the georgetown herald wednes september 2 1942 the georgetown herald wlfc lilfi ill stria cat rtsscstpttom ratsv ud u cased suui tusssw to katto ocettf t cujirnxd l iloiivray r it -mt- cmmore bruce collin ifmtt of she ffcnwtlm weekly iwssgierjer rtitv s4 tta ouanoqaaehc bwa cf lb cwjjjt walseb c btfhx pufcbaotr uun h bxboi editor te ke bea the editors corner v seeing stars have you noticed thr sky these utr august nights we arent addictrd to that pleasant pastime staraaiinp but wt cant help noticing the number and brilliancy of falling star scarcely a night pauci without odf or more of the meteor bring tern a fummarton put it in hi picturesque language some time when night ha silently spread the immensity of her wing above the weary earth a shining speck is seen to detach itself in the shade of evening from the starry vault shooting brightly through the constel lation to lose itself in the infinitude of space from time immemorial the heavens have held an element of mystery for mankind the fascination of the unknown ha always fired their imaginations worship of the sun moon and star was one of the earliest forms of religion a great many people of to day still believe in astrology or the ancient art of fore telling future event by the movement of celetial bodies for us astronomy the science of today has always held gteat interest it become very compli cated if one delve into it too deeply so we usually confine ourselves to reading interesting facts about phenomena which occur frequently in the heavens the number of shooting star we saw the other night brought to mind sonic interesting fact we had read about them it seems that during the day too there arc probably a many flashing across the sky o at night but owing to the sunlight they are unobserv ed we ore told that every 24 hour the dust of four hundred million meteors falls on the surfoce of the earth when the meteor or shooting star flashes into view it is moving with such enormous velocity that it often traverse more than seventy miles in a second of time such a velocity is almost impossible near the earths surface the resistance of the air would pre vent it aloft in the emptiness of space there is no air to impede its flight it may have been moving round and round the sun for thousands perhaps for millions of years without suffering any interference but the supreme moment arrives nnd the meteor per ishes in a streak of splendour in the course of its wanderings the body come near the earth and within a few hundred miles of it surfoce begins to encounter the upper surface of the atmosphere with which the earth is enclosed to a body moving with the appalling velocity of a meteor a plunge into the atmosphere is usually fatal it check the star almost as a rifle bulet would be checked when fired into water as the meteor rushes through the atmosphere the friction of the air warms its surface gradually it becomes redhot then whitehot and is finally driven off into vapour with a brilliant light while we on the earth one or two hundred miles below exclaim oh look there is a shooting start we extend our sympathy the tragedy which war brings in its wake is no respector of persons the whole world cannot know of and sympathize with the sorrows which come into the home of the ordinary individual but when a griev ous loss strikes the home of a family we all know and love and which in a sense belongs to us the royal family the whole empire shares its sorrow the death of hrh prince george edward alexander edmund windsor duke of kent earl of st andrew nnd baron dnwnpatrick while on active duty with the royal air force tuesday august 26th came as a shock to canada and all britain when the sunderland flying boat which was taking him to ice land crashed and burned after striking a 1 000-footele- vation in northern scotland wc remember catching a glimpse of him when he visited toronto about this time last year in connec tion with reviewing the commonwealth air training scheme he received a tremendous ovation from the crowd we in common with everyone else were im pressed by his unassuming and pleasing personality we extend our deepest sympathy to his widow the duchess of kent who just recently gave birth to tlteir tljlrd child to their majesties and all the royal family school reopens september 6th will see the opening of the new fall terra in our public school about a quarter to nine next tuesday morning the streets will be filled with die sounds of childish chatter and hurrying foot- afept to moot children it is a day of great excitement they are a notch higher oa the udder of education and their young minds are eager for new knowledge the drug stores do a record business supplying the demand for stiff new textbook and bright dean scribblers then there are the little beginners who are venturing out on a new experience without mothers everpeueat guiding hand to help them during the year to come they are going to receive not only their first lesson in book but also in life these are the c generation the one which these grim days do not consciously affect to any great degree they are the one who will meet and solve the problems of a postwar world fear lessly and with courage old ration books valid although a new ration book has been mailed the coupons on the temporary ration card issued july i are still valid this was pointed out today by the ration section of the wartime prices and trade board because of reports that some ration card holders were under the misapprehension that the temporary card cou pons expired august 24 the a bcde coupons for tea or coffee were valid on and after aug 3 and can be used any time the sugar ration coupons were valid on successive dates the last coupon becoming valid aug 24 but any of the coupons can be used at any time after that date the ration