Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 8, 1942, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wefceuy july 8tt 1942 champion plowmen take hip if plane tv fliliai tea ceeaaiaie fkaaigfratthy lua si ike litre ulwl rfeatag helrti wu aaer pwliii lm fill areagfcl laaelaer to reab aerte i f row all aerie ef uf pwlw dii ef st feel rtgeqccm awilhied ateeafcab daeaa puts lifl feln maditlltl errabaaaval try icbni ef celt r acra reedy to inane a uu wmlilh tele- eue my duu owrrad ar fin ul ninai brian tlaee feria aa imgareial farter te egeirakeraluu teey iwu4 te diki fey air eaii wtlala alee aey tkey el earn aoleta ee stealer feua la prelrte rrgtae vearame eaa ukbun oh elf tfca felgmlgala uuir oarery ni ike raee eat m pofum la rnlfi aaere ikrr barllrtprw u lae healtoaa plrotarijlta im halt jnee luh as anhawaui eullee tkey ukj eej at rarwlagi tsey ft rage tjtry were afforded ike eeaartaauy ef eeefciagliig eaj flraeytea sat area banleeleety ukoareateg 4rteee aaal elkar alee la inner egftriftary aa ike far laa trip wee erreagee fey mr j a carroll waaager of out oeurlo plewaeeae aaaoallna rtewlag hilrtin shirk are reajertea by tars toaaekee ftkraegkoe ike roejatry eley am uaaortaat aerl la ike preeeeliaa ef fee far war far ikey e oa ike li alowtag aae rekhetlaa of ike lead as tuaallil or ateilamai etoaoruoa mlll i the wodtf newt seta through the christian science monitor am imttrmtthmj dee nrmftf laiitglrllf tlajtvlad fgtrtliti l pf atari aae u eke wetair i lea urn vj a heat ibmrseeaeaetta prle ffilm yeerweyrlbteath s tarkuhaa mijjiii 1 safdaa ttt vcm aansfroaar baa f caere m mate tamplb copy on tbqltest ll mw 1 one of the canadian armj gam atcn in action darlni array wk cxf says budget falls short of economic equality pi c c r ludlns couacu at tbun hrh june wlii ims t huuoovlur dfcuxd it ttood iroiidly 00 th fouiuuuod itont of foctunuon ol ftnmnce and soda owrwniiid of indusory ui nobtrx t hamy pioit r- curwl thr budevt va a treat a mene toward oomcripuon ol alth a could be rpkted from uir lifairal or oonitfratlvr partly but it uu tar tfiort of how oi arromrnt undrr thiccf auild tat wff tbr control ol llnancr and indoitry mr ulcnatl auorr lakrvitv uud that an allout war or pm ritorx fraa poaublr uniy uirougt a ooraplruly cortaufed tconomic yun hrrb botrrflan fcrcttlary uld tha formmmi thould tnutvrdiatrly tatv oftr all control of our financial tyatrcn u a a crntral porrnoui ol rootvo- mtc coatrol thai rightfully brlonoi lo th prcplr but lia brn cntirtad into pxitbtr rurwu trmniortauoti communlctlonl rlrctrtc potr and all ouvrr tndiutnra and arrvlcca tatmiual to octal punninjf inould auo aotaalomid ai the only way lo givr equality ul partnrrahjp lo all our clu trttt tn rluur praor or war tnr latctrtary hrt umrrrmtn auo pitirntad counnl wtui a uniqu ufarn for thr political oxvntxatkjn of uir conautuincy it u rtcovnlird ax bring ol tifh a naturr uiat it atl aod th trojbt and p4tlallk of uic club wt- up tl oiakr rrry mrmbrr an actlr rujkua education ojuncu of aortf r and omanurd for thr c c p i dapou oomention ol oniano thr iirn u fully apptwrd and hlgnl praltrd by council and u lo be rapltlty lrvtttutrd ready for continuous uir at tu a any rmctiimcy that may rue tuch a a uup election wnlch the llepoum oowinmrnt might try the tktem 1u moat likely be widely uw4 by the c c f allhoush jox recently brought lo roenpletlon two other comtlluencir hue already en quired about it too 7w15 ajjcuoitloo forau ar arallaue lor dmatrtbuuoa lo any of the above ireriuond organlzatlona and a suppl wtu be lonrajdd upon requcat- ifftufa uma arl odrbld tm- announccmmt dy an ordtrlncouncll uiurd hut january the federul oovtrnment e- lablvhed a huppumentary oranu rund to be ndxmniatrred by the dept ol nationul drl net ho in turn crealrd the dcvtndcnu hoard of tnuteea for uu purpoae the fund u intcndid to ault the dependent of men iervlng in our active yrcea in meeting cmerenclea such aa lunt death ciilaxnltlc or othrr unuual espeivm all or any of