Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 12, 1942, p. 7

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ib georgetown herah wtaitacley august 1 2 1 942 ip you cant patch it turn it in thai robber wuh the sole worn through thu old garden hose that old inner tube if they cmt be pithed then rum them in every pound of icrsp rubber tt needed urgently your government can nuke good uie of it look around the home and nun in every btt of rubber that you cant uie then urge your neighbour to do the tame you ii get a lot of tstuiacttoo in doing your bit the pulp and paper industry of canada fe clear telephone lines for allout production your telephone u part of vatt interlocking arttrm now carninr an abnormal wartime load dont let neeatcia delay bold up mestagt on which production efficiency may depend other wartime telephone tactics 1 he slhe you have the richi nuntlh r romull tlie directory 2 mrk tlilinrj dirrctly into llii imtulliplt rr 3 antthl promptly when the ihii ring 4 i tt ohpfk hour fr cong fhljiii ull ih fin v jo o in z lit 57 i in ufli r d i iti jtbnr lliuti my tank trifling hut o fvtfi ihmi tuih lttfiut feuvi ll n icoiuut s 8aoooooooooooo the worlds news seen through the christian science monitor am luttnuhomsl dtuy newt afjerr it tithmcnninl urnmtmi prse frees wiaimjsail has bdttorieb are tersely and iae rmmn teajimtr vhk the wutb it tb hnnlwr aa meal m or i lantern temple bai ley i a4i etsswane tesedarej halts fbe csulitlasi kmmatfm atilsifilng srclser me h beat damm mmudytml riiritr rtfirravata leiwiliiriiry peer j urn u csaes imvtboovyon lnmnwhwnnmmwnhnnmmhmt hstam cookino feature op cafe cab kitchen mother performs culinary mancu alth the kitchen range but could tho haic one of the new steam cooker fturh a are installed in nca catc cars ot the cunadlun national itatluavn there wculd be umplc potaux for all and miiido at nuu time no matter how muni untxpected uuests urrlvcd thcm cookers ure u wartime develop ment for uie quick cooking of vcrc- tablis meats and puddings probabl u malorlt n travtllirs think ol sttom mcnly as lilt propcll- mc iiowf- in tht locomollvt but iv has otlu r ratluiiy us s lit wntr months it ikiits puss iiki r equipment und now has imiu liarnissid fur tin kllchin irtltutrl m tlit si afi curs and in hit tununlssary kluhin curs uhlch form an issthllai iirt of troop trains mnwiut hint distune s ovir the national bjslim larue kiltks for tea tofltt oatiutal and oup um sttom off the train lint more of it itotn to the sink to surlllw dishis und now large ookus utlltt htium for a variety of piimkisis pinilfllinc liom rly umltiil ettttiible- an d other foods and leav ing lie top of the lanko lhar for other cooking fxtnliilne visitor pitvmcicd to scetho sccrtts ot the cufe car kitchen m exprcshcd keen interest in the step and labor saving layout by which luindlly placed cupboards and bins bring sup plies to within arms length if a towel is wanted just reach and get it with out moving a puce the dish needed is at hand too while the refrigerators aro close to bench and range the con venient sinks there arc two one for each end of the kitchen gained praise for the plentiful supply ol hot and rinsing water steam for sterilising and taps so plaoad at to greatly imimimi risk of breakage another gadget greatly appreciated is the stainless steel holder into which cups are placed awaiting call meanwhile warming tht chlnaware so that it toes to the table at temperature jut right for momlna coffee and tht luncheon cup of tea flnlrt on tfea oourh bugrd brr tlrm and surerjvc her gvi tlip pert- they ar putuaj my pic ture to tfc paper and adslsvlea tvy saw on on my da mr lannvor rrted out tare- oy etry did you ut brr do ii and user was a crest uproar aa stilcti l3ola could be baard mytej asd ttn ai gctcg to hat a picture ot tn icn and cns dt your brotntr it tbry ran tl it utas btrwa turn btgaa to fl uncomians- u eh was lh told barult as enucn out of place as a puyaf tn a zoo the womro and thee maa recedndad bar somahow of the great iims animals who snarled at each other la lb rock creak cat rredrrtts did not aeail but aba had a fmliu be nught if oola aapt at htm mucn longtr it was to tha midrt of the hubbub that edith aourad she wetted in among them as cempotadly as aba had faced ffeaaa at the lbd- kalla- afea aald you sound like a jan band ebe went straight up to sysalasasb and klsaad tlm i auppaaa fclftii la shouting ths news to the world give tucked bar hand u his arm there are mora than a nuluon reporters outside mr bareee is kaepicj them at bay where did they and youl heard of us i suppose et the alexandria hotel we didnt realiie it until w reached here and then they piled out andbtftn to aak quesuonj rrtaderlck lifted her band from his arm ill go and seed them away elotse jumped up ill go with you and