Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 2, 1942, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wedn september 2 1942 timely topics for women iy lattet tilsil bow good au o0 a boms sutfsjbst there perhaps was a umi amen the un osu a pmty help less hro conirotued ith one jf tar minor disasters artlcb are bound lo occur u tu bratrun urine but hut u in the dj stun handymen ht a clrvi oo he market end feaf nrti had lot of leiauie to spend inul the hour tocu the oicuire has thsoard wcaro are last learning bow to fi a leaky lap rrcaalr an iron cnord or mrd broken ehsir loos that ooc aooard pmiy cosniicatrd hod no emtrrra alur jou nave uln a bkii cjcts corae or learned lo rn a pikjvu mafmnr in a eiugo fr anyway aomro teem lo possets a rismal spjtlr lor taoj ibm they ere ttrflt chance to uw theen and ao inry ahold lor getirfauoris ihr hsve been lagfu to uae incj hsnd it u lortuatr urcakt aiuh a9 ii men in ihr armed orcra or aoiaii ovrrtmr ioo aie bring lcr- feed more and tnoir to drprnd on tncy oan skill to t mix or repairs and keep the household ahrels rumma iiracyhlr bo deal to suprtsrd whrn jou ia in bumr d lo lnd lira average lloufccwlte luted a clogxrd dralnpfir cr a iihrrtn radiator or a stubborn train machine cr tvrn trulldig a new c or mrodjxt a w4ow screen or iruutaxa rnni aero cisir unr la doing a uariul aar vjo loo because tlr wwr sa ane la piqbwlni thr rcnamston of rmsral materials end labor through thr prorjrr calr and impair cl hooseikuid equipment 0 it i ratwotic to bjc nutm we tn thla country have been fcnoan lor oat aavllul a ol lllna but aar u lracbln u uirllt llrfr air hot awtanr tjpt lei llw itoomaolr a a i k biulad 6mi our taml tttra ut4 canada aiiprotrd brrad and fiour batr brcn on aalr cric aivl ti au tuita cl uir oriu and hair barn onvlauy adcolrd as irvular lair let au canada a i atm lor- crav huh in hi ihr nra loal coount approlmatcy vio uiumalionai unit of ihr illamln to rarh pound raerftarrd aim 160 unlla to ihr pound tn ordlnao btrad ita lnrrrana ttlamtn rontrnt htpa inr ood ortaec drnojt daordrr and talirur a a a a s cahutx oooofi it 1 unnatnour to utx canned food at ihla aaaoo of thr rar ahrn thrrr la an abundanrr of fraah frulu and area- labir atallabr tbrrr la a toatnf aratrlty tn bom ilaaa and tin con- talbrra and aliat auptra thrtr air on hand ahouvd br latrd icr thr prra- mauon ol looda for annlrr ua a i a a a buttcn there la ho aikortagr of buttrr et but tnr wij1 urara bouara1ra to rut ooruumpuon ahrmrr poaalblr fvat becauar are mtsaa ahar thr aauaolr ujpply 1tn hrliain and arosuily berauae the rorrn btrnt haa to pay a ftccnt aubaldy on firry pound conaumed at home to trap tha prior undrr in rrtllnff w ran all help by learniat hoar to aub- tltutr allrbro fata and drtpptnaa for butur in rovxh ol our rwmr oook- ln any good oook book anu itii ou how lo rmder and rlartly la la and lha brat turt to ahtch aaxloua tpra may b put and don t toraet to aend atll your aurplua fata to your local aaliafir departxnrnt it la rwxlrd to malr itiyrnnr uard in au klnda of munjuona of aar a a a a a wool a teat thlptnent of loooooo pounds of aoo it a tried this countr after a danaerous aea trip in a rrnt contoy from nraj zealand we arr thankful for its sale armal nut it taar a trrmrndoua amount of aool to clothe our futhtlna forcea aho may llnd thrtruehra atauoned anratnrrv from alaska to labrador or in the north atlantic oo au too ulllr will be let for consumer needs during the year lo come the wpth has just recently lamed an appeal for nousraltca to lake the beat poatubu care of all aool garments biankrta and nura on hand that thetr uiful- neu ms be eatended retain the marmlh and ahape or arool barmenty by cleanllnra retain reallence by freejuent bruahlns heat a ffarmrnt from constant wear and air it frrqurnll bhtnr on wool la caused by wear and embedded dirt ar mmlnure u by irequrnl cleaning or atramlnjt tneouxh a damp cloth with light iron pressure hunt through ciobela and old trunks lor discarded awurna and send all you cannot use yourarl to jour salvage centre they can be reworked and msdc into new csrmrnta rob oib hcrap book when you get into a light plsce and everything coea against you till it seems aa though ou could nothold on a minute longer neer glt up then for that la just the place and the time that thr tide will turn lumrt bccchcr btoara tux book or tut wesk tap 1tootb by james street tjongmana oreen 03 pp a32s tap roots la a astly different story from tba usual eralon of the civil war and explodes a lot of our usual conceptions of the great of that period the novel is built around the dabney family who dominated the ulialulppl atate and who though southerners were abolitionists