which would create a hardhlp aa well as to avoit famtiie conauung ol more uian four childnn the number lor which tht dependent allowance u prtvntly granted and la therefore fanctlontng quite apart from the de pendent alloa once hoard of hegti latlona all dependent famulea ol men tenlng under the rank of warrant officer or below are eligible to appl for oaaulonce under the rtrcum itancea a number of iuional commhteefl have been etabllshed ocros canada in order to bet eve thcte aptillcanta and a committee with headquarter in hamilton embrace the territory con- alallng of the counties of welland lin coln itadlmand norfolk wentworth ilrunt waterloo wellington llalton peel dufferln and orey the canadian government u desir ous and analoua that the dependent ol member- of the armed rrcea be made fully aware of the existence ol ihla pund in order that their diffi culties mien be alleviated the hnmll- lon realonnl committee would greatly appreciate it any branch of the can adian legion women auxllorlc of active service uniut auxiliary war ben ices commllteei or any exutlng organizations wrho are dealing with soldier dependent aould report cases of need directly to the secretary at 31 walnut blreet south llamllon an application form is required to be forwarded to the regional com mtttee and if the circumstance would teem to warrant it an investigation in standard form ls made by im exbtlng welfare agency under an agreement with the rfglonal committee upon completion of which the committee makes its decision whirc an cimrkcncy ftrlsca requir ing u hpeedy dfclhlon the committee would be pkiused to be contacted by teugtaph or telephone calling hnmtl- braf of mr cjdifeet mlnktf 60 ytsrt tonsphxe vju b nulla tnunu4 ta rtdln lb otloste anltir about krv dr p k dayfocx wtio ta a brotbrr of vlr o a dayfoot ocorgr- toao protafclj aomr x usr mrt etiuru rw rrmtmbrr him quur u u br btd brrr during hu yxxub and at- utvjm cmoiratoan pioulc acixnl he u auo a uudrm at tnr old ara- dny wlikh oormpanda to our pm- mday lugl fknool and w utuax- rd in oocr vint rt dr p k datloot patlor ol port oouionw bapuu cnurxb aittnlri w ra in uu- bapuu m at port oolbomr baputt ctiuncii on junt ui itrr dr im- foot till arm and acttir tn tnr vork of nl churth and aull drtiirrtn hl nuaaaira from thr pulpit rh bun- day 11 otarrrtng tnr diamond jutt- ir of hli mlnuur llr ni ordalnrd in utr church at port oolbomr mhith h trrtra today on junr 6 ittl in uir tnurvml hr haa trrtrd thr poit oolbomr port llopr btrathroy onl- lla and fumcor corigtreauana irnrd au rara aa ikrld arcfrtary ol thr thr and qurfcrc and na brrn paator ol thr port oolbomr church lor thr prol 33 rara llrv dr dayfoot now in hi 3rd ynar vaa bom at llamuion on drcttnbrr t iu0 thr ion of mr and lira john d dayfoot llr vaa rdu- catrd in ororsrtaatl woodmock ool- uqt and uruvrralty ol toronto gradu allng from u of t in ittl llr au- purd thr port oolbomr lutxu church pulpit aa a fttudrnl during thr aummrr of ini and rrtumrd to lie lltaatrr oourvr ihm a collrgr of thr unlmlty of toronto tor hla final rar and aaa called to thr port ool bomr pulpit llr aai ordalnrd thrrr on june 8 1io with dr j ii outlr thrn pmidrnt of ucmaatrr collrr aa chairman of thr ordination coun cil and dr j w a btraart ihm pallor of jamra burrl church ha milton aa arcrrlary llr btraart u thr only mrtnbrr of liv ordlnauon council which ordalnrd rrv dr day- foot vho is living uxlay hr u a rr- ildrnt of ilochralrr ny rtrv dr dayfoot rrrclird thr drerr of doctoi of divinity at udluatrr unhrrmly in 1031 follovlng rua rara of irnlcr lo ihr rrllgloui rducallon councu itrr dr dayfoot and ura da- foot rnhom hr nimm at wooduoca in 18s3 wrrr frtrd by mrmbrre of tht eobtrafmurja on rmday jus s spac- lal aamoaa van held in port ool- ban batxltt church cnhralln thr putofa arj ytara or arrvtu to the ralnlatry prof n h- parkar of uc- uaaur unkaralty irtclrraaad the morn ing eobirrcauon and hrv w e hnr1tv of toronlo praldrnt of thr bapuat convention of