tfee georgetown herald wednesday aug 5tb 1942 more wool is needed for canadas war effort cooperati in ontarios eryoi to pttoducf more wool hup increase the size and number of ontario sheep flocks producing more nool to clothe canadas fifchung coin- and htt cjvil population it a mlu tatlt shuh dnrrvtt the cjrtuu comwtcr- suioo of every onurw farmerr a brief uudy of the wool production of north amrttra and of uorld conditions occauoruxl by the war reveals an alarming ti tuition that call fur straight ihtnlting and forthright ipealuni bar lariai waal tnlrrtf w4i canada 19 200 00011m united slutra 4ss 000 quo lite total 4m iuuuoolba turtt bihra waal fctmilri twl canada 10q 000000 iba united gtatra 977000 000 iba total i um6 ouu000 lb ehjlcti slliodoooibe vju can ire thai iih shipping space ai a jxrtruum ami ith nrn nvnhancmin a uijrt for tnrtny lubmsiinrs uk uruaituo it indeed critical mor oul rouu be produced at home and nt up to oaunu larcrxn to help produce it thr oouno drpirtrnraf of agriculture it sorting to effect an locrravc of 2s in this prvtwer to do thit all pmroi buslt sun be kept and in addition 110000 rue ismb rum thr im 2 crop muu be krpt oo the firm- if firry pmnu bodi ottner lit pi ihirc cr roeo thi crop mou of thr incrravr would be obtained bui since many ihrrp w nrr cannot atcommnd itc any more animals thr department u aiilng ontario larmrn to rusbluh 1000 new socks hkh will absorb all surplus rar lamb our agrvrulrural rrperuntailtr will br able to put ou in touch lth mm who hate lamb for axle or mm ho sttih to purchase them in mahlnhlng ifioo new fkxvt it it intrndrd that rspamton ukr ptacr by counties in proportioa to thr pmrot threp populitton ou still sec ht apantlon muubt arromrjiihrd in our county in thr lint below catxoobv -a- ulm 9 mv jh vmiwi w1 ws watte cevnt vt tfamtrm uuu- catioorv -w- ostt faff fmi ssa h twa- mmjkurmt rmtr lwatt iu1 1 pmi utlllmi fcu ujth imsatacsr catkooot c i w fsyj jap vet urm riff tm laefc4 uakia hum w j fl j ftua4 travel pn tm4 thi tam roocv any firmer starting a otw bock of i cc limb or more nuy ucurc a run for to jtin oo loon fruai the docninioa government cowuai tout aotkutnitm hmu1htat1v1 fot ctmitptclr infoftnjimo akxii trcurtog mn rwt umbt tir run oc kxji n dn ij cut ply in helping canjj pnlir mrc t4 tctuh ywur nuci ariculiuru kt-ptc- troudx o u p vjtttjo live sicwli bfxnk dck ol anculiuft ttxnoti hon p m dcwan m1nistib w t reik 01putv mjnistir ontario department of agriculture due to repairing of line there will be an interruption in hydro power sunday august 9th from 2 to 5 30 p m oeoroetoun iiyilhot li tltlc commission ln geesj3y theatre friday august 7 pacific blackout bobebt preston maiitiia odriscoll jailhouse blues nat pendleton anne owynne fox news saturday august 8 navy blues i shxb1dan jack oakie jack 1mlev uabtha save cartoon wabbit twubble passing parade flag of mercv chapter 1 dick tracy vs crime luuaa at t aja tuesday and wednesday august 11 ijttle foxes bxtte davis ubbbebt mumwhtl cartoon dog trouble 12 new advertisements hvvrtn imiohohraph in uorklnn uilir up ihom u7 i ok stll tioid uilc tuning rtxim milh 0 iikcif ilrinil nc 19000 ah 1jiau oftiwt or sll ctjaii huron ruiiki in first cl it condition phone up urouorrown in i ok hlu ulccu or mile app t riioni jvj milt 111 nt b one lioitm on jtuin ht or run r utlm xctip illon il i apiil t p1iosk li0 iii lp v ntt l trnulr tirjm rli ncid loopir lit jk r do n li ul niplnnnnt ppl w a iavou- i mclirtnri kiii in lironto mir sall hunoy mm wnon anil funnlni mill apply den youno itp phoiu i r h rxir hall qtulty elictrtc wnsliir- 89 50 nnd up ckt yours uhllo you can thi supply li cry limited richardson 3 hardware 2t oriitonn mill mall summer cottage on the credit river at terra coltn completely furnish ed immediate pavs apiily it kenneth m lanodon aeorgctown forbale orcen and butter beans pencil pod now cucumber and new potatoes at the greenhouse maple ave it phone 175j between m and 3 pra wanted live and dressed poultry highest market