Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 5, 1942, p. 1

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the georgetown herald scveatyflftlt year of publkatiou vtmdf aucutt stb 1m2 sc a copy 200 a year civic holiday celebration a grand success for active service league sravone ruuoi wrrm to- otum rsovtdcb ttm nnt7ionb4 ami bmvor lau of ororfjrtowa fcsadtd by cccjratrt of w v oram ulcol u an cousrca o uroo- vraj o w licunlot a rwusmot j oiuooj 0pc h c uoclur e b mnviriiro and t f oflm a3 jmy ujud br mraniuhi o tzrty otf7 ormsnusunn la ton mm hi lb pnjw wtiicrj cut b topp ed upon ibd far irjrtr uborlaa f to bikt thr one hod6j joo ta owrgwown on wfcitb b loot rrfttfmhrrad ft ui dm1 caecaafuj rw baid as t ixo tn day rcuruln- bni bad looid purpot and tttm uk piaur poldtofni t main object m to sun btitvrtnt a ruad ta rcoocmuoo ol our scadlrr to ibat tutu unafa a prop erod es cad wiwwi back from orrrtra can b adaauaiaiy arrantad wall orcr irfnifvl paid tmlt aruroooo sad rwium prod tint o closta r itfbt batund any sort to aid that tk an dotal io much tar ui- bcidur ta uniform and inil- drro war admiuad lm aad baioad 0 th crowd wweh rojand ta tgt to ta full tb anrmooa actirluaa brcan with parad ol ta lorn boots r1- fii baad aad luctmrot from ta town aad to ta randatand at tn park to crowd ni not km ta fecowtsc biafo aad man outar gama wtlrj an array ol altracuw ana maful prur cam ta or tattr than of atuntlon cuui wrr la chair of e v uarcormack asalstrd b prank pitch arthur rf ajan norton b alceu walur oooa j uiuit w ritchie and p kmr pony aad doakry rldaa for chlldrvn wrr another fraum ol tar sfirrouon col o b s oousatu and oapc it c laoclui nartn alrktly imt tr prit tor tar artrrnooai rnlrrtalnmtnt- durtas ta altmoon and vralax taua ilarj and ixttr paul uupm boan aaaabrllr ftuon or buffalo nlr or lti h c hacluiri cu ptca7 kally naund a my mtman- tlal aura from ta aalr of war oavtno blampa tb attracuw rrd wnlu and blu ooatumca lary tot madr una vary bard to rrf vu lmaflar tb ot john ambulano nnmd rr on duty aftrmoon aad trenln tc ntraaanwnt booth did a rui inatncaa ta pit of oprrauac under rationing dculu m tilth did not prmii tar alc of tra or oobre wr dont wuxlrr that uiry did thoui for thr rood offtrrd lor sal wui ncrl- unt- thr main faatur of tb afumoon was tb rport procram wblcb vai in cbarf ot 1st pred hoomnty wln- nrra of thr various nmu vrrc a lot ion boya 6 and undrr jam mac ale jack hall trrry norton girl 0 and under dorothy williams uurlel ilpenor elmrr 8ehnk boy 6 to 10 iran huffman doug norton don lavaon girls 6 to 10 doris herring- ton ann uacklr kathlrrn ooir boys 10 to libamry oulrvrt dudley erarln albrrt trnnant glru 10 to 1 toou murphy norma davidson dale huune young ladles pamela oousens imots murphy jeule mur phy mens race 100 yds barney ou- irvet ii moody elmer hurren 3- letnred c tom oonncly and mar garet conncly jesle murphy and joe olllevet hobble race damey oluevet toot murphy joe oluevet rolling pin throw mrs hancock mrs hyde urs herrlngton boys bicycle race jim oolden o cousrns i huffman mrns bicycle race t wuey j ora- bam bob oonncly tugowar paper- mill team defeated the town team an enthusiastic croad watched the elotely contested ball game between the lome scot- and a team from no 10 basic training centre at tlramn- ton which was tht lina event on thi cntnga program the brampton ys won out 13 to 11 a grandstand nuckerl to cupirlt and a larce stnndlutr audience enjoyed the prcwntntlon or the garden party piogram and the music of the lome 8rotj