Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 12, 1942, p. 3

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the george herald wednesday august 12 1942 timely topics for women by itofetff iftbtt a holiday fob btayatbohx8 ititte are a mt many people who this tummir win get no bail 47 unt ia not officially tm u true ot rarortrr offloe-work- r tad tlf etxu and othtra tu hate not bn at heii pmnt ob loaf xoub to quality for tvo wrfc 1ui par it u auo true ol many bouvwnra im jot must br home to care for thrlr chlldrrn or ttt that fcald uarrr arc ll but cervcc nrfi a holiday a chanar of sxrniry and or in terest and a chance u iqac tn the un or u not tn tun trie moon- tijfct and tvungr aa it may irrm to you oo cat takr thai ho6a wen ifaousn vtxi air n jour accustomed puc yt xm crry day but jju will nrrd to plan ahrad for it jm a sou mould for a i hour- fide ication- pint trt definite da us for your holiday to betn and rnd and imrhuiu ou uould rvrn ut to lut ome frlmda to thare it with ou you anil nerd to uir lomr morwv for tl r ratru holiday eyprrur vou u ntnl to bft our couc in oidrr and it take a bit of plaruvni to have thrm all drai and mtndrd urul looklnc thrlr brat at on time and how about bjvlng ourrf a brand rua booru outfit to put cu in tht holiday mood you mill need too to et cauyht up llh all thr rxtrt chori to their will br no mcldrntair lo ntrrfrrr itl oux jood umta a a a a x a ut the lonji aaaltrd day airiirs what alll ou do an thing but what vou air acciulomrd to dniin you hnc to br tn the factory or oflirr or store or kjtchrn at uiual out before und aftrr aozklna houra do tht thlnp jou aould liar to do on your mrular vacation oo for a awtm vm although thr old ilnimln hole at thr edgr of thr toan u nut us capuvatlnjt a pucc a thr brach ou were lit uut rar thr water u j ml a refreshing and your apprtltr will br jiut at good for thr plmlc lunch ou take along plan to lilt uomt nrarb place of interest that ou harnt rx- 0lorrd brforr and br lurr to include tomr muijc and dancing in your profframmr invltr our frtrnda to a dutch ttrat dinnrr at our fa- vourttr rating placr or grt thr bna torthrr tor a bartmcur it ta rraiv fun to toait hambuntrra ovrr an oprn flrr abor all catrr to our on ukrt and duiikr do thr thine you ant to do but don l br afraid to try aomrthlng nrm what u you harnt plaed coif brforr your flnt attrmpt wlu br an rx- prrlrncr to rrmrmbrr and talk about and how about atartlna ol lry ball in our own back aid what ou aurt aa a holiday ertturr may becomr a source of rnotnrnt to ou and thr xxxng folka of our com munity for wrrka to ccmr x a i wrll our holiday is all orr your monr la iprnt and our fay aporta clothrt all limp and aourd and our prrtty urrd i u bet but then dont you awo come buck tired and broke alter a aucoraaful taxation u iou had fun if ou had rocnr new rxprrtmcra and nude aomr new frlrnds then it aa aorth it jour flrt atay-at- home- holiday avkino w1tiioit ttloar wf arr all halnh dlfflculty in miking our iuttar ration oorr hotnrcoolantt aa we a tatur uw in bdapting m faourlt rrclprt to wartime condition i heir found thr rul lo- 8uoaj1 oubantxom helpful prrhao jxu iil tuo 1 cup auyar t cui honey tth 1 vi liquid i cjp uiar j cup hom 12 cuo mkjr ith lewi liquid 1 cup augur up rrolx sr 1th ii liquid ond thr oddllnn of l tap baking powder 1 cup augur 1 cup uni fcjrup hh 13 it a liquid in puin cakr muffins nnd cookies thc 111 not br a v t how- 1 cup hurfar l cup corn trup and cup uea with 13 leivs 1 aukl t sweet eak n nnl candv 1 cup iuijar l cups minlr aupor 1 cup haney hh ft teaspoon baklns pmder riual 1 cup moawi with i tp oli x x x s he it are omr oilier uffktlon for ln8 ukftr fruit juicfb from ennntd frulls maj be uvd on the liquid in gelatine deascits use 1 ttwp pelatlni lo is cup- saittt nrd fnilt juice dried fruit conked with irish irult uill it iul i iiouh saeetneaa try cooklnp daus wlh frrah rhubarb or rnklns with nppc mwt dried fnnu enn be cooked without auttur if ou must add homo add it just before the rnd of the cooking a pinch of aalt adds raeetnra too puddin08 ready p r pared may be uaed an a filling for cakrn and pin if maie n little stiff er than usual jellies and canned frutt may br kept qultr aatlafoctortly wjlh cud sugar and u cup corn 6irp stewed fruits will be just as sweet half sugar and half com ayrup frozen desserts ore smoother if madr with cup sugar and cup com syrup saccharin la being widely used to give odded sweetness to stew ed fruits puddings and deserts as well as in beverages it is a crystal line product of coal tar ery much sweeter