Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 8, 1942, p. 7

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the cfcetgfetovm hernm wwfaeuy july 8 1942 which mouth should our ships be filling 7 i certooa by eoaneev of oka cellto sfoarrtel gerette gscbax hydeo conbtjmzks belt canada ooiracstc vital was uatoualb te ominli u uratees e res otrs iwar laiki ontarios rural auumm of elec tricity art going to help canada con- im vital war materials by reading thatr own mtun uitm times a year and maiin tne reeding on pedal poetpaid cards to hydro offices in the various rural power districts announcement of this helpful wer- akne cooperation od the part of unit adnaumers has bn made by the irydrcceocrlc power onmmlmlon of ontario this action it t pouted out win mean that hydro meter readers will is future only have to record on in stead of tour readings over a period or etmlve month in order to maintain ths policy of rendering rural accounts every three months hjgttjy banmssfel at the earns time the onmmlnlon bu just taken delivery of a fleet of eighty bicycles which win replace the trucks formerly used by rural meter madera as a result this cooperative con- serration plan win affect an estimated yearly savin of moaoo miles of truck operation and 10000 tsulons of gaso- une developed in ouslnh rune years ago the postcard system of meter reading it u revealed has proved nlghuy ucceiaful in districts in which it has beta operated with this experience it u espectrd that iu adoption in au ontario rural districts will find ready acceptance because of its convenience and simplicity under this tyttm eati rural eun- susser receives a card which is post paid an4 bean the address of the district hydro office the card is su designed thst the readings on tithes the clock o cyclometer type meters can be quickly recorded by the con sumer along with the date on which he took the reading while the oommlssion has purchased the birydes to save truck tires and gasolta these wheels are to be used in acordanc with a plan which will assure the msslmum mileage from their tires and the coverage of rural terrttorlea in the minimum of time in addition to his record book each meter reader will carry a compact trareulng alt strapped to the crossbar of his cycle so that he can remain overnight at the point where be finished his dajs work readings and reports will be mailed to the hydro office and the meter reader will continue his trip without hsvlng to return to the office o ea eaustee to assure the success of the oonser vauon programme the oommtsalon is asking the cooperation of ru con sumers in paying slus promptly doing so it is pointed out they will eliminate the ne for hydro representatives hsvlng to mske special trlpi tnrolvlng additional murage and the consequent use of truck ttrea and gasoline ix it becomes necessary to discon tinue service through nonpayment uf an account no guarantee can be given under present conditions due to shortage of labour and materials that it will be reconnected promptly even when the bill u paid along srkh the required reconnectlor charge ol hit and a cash deposit to cover one billing period clear telephone lines far allout production your telephone b part of a vast interlocking ays- mm now carrying an abnormal wartime load dont 1st neediest delays hold op messages on which pro duction efficiency may depend other wartime st mr joseph morten honoured on wednesday evening june tth twenty friends and relatives gathered at the home of mr joseph norton olen williams to present him with a gold wrtst watch as a token of the rust esteem in which they ell held him and of the regret they felt at his leaving their midst to loin the army prior to joining up he was employed by the olen textile industries ltd mr kenneth weston composed the following address and after it was read by mrs oeorge allan mr nor tons mother presented him with the gold watch on behalf of those assem bled following is the address door joe tonight e gather together assembl ed as in one to show our appreciation toward you as an honorable and trust worthy brother and friend your cooperation in our community as a lover of sports and music has seen a great asset to us aa it is under stood to us all that during the present world crisis we each and every one of us has to do our part for our king and country it has befell your part to honor your king and country in the army and theatre of war for which we are all proud of you in so doing bring the first in our relationship to be called to serve our country we at mother and father brothers and sis ters your uncles brothersinlaw and and tuteratnlaw and your close friends wish that you accept this small gift of appreciation hoping that it will be a remembrance of us all to you now and in the future until we are all assembled once more in peace and happiness once and for all time june jf o h rswobt following is the report of the moji for the month of june measles a slumps 3 scarlet fever 0 ctuoken pox 9 german measles 0 infantile paralysis 0 typhoid fever 0 whooping oough 0 oerefcroaplnal meningitis 0 epidemic dim lantern temple bailey send in your personal and items they are appreciated by readers you belong hers jane eald ev ans on on tils ol the fireplace with me on the other thats the way i always s you when i shut my eye you as me now with your eyas wlds open yss jane t told mother this afternoon thst i wouldnt go to new york so thats settled without your saying anything how dose aha feel about lit oh she still thinks thst i should go but id stay here he moved his head restlessly i want to be where you are jans and now my dear were going to talk things out