biuid chalrmnn w v grant was mnslt of c ri monli uttil ih fd the cvcnlnrs entertainment with a few welloilmen remarks rlvlnn the objects or the active servlc lcnutle and thanking those who had helped snake tbe day such a success he ex tended un official lenruc welcome to the men who have already returned from overseas spr o aillevct rc e ptc w fmmerson lome scots pto j aillevct lome scots ptc r wiggins lome scots pte o ttayncr lome scots cpl john scrymgcour governor generals horse guards and major a early ot the princess pats tho audience joined with him in two- minutes sllcnco in honour of two men vho have already given their lives pio carman sutclloe and acting- bet hubert tost of the royal hamil ton light infantry tho program featured tho ouolph oldo time ptddlors and assisting art ists the youngest fiddler is 71 and the oldest is 89 and their music was thoroughly enjoyed by all thomas immpaim delighted the audience with tm oornlc sang presentations and his prowess on a miniature mouthorgan whloh he could ploy with his nose si well w his mouth the recitations of chart holmes were stirring especi al alt trurpmatsoo of tt bptm of mrinri jaeu uaoutary aaai sostj tr irn irr ftcous soasst aad ifiss pracca fsotrva prod to aa ap- prmstit aattrrmnf taat ab was a giriffd slcgrjoc pur a wry at- traruir vowtrl ataarr addd a urn zjt to ta mjsbcj poruoo ol tar pftigrun vrhu ux jolason oontrt butd rs snar to ta proatass by s- im clog aad tap daaraa tc oueojr 4jtim by fttmpiri and uoarta7 bnstarr brra and butrr raj aad buut bui ta balk ta wbicb saroanby kltprtsrd rrrua w tb us of a brauttful ealsruo topraao toor brought tar roorabu nrcuag u a do afur lbr graaduaad prrtorraxat tbr old tim attm prowdrd musu tor dsnetat to lb amourtra mr t ortnr bad ooraplrt cbarg of ta dsac ljlsj wmam srrt tsu bruw ucousmr out wucams 1u ted utjl lumlltnn lloraby pu trd into ilu olm wshama tsoo bprta mretsoa must br rasdr of tb rrpmrolautr of tar vossrer organl satioat vao worked so bard ibrouxb- out th day aad night ta tar bootba aad also of tbr rarrtbanu ho do- nstd prlsm for tar sport rtrnt j banford bon vtto prmtdrd tbr rs- oaurnt ampubeation mtrm and tbr lrwion aad nrrmrri for lb way ta blob tb aasstad asugiiove itvt timaa rmmu picnic of mf wub tuis uuftion hand uus lutry fund chlmrrn vtu hlj l lbr ban of ut mx roddtu an tufhy f- urccaa tfc jfvf of uvr dlflrrrnt croupt tm in charfr ti4 v thort pixcnvmm oaruuutxf of vaipuirt try urv june btrnit rrutinc by j- il wtofflfw aoio by john wnrnvr- worth um tn 4vtldru by ujv he- lor bird vtu dvrn ocmn tvrr uvn hf4 oo uw urn undrr the lrtwjrr- ahtp of brity rutmru am un lltc- tor ttrd xuncn vu srrrrd t th claw of ft mtmt f noyxb jltmooc lstri iv oris of otlaub nd un j pft of bcrmudt hwnt thr rrs rrvd mmi tr tntj un llactor bird un uauticv dixon and un dix on br of ttoronlo wr wfk rod miru l the home of ui and un n j orahain- co0rn and ahrra damn rr holi- daytnr with tnrlr artnitmoiher un james banm ui oecrae ooynr of toronto pent thr ttk end vlih hu dauchlcr uus uabtl ooyne un iuaia of wbodbrld u vlilt- lnt with her daothter un- frank wluon rrr j o totuxi and lira tottoo are wav on their holldayi xtiu ruth uorrlaon ha been holi daying with friends in sudbury and toronto un carl wilton and elm bxc- crrady wtre wrloame lurata at tha family picnic ycalcrdty pna christian of laurrl la holl- datna with oladya ruddrll this nek uabrl wrltfvjr apent last ytk with her rrandparrnta ur and mrs p d hartley ullton dobby cattrnon of toronto apent loxt week with oordon wlnjrfleul