than cam sugar but if used to excess tastes bitter ttle books of the week by squadron leader o l cretd 1 m dent wpd tloo for freedom a little volume of patriotic and war verse is the work of squadron leader o l creed now stationed at air force head quarters at ottawa squadron lender creed was born 43 years ago in scotland but has spent many years in canada he was with the rca tn the last war and since then has hod a varied career as salesman radio announ cer journalist and fox fanner and has travelled in many parts of the empire when this war broke out he was living in halifax his poems have punch and a ringing patriotism measage from filnganorc one of his best was used by sir cedrlc hardwlcke on his canadian tour and received wide and favourable comment the little folks of london is one of the most touching ode to hess the most humorous and thev shall not the most eloquent x think per haps my favourite is i knew her when squadron leader creed looks on war realistically he sees both its tragic and ita heroic side and writes with sincerity all royalties from the volume go to the rojlf benevolent fund a fund established in 1034 to relieve distress among roaj personnel by v morton for freedom i james blunt mooleuand stewart b3pp 2- cents another little volume which no canadian should miss reading is james blunt by h v morton the celebrated author of in the steps of the master in search of england and other well known book it is a superbly written account or life in england in 1w4 and 40 after the oermans have occupied england james blunt a retired tradesman living in surrey is one of mil lions of britons squirming under the nazi heel in secret he keeps a diary through its pages we see the qestapo at work in an english tillage the qerman troops goosestepping past buckingham palace the terror of forced labour the dally humiliation and depredation of the ordinary man and woman but saddest of all perhaps is the effect of the new german schools on the children an influence the parents are helpleu to counteract it is a book of fiction yet but it is a deadly serious book con- demnng all false optimism and wishful thinking bnxpiiertvs fib are you interested in budget mealst well here is a grand dish to erve on blue monday because you can make it from the leftover from sunday dinner and serve it without any apologie because of ha economy 9 cups meat stock or gravy si taweflpons quickcooldnu uptoo 3 oups diced cooked meat tup canned tomatoes u up cooked carrots u cup cooked onions 1 tbap chopped parsley a tap worcheatershlre aauee ball u up pepper tt tap paprika 3 caps mashed popatoat 3 tbap malted butter for distinctive service his aha tea bags carrolls nourishing food for vacation day quaker mufifiets 3 pfcga x5 korr aim a- axe itutaat pettnaa quit puddings orange juice jumbo peas tomato pigkjle mustard w r cornstarch 2 coll 20u tia iso ua uaar brine itotfc to a boll over the dlwrt but oaauae taploea pap lie 18c ise 19e loe ioc pajuum coffee sc sic cowans cocoa 140 240 masters auettits ze m jar ala coxoelaytnk paaaa 170 quakui oat canuuuaut uui ukm vm wt wajsdbarya sat lc sal 4 caaaa x4c a waaat oraal newport fluffs 25c 39c castile soap kirk x 9c 65e loc 24c oxydol oc x3c old dutch cleanser princess flakes guest ivory soap 3 14c ivory snow 33c palmollve soap x lie noodle soup surra p tee certo ml ase cahmia calava pxaj came a sco canoi rauia cop cakes a far tee qoakar puilmd hjcs sjicaasua bacon xxx vinkoaa ovelttaa ua pis- e mjk- ate qaart lie me eae saal jaa jan wtta haotba saal ph sttopnlaa acs -aaatjry- stamcb flca spkat sea s ste obrtfkllt lc klzr 4 or ttr umons lor 15c bu see carralta baking powdbjt laoa tiasie toodt da sfe 4f e o it n c t h mrd sux- dot uc aipu4 ootid cooklntf iubl 33r frail aaj vagauua prlea ceoj to satanur nlgal omif w i mini la rtiu kail imllln a umor anlly iaaaala j ptioae357 wedeurer main street here u maestro allan mclvcr who preildlng over this weeks edition of montreals bunday night variety august 10 1015 pjn edt drawing his inspiration from the film capital mr molver has planned a gala solute to robin and ranger two of holly- fun for sunday impfiovco unirorm imttbmattohal sunday chool lesson br babolo t umoomat d d oj f vcstla gjsiuu al caus rtfintit by wmus awajnr vbm imwovo uniform inycrhatiorlal sunday i chool lesson a iujiold u unroquiar d p- slsair leaaoa for aufoat 9 ltt rjrt ma sfrtcta biu u- 1 r rfa mmm aas afrtatar laala fa leaaoa for augtut 16 ahsahavs intttbxessobt pkateb a lesson text onrau u ib coidcn text tfca ctili aiir ti a rttuu haa avauma iiu is prayer has been