against a background of war politics and intrigue the story moves at a fast pace there are beautiful and paaalonale women hotheaded and daring men romance action and drama there is a plot to secede and a new tree state is formed a fortune is made in smuggling cotton to tile northemera out withal it is the story of a lost cause and the climax comes wnen jefferson darts marches in with boo confederates and in a desperate hand lo hand battle wipes out all but a soore of the rebel army though he himself suffers terrible losses too hap roost is not a atory for children bul it deserves lo be read because of the light it throwa on an important epoch in the evolution of the great repubullc to the south of us boiled dinner axe you having trouble stretching your food budget to lost out the reek then try serving the family a hearty boiled dinner with corned beef and garden freah vegetables i am almost sure they will ask for a repeat performance and beat of all the corn beef that is left over will be just aa welcome when it reappeara aa cold sliced corn beef with a potato the beat pieces of com beef are the rattleran and the fancy brisket the fancy brjaket commands a higher price and may easily be told from the rattleran byth e selvage on the lower aide and the absence of bocea the upper cut of brisket is thick and composed mostly ot lean meat the middle cut has more fat but la not well mixed the lower end baa a large quantity of fat uoat people prefer the upper cut wipe the meat put tn a kettle cover with cold water and brine lowly to the boiling pout simmer five minute remove the scum reduce the neat and almmer until tender the last halthour of cooking add mail whole notatoea whole carrota piece of turnip and cabbage cut in wedge or some people prefer to remove the meat and keep it covered tn a warm place while the vegetablea are cooking berve in a deep dlih with the vegetablea and ucjuld surrounding the meat note leftover liquid oan be tiled to make anutnea or bean aoup kpvtvat beusn perhaps you have been accustomed to relying on your gtoceca ahejvea for your winters supply of canned fruits jama marmalade and pickle but thle year when waste is a major am it behoove u all to aee that no fruit or vegetables are left to rot for want ot aomeone to do them up and that no fruit jam ore left empty in your fruit cellar when our neighbour ts in want of them if you are not experienced at conning and nreaervmg you may run into many pitfalls vour beat plan la to watch an old hand do the job a couple of times until you learn how to handle hot jars and fruit but tn any com you ibould begin with a reliable recipe and then tallow it tn very detail from the preparation ot the fruit to the final pouring and tha wartime price board allows sufficient sugar tor presorvtns tor ui to be able to follow tried and sure methods but no allowance la mode for pickling but as tor as i have been able to learn there is no rule against aubatltutlntt com syrup or honey for part or your sugar ajlowanoe tor fruit or marmalade and using the sugar thus saved for pleuea how ever a number ot recipes have been worked out which require no sugar at all it this pepper relish tastes as good next winter as it did when it was freshly made there will be no need to apologias for the lock ot lutmr s etips ught honey 4 large carrots 1 large head cabbage 0 green sweet peppers end sweet peiweh swute colons lqt a tfaap cell 3 tbsp mustard seed u cup salt bosh ot red pepper chop or- grind vegetable very tine then add m cut salt let otond three tow tstat tofisa oh the vtajwr beney and aw0blftc nd boll is to m minutes seal in sterilised jar mat and etktotwfttl yield about ate omti- tbe relish la very u the feajoffttw salada carrolls iflbor drv cisa ciaat fa peas 14 8odi u iv wax beans itf 2 sr pork o beans r x7e clarks soup 3 toc spaiuues rjsfwu 7c mustard tr le pwii uljtis euseo um9 hmm t i tuwwstw or putt buvsr ta swowowowanw 1 flour powdem ttot bag ueayieft s ova xfe hiavaaa creealb ak me matches sanatft ctuk scauatye brooms aaahatse otlex saap s ix loftr scasta tot 1v s oaubrallad oats ov s skrilita wheat a ss ratlaa baa4i caw arils paafe caraxnakm s iaa itfe cswaai veoay scasviarj was stoaaua s9c sptvla ags amaw j0 fucstvo with aavcb bottle ef certo bti whoimiarvkljnt spice x5 xxx blended or spirit vinegar 41 melarsma plrtdt petia packaaw toe oltnoes sweet and jdcy me dee onanmurt medlam alae each se reaehea taasataea ualtaa 8pclal all week frau aad vsgauau imaas goad till satwnlay mat oaly we man taa rtsta w oaaal aaaaiamaa as aaaaar jailtr hwawaaaaaaa phong 367 free dehvwy main st tub book or the week ion wrthotjt a coitntry by noroofp and hau mcclelland and btewart 133 pp 176 