gun williams mr and mrs homer plemins nd children jack and betty mr and mrs john anderson mrs urock bra urn on t and daughter judith ann and uus vera beaumont all of toronto were kuenls at the home of mr undlcy beaumont on sunday and on thurs day mr beaumontn rucsta included mr find mn enrl cook and chudnn prancef nfnrjorle mary and owen mr heartier john header and the mbvmi marlon nnd dorln stundbrook ill nf orange v 11 le mri murv hudnlcke uiul iiuitthtrr joyce of toronto a pent tlr week at the home of mrs wvlllnuion wlllitt mr and mrs wm bnnm left on sunday nlkht for wlnnlimtt wherr they will nentl the next two wieks mr and mrs prod klmtmlh of aron wire vl itors on moudiv ut hit home or mr and mm clayton allen mrs a j william and mrs ed hill ist fd in toronto lust urk nnd jifunmirds went to wonra beach for he week end misses vtrna louth doricn wuhtt nnd mary wlllett spent last week at nluttara palls acs and mrs qcrald moody were visitor owr the week end at the home of mr and mrs alex warren uorcen wlllett nnd fern roblnson visited over the week end at tho lat- ters homo in bee ton xao bcv moody ta home on two weeks furlough from clarcsholmc alts kenneth bailey or brampton la holidaying at the home or mr and mrs tom iuu aw1 fannie weaver has been trans ferred from new brunswick to rock- cllffo ontario wo apolofflco to barbara salnes ur stranff and numerous other cor respondent for having to leave their contributions over for another week due primarily to the holiday season wfcwis la oikiwt rirartrtja vloca apovur dauztiur of ur anj urs joh apqule prt pvrry and prancls uffm3 ojucjt wo cf tfaottx ocaux ocetaqtt tr2 ltr lilt nvttxr ufcfcflirj ci iti girj ssuo vrrr axvarram j- rih in htij cmu cxtaprt cxhawa hxr pr p oosry cvijri3 ur njpuu luu ttr brbdjr or a oct of fcuair-i- bljr thrrr sntb tnatcfiinj uotisui ard a corti4r of jxnk tvtmin r tid iar prtaa tbr bfvirtund uua llary aposllr toronto rouln ci jv- bndsf ckirr a psxa cla ditu tru t hat and rjtt of row six b u pjdjr oahava was beat aui wtaddloaf tmtful u irt it1 at tt bomr of lor tritlr cuf un j uoavcao so tu juilro iu oia ur ollfimft has bwstct on tat it cf u hrrau ilzur laxt tmtr aftttoi haja04ld m ksbmjut wcxd jjvkvrrtas w rnarkxbs uu by a tan vtto tund in oo a fnrod a mind 1qq teli aay oror fot a nucital inraaiit wtikii asird hit ufr art duckswd to trat anrncan wrrajy snih this bc- ds aurukt tjr of thr df troll bundjy tsxnra in an artuir in whush thr author uu how to djjiiicatr bis rtprrunmta br urr to fr bsoday drlroit tlmr un fain iatae itttisd kr rorrsj unin rrr hd uacad uujxooq lor urs axjt uiro sto dn3 sistrday auatau 1st fol3snaf a ircifltiy tlic hr t ur lorttj iv 1 pmusn cujlttrr of ctjj- pitxvn ard ur ulr urs prtaax cf qlm wi irri bora in dmsblfy croisrsd tjir vas in rrr mat ax at thr urn of hrr 0th sbr camr to tbr olra vtsra a orivrx aid utrd ibrtt until hrr majtlvr and has uocr tivrd nrax linwrstxur fcre as a sesrmorr of thr ccgjb njy wo- tnro ixssututr ax4 ur wkktur i s uultocxary horrty brlorr hrr uirjris lttluir bit hrr hoisbanrj cr cn wuftrd and or pmjd3aaihtrr cf orcvwron altao iciux uotist ud orr auur hrcy ptrion cf ore ft lowin jttiutkk of ouaun 0ut and llrrtfln of olrn wluams ul urs- w urnman of olrn wuiama ttr srricr tu rondctrd by flr c c oxhranr ol 0ojrtcn aith inlrrcnrrit in orrmwood orost ury oroegrown pallbrsfrt tnr hrr four brothrrs and wluiam uatxk of etvn uci and wuiam liodnvs erf owih fvjfrtjr ms srrr lls- rocsnd ttrxu of turario hxruy hurj in of arttn wuiam ilmo of nr- martrt ftabrrt brnn of