Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 9, 1942, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyfifth year of publication wednesday september 9th 1942 5c a copy 200 a year next saturday is fair day in georgetown social and personal ur and urs r u pwk of onmi- lar are visiters tt thr rectory ur ktu if msnsarr of car- fulls fltore ls on vacation this vrek un d kvm sprat a day recently m toronto wlui htr slstrlnlsw ulss edna itar oj llmlllon u nail ing- this ea with ulu doris krma ulu ptki luromt of twaelo salt tile acta cod wiuj her mouur ite d u jlrrbert ur and mrs waller il uaoltmj of ijeomlntton rrr holiday vtattore at thstr hoes tun uui vlvlnid ouy of toronto u- tud ulu lons aau for a frw days last ww ulu bu bttsrr left mis ihk for htr new school in trafalgar town- alp urs- c a- znrram and daufhtrr uarllyn of qrampton were gurata re- eantlr with ur and lira elmer droo- urs irene freeman of buffalo w y spent the ek end wltl ur and un il c ucclure ur and urs ed lloarr of othava wm wee end visitors with retail e tsrtown ulu suysnns murdock of uui bochr la vultlns at the noma of ur and un w v onst un alfred wataon has r turned to bar home in toronto oiler apendlnff some time vlaltlng in town ur and un vernon uooumtxf and judy of toronto vert wecfc end visitors at their homea here un prank murfln tprnt the week and in pelerborouah where her biu- band is stationed with the army mr howard neal of oaulnirwood was a tural at the home of ur and urs 8am tennnnt orr the holiday urt j weothrrtton of toronto was a houda visitor with mf ard urs william donalhan ur and urs 8 o croft of london we holiday visitors at the horor of ur and un t 8 hill king ot- ur and mrs alex praser of firantford were houday visitors at their reapectlie homea in town sirs a collins and ur bruce col lins were week end visitors with ur and urs john oarion in hamilton ulu jean usrtln and ur and mrs oordon uarun visited alth relauves in drussels over the week end ur and mrs john lane and aoo lonard of hamilton were week end visitors with mr and mm pred sin clair un lloyd bod and daughter olorla have returned home afur spending a month wttfi fnenda in leamington ulu margaret evans left for oalt on tuesday where she will take up her duties as teacher on the staff of oalt publlo school ulu mary paul mr cyrus wllson and mrs h c mcclure have return ed to town otter a holiday at the mc clure cottage pan sydney urs albert deadman and mr ana urs robert deadman and son ull of woodstockwcre week end visitors wil mrs 11 harlow mr and urs a il feller and dau ghter plorla spent sunday with mr and mrs oearge lake and family at thornhlll mr and mrs fred edwards of pal- mcrton were guests last week ulli ur and mrs harry ooldlinm nnd mr and mrs robert ernln mrs e dodds and daughter doro thy of red deer alberta were holi day visitors with mr and mrs w p bradley mr and mrs jack buck of oven sound were visitors oicr the week end with mn j duck and at the lat ter- parents in slreetsvlue miss annie thompson charles 8l is spending a neck ut hamilton nt the home of her brother rev orlffln hompson miss mary thompson daughter of mr and mrs wilfred thompson hornby spent a few days lost week with her nunt ml- 1 cibcl clime mrs alun mucdonald und son hon ard and mss rurnlce macdon- ald are visiting with lieut alan mac- donald in sussex nb mr and mrs janus amies of to ronto and mrs albert oupln of shelburne visited with tlielr aunts mrs l e frascr und miss e l cald well on saturday weak end visitors with mrs u e frascr and miss e l caldwell where mr and mrs donald frascr and mr and mrs william slnncrton of st catharines mr and mrs arthur colllson mr ocorge honhold mrs bodmore and children ooroon and dorothy of tor- nto were week end guests with mr nil mrs arthur shaln and kathleen mr and mrs j c mcallister ot pontine michigan wero visitors last week with mr and mrs e v uacoar- mack ur w wage and ur j oow- ung of amhcrstburg were also visitors at the same home mr william devereaux son of ur and urs h devereaux has boon spending ten days vacation at his home bill has been located at van couver as resident service engineer of the dally meter co of montreal and is now being transferred to the companys bead office for service on ttie kutern coast i uiu ruth evans and mus helrn istewart of 8t- cuthartnes iprnt the j week end and un roy u umale and dsubtiter margaret ann of freeman spent the week end with ur and urs walter t evans ur and mrs jack flush and ii on ly n and ur and un thomas watts of toronto spent the hotldsy week end with their parrels ur and mrs harry utocklord the lome boot wa held a very uccrtsful dance in the armouries on uondsy night with un a collins convenor in charge of the event as- tlsted by urs k- spenre end urs kenuhesd uuslc was supplied by doris hulls ard her orchestra and a cushion donated by urs laws was won by urs ofcrge barber the bimonthly meeting of the re- bekah dewing club waj held at thr home of uus pearl