prices a a harnett ts bon phone brampton so r ii tf reverse charges fob sale beatty heotrio wbahers 18040 and up get yours while you can the supply is very limited hkjhardbonib hardwarc st oeorgetown v0e8aie new black winter coat auje 3r fur collar and ouoa will sen cheap also electric heater in eood condition ap- p bbraud opkoe active service notes hli tullj and mends a lad to veloosu back the 7th oaortttows man to reun from tnerueji pt oral rayorr he arrttd home wednetday juy isth after an inrtestfullldir trip from thr cxd oouitry btore en- uauni as cook vth thr lome seou in uay 1wj ftr rsynrr rated in uie loii provtnnaj paper w1i um for is tar le vent otenaaa jnt uth of tne timr rar the ksyntr tamny it dokna its fiu thtlnr ifivt trtrrr are nal uurr faorit oirrust pu- tennsrd firtlh his 1uxr to tr lome fous oor tryvnit cl ur jl can pvm ret btio a j riiie tn otrrtras to rars ou cirurjir ar3 tpr robrrt of tlrf- itri cun ltw ntn who has been vitmai or tao rar ptr o uthr l brnt huk tcr o t2cl ireji t lud top to ittum to tre o 4 owntry atim rxrry it ion prtr ltr kt thr bo lltr it oitr tlittr ard tjir r motto u t1iomb cpl tilt tujtr i tut lvt itl it utr ft furmlinr iau ta llurii lilt lit t1 kln ivtjr vi rtpjfnf n vith in tlr tlfui oirrwas c in i ron artjna litft llurt tost weld hflj lull nrvfoantl and ut unk ttr isll ocfi r normtli hi turn u n t atlofird ttitt hr at nlld luunotlon ard u no m cti r ivt1 ocierr in liir rojl ctn 1 n nt o feiiatuttlorl wurmtri and stp up thr good ork mjtr j a lirl 1k it tftttonrrt t prrtsir lt lwlnr tp n pndt wirt hjturd of ut rlr in lon qumlliy co mi momi salada to uuou rr mv jcibv ixjr to uar ac1 u jj pjatlui3 by tt ronuntu ol u emoro uj1 jn tan at ut- lkt ffiju- iico tutnu tor tbf klrik dai hjlbd io xfr 0rtudr oaln uur ti unitlf to iw orltj jj ct n iob rlvt kortti ftillt t ll j fc rtoi4- ol ol i ltu0 in miti lr i r n am iloltl l 1jjjj1 i t jitn it r lip 11 lliminjoii 1 r saabpoono aa4 bzpaibxmo lavn tovrrs sharpened and repair ad cabnstt bboa rabowabe btobe a ptm toru nora rob sub htaty tklrc iiilr simost dswf sho tudnopr rurette wlli take foasl shrr ex tton at trsdr in also tocfr urn ibatty ro ttuncluons or akaa vnur l w ci1appl2 hp couipbruvtur ootaisat iiolht to bent li1 roocord houv with bath and 6a iimc wtrrd for rangr garare laala httt north xnuneclutte apply j w kbthtot tf pbona 10 raomm as rrecobata painttog and ejaeorattng at masai aht pneaa attmatas tic mi resuukartoji ffaeos m effective now and aire rationed by coupon the station is one ounce of tea or f our ounces of coffee per person pew week coupons a b c d and e on the temporary war ration card now in the hands of the public are to be used and are now valid for the purchase of tea and coffee each coupon will entitle the purchaser to one ounce of tea or four ounces of coffee a supply for one week if desired purchasers may use any or all of these five coupons simultaneously and buy up to 5 weeks supply at one time on the surrender of the appropriate number of coupons numbered coupons are good only for the purchase of sugar and may not be used to buy tea or coffee similarly lettered coupons may not be used to buy sugar coitee concentrates and substitutes containing coitee one coupon must bo surrendered lot each quantity ol coffee concentrate or substitute containing coffee suf ficient to make 12 cup of beverage tea bags require coupons when purchasing tea bags the fol lowing coupon values shall be ujedi t coupons let a cation ol is or 20 its bags 4 coupons fas a carton ol 40 or 49 laa bags 8 coupons lav a carton el 00 taa bao children under 12 years of age are mot eligible to receive any ration of tea or coitee special notice to retailers on and alter august 3rd retailers must establish their right to purchase new supplies of tea or coffee from their suppliers by turning over to the supplier eurrently valid ration coupons equivalent to the poundage of tea or coffee ordered front the supplier the wartime prices and trade board tcbw ottawa esttaaat 1l ittt