then frederick snarled stay here but neither of them went for daldy entered head cocked eyee alight jane knew the eigne theyve gone he aald i told you pd get rid ot them ulas towns he nodded to them ell absolute ly at his ease lined ebore them all by the exaltauon of hie mood finer jane told herself then any ot them his beautiful youth against their worldwesrlneas edith was smiling at jane i knew you at once you are like your brother they were alike a etrlking pair as they stood together it is be cause of mr bsmes and his sister that we got in touch with edith frederick explained he had re gained his genial manner oh really adelaide knew that she and her friends ought to go at once edith looked tired and elolsa at moments like this wss impossi ble but she hated to leave anyone else in the field cant 1 give you a lift she naked jane sweetly you and your brother but it was frederick who an swered mlea barnes lives at sher wood park brlggs will take her out so adelaide went away and elo- ise end the two men and edith turned to her uncle and said im sorry her face was white and her eyes were ahlntng and all of a eudden hhe reached up her arms and put them about his neck ond sobbed as it her heart would break and then and not until then little jane knew that edith was not like one of the animals at the zoo in jancb ntxt letter to judy she told her how the evening with the towncs hnd ended and that she list wt vary still at her desk oad invited the townas and aov lettes for tea the next aftamoon wh4ahha4 jan aat vry eull at her use trrurg of evans si hacmt iera rum for three days kot anra v sunday eight aba had gone to the tcatira that eight to the fog i ad unpfsaud her etrancaiy she had bit for eians eomilag that had nouuag to do with admuauoa for him nor respect dot charm hie weakness had drawn her to him as a moaner might be dxewn to a chlkt- tlie struggle was the fan aorna- thing which she mutt share kot as hie wtfal no that kind of love was dibereot u orjy he wouli let her be hie little sister jane he had not even called her up when the had invited him and hie mother to tea with the townee ure follette had answered and had ac cepted for both ot them evans she aaid a as to washington and would be out on the lata train when ha arrived ahead of the oth ers on the afternoon of bar tea jane aald where here you beent do you know ii has been four days eince were saaa each other t werent you glad to rt rid of met nsxftii of you ff nfcv ute he dropped tela a teat baaids her 8he eat gating at mm with lively curiosity nice you look new ault ltte lit yea and you act tj u some body had left you million dol lars wish be had 1 bought this outfit with a first edition alice tn wonder lend be laughed and explained ivs been getting rid of soma of our rare books i feel plutocratic in conseenjance five hundred dol lars it you please far that old ho garth with the scathing ruaktn in scription and im going ta apaa an office jane in waahlngtont on connecticut aesue same building aame room where i start ed evans bow splendid i yes you did it jane it how the night ot the fog i never re allied before whet a welkingeuck i ve bean lea on you hence forth youre the lady of the lantern it wont be so fatiguing lie was smiling at her and aha smiled back yet quite etrengaty and inconsistently aha fell as it in changing his sttitude towards her he had robbed her of some privilege i didnt mind being a walking- stick well i minded after this id walk alone and im going to work hard and play around a bit will you have tea with ma tomorrow janet at the wulardt to celebrate my first tottering steps she agreed eegcrty il will be like old timea minus a lot old lady that was the way ha had talked to her years ago the pulflttas mat was gone take the threethirty train and ill meet you ill pay for the taxi with whata left of alice dont be too extravagant nothing is too good for you jane i cant say ii as i want to say it but youll never know what you seemed to me on sunday at you came through the mist his voice shook a little but ha recovered himself in a moment here come the towncs he rote as edith entered with young bald win after that evans followed doldys lead as a dispenser of hospitality the two of them passed cups passed thin bread and butter passed uttlo cakes punsed lemon and cream and itukur flung conversational balls as liltht as feathers into the air were ns uuldy uould have expressed tt the life of the purty somithini must have gone to cnsnbiuncuu head frederick tnwnu remarked to jane havo ou ever acen him like this yenrh uco he wus tremendous ly ultrnctivc do you find him attractive now w ilh it touch of annoyance i find him wonderful her tono was dellant and ivo known him till my life it you had known mo all your life would you call me wonderful she looked at him from