you know that yesurdsy you made a sort of promise that youd pray or me to get back and that if i got hack wan youd grew me a chance jane i want your prayers but not your promise why not i am set ftt to think of any wom an whan i am wall u i ever am you can do as you think beet- but you mustnt be bound she eat silent looking into the ore you know that im right dont you dear yes i do evans i thought of it too last night and it seems like this to m if we can just be friends without bothering wtlh anything else a wul be easier wont it i cant tall you bow gladly id bother as you call it but it wouldnt be fair you are young and you have a right to happiness id be a shadow on your future please dont he dropped on the rug at bar feet well well leave it at thst were friends forever he reached up and took her hands in his forever alweyt evtna tor better for worse for rich er for poorer of course they stared into the are and than he said softly wall thats enough for mt my dear thats enough for me and after a while he began to tptak in broken aan- tencee ah ailver shrine here will i take my rest after so many hours of toll and quest a famished pilgrim thats keats my dear jans do you know thst you are food and drink am i unsteadily yes dear little thing if 1 had you always by my fire i could tight the world when jane and baldy reached home that night baldy stamped up and down the house saying things about muriel fouttte a girl like that to criticise she yawned im going to bed the telephone rang and baldy was off like a shot jans uncurled herself from htr chair and lent a listening ssr it wss a moment of exciting interest edith towns was at the other end of the wire i jsne knew it by bsldys singing voice he didnt talk like that to commonplace folk who called him up she was devoured with curi osity he came in at last literally walking on air and just as jane had fait that his voice sang so aha felt now that ms feet danced janey it was edith towns whst did she say just aaw my advertisement pa per delayed where is the beyond alexandria but were not to give it away mot even to mr towner- no shes asked me to bring her beg and some other things he threw himself into a chair op posite jane one leg over the arm of it re was a cerelees and pictur esque figure even jane was aware of his youth and good looks edith had as it seamed asked him to have town send the ring back to deleneld to have her wed ding presents sent back to have a bag packed with her belongings she startsd up the stain but be fore she had reached the landing ha called after her jane what have you on hand for tomorrow she leaned over the rati and looked down al him friday feed the chickens feed the cats help sophy clean the ailver drink tea at four with hrs allison and three other young things of eighty well look hare i dont want to face towne hell say thlnga about edith and insist on her com ing backaha asys he win and thats why aha wont call him up and youve got mora diplomacy than i have you might make it all mm reasonable will you do it janet do you mean that you want ma to call on him at his office yea go in with ma in the morning oh tf youre gomg to pot tt luce that she amuad down at him let e ueve it then that i am wonderful but suppose mr towne doesnt fall tor your plan perhaps be wont let bar have the beg or a check book or money or anything jans ssw then a ftrmrft and paav slonste change to her brother if he doesnt let her have u i wol i may be poor but ril beg or borrow rather than have her brought back to see those cats until ehe wants to stausagee bate and alt 3 you ower door u b eeoocv beanyf she was ab sfalnmg tav urtfrtt made e frederick towne never errtted to his office until ten oclock so jane was ahead of him she sat to a luxurious outer room waiting when be came to be ssw jane at once end held out his hand emil- tng youve beard from edith yea last night too lets to let you know good well go into my room jane was ihrtned by a sense of things hsmsblng outwardly calm aha was sowereay stirred by excite ment she sal fa big leather chair which nearly swallowed her up and stated her errand baldy thought rd better come hes so bury and anyhow be thinks i have more tact she tilted her chin st turn and am dad and you thought h needed tact wed dont you mr towns we really havent a thing to do with it and im sure you think so only now were to it we want to do the best we can i see since edith hat chosen you end your brother as ambassa dors youve got to use diplomacy she didnt choose me aha chose baldy but why cant aha deal directly with me ehe ran away from you and she isnt ready to corns back ehe ought to come back she doesnt think so and ahee afraid youll insist whst dose she want me to do send htr the bag with the money and the checkbook and ut baldy take out a lot of things she gsve him a list thsres everything from toilet wsttr to talcum suppose i refute to tend them you can of course but you uont will you no i suppose not t shant co erce her but ite rather a itrange thing tor htr to be willing to trust all this to your brother she hit seen him only once well said jane with some spir it youve seen baldy only once and wouldnt you trust him she flung the challenge et him and quite surprisingly he found him self laying yea i would well said jans of course he leaned back in his chair and looked at her again he wss aware of quickened emotions she revived halfforgotten ardors gave him back his youth shs used none of the cut end drisd methods of tophls- ticstlon shs waa fearless absolute ly alive and in tplte of her cheap gray suit altogether lovely so it wss with an air of almost romantic challenge that he said what