ontario and quabar addraeud tha evening con- cremlloct ballinafad intendrd for lut vrk us and lira t brovnrtdgt of aihgrovr arr bunday vuliora at ux alex uckaya thr pupils of a b no 1 hav brec quiir active in couming aahagv and a goodly amount eu srot to thr llona c tn oeortrtoan gray urrrum and jimmy uirkvooo rrc preamtro bunday morning vtth war uavtngs 8tampa aa prtara for ihrtr temprrancr poalrra ahlch rrr made in tchool in connrctlon vith thr wjctu oonleet a mlaoallaneoua ahoarr lb trndrr- ed to ulu vera umgatrert on thr rtr of hrr mamage to lao wllllard bandrraoo of prtrrhoro on saturday uany uirful and brauuful gifu arrr rw from nrighboura and tnrnda the wiljb brld their junr mm- tng at thr homr of ura d vannatlrr thr aonhlp arrrtcr aiu led by llr v w oborull and lira a- o w porrtnan and thr roll call iu an- arrrd allh reading an itrm orj trrn prrancr thr topto rtitluro the chlncae church romra of aar- aa pun by lira v j bhoruu in hrr ul- ual capable manner thr july meet tng arul br held at ihr homr of urt a ucjcay mr and ura wm klrlraood ol oeorgrtoim and mxu prarl pelarr ol tururlo arre arek end vuiton allh ura o ucuenrmy itrv a o w porrman anal gunl peakrr al ihr annual memorial arr- lcr hrld in boan church brlov uilton on sunday lit porrman preached there at a ttudrit mlnuljr aoene eara ago on baturday afternoon june 27 the nuimege of margaret alma oor- betl of prrgu to hugh wlllum prlt- chard of arua took placr at the uanae balllrulail the cerimany e- ing performed by ilev a o w poie- man the brldrejnald vaa ula oer- txudr oamour of orand valley and the groomiman mr btarury corbrll of cnn broilwr of the bndr at 7j0 saturday ernlng june 21lh the marriage ol vera matilda long- nrret of it ii 1 ororgeunm lo lac wlllard lawrrnce bahderum of petrr- boro took place al the uaiur ballln- afad the certmony bring prrfonnrd by re a o w poreman the brtdeejnald m mra waller llnham of r it 4 acton luler of the bndr una ihe groomiman mr lewis ban- drron of bruropon brother ol tht groom the bride aa altlred in her liolntl aa coatume a dark grey ault allh corrade of roari und uhlte ac- cearvortra the bnoeamald aore a blue war savings stamps 1 d iioh aun eott emitit tttmumuwt itoaii icvcut tetaccobiii 0 nolat mi aar atu ooaa botm akirtitfla6dcmtfft train to the west atmiii attowima aaenajouaa biiiii mil omti tttvia tauaioom ioowk4 laitl vaxcouvlt vkioaui dancing i huttonvillclpsrlt v b b y wedoeadeit saturday grkeea bert oetkeatn ear rvture wnui gordon nockley or pbone brampton til t u gcram alth coraage of roaea and hlte eccruortea after the ceremony a r crptlon waa hrld at the home of ue bride s mother mra clayton lorf- itrrrt attended by the immerthla members of the two famlllea the railway and the war fly thuntan topham canadas ralltuaij lines f ihtarlcrles ualchsoppjti ure- bioaotauw mcabarruh cbmhoiiwcacra aitt irainimapian fromrujaesupplv dtpots fast ojudwm n atimou ruwn 5 ftciaht trains rushsuppllnffom itmdle to enqinesio nlkwds ettralnlng certwntoakdanibe lines c4 ike radio oejto amfiaid obinyi kuooa tffeis natjorlalsysitm 1allwaylrarflc in canuwk l ium1 m pmrcm qtyoky ihfminthe ismk uw ihtlawint fcnrikoe cj fwfahtlnib ki5cv ttoi5tt mt liunwtto pwcttrt in ftmwltwnaae handled aliue welwr oflkcujav wtaaaajtilnaa ttvtun school ja3 tbaff tcc hbwiu reqtllr cfcoallthisyiijr- a hiluw avcrmt mohfe start a drive for scrap rubber if every person in canada earning a living from pulp and paper were to collect an average of only 5 pounds of scrap rubber that would mean approximately two and a half million pounds which the government sorely needs five pounds is not a great deal youll proliilily find it cjuite easy to collect many times that amount when you dig out thohc old tires rubber boots overshoes hot water bottles etc get your neighbours interested too your local salvage committee will welcome your help the pulp and paper industry ot canada tri mi lira tuiioiho u o a r a a l ij 4

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