lamrhoutr nd prrd lufdjfv of prrir social and personal ulss uobrl trwrnnaon is holidaying at banjor lodfr uuf uuskoka mim lucy and u lorsm arr acauonlns at waaao brsxh uia r laosrry of toronto was a wrrk end suwt with urs j wauen ur and ura lurry baury air hou- daylns this wrrk at omtrr uland ur and urs drrrttk dodrsoo or toronto sprnl last wrrk with ur and urs 0 walirt urs b p chapman and vlrtinla re houdslnjt in coboum and oral- ton mr snd urs o w ott srr iptnd- ins thrlr arauon at thr wlndrmrrr horl uuikoka ur km uack manajrrr of oarrou store sprnt the werk end at his hornr tn st uarya urs brrt tuck is ttduna in to ronto this wrrk with hrr almrr ura ardrrson ur dousus braxkm of thr bank of uontrra staff is amending his va cation at dorval quabrc ur donald mcmurchy of hutton- lur is aeauonlns in ton with his aunt urs p coir mlu uarjorle mackrnilr u spend imt hrr vacation at rotvnenth manor muskoka mus nora mckeffu u rpcndlrur a wrrk with mr and mrs john ucuak- trr mr and mrs archie black of oalt wrnr holiday rrursu at the home of mr and urs harry bailey david r coventry rcap ttfl st thomas spent thr wrrk end visit ing with friend in town mlv jean colman spent thr week in tbrontn with hrr uncle and aunt mr and mn james colman mr if weathrrston of toronto vulted thr home or mr and mrs wm bon i than last wrrk mr and mrs roff meclellan and family of stratford spent the holi day with mr and mrs prank pctch mr ben young has returned from nn enjoyablr- ilx weeks trip out to edmonton altn and point h ucnt mr and mrs jack paul of calgary albert n ore apendlnr the month of august with mrs c m paul mliw phyllis uike or prterborotikh has been holldnylnr ror the past week with her aunt mrs a ii feller mr nnd mrs alex fraser or brunt ford spent the wirk tin nt the home of hn mother mrs j mrdoiujuii mrs llovd boyd and dnuuhier filorln an holdiivlm with mr and mrs walter meollvray nt uunln- ton mr nnd mts t r firuu nnd miss birkiru have iwen incnttoiiltik n their summer nntne nt bobeiueon ontario mrs k c memlllnn nnd jiijcc are holldnlf tin ir eotture it tliun- iler niv mr mcmillan hpnt tin- week end th re mr unbelt w shortlll or weston npent the holiday week enl kit in with friends in the georgetown dls trlct mrs j w hemphill nnd dnitithters vloln and btty hpent n few day lust week in aultton ns piesls of mrs andrew morrow miss jenu woods and miss jean iowe of uie laurel ladlps athletic club of toronto were holiday visitors with mihs mary oummlns mr and mrs john hall or hamil ton and children jackie and pcrfry arc fipendlnff a week with his parents mr and mrs joseph hall fir mr h w klnton of btrcctflvill was a caller in town on thursday last mr h in ton formerly conducted a rift shop on main street holiday guests at the home of mrs l squires included ur and urs r squires barbara and bill of lam beth miss helen burgess of toron to and mrs a dutton of lambeth ur prank barter of chstlottr north carolina and ur oordon bar- brr of itamllton aprnt ttiursdsy rr- nratng aoquainuncrs in town hobday irts at thr home uf ur snd ujs oiailra wsiaon tncludrd urs ii o jumuton of acton ura i oauow lurnu and urs o campbell from vanoourrr wr arr glad to t rport that urs t 0 cnr 111 rjurr of urs j ii luuoo wtko ha brrn jfirlouuy 111 in toronto wrstr m i loi u 1 lb now lmpro 1 ns klraduy prof homard hosnon of vassar oourr poukhkrrprcr nv and dr lrtolr bck of toronto vlsltrd their aunta thr murvr itoimn and mrs huddrll on sunday ura ptftjwr talbot and daurhtrrs margmrrltr and joan of uontrraj har brrn uluna for thr past