Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 12, 1942, p. 4

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the georg he wednesday august 12 1942 active service notes whn bft thomas wunn vent ttuiul hi brotherinlaw mr harry sttrlght gee him the iddrai of hi faavrebt from whoa be had not heard lrt tweetyai teer he had written tbam ofun and recerrmg oo reply wondered whit had happened to thrm jt was a goutro opportunity to soivr u myttery whm bit- ware ni aant to enfiinft wttn hi reglmrnt- tom went to the community iprtt- fled tn the address firm hm and af ter mirlny numerout inquiries fin ally lound lurrys mothrr end u thrr he had been writing all thru year to the wrong eddr- they were in the beat ot health and whl tvn was there took some anapa mtilcto harry wai drushied to reorlte lie enj3ed hia vfcut with them vrry much indeed and intend to take advantage ef their kind invitation to come back enc tee ihem again in the near ftv tare the lush opinion e all hoetcf our lunr bcou toyi u now ahaied b the oiguvh a well trie rvenlna anrua ol ilrlshton bigland recently carried a photograph ot the uira bcole with thrlr colour tn a march tn the uoutli loulem comrrund before ijrutoen ii d o crera duo vd the ouowtng tn an at tract irom the piillsh paper officer and men o the canadian regiment the lome hrou made an txunlrtna ahow on oalurday when they csttlrd out the cerrmonv of nooptnf the colour at a place in the uouth- wjiurro command iwch waa their beanns and all their movement were marked with such precision that it u difficult to realu that they had hoc had more than a month train ml until they all came together for thl training the retftrnent had been epllt up in romparue and pi storms and thrlr amart performance on the parade ground on saturday reflected the free teat credit upon them and those who were mnonalble for their training a military band and a pine band made up of rrpmrntauves of the lit 2nd and 3rd canadian dtruloru not only played but marched wtll and porvlded that touch which made the general spectacle so food to watch a nephew of lira cnarlea wateon stlhgl lioyd oalloway ol qarma ontario itarted out on hla air car- car with ogt david crlchton one ot the tint georgetown boy to join the roaj blncc those day their path bale lead in diserent direc tion we all know of dave colour ful career and mr wataon ha jut learned that her nephew prior to tak ing on hi present job ol auuiiul patrol with the rtaj had been tak ing part tn all the recent big bomb ing operation on cologne laaen and firemen lie i a reargunner llr baa thl to aay of hla experience we never opened up on anything unless we were pretty certain u aaa an enemy taking a bead on u other- wue e might ec a night fishier dive down open up on him and at tract attention ol another just wait ing up there the lint fellow might sot even hate seen u the bti thing to do iu jui all tight keep ing our gun quiet unlcaa ae could plainly aee a jerry twinging about taking aim in that caae accord ing to lloyd there wea only one thing to do rnrli mm pte herb arnold 1 taking a tpccial oourae m ottawa in connecting will aiea we were nleaaed to hear that fannie weaver ot the hoap wdi received her corporal stripe in june- bhe la cow stationed at rocaxllse ool man tn uniform noted home over the week end pte clayton bradley brampton lao alfred bykea uagers- vule lac j bridge uramiord pte jack young nugaraonlhelake p0 kenneth mirkeime aylmar pte walker cleave toronto pte gor don james nlagaraonthelke word ha been received here that lao stewart young baa arrived safe ly overseas horace niyth former employee of the aulanoa paper mill ltcl la now on active aervlca in use infantry oorpa at brentford he apent the week end at hi borne here to attend the blytbooulna wedding on batur- acton weddias of leal ifttwett leer forte thomson otndated at a quiet wedding at knox church manse acton en thursday july 3rd ahtn helen atooney only daughter of ur and ixr prank ktooney acton we united tn marriage to harry oticrbctn son of llr and mr a oterbein pmton ills uooney la rllarkon to the ounger peote in ritoryrtovti beinj an active member cf the actco tennis club which ha llavtd frequent tournaments in ururvrloan the brltr orr a duty rose khrtr stif l rulh dress with white acces- sonr hrr mother s pearl and a cor utfe cl butterfly ro and bouvar du ibr only attendant tin harold uojriey ne toronto slsterlnlaw ot