behind her battlements of silver how do i know people havo to prove them solves dr hallam had driven mrs fol- letto over ho raroly did social stunts but ho liked jano and ho had been interested enough in ev ans to want to glimpse kirn tn his now rolo strolling up to the teatable ha was aware at once of a actuation which might make for comedy or indeed tor tragedy it was evident that town waa much attracted to little jan bamet it jane recipro cated what ot young fouttte i aaw lira laramore jrejtar- day ha aald abruptly lovely at wr yea of tjotarea foeaa artthaif bt habaa ouldt talk about ad elaide- h wtxfcad tt ad of tba others week to away and laaaa his alone wits jane tktra- latrarcea aald jana sav axpactacny makas as h of tba lady of eballatt i donl know wfay- but i do i fctree really mti taan each a b artful woman bui aha potent trrm meal i saws a fairing rt tf esythssg hm bar efcad break lkarhna v they latched at bar and eaten aaid adelaide wl never braak- a0 re sre as soft at wax rteu fafsaaaaueg una laramore tor more rnal mature uncle fred i em ajoacg out tn baktye exudjo be a runmrj jan frederick waa at ones telaracud htt pororejjr- na- a eaatext for a maganna compaction bakty eninsa usy i sea b baldy yearning tor trfttude and f gsre reluctant ransert coma on rvarybody 80 avaritody mrirtitf lam and ure foueoe made their ybodyj tociadicg dr hal- way ta the garage edith and young baldsta arrltwd first and thie te where you work aha aald aofuy yea look here arlll you atl here so that i can faaat my ryee on you iva dreamed of you tn thai chair la ciasair coarume do you know that you were made tar a aoddcaat i know thai you are a romantic boy horn eld are yout aba aakad mm tweyere i dont ture fra twenty- rw and i feel a owua rears elder than you yoo eta sjways be agtlaaa aalaoghcd uow eld is jasat ti inly yea people take as tor rwtna- bhe doabt lank u and neuhar do you the ethers came ta and edith went back ta bar thwart ta ha sraant too young she waa glad sat that the akruh ot jane wat on an e el there aba etood a litndar figure tn her lilac freckbobbad black hair lightsdup e the lifted baa- ket arid its burden ot gold and pur ple and green i trent etood back and looked at it jans at his aide said thate tome of the fruit you sent rsauy frederick had no eyes tor anything but jane tn bar lilac frock jora but the boy bad caught the spirit of hart he turned to baldy it ta most unusual and i want il sorry said baldy crisply i am rg tt 08 tomorrow how much is the oruet two thousand dollara i will write a check for that amount it yoo will ut ma have this i am afraid i cant ui towns why nott weu i feel this way about it it isnt worth two thousand dollars but tf i win the prire tt may be worth that to the megetlna the ad- vertlaing and all that isnt that splitting hairs t perhspa but ita the way i fecl but if you dont win the prite you wont have anything no and youll be out two thousand dollars the uon in the zoo was snarling and above him breathing sn up- kr air was this young eegle ill glad to give the sketch to you if it comas back aaid baldy coolly but i rather think it will stick it area is a way a dreadful mo ment tor teem there was young baldwin altting on the edge ot tht table swinging a leg debonair de fiant and edith laughing in her sleeve frederick knew that aha was laughing he was as red as a turkey cock it wss jane who saved him from apoplexy she was really inordi nately proud of baldy but aha knew the dangers ot his mood and she had her duties as hostess baldy wants to see himself on the news stands she sold sooth ingly dont deprive him ot that pleasure mr towne nothing of tho kind jane ex claimed her brother baldy 1 wont quarrel with you before people we must reserve that pleasure until we are atone im not quarrelling jane held up a protesting hand oh lets run nwnv from him mr tovno when he begins like that theres no end to it shu carried frederick back to the house and evans looking after them said vindictively to hallam old midas rot his that time dr hallam chuckled you dont hate him do you evans dont let him have jane he isnt worth it neither am i said evans but 1 would know better how to make her happy back onco more in the bright little livingroom towne aald to jane may i havo another cup of tea its cold i dont core i like to see you pour it with your lovely hands she spread her hands out on the shining mahogany of the teatable aro thoy iovoly nobody ever told me his hand went over hen the loveliest in the world she tat there in a momente breathless alienee then the drew her hands away touched little i bell til have sophy bring ut soma hot water sophy earn and went jane poured hot tea with flushed cheeks ha took the cup whan the handed it to him dear child youre not

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