Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 2, 1942, p. 6

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ttvb georgetown herald wedr sepjli canadians at dieppe as eye witness bob bowmen of the cdc oveneas staff vos one of the corrmpondmu permitted to accmpany awed oro co the combined opfnucei raid en the occupied french pen of txeppe co august looi im3 in which onr oecrgrtown boy lost his life two ere misting and three were wounded al though bominan t transport dd not reach shore hi vlvd eyewitness ac count of canadian id action is a 6- flnlte ccntnbuuon to the records ol xheppe here l the text ol hit bioad- cast on uu cbc on august 30th x am broadcasting now about uu erieo raid at a time when detail arr jiibt brcomlnk av allatur 1 mould like o tay this to ou in canada wf have nurtrrd hnvy iomci and i say our nun die but nevtr ave i men tmn lit- more briti or lull such itft ut hull un our canadian troop thu a u combnrd operation and x how hioktn about uw army play irm m equal part with our troop with the air force uir marine the own mando ond uir navy i am trying to find out now what percentage the air force was canadian beeiau 1 frrl urr it mil a great percentage av leat niiir aircraft frll to canadian gun and may moir wrre damaged what a nunrliout job thry did in thr fax of lnterur tire from accural and powrrful german shore and eekeek battrrtr now irt me tart i rum the begin n trig thr plan ot cturr ta a cow- ly guarded secret and tlvc men wrrrn t briefed until uw vvrrr on board thr ship although 1 did not travel with the royal hamilton light infantry i va present whrn thrlr colonel a fine figure of a tnmn from lsondon ontario came on board and told them urn we are going into ac tion we are going to do what ve came oer to do get a crack at jerry and thrn he told them the nature of thi our r it on and whtt expected ol rath nun thr re wtrt no heroic no delighted eiu of mhooprr thc men vers quiet uitd akrd ques tion it uuck me tliat the ques tion were tho that a grnrral m ghl ask when be inn told of an operation for thr firt tlmr what were thr eoait drftmrs liltc to t f what aircraft protection mould ihr m i uked the pint we wt mil in crutt of nil tvpe un der thr coer of darknr 1 mas mill thr calnr tunk in one of tin nrm umkcarrtnn craft it mo a loel night and n minded mi of him hardlj had mc rt sail mhtn oiir nortrr collected ail the men together tn tha bom of the hip rtondlng in front of a new lpe of unit the mrre uvlna and he read from trw mxth rhnplrr of ephedana lth thr bid of a flath- uht finally rn brethren be trontf in the lord and in the pomrr of hts mlht put on the mho e arm our of ood that r may be able to stand againm the miles of the drll for me mristle not again- fleidi ond blood bat uk nst princijiullufs ajrlnst pomerr ugalnm the nilera of the darkn ss of ths mor d akuinst p ritual wickedness in high place wherefore uke unto ou the mho e armour of cod that je ma b able to mithsand in the evil da and hav ing done ui to stand bland there- to ha ng our loins tfrt about vth tjut- and havintt on the brea i plat of rtghtouina i in a fern word he uld us that in a lew hours mould be vrikingl our frrt blow to bring a sign of de- i lersnce o the people of europe and e rtmsxm for vhls aervioe m be ciie ve mxkijd anom ood a help the men were quiet as ve sailed oat into the darkness under the loe- li anj x could read m watch in the utht ot the half moon and soon ve bad itoodbe to the bhoren of brt- taui i had a chat with the officer oommardlna our particular troop of tanks and he tod me about the hard work thai had been put in for veeka to pet them ready or thi uiun lie va confident in them and in his xntn to whom he bald the credit muht to and now i am going to quote from the notes x took as we went along some written in the darkneaa and tome written under haavy gunfire a they are smeared and dirty from tha cordite all the time x kept wlahlng x had a microphone in my hand mi taking notea in this way was my onh substitute on the way over 1 went up on the open bridge with the young captain a sublieutenant in the r mvb and now from mv notes just as they were written m tracers like red sparks and there is a heavy red glow extending flown the coast our bombers are at work more heavy flashes of coastal tuns and bombs our aircraft are fly ing in close to the water and over uv and now davn is breakings also like fcesvy barrage to the cost