Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 2, 1942, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wedae september 2 1942 fergus fall fair september 11 and 12 live midway harness races ad otter grsadttxad aitractioaa come to wellington coontys oldest fair spedd blade and while day wh be apoomsred by ibe hclsteta friaalaa aiodiioo oa saturday sept 12a wc mssttirt hmmirl for fahmul sftvkt mr w o manure father of miss prairie masulre nerval recently cele brated nit years of unbroken eerwe wiu ths maueyharrls company of which thirtyrun nf these hav been at the companys branch in keeuu herald classified bring results ads mr masulre who is a rid rtfceulan veteran wu bam in toronto and went wt to winnipeg in usx lb served with the wlnnipes draaura irom the eprlng of leas to the end of the rsbelhan to jul tsss oo hli discharge from the cavalry ur masulre bomesteadtd at bouru uu tor a few years joining the uauryitarrta eufl in winnlprz in iw ur m with lb winnipeg of fice until 1909 when the company oncrwl a new branch in reslna ur uaxulr nj tranifarred witb uu man ha was honoured at a banquet glirn at the regtna oolf otub by uu firm and employees of mauryharris lid and waa alio the recipient of nunlmls of eonfratulatory mrniaoa from many potnli in canada lie tuu eeubilihio an enviable record dim lantern temple bai ley according to the djituh ulnllter of aerlculiurr there art now uo0 tractors working on biuih farms in 1m1 the number iu 00000 uany of heae machlnra oome from oa4a the prewar figure of arable land la britain 11000000 acres haa been rais ed to 1s000mo national selective service regulations effective septehbeb 1 1942 those affected otto cauhtp oi regulations a appliaa to all workers male and female and their employers except any persona employed as female domestic eervants in homes where there ia not more titan one servant employed by e provincial government as ministers priests or clergymen as professional engineers or science workers under the wartime bureau of technical personnel in parttime subsidiary employment which is not a regular occupation in agriculture hunting fishing trapping as teachers as nurses and proba tioners in casual labour as students at work alter school or on holidays other than long summer vacation the other group b applies to oil workers the begulati0n8 0b0tjp it 1 ho worker may quit his job without giving bis employer seven days notice in writing 2 no employer may layoff or discharge any worker without seven days notice in writing 3 no employer may intorviow or ongsgo any worker unless such worker has a permit to seek employment 4 permits to seek employment may be obtained from national selective sorvice officers in selective service offices formerly tho local offices of the unemployment insurance commission obouf b b a national selective service officer has tho power a to order any person to report for an intorviow at tho local office b to order any person who has boon unemployed sovon days to tako any sultablo work and c to order any partially employed person to tako any sultablo fulltime work fi no person ordered by a national solocttvo sorvico offlcor to tako a fob may quit such fob without permission of tho officer if whon a worker has to travel to a distant fob tho national solocttvo sorvico officor may pay tho cost of transportation and certain other special allow ances 8 if e workor at tho roquost of tho national solocttvo sorvico officor changos from loss to moro essential work ho may claim roinstatomont in his ormor job whon tho moro essential work is finished 9 any omployor omployoo or othor person who violatos any provision of tho regulations or any ordor mado tumor thorn is liable to a hno not oxcooding 500 or a jail torm of not moro than 12 months or both notes agricultural workors may tako seasonal or tomporary omploymont outsido agriculturo with tho consent of solocttvo sorvico oiiicors whon such work will not intorforo with farm production and by taking such work thoy will not loso thoir right to postponomont oi military sorvico employers bead ui ordars4iicroiicil setting op the amlatiosia and the etqauaarjoa of national selective service bawilatietia wbleb earn be obtained betn seleetive atervtea office employees baatl lb otutajractmitell ttlaa ftp tlta ngolauaaui and tba wotkate baradbaok which can ba ejaubist fens stelectlv servlca algaea or atheaa at trade wtihui elliott m little btsmns wauonnl beloemve battles humphrey xhtoheub lalrusaay el xmlmhiff 8843 unto lucy had never seen such a room as the one to which edith led her the whole house was in deed a dream palace vet it was the stmotphers with whkh her lov er would soon surround her she bad a feeunf almost of panic what would she do with a maid like alice who was helping josephine set up the foldlnataole spread the snowy cloth brlna in the hot sliver diahear as if edith divined her thoufht she aald when the maids had left lucy will you let me advise of course uiis towns dont try to be like the rest of us like dais own crowd i mean lie fall in love with you because you were different its will want you to stay different but i shell have as ouch to learn edith