lo wtwtas at thr home of ur and ura bernard arrastxoria mr d kldd and aon bobb ml truer kldd mlv ajlcr brurr xi rr r c trnnant and family albrrt lrormrd brllr and jean aprnt thr homda at womitta biuh mr and mrs walter mcollvra of lrumlnttton mrrr holiday visitor in town mr meoiuray is employ ro llh thr leamington purit and nrws in the rsri count town mr william oarrunr of new york city nnd mr robert oarstanjr of rorkauod aprnt an rnoyablr wrrk reerntly with uilr nrplsrw and nlrer mr and mrh ensjn sjmltls 5 cms noral mr roy wlfffflna and roy jr hate returned hornr after ajirndlntt a svrek alth rrlativrs in toronto ptr roy wlirklns was home ovrr thr mrek end but ha returned to chrtstlr strrrt hasp mr and mrs thomas rson and mrs a wright have returned home after a delightful boat trip among the thoisiind islands nnd a st at the cornnlllt hotel cornwall dr jesu rldeout of toronto vlslt rd orr the holiday with mm d l herbert miss pndn herbert has re turned to toronto to resume her duller after n pleasant acution mr nnd mrs mnurce hillock and daughter dliune and mrs kathleen itludd nnd children mnrlrne nnd tittv spit lnst urk holldylng at the knlltn wnsncn bench mlss barbara michie of bnissel lslted lat uiek with mr and mrs oeorue martin mlss ji an martin re turned ulth miss mlrhie to spent th 1ki1h1iv week end ulth mr nnd mns janus mlrhie ilerent i si tors nt the home of mrs a k colin m ami mrs k colmnn sr m n ml m colman mr hir es caiman miss audiey colmnn all 01 tnrmto and mr henry howiu if cohdurjf cunvmers tor the iome scots wa blnim la t wednesdav nlitht in the irerlon hall wen mrs ii harlow nnd mis h shepherd mr noulevel nnd mis a dewhurst won the two speilil hampers miss helen younu of kliikaton has ixii speiidlnjr a twoweek vaentlon with her parents mr and mrs ben younir o s oeorue noble or ne villi bask wiw a uvek end visitor at the same home miss o race oodley nnd mr jack dnnn of toronto spent last week with his mother mrs l w dnnn mwh e mccnllum or london was nl- 8o a week end vlnltor wltli mm dann sunday vlmtora nt the homo or mr and mrs prod hillock were mr ana mrs d mcolnnln mr alan nnd bert mcainnls or chatsworlh mr john mcainnls or holland centre mr and mrs john mcmaster of olen williams and two friends from toronto visited at tho home of p leonard white editor of the cana dian champion milton on sunday af ternoon deputation from fall fair get 12500 grant from council the weather br h l iuu new uat t jt icvo tr aocxh cf airriu wr can ao bax cm th nasx month and rotr how it varifld from uir doransj trr atrras dally trm- prratuxr sra 91 ovtrrra fourfifth of a dnfrrr biw rjorrnsi thr nuniall was 3 30 inrxira so abosr norrsurj trc tijatt unwal arsthrr frauijt of trvr moru v thr ovtuucthr i aboat thr ecuovur of thr montn sitim tain en arrr bratrn down ut lmatxtrd 4vnd wrtoo dajnafr door in othrr paru cf ur ootmuy rains thr paxt wrk hsvr hiij up riartrtlrat jd vxt farmrra aad jtuistr falkiws wrrr too wrt to work ronwq jrnuy u brat thir utal touia br dorvr was to fo to town polkiwans arr thr local iworda datr ii and l rain- tvmp foil tw jajy 23 14 83 wrd jujy rr m m ttioff jly sb b prt july 31 co n z- kt au i m hmo aus 1 so o srt unn a4 j 1 o red cross news jam ror ovcsacam wr hopr you arr planning to amd our donauon in to this fund which r hair oprocd for jour conrtlrnor portyau emit ror a four pound un or 14 a3 for a casr of twrli una will br trrratl appreciated think of thr rufuled shrltra in our own cruar and remember tricar vho arr not as fortunate it can happen itxke