office explained the ration office also emphasized that there is no provision for farmers obtaining extra tea and coffee to serve help engaged for threshing in the case of sugar there was a special provision whereby the far mer could obtain extra sugar on a purchase voucher but no such provision has been made for tea and cof fee if a farmer serves tea or coffee to hi threshing hands it must come out of his own ration or be sup plied from the ration of the individual thresher the ra tion office stated iota ncwnrara war a luiklr tralara grmt ef peaelr kriuwt mork u a kind of whnol it dlfjrra from mn occupation be- ldrt nreapopcr wort coomlrft prop har brsun uirir career on nceinan- ft and then ii ytjnr 01 to mfflr lhjrui flw brour ui training thr mcrlvrd ut msiiwr k mjdr thin aluablr what arr uhm- urm which on acqulru in nraipaprr aora promin ent among them are accuracy and ob- nation tlw good nrwipeprr wortorr hat to irem to iut facta accurately or hl nratnaprr career u lhort ilr ha to br ablr to ice all that u solos on wllr no man thlnen that lra oo- irnajil proi nrrr notice and trra thlrur rite color lur and interval to his alorlra the public rru a great deal for lla mono ahrn it bj a nrwupeprr it bu thr tr of a rtoup of people aho hir had one of thr flnnt forma of training lha mr can tflie cx tm cefftt ifiij by iodeh frfttitt th regular suelsily rrrrit of tb oauntea of 8oiore capwr id d st wo hala at tb boo of uim jatn yrtui on eeonday emuu august inn asd took th lores cf pfrrlr end thmtr party tb rrug vsa abort sod txiormal nm lay stijnrvir is rarir at hand vuh u nwt sera c v wu- lim praiifim lira at d barter btio ni tatwa tor lha hanr it tsf d7 nctbtx htvl rfeortad itai thooih uv ttrrrftwl cooprrauon u artftoni ronhct uur mao 40i5 a tmtcr of thirra frees ih brad lin er of lb kary fjrarur va rrad ra- nrwalis u appmiaao of u tirc vers door by th chipur a itltrr tram t o d c hraojianm e rid sad dgtbard tbry rjrad that at all cbaptrr fuacuotui las arid oofb b dlapnuad with id mv of rocrot var um rtatneuona on sun 7ba egea- uod but eltii lor nninir approval of ih mmorra it ni curlaad to ear im uirurnrc aevatrrv to br tnxlaa- m to ihi ay ba wblcti tfc obapur u nuing dur to thr fart that th in linrwtay to nrry month to oilrn lup- pau to au on s holiday tfitoib uxusht u ould b a food tcuey to hold u taaruns oo u third uoa- day of cajen month nt oa d- ciom to follow thla ootm of aruea m fubir ura urqhart of toronto root to th chasur about th actlrt- w u port credit char of vhlch ah u s chanrr member th guu from olarral school ar- rtved at mio and enjoyed picnic lurorr on the uwn vtra sl h- laaysr u udal cobfeorr for th u arte aajjper everyone joined la sa enjoyable cngaong and at ix mess- brrt took thr glru to qrrory thratr to ar abbott to ooateso nll directory f r watson odf wldjl oarsxowo ote ur1 to a eaxci ttundsj anemoacj dr j burns milne dcmtal sdaflffom xbat f clifford a reid ua ixojs dttmst phoo 410 talc atnrt oeorgatsn ouh family went through hard timea once it tan gilt u that you cant keep your inilepcndencr without forcwiglit and bacrificc wo learned whut we could do without when wc hail to so we know unit a real iieutrgg hhmiiih more tliun jiiht coniptiliuiry miviiiru it nivuint all the war siivinju stuiiiph unci ccr- tifientth wo ran luy our iiihhih fin theyre hiife and theyre an inveht- ment every cuiiikhuii niioiiiii miike why dccaiiht tliey help miiip our fighting men to protect everything weve got and bccauhe too they puy back 500 far every 9400 we put unldo now weve got to win this war no matter what it costs and weve got to prepare against the time when the boys come home buy war saving stamp from drugguu banlu pott ojfie4 ttupkohm ojglet de- par man stows mean tabaewmisfsaiul ofiter rwfell slorei ctrtifieattt mmy be purekaseil for immmtltmu cfafitxry in tfemuhlnatiens of 15 f u front bonk tnut companlummlfott ojuf nstlsul war flaaaos cneaihlea leroy dale kc m sybo bennett b a barrutrr aa4 saehaters ami btrerl oearrrlm pkeee u i a m- nielsen tu year af rraruo cblioprmctei xray drurles therapbt u4y lllaesjs oev out rihit etara oeorsetovb hours 6 tm sjs sub cueat nraaay rfcea tsa kenneth m lansdon barrtilrr hatkltar natary raallr rint monsaur monry to lean ohlcr orror- thratrr nidg 1xu1 otmt si oeergeiavn frank petch ucsd1sxo acctionexa saj ail clashes op lnlavcx prompt oertloe rhane ml oeargrlawti po box m elmer c thompson rxsckancc ssmviak fire auto windstorm cj kauway and allies slaaaamp rijsrmer cxclbsionh rhan lisw ar j orargetairn well drilling a b clark urllnrlllrr mt llnitov post office trl iiannon corn gray coach lines time table nowineppbot nayllght sarins tlnu leave oeottoktown westtwaaa lmsm x1ij5 ejn uocmn eulbannd slotim maimm uhrua ijlav tjhsu axiu ojbpx butts sy 4 bb48 0 748 bx aw ctriojw rltjs soailjr tamt sua boua sad bal only enn skoipt bon and dast ana sad bal alto kttttuiitr oruy fts mnuom oaj sb tun pjn pa pjn rol radio repa we specialize in this work t taa j sanford son ocoboctown iter monuments makjalju nu lliiuumj pollock ingham dengns on noquritphon sms uupect our work tn cwnetery robert p worthy cematery letterins and monuments phone its po bas u its qsren sl w i amptow secure ralph gordon the versatile entertainer for your next proorabi nluitrated circular pre toronto addrru s2b crantsrd hl c n r time table nayllght savins ttme oelnsbsst peoenrer 6ju jn pniscnccr and moll 1003 sjn passenger and mall pja ptttsbfer eunday only tit pja pasienser dally ou nm btope for toronto and east of toronto passensert ontjrj ostscwss pabteager and msll ms s pfluengcr sat only 31s pjn passenger dady exhept saturday and sunday slf pjn passenger and hall 618 pjn passenger sundays only 1130 pjn gain nehh passsnier tnd btsll tm aas oetajr flsalh pastensar sad itsll tm pa dtfat ittfest