was impellent what mull you learnt exlsmalst let them alone be yourself you have dig nity and atreofth it was the strength as you thst won del you and he can have a life togalher that will mean a great deal if you will make bias as your way but you must not gohls lucy considered thst you mean that the crowd be is with weakens tumt i mean lust that theyre so phisticated beyond words youre what they would call provincial oh be provincial lucy dont be afraid but dont adopt their wsya you go to church dont yout say your prayers believe thst cods in his world lucys fair cheeks were bushed why of course i do well we dont not many of us said edith the thing you have got to do is to interest del in some thing dont lust go sailing away with him in hie yacht buy a farm over in virginia and help him make a succeaa of it but he uvea in new york of course he doea but he can live anywhere hes ao rich that he doesnt have to earn anything and his office is lust s fiction you must make him work oo in for a fad blooded horses cows blsck berk shires do you know what a black berkshire is lucy no i dont weu its a kind of a pig and thats the thing for you and del he really loves flno stock- and you and he think of it riding over the country planning your gardens- having e baby or two edith was going very fast it sounds heavenly said lucy then moke it heaven oh lu cy lucy you lucky girl you are going to morry the man you love live away from the world ahare happiness and unhapplneas she rose from the tabic restlessly push ing back her chair dropping her nopkln on the floor do you know how i envy yout she went to the window and stood looking out and here i sit day after day like a prisoner in a toner and my pogc sings that was the beginning of it and it will be the end no lucy was very serious you mustnt let it bo the end you you must open the window mies towne edith came bock to the table open tho window her breath came fast open the window oh little lucy how wise you aro when lucy had gone alice come in and dressed ediths hair she found her lady thoughtful alice what did they do with my wedding clothes wc put them all in tho second gucstbultc she said tome of them wc left packed in the trunks just as they were and some of them ore hung on rocks where is tho wedding dress in a closet in a white linen bai well finish my hair and wc will ro and look at it as they entered it the second buestsuilc was heavy with the scent jf orange blooms how dreadful mice edith ejaculated why jidnt you throw the flowers away miss annnhcl wouldnt let me she said you might not wont things touched silly sontimontolity edith was impatient the room was in all the gloom of drawn curtains the dresses hung on rocks and encased in white bags gave o ghostly effect they aro like rows of tombstones alice yes miss towne said alico dutifully the maid brought out the wed ding dress and laid it on the bad edith surveying it was stung by the memory of the amotions which had swayed her when she had last worn it it had seamed to mock her she had seen her own tense i countenance in the mirror as aha had controlled herself before alice then whan the maid had jaft aha had thrown ttsrsslf on the bad and had writhed in an agony of humilia tion and now all her anger was gone she didnt hate dal she didnt hats lucy she even thought of uncle fred with charity and the wed ding gown was attar all a robs for a princess who married e king not robe for a prtnctaa who loved a page a tender smile softenad her face alice ehe aald suddenly wasnt there a little heliotrope din ner frock among my trousseau things yes ules towns informal al ice hunted in the third row of tomb stones until she found it i want tons sleeves put to it will you tail hsrdlngsr and have bun sand a hat to match yes uiss towns the heliotrope rock bad simple and lovely lines it boa tad in sheer besuty from the maids hands as aha held it up there isnt a prat tler one in the whole lot uiss edith edith having dispatched the box with a charming note to lacy lo gan had a feeling of ecststlo free dom all the hurt and humiliation of the bridal episode had departed she didnt care what the world thought of her liar desertion by del had been material for a days gossip then other things had filled the papers had been headlined and emphaslied and what difference did it all make chapteb xi the day after christmas baldy darling the operation la over and the doctor givea us hope that is the best i can tali you i havent been allowed to see judy though they have 1st bob have e peep at her and she smiled give my love to everybody i hove bed christmas letters frora evans and edith and ur towns baldy ur towne wants to marry me i havent told you before it la rather ilka a dream and im not going to think about it i dont love him and so of course that settles it but he says he can make me and baldy sometimes i wish thst he could it would be such a heav enly thing for the whole family of courae that isnt the way to look at it but i believe judy wants it she believes in love in a collage but she says thst love in a palace might be equally satisfying with teaer things to worry about somehow that doesnt fit