im icr the pines and were alone in thai still world jane tucked her hund in the crook of evan arm dear boy top thinking about h i shall never stop i want you to promise me ihsl youll try evans you know we ere doing to fight it out together his eyes did not meet her do ou think id let you well you think wrong he began to walk rapidly so that it was hard to keep puce with him im not worth it and now quite as suddenly os she hud cried she laughed and the imikh had a brenk in it youre worth everything that america has to give you she told him of the things she had thought of in church you are a much of a hero as any if tu m i he shook his head all that hero stuff is deud and gone my dear we ili allrc the dead but not the liv ing it wqb true and she knew it but she did not want to odmit it ev ans she said and laid her cheek for a moment against the rough sh eve of his cont dont make me unhappy let me help you dont know what you are asking youd grow tired of it any womnn would why look ahend cant we live for cuch day she had lighted a flnme of hope in him if i might eagerly why not begin right now what are you thankful for even not much uneasily well ill tell you three thing books ond your mother and me say that over out loud he tried to enter into her mood books and my mother and jane she caught ot another thought it almost rhymes with stevensons books and food and summer rain doesnt it yes what a man ho was cheer ful tn the face of death jane i believe i could face death more cheerfully than life dont soy such things they had come to the little house on the ter race dont say such things dont think them as a man thinks do you believe tt i believe some of it well talk about it tonight no i cant come in dinner is at seven he llnterod a moment longer do you know what o darling you ore janot she stood watching him as ha limped away once he turned and waved she waved back and her eyes were blurred with tears in janes next letter to judy she tovd about the dinner we had a dollclous dinner it seems to me judy that my mind dwells a great deal on things to eat but after all why shouldnt it housekeeping ia my job lira folieite doesnt attempt to do anything that the cant do well and it waa all to almple and satisfy ing in the center of the table waa tome of the fruit that mr towne sent in allver epergnt and there watw tour boa caanieauckg with white candles tfrs- rourtte earvwd the ttcrkey evans cant do thine uks that the wore her ptreniual black lace and pearl and in spit of every thing judy i cant help uldrig her though the is such a beggar ea horseback they havent a cent ex cept what the makes from the milk but th looks absolutely the lady of the manor the cousins are very fashiona ble one of thm uuriel fouetts knows edith town intimately she told us all about th wedding and how people are blaming edith for running away and are feeling urrt- f bly sorry for mr town of court they didnt know that baldy and i had ever laid eye oa either of them but you should have tees baldy eye when murui aald thing about edith i wa scsred tuff for fear hed say something you knew how his temper flares wall uuritl said tome catty thing that everybody is sure that delafield elmma la in lov with someone else and that they are say ing udith might have known it if the hadnt always looked upon herself a th center of lh universe and they feel that if her heart 1 broken the decent thing would b to mourn in the bosom of her family of course im not quoting her act words but youll get th idea and ilsldy thinks hi queen can do no wrong end wa almost burst ing judy he walk in a dream i dont know what good it la going to do him to feel like that he will hav to always worship at a dis tance like dant or was it abe- lard i always get those grand pas sion mlaed anyhow there you hav it editb town rode in baldy flivver and he ha hitched that utile wagon to start well after dlnnei w set the vlctrol going and baldy had u dene with muriel sh dance ex tremely well end i know h en joyed it though h wouldnt admit it and murul enjoyed it thtrea no denying that baldy has a way with him after thy had danced a while everybody played bridge except ev an and m you know how i hale it and it make evan nertous so we went in the library and talked evans is dreadfully discouraged about hlmulf i wish that you were her and that we could talk it over but it is hard to do it st long dis tance thar ought to be som way to help him sometimes it seem that i cant aland it when i remtnv ber what be used to be j- ib evans hsd csrrled jan off to the library high handedly i want you wa all th reason h vouch safed a they cam into th shsbby room with it leaping flame in the fireplace it booklined wall it im posing portrait above the manul the portrait showed evan grandfather and beneath it was a photograph of evan himself th likeness between the two men was striking there was the same squarw evan had carried jane off te the librsry set of the shoulders the soma bright waved hair the same air of youth and high spirit the grand father in the portrait wore a blue uniform the grandson was in khaki but they were without a question two ot a kind contnued next week send in your personal and bods items they are appreciated by our readers osdsr bray ctsleks sure and be wbaa egg prices climb aantml me er phone me algal personal george c biro norval iwhffs sh r tt i

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