wr havr ju1 had a large quota arnt to us for our aocrptancr for hospital support if we accept aamr wr arr rrqursted to krep twrntyflir units en hand in casr of rmrrtmc to br prepared is thr sloe an of the cana dian rrd cross will mtu vols hhavxso tvbx8t 1000 pounds of thrar rmpty tubro fkhould br salvaged a day in canada and thla amount is aallatjlr if the public will oooprratr aircr only about per cent of thr number of used shalng crram and ujoth paste tubes avallabir are brtrm turred in apparrnuy the public is not jet aware that as soon as a tube is empty it becomes thr property of the borrnmrnt and must within a reas onable time be dell r rrd to a drug store aorordinft to the wartime prices and trade board thr un used in the man ufacture of 135 toothpaste tubes ta suf ficient to take care of thr require ments in the vital parts of a bomber engine one paste tube supplies suffi cient tin for thr manufacture ot 30 axk11 caes tmrnly artist pslnt tubes will supply the un required tn the manufacture of a field telephone and thr tin from one tube is sufficient to line 70 sc idlers water bottles prironlrmofwarparceus in a inter to his parents mr ana mrs walter pearce of darrtc 8gt- obwrver ryedcrtck j s iyarce paid hlfih tribute to the rrd cross the red crotss and their parcels liave been our life soiera so far he wrote from u oerman prison camp i dont think we could live without them canadian prisoners of war are re ceiving lied cross parcels in good or der and the contents are or a sub stantial benefit to prisoners health capt wilfred h crowe has iulvlmil toionto red cross branch in a letter from crete formerly of oraiigivllle he vuis captured in crete july 1041 while serving with the royal army medual cor is canadian pare is with their 111 content are particularly lalurble he writes i would like to congratulate you on the choice of fexhlstufls canadian red cross pu- tels t oin w re mast fuiornbly wiui those from other parts of the empire soldiiats alii iuooii clinic approximately four- fifths or the number or blood donors who make contributions to the klniton red cross blood bank clinic are members of the armed forces tlte clinic hand les nn average of 250 donations per week tlie civilian population does not understand the urgent need overseas tor this blood says mr p brook se cretary of the clinic although many uppeala have been issued by the red cross the responw is no more than a slight trickle which can bo handled in one day of the cllnlos fourday week the other three days are riven over entirely to members of tho armed faroes vho have already made a great sacrifice in offering their lives to the country due to the small issue this week the next instalment of the serial ibe dim lantern will appear next week town ootjtcu met turadjy nrclat ror thru rrruar erontroy session vtth major joarpo ouxn in lfcx ohair rrrtr oar and counrldors oostl kan brown h and brnuy prrsatcil tb business on thr carod as lsst and council wrr afsjn able to addoum brforr 10 pa a deputation from lh oa rvu pair board ururv prank pkcb aad p w crf wmllcd on ootsuo asklog that thr usual rant of tlooow br tarttaad if rxssau this jw do to a rwdjetion tn thr county ranl ur fvub 4utrd that aomr cnrirjarra of urf doubly oounou had ulsa tt mutudr uiat union pair hvxiid be thr only one hrld in tb county as county fair and were tttdrwrartnf te sqaara acton and osorgrtosrn oct f0 reducing uvlr graou this pear fay easy racb and raising tb muton graat from uo0 to ksqaoo in ordrr b oftwrt this br asked council to be w