would you advise id ut her alone like little bc- peep shell come home before you know it mr towne i wish that i could think it how ever its a great comfort to know that shes safe i ehau give it out that ehe is visiting friends and that ive heard from bar and now about the things she wants it seems absolutsly silly to ssnd them i dont think its silly why not oh clothae make such a lot of difference to a woman i can eb solutsly change my feelings by changing my frock she rose ill laave the list with you and you can telephone baldy when to come for them dont go 1 want to talk to you but youre busy not unless i want to be but i am i have to go to mar ket brlggs can take you over id jail up the garage brlggs can you imagine brlggs irlving through the streets of wash ington with a pound of aaussge and threetlb roaatt do you mean that you axe go ing to take your parcels back with your w yes thar arent any deliveries to sherwood ha hesitated tor moment then touched her shoulder lightly with his forefinger look here let brlggs take you to market than coma back here and well run up to the house get the thing for lunch t chevy baga and put jrou down beany yetrh do tt then sit down a rnoment whoe i call my brlggs be caned the garage and turned again to jane td dictate some fenporuust wten and be ready fear you hea you get beck so jsne went through the floe eld rnaritsc wtth tt long aisles brinies with the bounty of bald and gsrdea river and bay and aee there were red meets and red toma end red etolts oranges that were yel low end pumpkins a deeper orange there were ahrtmpa that were pink end redenappere is deeper rasa there wss the gold of better and the gold et honegitfve green of spbv sen the green of olives and the green of pkfclee to bowls of farina there was the brown of potatoes overtowteg in burlap bags and the brown of bread baked to rrujtlneee the brown of the ptamege of dead ducks the white of onions and the white of roses jsne bought modeeuy and i carried her perosls he even e suggestion ss to the cut of the etsak his fslher it sinned had been a butcher they drove bach than far fred- cik brlggs went np for him and returned to say that ut town would be down in a moment frederick was as a matter of fact tuushlng a latter to delssald blmms i sm ig thst you wth get your msij st the pohvhins but i shall also send a copy to your new york office edith has asked me to return the ring to you 1 shall hold it tmtil i learn where at may be de livered into your hands as for myself i can only say this thst my first impulse wss te kill you but perhaps i em too civt- uxsa to btueve thst your deeth would mske things better you must understand of course thst youvw put yourself beyond the pale of de cent people lucys psncu wavered suss italntd her throat and cheeks then she wrote steadily aa fredtrlcka voice continued you will find yourself black- belled by several of the dubs what ever your motive the world sees ne excuse hs itoppsd- wul you reed that over again ulss logan so locy read it still with that hot flush on her cheeks and when she had finished frederick said you can lock the ring to the safe until i give you further uutruo- tlont a clerk csme in to say thst the car was waiting and presently frederick towns went away and lucy was left alone in the great room which was not to hsr a for est of adventure as it had sum a to jane but e greet prison where she tugged et her chains shs thought of dslaflald fllmraa aalllng fast to southern waters of thou purple esse the butting stars in the splendid nights delefleldhad told bar of them they had often talked together she turned the ring around on her finger studying the carved figure the women with the butterfly wings was exquisite but she did not know htr name she alipped the ring on the third finger of her left hand its diamonds blued she locked it presently in the safe then cams back and read the letter which towne had signed she staled it and stamped the envelope then shs wrote a letter of her own she made a little ring of hsr hair and fastened it to the page beneath it the wrote lucy to del forever she kissed the words held the crackling sheet against her heart her eyes were shining the great room was no longer a prison she saw beyond cepttvity to the open mrs allison and the three old la dles with whom jane was to drink us were nelghbora lira allison lived slons and the other three lived in the homes of thslr severe song and dsughtsrs they played cards every friday afternoon and jena always came over when mrs alli son entertained and helped her wits the refreshments titer were very slmpls and pleasant old ladles with e nice sense of their own dignity at any rata they had jane soma of the other young people scorned thus elderly teaparties and if they csms were apt to show it in their manner but jane waa never scorn ful she always had the time of her life and the old ladles felt pay tlcularty joyous and juvenile when the was one of them but this afternoon jane wss lata tee was always served promptly at tour and it happened that that ware popovers so of course they couldnt wait i telephoned to sophy said ne has mrs auiaon and jane to town i suppose something hag kept her anyhow well atari in bo the old ladies ate the popovers and drank net sweat chocolate angt found them not as dslectshlt as when jane was then to chare thus things ware tadeaa m bit dult they discussed mre folletto whoea faults ftirmahed a perpetual tonle mrs allison told them irhaths young bauwbs had dined at casus manor on ttuuiksglvmg and hat tharejtid beenother guests how can aha afford it was the continued on page

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