there are miffs of smoke tn the sky idasu from heavy oerman aokaok batter ies and the ships are weaving in our lads are calm and the tank men wearing black berets and sitting com fortably anywhere are watching the action the sky is becoming fun o aircraft and the benibardment is be- eoxnlng intense heavy thuds vara shaking us wren this tar out to sea hie captain is calmly steering us fori 10 uldshlpa one bright lire is burning on the port horiaori our medical men have put on their steel helmets and the funs are quieter perhaps the onmmsnrtns have landed and are fixing them the ciestroyers are bedding their am and are aunutis along beside us the ships are spread out behnd us in long lines with gun ere mounted each trying a black sag and a white ensign there ere tjtfiterhmvou like flocks ot geese high up and the bombers are scurrying home in the low has over the water the fighter look like shadows but la gyfsbw mananuob xfc it mm u0 tn the raornlng fvst wmtwattylnt ships an atoning to vms tu vow and there is a yrencb cattymg yyenoh cvwrnantvw t hi suddenly loomed up in vi with us white hills and am h ims mr a race to m 0ai thto tfitiea tsfss the sky h streaked with flying fools and so is the ocean- the destroyers are laying a smoke screen to wind ward and now they are turning broad side and are plittrrtng the town with their guns the smoke screen is lift ing and i can see ships everywhere the small toopcarrytng u ruling craft are moving in line under the axuurry barrage a bpiuue has just cmihed cfl our starboard bow and into the tra like a stone we could tee the pilot trying to get out but h couldnt the troops are heading for the oraches on either aide of the town the roal rntlmrnl to the left and the uoulh baokatchrm an and thr queens own csfflrrona to the right thr hamilton and the eri urot uih are going tnto the centre and ve nr fouowlng two urssc rvchmldta har jut tried to attack u and a hip behind u ha jut uiot vrxr oi ihm into the 10a our tank troop captain luu come up to the brldjie to mam the captain end it i only a few minute until our uro time lie manu to get uoing me huut our signal now meaning me rr sjiore- bound and in wt go it is now 65 riane are every where encrbcad and the shore guns ore tlruui at us and at the unail troopcxrytng craft ahead ot it x can see caauiiue men are in the ter our tanks are varming up and they are starting to climb thr ramp which will go down like a draw- bridge when me reach the beach machine gun buueta are whining around u but our gun are crock ing loo at the aircraft over u a tank landing exalt u getting it tank off behind the troop itormum ti beach and heavy bombs have just dropped astern u ii is a heavy junkers and he u trying to stagger into shore lie is fall ot lead from our guns the xmzik landing craft uhead of us got her tanks ashore but fhe la sinking now trying to get out mil we are bring slopped by orders from going in with destroyers laying a tmoke screen around us there is a heavy oerman gunfire urn a tobacco factory i can see 11 n ping thr beach another ueaser- mhmidl l down the ockurk moidrrtul and a heavy bomber has an order to try to come in again and they are ovlighled- the oerman thor batten are still active they are fir ing at us- pour pockewull bombers have hist dived on us and two ft them dissppeared in came our bao rage is unbelievable and i am covered in black soot bhell are tallina on all tides of us but we cannot get in to the beach and we are ordered agaix to retire three puoo are coming down by parachute another tanklanding crart has msnared to get in but has been hit gome casual ue have just been brought out to our thip and uv padie of the puaiher de uontieal told me about trying to ttrt on shore utn mere killed all around him and on lieutenant had u buurt in his arm while he woo trnui to imiui thr padre down it u now 03 the germans on thr ulfli ate even throwing tiand grenade on our tjiiin u oj nint ifxlrdal bunmvr jiavt puwd oner- head aiul i taw uir lr numb luve tlw aircraft but i mvs too muriaird to wmtcit ttur lun fuiiui or mlsrrr u bomb unded ttiry mere ulmttl at live drkuorr ahead of u but thr miued them vie m heavily at tacked again and the convoy gn have juit brought down to more junkrr there ws jut a sort of floih ot flame ord uir bombers came down lilr leaves in the wand and now dve bombert- are attacking us one of thetn ha jut been kivo into the sea hirong rrlnforcemrnt