this is simple story ot desperate men and a rare kind ot patriot ism which ts not uruvnrnrwvn among the free french a rusty old tramp steamer homeward bound from the south deal reached the oarrtbean only to suffer a breakdown while undergoing nfvalre it lighted a dugout coyuea wallowing in the sea and crowded with five nearly dead haunaked derelicts baked black by the tropic sun when they revived they told the unbelievable story ot their escape from the iwenoh penal colony 1600 miles away tn french aulene their rescuere were not surprised that these men preferred to lace death at sea rather than endure the endless torture to which they were my1amh in steaming equatorial forests and swamps the amaxlnc thing was that they wanted a chance to go back home to fight for the freedom of the country that denied them liberty with the fall of vrance they came in conflict with two french ottoers who were cowardly follower of the vichy regime but these men who had made such s4sugermg iifirlbviw were not to be turned back now bow they towed to jots de oaullea forcea and fight for their convictions is told in this utile book which extols the heroism ot the free french the wrtungteam of horthott and hall met tor the fret ttnw during the loot war when they were both in france fighting for the aules btnoe then they have written such wellknown novel ai mutiny on the bounty and botany bay mftovtd uhlfotm iwttthatohat sunday chool lesson latavtsts f ost ssfrtfaa 6 thx ujxtbol rmoweil fab and fausesvy u u a dawvarcaeaatr at ajaaw if gold rexrvibs wiiu tstanetr i a luhlovtd uhirotm ihtcrhatlohal sunday i chool lesson leuee for august 90 laa ajtsarva as brvaavv uav a- lms aa4 msrvtwa br laaaialrtarl cihi u sil r ta4q tnaaeorsstty for uirg to the umit vary reaourca man powar end materia n this umt cf national crtsia thould make evtry american doubly alert to tha devastation and loss fcich has com and ts coming in increasing measure to ua as a reault cf the aal of tuaxlcants this is no urn nor was thsrw ever a time wnen rose should put thetr enemy in their mouths to steel away thetr brains that w tnuuld blln joy cueeur rraal and applause tranafonn ourselves tnto beastal to ba now setuubl man by and by a fool and prouy beastl bnakeapaara chrtstiana and espactsujr sunday school leachara ahould uu this lea see to driva noma onaw in great leaaoo cf mora accountability of the trnpertanew of mans choir of a way of ufa and lb certainty of judgment t man is aaarao 111 geo 1 1j 10 life i not just a csralasa drifting from day to day from pleasure to pleasure from sin lo sin uan wo created tn lha likenras and imsg of god which meana that h ta a personal balng knowing right trora wrong and poaaetslna the poarer of choloa bodom and gomorrah draw upon thamaalvae tha judgment of god because of thttr dsurminalioo to persist tn homble wickrdneoa what happened to thoa clliea ter rible aa it was ts but a prophecy of even greater judgment to come luk 10 10u it man chooses lo do right ha may count on all the resourcee of the omnipotent god to uphold him dut if h chooses to go in the way of sin he must look forward to the judgment of god it la important to remember that n b cw bis oww way at ufa deut 3133 moses contrast the rock jeho vah lo whom his people trusted and tha corrupt standards of their heathen neighbors of sodom and gomorrah but not it well each on made hla own choice on greater than moses our lord hlrnseu uatu 1 13 m epok of the two ware and noted with aad- neaa that many go down in broad road to destruction and but few walk in tha narrow way of life it is a vital matter that at teach our boy and girls the gnat and nob spiritual standards of christi anity bring into their uvea the pow er of god through faith tn christ that they may choose wd for hum aalvas and be able to lead bewu- derad warshocked world tn the right way the need of humanity t great now but it will b even raatar tn a posvaror world of broken home broken uvea and broken heart we must be ready to minister tn th nam of christ m neguet aad inaraam are h excom amos 617 surprise attack is always doubly affective kemember pearl har bor yea and remember mans de feat in spiritual things satan would like to lull us to sleep with the assurance that all is well the heart ot man la prone to cher ish optimistic thought to magnify that which encourogta him to take hla ease to keep away the fear ot reality by aweet music good food and flowing bowl ot win the people of amos day to whom this message was given had come to the point where prosperity had made them at ease when they should have bean actively alert foolishly serene when they ahould have been vigilant and ready for battle who can any that