in with the things ive dreamed but dreams of course arent every thing f had to tell you dear old boy because weve never kept things from each other and youve been so perfectly frank about edith are things a bit blue in thst direction your letter sounded like it be good to yourself old dear and love me more than ever jane signed her name and stood up stretching her arms above her head it was late and she was very tired a great storm was shaking the windows the wind from the lake beat against the walls with the boom of guns she walked the floor a tense little figure fighting against fear the storm had become a whistling pan demonium she gave o cry of re lict when the door opened and her brotherinlaw entered im halffroren janey it was n fight to get through tho cars lire stopped on all the surface lines how is judy holding her own and by ths way joncy that friend of yours towne sent another bunch of roses pretty line i coll it shes no end pleased its nice of him gee i wish i had his money money isnt everything bobby it means a lot at a time ilka this his face wore a worried frown jane know that judys hos pital expenses were appalling and hills wore piling up i work like a slave bob said ruefully and weve never been in debt before when judy is- well things will seem brighter bob sho laid hor hand on nis arm ho looked up at her and there was loar in his eyes jane sho must got woll i cant face losing her we mustnt think of that and now come on out in the kitchen and ill make you some coffee jane was always practical she know that warmed and fed ha would see things differently yet in spite of her phuosophy jane lay awake a long tuna that night and later her dreams were of judy of judy and a gray and dreadful phantom which pur sued the next day aha went to the hospital and took junior with her when ha saw his mother in bed junior askad do you like it uoth erdaart like what daruflg fseepbif m the daytime i dent always sleep she loolcad at jane doea little julia aim ma i think about bar in the night jane knew what judys heart wanted fine does miss you i know it when ehe tuns away crees me perhaps 1 oughtnt to tan you but i thought youd rather know i do want to know aald judy feverishly i dont want them to forget jane you mustnt ever let them forg stt j jane fait si tf she had been struck e stunning blow she was for a moment in the midst of e dlxry in which only one thing judy wasnt sure of get- universe was clear ting wsbl judy with her brown eyes wist ful went on back junior do you want ta your own nice mother bouse will you make cooueef yea darling then i want you back aunt janey made cookies sod she didnt know shout the raisins mother knows how to give cook- terasn raisin eyas uothera know a lot of things thst simtlea dont darling weil i wish youd come back he stood by the side of the bed id like to sleep with you tonight usy i motherdear not tonight darling but you may whan i come boms but days passed and weeks and judy did not come home and the first of february found her still in thst narrow hospital bad and it was to rabruary that frederick towne wrote thst he was coming to chicago i shall have only a day but i must see you the next time she went to the hospital she told judy of his eat- peeled arrival tomorrow ob jane how delightful is h im not sure judy it would be perfect if youm cept him jane but im not in love with him bob end i were talking about it judys voice wss almost pain fully eeger of how splendid it would be for an of us for an of us judy and bob and the babieel it was the first time thst jane had thought of her mar riage with towne as a way out tor judy and bob from his hotel at the moment of arrival towne called jane up are rouxladrm beret dent say h met way how ahall i say it as if you mesnt it do you know what a frigid little thing you are cant yen trust the msjdst your letters were like frosted cokes she laughed they were the best i could do i dont believe it but i am not going to talk of that now when can i come and see you and how much time have you to ipsre far me not much i cant lesvs ths ba bies your sisters children cant yon trust the maids maids listen to the manl we havent any you dont mean to tell me that you arc doing the housework yes why not i am strong and well and the kiddies are adorable we are going to change that mi bring a trained nurse up with me please dont be a tyrant tuttut little girl she heard htf big laugh ovor the telephone id bring tho nurse and someone to help her and o load of toys to keep the kiddies quiet when i want a thing jane i usually get it ho and the nurse arrived together a competent houscworkor wss to fal low in a cab jane protested it corns dreadfully highhanded they were alone in the livlngv room uiss martin had at once car ricd the kiddles off to uripsck the toys frederick laughed weu what are you going to do about lit yon cant put me out but i can refuse to go with you there was the crisp note in bat voice which always aurred him but you weevt do that jar he held out hi hand to her drew bar a little toward him she released herself flusnkur i continued on page i

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