of out flatter are arriving and usry are riing low around us to protect ue from the dive bomber we cant get in to the beach vr have trlid attain but bomb and gun fire are driving ut out x have jut been knocked down by a heavy bomb in fact a stick of four bomna a vrry near mlv to the tiarboard gome of our men are moorded one ot them la drad our lighter are wonderful and they are fruru and thry are trying to pro tect our men on the beaches who are being rt embarked our aircraft nrr ftuttrruig heavily and x have teen several of thrm come down in flames over dieppe the mounded are being brought off but we hm that me havr landed on on the dtld and they are protecting our men while being rwetabarkvt the colonel of our tanks has attacked a machinegun post on foot the south ssakstehewmns got tn safely but the queens own cvmefons fouewtnfc them have been hit by tixtnch liowlt term and there are casualues i am llstenlrg to our lank short wave equipment and i know they are fighting like facia on shore x can hear one of our tank cepttlni saying come on oer boys we are killing lots of ltrlnrtchs- we are ordered to manoeuvre out of the harbour t u afternoon now but the dtroyt are remaining behind just a few htm dred yards or the shore and they are unding tn small boats to get our men out who can get amay thry are wonderful we have been here eight hours now and small crmft are streaming out under bombs and gun fire- i wrll lhoe are jivt quotation from my note a i wrote them down x wuh i could continue but my times up x wth x could tell jou of the journey home and of the h undreda of htorle i know about ncnvinal acta ot bravery x wuh 1 could tell you now how ve feel as we wmlt for final news it teem reasonably certain that our looses were as heavy a they were at llorui kong i hop you in canada drtptte these lorse will feel very proud that our men have been able to play at leait the part they hsve want ed u plsy x do know they hsve fought veil and that everything things that soem to hsve eitredeo the llmita of human courage and en durance rua been done to protect our troop during the fight and to gh them off after it was over that ot mho managed to get back even wounded fee very lucky indeed xl ha been a bitter hard fight ft as we see it ft lay j sv be ooukctx of lnatrrs of the vichy oommeru of rvanoa have made the ifstemerit that it was hntsttfe of the drinking among sol diers that was the real reason for the rrmsps ot the pnath notion- again tn the fuu oreat war the germans failed to reach paris because of the great supplies of wine that had fatten into their hands as they marched through rtance and of which they drank too freely this gives us an idea the russians usually hsve a supply ol vodka if esough of it vu to fall tnto the hands of the enemy it might prove of great atjlitsnre to the has- hlbbyl uza1m l0 wouno wives a psrucuftity umfly nrtlcl thr liouirlfr rood almknuli in thr ajnr1cn wkjy 1u thu cun- dy bfpumbrr t luut ot thr dr- trolt ttmrft lliu iutffruorui tr hrlp m1r m many of whom irr not rmployrd in wmrtimc indmllir o prrparr an anpctutng mrftl quickly und hue it bajuiord inumtlns ajd patbjr bt fcurr to srt dund s drtrolt tlnw ih hlbjxv of prnty wrizfox ulni f lw s5tss right here in canada eimscttuir now rori youil uocal patol ah a suxr r think of a fvummrr storm a bring local that is it doeant ttorm all over the province for instance at the same time hut thr storm thst ve had on baturdey eve ning week before lost mut have been general you will recall that we had quite s windstorm and rain around fur o clock in the afternoon and that h took the odd limb off and also took its toll of fruit as veil we had a utter from flundrtdge recently which is located just lhla side of north bay and they were telling us that thry had that same storm at the same time ro there and that it took it loll of trees in that locality as wall again another gentleman from the fruit district vas telung us that he had fifty pear tree that vere on high ground and that the storm took prac tical every pear it did blow over a few staked tomatoes for us and also took a fairsized limb off one apple tree but that sua the extent of the daxnajtc around our comer rr ftkcms to be the fashbu now to use profanity more often than tt was used at one time we eeea hear it on the radio and at times it la used in the fraiitmns of the dairy papers- the user seems to hsve the idea thst a uule profanity