uw brldt- ho aorr u luopiixe quiyu at nr bue drra willi white acccuoelre hi r nrsje aas pink rou and bou- vardia t ir brt nun aas sir harold duv- v a ut rrrstoo brouierln law of thi groom alttr live cerrmony a reception was lelj at the home ol uie bnocs por- rnu tlic brldea nvojirr received araruig ruoune ttlie alji aluie ac- cetortna and i cofje ui swret peaa and uvuvaldl a bullet lnclvron as served by the bnde friend mr master lluth and llelty mvter mr norton ml iv jrule coir and prance healing tti- bndr utile a beautdul llh three tier arddlng cake sink and ahllr upeis and saeet pnvs vtieti cutting thr cake the bride uved a kulte the gift of grandmother moon ey and an heirloom in the family this a a the thirteenth time it had been used knr travelling the bride donned e ky blue suit with beige acceasorlr und runted a beige topper the bride and groom left by train for windsor on their return they will realde on xarla otrect acton tinoe- eoorporal atxldc nave just i given to pte loveil cochrane ot mlagaraonthelake congratula- local aporta lane will be tntereated to learn that harold and stunt chamber ot the fergus hockey team have juat recently gone active harold baa joined the mavy and prank in air port pliotomcer j t hunt it no temporarily aiatloned at ottawa luuu bavlng tvnmpiaiart an otsoer a course at jaebme queboo he apent the week fat at m toida bajci drives ian aiatanrtctj mntll oi ene lith ilrigaue oroup oo hoa bjo who was atatlonad at brhltminn orounds and later at camp boroen tsu been transierred and is at pre- ctu at camp tjoroae calgary alia we are glad to report that bgt- uorace hurley who aaa been lately fvfvp io me j tt aianmn depot baa completely recovered anu left tuesday mnrnlng to report tor duty at deoert n onr prod sngiehy bjoja ud left jpelawawa attguu the but fox buaaex mew bruniwick good luck fren joe jt bas mccxitiy joined tbc ranki ol georgetown man on active avarvue and is with tba canadian armoured oorpa at present itauoneo tn toronto jmlore going aetlve joe u a tallied employee at smith tt wswav jjd of many years tend ing he has always taken an active tntarwt in sport and played interme- dlale riockey on the town team tor several yean m inf sheetings to troope ttrfmaf ptflgjurnvyi triveeaeae with tne oovemor oaotrsls horse ouardi au- guet utb fttrale harry ntokarjon v lawther euihretil hla aw urtlv a hay kul he hm bees to los- aju osaaretm two yeavts wiik the ial rtxl rair datih llled below are date on aluch fall lkn are being mid in neighboring communltlea lrmpon ixpl ivrgus tkpt llli atjr bept 11u urjnsevlue fcxpt 1510 mount fvrist uept 1718 acton bept iblv atreetavule bept 18 cultoun brjl ji t cooluvule bipt 20 3u gall tup 2 grand volley txpt 2a t muton ticpt 2itj uhelbjme bp 22ii alhur oct 1j uolton oct 3j uarkham oct 1j abrrfoyle ovt b7 bnn oct u ujknl scot hxtxrn estuvl caup magaka tcontlnued from page it of them route marches under a hoi un were a easy a falling off a log they caugnl on quickly too to the routine of camp life and the intrtca- de of modem drill and lecture and the men from the rural loan dldnl do so badly either there were many veteran ot the lart war at camp from orangevule sbelbume brampton port credit acton oakvulr milton bolton and other towns and villages throughout the district their ranks ranged trom commi ones to buck private the history of the iome bcou in fantry regiment 1 tied up directly with the activities of various rule compan ies organised in peel halton and duoerln counties a minus unit was formed in hal- ton county in 1103 and with another formed tn peel oounty look part in the war of 181x these two unit forming the nucleus ot the borne boots aaw action together again in the rebellion ot 1131 in 18w the independent rifle com panies ot halton county were organi sed into the soth halton battalion ot infanry under lleutool o k cbl- holm that same year aaw the organlia- lion of independent rifle companies in peel oounty into the mth peel batta lion in 1870 following a review of the halton battalion by his excellency the marquis of lome the regiment was given the designation 30th halton ba xjome rifles during the boer war men of hal ton and peel counties could be found serving with other representative ot the ostufllan muitla in south atrca during the great war the peel and halton oounty regiments sent to the lighting front members ot thelr reglmenta who were attached prlncl pally to