trrvrrous as r ooueteu wrr un animous tn thrlr opinion that o town pair ru ux as tmportant te thr proplt of uui rfisttot as uxaess pair was to th county town aad granted thr pair board 113600 udj rrar a letlrr from th county treasurer t out lha eounty rat ror iocs sad this was ordered to br paid at one ta ordrr to uk adranlagw of the dis count the county rat is twtoo thr pin brtgsd wr glwo the umial grant or ho 00 to coirr coovta uon rsprnsre of omirgata ororgrtown womens znsutute ware glm prnnlssloo to hold a tog day on bsturday august nnd council ordered that the old band ahru at thr park br offrrad for sale and that it br removed before aitfuat isth a good half hour at the close of thr tnr ting wis ftrm onr to th ens cussson of thr dumping situation at thr park regular complaint from rraidrnu of th park district have 5m corning to council as to the odotxr a aulng from th dump and th wmq arr rrdraeourtng to ftnd aom sohj- tion to thr mattar it has brrn tug- rsvtrd that a nw duraptag frrxmd fes ratrchastd outald th town ttds would probably naoassjute gutiagsj courcuon and wtlh labour so carc4 thry frit chat oourctlon faduuea should br left until aftr th wrnr tf lomr othrr means of dealing with th nulsanc could b formd thy may hare something more concert to offer at thrlr nest merung thr following account wrr pasaad w uaytjanks its 8v lfydro brctrlc strrrt ughu 68139 w 11 kmuirr boo coal town hall jlo5 w ii krntnrr ftflon coal municipal buudlna luoo the presto co ltd it 30 05 municipal world suuoncry 3a9 richardsons hardware at l86 e c thompson court cost 1003 oronrrtown herald prtnting sjs bell telephone co lflu p p buckburn pouc uniform u09 p b lunison pcsuge etc 1030 hydro eectxic tom welfare acoounu 30m john murdock park 106t v o whltme sta 8 with the bowlers ou members of the oeorgetown bowling club went to brampton last friday nlaht and managed to defeat a brampton team in trebles one game being very close and the other well tn favour of georgetown they wtre entertained at a buffet luncheon by the brampton team who will reura the call shortly those from here tak ing port were w o bell j richard son art reeve 8 p chapman ernie thompson and harold cleave the oram cup was played for on thursday nlpht challengers j ken nedy nnd timer thompson rotnfr down in defent the cup mill rrmalnlnr in the handa of w o mcdowell and perce cofflr at the usual jitney prize winners wi re mrs blnke leslie and w o bell ballinafad mr nnd mrs lesley waddcu and fnmlly of hnmllton unt thr week at i in- formirs sister mrs annie vao- nnttcr mrs evans o toronto spent the wiek end with her sister nt the manse mr nnd mrs wm hilts ot to ronto spent the week end at mr henry hilts mls maureen mckny ot toronto f liendlnr n fortnight with mr and mrs alex mckay mr nnd mrs w gellwood of new york called on friends in the com munity this week friends and neighbours gathered om tuesday evening in the hall at dal- ltnafad after a short program eon slstlng or recitation by muriel hllta plnno instrumental by lillian bliortlll nnd solo by mrs f j shortlll a mock wedding was ttaged the following took part the bride john dole the broom janey alvens bridesmaid del mar french groomsman annie bnow page boy ernie mcenery flower fdrl bom enow robert mcenery gave the bride away and j p klrlcwood acted aa minister this created much fun an address was then read by lydia snow and un o head nee vlorenfw steen was nrsmnted with mlioal uneoua shower bhe resiled in a tew weuehosen word

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