would em phaxlr his remarks w cent see that and we always attrwiate the use of profanity with cheapness we can surely get along without the use eg profanity we would think gome years ago we were on the train and an ejjerly lady got on and the was in toxicated it as the first time ve had seen a woman in that condition some how the mistook us for her ton jim my and naturally we tried to ignore her we had never wen her teforv along with the intoxicated condltoa which she was in she cjommecxed te swear and looking back at it now ve seecwd to think that she put on quite an act we were glad when she left the train and also pleased that a vwy lmoll percentage of women in our dominion would ever sink that low tii1h rilxim to be the age of plain peaking at one time when t peak ing of tome particular person thai had mhal it takes we ued the term internal fortitude but today the vhert word gula is ued to put over thr some me ami g again ir mould sprak about pertpinng but today it is jiiit plain everyday tvwt taking this h immrr u a whole we suppose tha it mould be claixed as having been a cool flummrr we did have wxne hest back in april and again we hod it hot enough in auguu for a day or so but a a rule it has been a cool summer and the njght mere jut about right for tlrepng verandahs merent used nesrly as much thi past summer a thiy usually are and yet it seemed t be a bummer that mode one west we had plenty ot moisture and per haps the humidity mas higher than average all summer anyway it seem ed to be no troutle at all to sweat and as amos would say we really w rated we didnt me with 111 sometimes we would envy a person thst hsd the nerve to go without a shirt veve never hsd the nerve to try but they do say that leaving the shirt off during hot weather is top alright cause at w ww id chum ti iut uni te ciomtmsw them are oniy a few kopie who wttl re interested in this advertisement dont be a welsher titts be brutally frank the man or woman who buys victory hood or certificate to save face then tells it except lo case of dire necciiity is wcliher true there la oo law which saya you cannot ael your victory bonds or certificates it la not a legal obligation that you keep them for the duration dut there is a moral promise to make a loan to your country for the war period to evade that undertaking through aale at thla time of great need la to welib it it the denial of an obligation which you admitted and accepted by your act of porchate your country does not atk you to deny yourself those decenary things which make for decent living that yoo may boy victory bonds snd certificates but the voice of public opinion does say that those persons who now insist on the uoneceuary luxuries of life are not themselves decentr of course joo hsve no immediate cause for worry no one will ask yon to cross the beach and climb the cliffs of dieppe yoo sre not in a tilt trench with stukadiebombers showering death about yoo the bluing sun of africa tha winddriven sands will never cut and blister soar skin until every exposed part of your body becomes a fettering tore no you will never feel the vibrant crash of torpedo the tilt of a ships deck under your feet as it slides to davey jones no one is taking you to leave your favorite chair tonight and fly over germany none of thete things is aiked of you all you are asked to do is to umd to your country canada lend at interest all the money yon can poitlbly spare to provide the tools for those men who sre fighting your fight yoo are not expected to deprive yourself to the extent thst you mutt live below the level of ordinary decency but if you think yoo are doing your part by baying victory bonds only to sell them then you hsd better take yourself into dark room snd atk yourself some soulsesrchlng questions ask yourself whst yoo are doing to protect yont loved ones your country and your way of life if you do this we know what the answer will be wo know because the men snd women of canada an inherently decent people they value the good opinion and respect of friends and neighbors but most important is the fact that we csnsdlsns value our own selfrespect we ssk charity from none we assume our obligation to work and lend so there ctn only be one answer yoo will bold your victory bonds snd certificates for the duration except in esses of extreme necessity national war hnancb coumttteb

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