the 4th aoth 36th ssh mth letn u8th and 3mth battalion o ej these men won many duulons in 1sh an alliance was ansae be tween the royal ulster rifles a h hnpiurni british regiment and the halton rifles m mo the peel and dufferin regl mint became silled with the xatnca- shire puatuem with peratltaiob to adopt the facings ot this regiment they were also granted the touowlng battle tuaoure ypres veetubert hul 10 besoms amiens htridenlyurg vitia end the pureult to uons tn ims the pea duberln end hal ton oounty regliiiobtg were avlnuga mated and in newimher ot that year the peel duflertn and helton oounty regl menu oesssd to exist a eu they beesme deelgnaterl the xaune boms under tlie iwimt ot usttl ool o wlsgaiiald the crests ot the dace of acatfu and blr hobeh petf ware ttswsimmted tn the badge of the tg cjf atttfl ptfntatjiea red cross news orrt god ve thanl tbee tor uu born tbi bcmnuoui birthland of uxt tit wbtxt vausdrrrrv irom euar txuy comt- and brrauae uif air of liberty ol t a oreen ai ir ht meclioord brfofr r har optmed a fuid for m for vcrvcew and uxv l- w ixiiuj i uyti tiramut- cr it u tsot too liur to uttiil in our contntxiuon if imj imw 101 ulitauly done to iorty ax ttnu i6c will buy a lourpound ui itrmrmbrr trxcrr arr tl frw dxurith u uir oj leujd li dy wiut uir tfjicily ot tjjiur uwi ueevr c can rl lmimuier hoa mucii it ill of jam 1 uiuxljlro rsjktlj i by a uiouur mii utur rhlmrrn in wrlund cooitt ur vctnrn in kulutr miit juw pouta u 1vhu aiul uvcirud oil uubuunt to 6 joo pourula in 1w1 tuid nprct to do j mru u not utut in 1uu lru tar tlr jlru cfoiji and uu women ljuululsh air aortuntf u ktuur and hoi lir itvulu uj u much grraur uitm lt rar uatfcremas am uw atjlllfvuai u iutd for ur qkantis of aujruavt r iotr iual ctry ofc ttlll utotoutju tllu lilt leuti udy and be rraa to itiuin iiii n- nrrd tliior tli r upn ui tup term orr jlrvaqoartrr lutvr uilonnrd ui uiat ao cim tiit aarrr guolaa axui uiat aweui tfittsur nmimiihiu uismi ui uir puit tuul muir aortrri u1 ut uroxxl acutv hrrvlc vtmvr we aousd uir to oonamatuutc ibe oounilut ol uii orgeuiltauoii on tne uondcrlui truccvaw ol thru itri cn- uur the civic holiday trlrtorauott u grratly apitfrcaitrd uy utuor lo luui u it until in toau u iu u o uir vuitora britain apprrcuua an cicrrpt fruoi u irtur fium u citl- urn of uruuu lulguldu to caultsauaul uiouirr riail i imt uu ptut gnuiu uojl of cauuuuaulo u ulc lib i ttell isjlo uu joujigrr ticrutiun ufi cfi utj uir old uoch and vtoni iti uil ju cuiuiiry duan nay uu doing u griuiu oo of ora cjntiiaiiy and uiry cuii oc proud ol u und ui piouu ot uicm h animate sale fa bepumhrf vei boix you arc not lonittun unit ul bptrcaii prufcu conunuu uu pinniag a rununugc vile m biptui mi and arc uafcing jour lujp to nuieit it u nugc auctac imbin no iiu my dac any good utl mutlu uiit you can apwe tf rftf trot ww be brady a evplrndld cxarxinlc ol uic prtpara tion lor dluutcr u tht ork of uu ilrd croa in drluah coumbiu blncc jupun enured ui wax vatt qntrmfv or orppli nv been moved into the coast area and tna red crota corpa h incrcatsd lu ttnsftn to mwt any erne rgerpry waat u am t gtaaiu canadian red crcaa mwllcil auppllca will conunue to b ttnl to ruuia in j nerndtng itxeam until victory la von llr jutkp il gordon chair man ot the national eucuuve told the soviet red cross in a special mesaagr to uoscov on the tint anniversary of the german invasion ot the soviet through the long winter ve have heard uir slortea ot courage and forti tude ditpliyrd in the field by ruiy- sian red cros nun and doctors who have done much to alleviate susrrlns a mm g the valunt soviet forces and the civilian vlcum ot cruel warfare he said itxpaiuh to glljj vvilxx1auh h slloi t to coht usui conunurd from igr 1 uyldi be now rrud a urt tixnr cuirltd jalovrd by cuxrlr sreondfd by clravr uiut uylemw no 0g3 to suru uir txv rrul liclool tkcllon and union lichocl urcuojbt of uie toanihlp fur uir yrmr imi br nt rrewd a uiuul und ihliil umr and uiutd and uir tril of ur corpocatloi br attactird uuitto canted mottd by cruve secondtd by wil son that c now adjourn to mrrt turuu firptrmbcr ut 10u at b o clock pin or at the call of ur rrevr carried a special ueeting of ijoruig towruhlp council was hrld on wtd nesday evening with ileeve c ii my in the chair councilor grorvr p cieae oeorgc cuxne and wullam a wilson present ulnulra of uve laat meeung mer irad and udoytrd lloved by wuwn avecoodrd by