the same to not in all too urge measure true of the people of our own beloved amer ica many element enter into that dangsroue situation but not the least of them u our mcrsaslag us of in toxicant it may shock some to learn that th per capita use of al coholic beverage ho increased greatly throughout the country the appalling fact 1 that tha city of washington d c which ahould in these days set an avample ef brlety and unity has ld the no tion in the inoraas ot th use of strong drtnlf that way la tha way of cajjtrstty v t unlea wa rapant and that right loon america nda to awak en to tha danger which threaten lta precious liber and ww rental the liquor qusatjon la not the least of these problema wa must wtn a victory over it soon or wa may and that h haa wen tha victory over ua which may god m ma mercy torbldl lartvarraywr the lorda prayer engraved en w head ef a amalj old ptvjs la pnnsawliw of a bawtvbawfcar in jacob gxrxs god ulf ltuob tcxtceoaaoe sill h ocvlduj ttjtcjj u u rie aa abvrv mt rjraaaaa saa as crwsma saain a i o oj otir tap sa saf saas otj irtve se svara as we cxtf u4j4f fava tta abraay taaa isaac watta lluw true it la that god ta our r f uge and stierglh a wry preaeog i 1 1 in rrtv jacob found tt so vtn tiutt lik trouble ceme vrpar fi 1 rrv btcuuar cl t la own mladeds gi tiud ritrred him at llaran lul in dr tme 1 vaaa ltd by cir- cumttaree and by direct guidanc to nturn to like ovan land tgetv 31 1 3 llrtdrancte afoaa- uit jactb ititud on a he came loaain txmr lwtvrr ha recalled the n wtiich had caused turn lo be it irtnrmberad now how ha had d- iruudtd caau and ihia i oolsl bramgwl fear w m it ilaii doea- the sinful act of 10 ye ire before now faced jacob h had left it behind and bad oil but forgotten il lta bad hoped that lha jeers would cover it but tbwy dad not and thay never do da aura your sin will and out hum n z3 paths ps not tarck cr this year or nasi but til it is dealt with and forgive it there to rise up and plagu aoontr or later jacobs fcer wss tner eased hearing that esau came out to him with v00 man he triad by own device lo meet the situs but ultimately rvallied thai his dicement had reached th polo where only god could help turn how like us trying everything e until v mill j its futility and turning to god how dellgh simplified life become when turn lo god first yet w or that jacobs ii fesr brawgot prayer w 12 ll was real prayer too ell as w it gnnilh thomas sufg ii is rtrange that oiler his b person il experience with god be dressed htm only a the god of fathers and not hla own god v 0 then too hla faith seemed a wink for ii was coupled with gr fior v ii wc are told that fear la not proper motive for turning men god perhaps it u not the motive but both in scripture in experience we bed it to be that fear often leads men to god real repentance and faith if goodncsa and grace ot god do touch mana heert it la for better that he ahould be aav through tear than to be ettm lost jacob however needed experience of dependence open before he could be brought back peace into the land he wss lo send everyone away so that was olon when th lord dlt him and in prayer bawagu flleaateg 1729 jacob who had by deceit the promise from esau instead awaiting oode time to give it him was now about to attempt other skiliful scheme which have won over esau and aent jo into his land glorying in his ability in spite ot all gods d lugs with him he wa still jo the tupplonter so god hod to with him we sometlmss think of the ot god only as that which 1 blessing and joy but often being moat gracious and ate ot our real need by oendlng position and hardship the divine visitor let jacob at gle oil night giving him a submit of hi own will but was evident that he would not woe shown that hi own would not do for he was mod i v m the very thing which mod j sure of his own strength bee hi weakest point at the tone god he was not the last learn that lesson the comment of f b this entire scene is moat hel mote that jacob did not lay this visitor but the visitor lay of him thle la not a plcttrre man coming to god to wrestle god in prayer but a record ot coming to man to break the ot otubbornneia and selti which a particular man i long a urn habitually au night these two wtwstlad on cram heaven and the ot earth and when at uie itfav day jacob aaw that ha prevail against the man lo hauitlon and weartnau be felt tha touch of tha atrangera on hla thigh inamadlatery hie was out of joint render soluteiy helpleos but realised that tha wa with had wrestled all night wail person and wbatesa aarw i night he we held in thitgi tha other bow ha ufuisj to r hla rasp if the visitor until 1 wwa

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