the subject of thousands of books of sermons with out rnd yrt how little it is actually practiced conferences are held ta dlscus it and thty attract urg audiences but at proyer meetings e find enly a hondful we are sure that prayer changes things and we agree that it la tfc moat powerful force at mans dia potsl but we go right ahead trying to change things in our own strength o what peace we often forfeit o what needless pain we bear all because we do not carry everything to god in prayerl our trtbon from the life of abra ham etreses one important phase of pruyrr prayer for others i the nsure of uureessary prayer 1 it is a privilege wt- speak of the burden of prayer but let us also recall that it u s privilege abraham had been hon ored by a visit from the lord th covenant hsd been renewed and a ton promised gen is 116 thsss the lord because of his friendship isaac fcacstces peace lesson textg1 ss 131 c04dem text filnud ua tsa war kom far tbrjr lhu b ci4 tsa ll orf at go4 usttbrv s s to talk peace in a warring world i seems almost futile and so it is unless it be the ptac of god in a world isrgely dominated by tht- philosophy that might mskrs right and in which men di mand whst uu y call their rights taking them run by lawless and violent methods 11 is increasingly dllucult to proclaim the truth that patience and met k ness are not wiukness but ur chrltlun vlrtuis worth emulating the story of isaac is inurratini from beginning to end he was on ordlnury man one of the common people he had come through vu rled esperlences of victory end di feat before the time of our lesson fearing a famine and apparently not trusting god at the moment he had gone down from the prom tsed land to the country of th philistines there redjgglng the well which his father abraham hod dug the result was that he pro pered ere long however envy on the part of his enemies taught isaac that i fesct ta this world is tern poesry w ib11 isaac hsd prospered but he was with abraham shared with him v still out of the promised lend and 17 ills purpose of judgment ea while he was in the land of philistines wicked sodom and gomorrah he could espect no permanent peace we are in the world we long for peace and would throw all our influence and service into the cau- of bringing a righteous peace to the troubled peoples of the world but lrt us not be misled by that delrr into tht support of unscrlptural nnd impossible peace programs tin world is o alnful uorld and as long as that is true there will bo mnf and war that men as james puts it may huc the gains thereof fur thrlr own plionure our business in ftuch a world i to preach tht fjofpt 1 of crace win nlnji men lo christ that they mi ltcomi men of kood will inane w is such o mun willing to yield run whut hctmtd to be his right mtlu i tluin cnuse contention undoubttdl tht re arc times win n one must dtfend his name and hif posmsnluns but nil too ofun thus who do mund for their rights halt wrtcktd homes churchaa and nations nnd hnt- katntr nothing but nn imply victory the pence of this world is ttm porory la there then no real nbul ing pence and joy ii abiding joy is found la fel lowship with god w 22 is woods most prolific sonrsmluis and listeners are also going to hear the entire bunday evening show cast in mr mclvera impression of hollywoods impression of two of the most popular songs in the community singers repertoire per paprika and salt add gradually to the stock bring to a full boll stirring constantly add the meat onions carrots tomatoes and pan- ley btlr in the worohestershlre sauce turn into a greased biking dish cover top with the mashed potatoes starting with the outside edge and working to the centre where an opening is left for the steam to escape brush with butter bake tn a hot oven iso degrees p twenty minutes or until the potatoes are browned how glorious to be on such inti mate terms with god to know ilua and to know ills plans and purpoasa would you enjoy having such fsl- lowahlpt you may through jesus christ and through the atudy of goda holy word 2 it is a duty privilege brings corresponding raw sponslbility the two men went toward sodom but abraham stood yet before the lord v 22 to pray for the wicked cities those who know gods plans ara to share them in prayer thosa who have audience with 4he king of kings are those to carry the blessed burden of proyer for others as wtu as for thclvcs are wc praying for our nation for ii- president and leaders for our city for our church our fami lies our children our friendst tha dtcper the need the greater the wickedness the more we need