cleave hat this council acorpt uir tender of nichardson corutrucuon company ltd toronto for the sum of t329oo for construction ot unurated umber plung at the credit rlvtr olen wil liams in accordance with plana and specification prepared for that pur- pote carrud moved by cleave seconded by cur- rle that uils council do now adoum ourrled card of tiiankh on brhalf of the navy league of canada the mrmbers of the countess of auathmorc chapter iox- wish to thank thoc mho contributed to the success of the navy league tag day august the 6th uy thrlr efforts the bum of 11080 aas raised for uiu aorthy cause church news hciiplara tnt oat e all mil apea face be- homuif a lna gtaas ifc gtary of the lard are changed iota the aaost image froea gtory la gtary even as by ibe hplxtt af the lard 2 car si is ly csefievel tm t rev r c todd bju sfinutar 1000 sm sunday sxhool 110 ajn public orshlp joint servlcea with rnoz oongrcga uon to the unltad cnurch tjoo pm- evening gvtrvlc withdrawn kaaa rycaarytehaa clkabeii rev chas- c cochrane ba lotio in sunday school 1100 am- joint ae4vioe ot worship with the united church 700 pm evening service withdrawn- rresrtertsa caarch 3 00 pm puhllc irorthlp at maw cavck rev h r caleeva rsrtar 2 00 pm sunday school 3 co pm itverung prayer hi rat caattb narral v h am sunday school 730 pm evrnmg inyrr hi huphens chart h liaraby 10 jj t m ujnday sciiol 11 u am morning liatt hl gaargva chart h su woo ttuswpiari reetar ulrvenul sunday after trinity 10 m oowlsy school 11 00 am holy outrirn union 7 00 pm tven- song hl alaaas thartb oam fllluaaa eleventh sunday after trinity fi 30 am matins 10 jo am sunday school baptist dearth 030 am bunday school 7 00 pm cverung worship bpeafcrr mr old johnson toronto halton county council reduces tax rite ifallon county council met in milton last tuesday there was lltue rorirspoodencr and what there was was rufd the most important bual- neas was that in connecuon 1ui levy ing the county rate two mfmbers mere abent from the council reeve w s hall and deputy reee w murra the warden es- plalnrd mr murray a abac nee as brine a result of an accident on his farm through which he was confined to hoc pi lai pouoalng a suggestion by mr lullxmr a collection was made from members of the cound for the purpov of sending floarra to mr murray tir hoad committee recommended that eiumatea for rood aork be set at one and onetenth of a mill being an increase of one- tenth of a mill ocr that of lost year mr gilbert chair man of the road committee explain ed that there was ooivjdarabje road continued on page 8 ucoilvrav at pee uetaoriu macrjfi brampton on utkcajy august loth 14i to ut and ltr oartuid uoouvtay a brother tor rou and gall taweley at uount hoa pttal oo thursday august feh 1ml to ui and mrs eaton tansley saw edna porgrate a ace died rofie in toronto on saturday august a ifru jsmea tbomas roaa son of the late lawrenoa and han nah ptun rose in his ath jr buses leave georgetown rjurrkiinb u tcwonto stm vb tm sm ujos em ut tua cm pa u4 jus ej pa wio em brwxl7md u u3kdow aua ess ellin em us pm ahw pja ee vrs ejs pja jiev mj0 pa lfj4 pju t10 i pm all j4 pa a ifttrr eaeaps sun bsus asd hel e oallj eaespt bon and oel a ual bun and llal a to tnirrtaner o0i7 to atrauram only iaulam daittgot barteg ttaas tteksts ajat lai w b uomo cray coach limes style in glasses yes four ii mi snould fee mtfit to 01 roar pertttnilar tne m taes we rparlellie in tr ffiat- tasllon and prescrtb suraethe llirn at etty erlesa rot ejrjvart eye bentee ex newest ttjrle tn glims oowgtjlt 0 t walker r0 wtjo o be at hie eftve the bad telephone oo btreet oeorgetown the warltiisrtiy eg each mecta er lou bmt eensnti o t wasswr at his offlo tn braapten roonii oi see special prices for thursday friday saturday august 13th to 15th you always frd iohfprktson foods ann pat0n 0ran0i marmalade 29c clarks tomato juice 3 25c kraft cheese 19c fresh daily dominion quality whiti 10wm or crackio wmiat plain or piminto ketchup ssl swseb 3 mp 4 ns 2r jutcbes sl9e ts fruits vegetilbles juicy california lemons d 29 ontario no 1 stake tomatoes 2b green ei white celery stalks k 5 ontario ne i potatoes ir a nutritious cltlal slllledded wheat 2 marli uaf soap flakes u sis eta 160 we otpinoailt le walekl wkea eatkeill jewel shortemng fiyij flour quick or plain rolled oats dlieorriaomnd red rose coffee 19 23 18 19 81 5 25 i

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