to pray if we as christians do not pray who will proyt i s it is a reality j 3tme modern religious leadera would take oil reality out of prayer by making it a sort of spiritual ex ercise which operates only on tha soul of the one who proys giving r him new strength ond o sense of when isaac came up into canaan well being undoubtedly the very the land which god had promised to him he found real peace and an abiding joy in renewed fellow ship uith god even so the chris tian man and woman who will step out of a spiritually destructive fel lowhlp with the ungodly world and come over wholeheartedly into the spiritual canaan of full consecration and separated living will find true peace and satisfying commu nlon with god our thought however has wider application one much needed today there is to come a time when this world will have true and abiding peace which shall cover the earth like the waters cover the sea when the one who has the right to reign the lord jesus christ returns to take his throne then and not be fore will there be true peace we await that day with longing which grows more intense as men grow more violent in their hatred but is there nothing more wc can do yea wc learn from isaacs experience that iii a godly life is a testimony lo warring men w 2831 these men were wicked men even speaking falsehood in their claim of friendship toward isaac v 20 now that they perceived that god was continually blessing isaac in spite of their repeated injustice toward him they decided that it would be well to make a covenant of friendship with him even those who follow the way of war and ag gression cannot deny the effective ness of true christian testimony observe also that by his patience and kindness isaac ultimately made friends out of his enemies it is better to turn enemies into friends than to beat them ond have them enemies still and so this man with the patient seusacrlflclng spirit brought peace not only to himself but to those about him be cause he believed and trusted god when a mans ways please the lord he moketh even hla enemies to be at peace wills him prov 187 what can we do to bring peace todayr we can pray that god will help america and her allied nations to turn to him in repentance of sin and in a desire to so honor but name that he may be able to give his bltsalng whan heieklab ipread be fore the land tha threat of hla enemy god undertook for him in a mighty way bacauee hla heart was tight toward god ua 3t14lu will ha do leu for uir fellowship with god which is inher ent in true prayer is spiritually beneficial but prayer is objective not merely subjective it deals with nations and cities men and women problems and sin and sortow it concerns every need of man phye- ical mental and spiritual ii the spirit of intercessory prayer 1 unselfish abraham had the assured bless ing and promise of god tha cltlee were wicked and unrepentant if he had taken the attitude of many church folk he would have sold ft serves them right wipe out their wickedness but abraham prayed for them in complete unselfishness can those who know the spirit of christ be selfish in prayer 2 bold and courageous note the reverent boldness with which abraham pleaded the causa of the cities god is not displeased to have ua press our cause fas prayer in fact the bible reveals that he frequently answers accord ing to the earnestness with which men pray he has always honored and used men of holy courage 3 persistent no one not even god likes quitter remember thoso who were heard for their importunltyt luke 118 1818 many pray liks the little boys on halloween they ring the bell and run abraham persisted fifty forty- five forty thirty twenty ten per haps he should not have stopped even there god who saw his per sistent faith went the rest of the way and saved the only four who- could bo saved and even of those three were infected with the wicked- neaa of the place let ua not be weary in well do ing as we pray for in due season we shall reap it we faint not gal 80 m the besait of lafareauwr prayer god had to destroy the ejuea there are some kinds of trlolsnt infection which must be destroyed by ore for the aake of others out of the destruction however god did deliver the righteous let which was doubtless abrahams real desire god hears and aniwars prayers that is not only tha testimony of hla word but of countless chris tian man and woman down through tha agea even to our day tha ana who would deny the efficacy of prayer must face an overwhelmuig flogd of authenticated anawtrs

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