fkott uonday nltfht after the evenings quota of work was finished the hostess as sisted by urs a wauurr and ur c wheeler served refreshmems dinner guests oer the week end at hunters inn included the staplrtoncorcuttcr wedding parly in- including the bride and groom ur and mrs o 8 stapleton acton and ur and urs 8 burkholdrr toronto ulu hemic thompson drtnot and ulu madeline uullln olin wuiiams ur and urs william kennedy horn by urs c dick oeorgetown mus nellie hall and ulss lottie usson acton ur freeman kersey oeorge town dr and mrs accrue ii thomp son plttsllrla mass mr and urs ales uckinnon and family huls- burg ur a d ruthrrford bramp ton ur and urs oeorge narvlck duparqurl iq mr o ii brown acfon hockey players to receive recognition mecttno ot geoboctow iiocktv c1ajb dcctdcd at u mtlnit liki turtday nlitlit to wind up lhe bustnau of thf otora- town 1 lock r club for thr jtr im1- 43 sraon it u uruinlitioualy dccldrd that the oeorgrtovn playrrt m ui vasoru tram should be filven com rtcoffnltlon for their srr1cr 0wtifto7 hockey club ud a cry tuccfjiul wuson and inbthrd up wlut u fair baluncc on hand tlic early break up of lhe icr and the ncority of taklnjr tiamcf to oalt arrna in the final ataffra broke into the profit somewhat but on the whole the season uiii one of the beat yet held- it nlu be rcmrmbrrvd thai after a hard tuvvle with the hmlra suer- utoda takinn ti tromis in the puy- olts before the local team were finally declared rroup winners the lntejmed- latej went on to meet paris who were the cause of their elimination in two games then to alnd up the mourn the hockey club rvporwored a dance in the arena to which was attracted a large crowd and very substantial turn raised after paying all outstanding debts and leaving- a small balance in the bank from which to embark on the 1ih34 reason providing there will be hockeyi the committee had a balance on hand with which it ha been decided to honor the group winners windbreak cm and crests will be purchased for the players george- town boys on the team last year in cluded reg koare jaclt kcmshead jae hall now on active service wal ter rlchartlson dunky ward prank dewhursu oordon mcmurchy man- ker eiln thompson will also rc- icoeip a wlndbrcuker for hb fine sup port of the team und untiring tff- ortn throurhout the season pretty ashgrove wetwiivs saturday in a vettlng of many colouir4 riaj- loll a wry pretty wedding took placv at the farm hoove of norman wrigg- lraorui on oaturday afternoon llept 5th when norma bdjth oiuaiut cf ur and urs norman wruglrtvorth became the bride of pte chvr har old drpoxrst uon of ur and lira arthur deforest of kilbride th llev j o toiton of hornby omialinj at the wrddtng the groornurun was tom douifleld of 11 u ion thr wl4vt was hartley andrrbon of uilton eou sin of the bride and the vrddirui music by played by lire robert andrnon of hilton aunt of thr brdr the avout sang 0 promise lie the bride given in rruurtaje jy hrr father was lovely in a wellington bue tailored afternoon dmt lth panel ltf domed isutet long slecva wnd jl mas uimmrd kh mctaiuc rmbroldrr biie carried a bouyut ol orange glsdlolx the bndrvnsld was ulss ruth lfccready of toronto ecu fin of the bride und she more beige wool in tailored lines brown arcevur- le aiil htr bouquet us of tuiunon pink tlutlloll the flomrr girl was xlsrirrt nn dames niece of the bride who as lovely in yellow flgured orgjnjy she carried a bouquet of yellow flad- loll a reception follomed at the bride a home of the bride wheo un wngplrhwonh rruixl aearlng navy enpe rmemble por a short uip thr bride chose navy coat hat and pun to match the wedding drew the uruom is stationed at camp borden itn tt tunk corps of the army rrvrrve the some ewnjng the noupy tnr ound alth a misrellanrout sho- ir b n r 1th boar i nf die coaununjt ttiiu ktiere1 at their home for the omjvon an evening of game and mumcjl nurnbrri mxs rnoed b about uity friends mjt a j rud- dlj m is in cfunie of the luncheon hut followed the evenlnjcs affair a hew inject for ontario h l ruu shortly alter the texas gale we had in september ist year ward ruddell who always had his rye open for some thing new brought in tor identificat ion an insert he had never seen be fore and which i too hod never seen beforr in ontario although i recog nized il at once as the praying usntea n nsilve of the souttlem stales and i concluded it might poulbly nan been rauvhl in the air and carried lttfo nn that texas gale i mude enquiry about at it at the ontario agricultural college at oue- iph nnd they said it had never been men in this part of ontario but had been rrporuxl in prince edward county lost week mrs john lucas col- ilege view brought me another upcel- men she hod found in her garden we put her live specimen and the dead one of last year on display in the her ald office window that a many a pimlbly mlklit ret to know it when full grown they are long slen der creature about thriv inclirs in length with three pairs of grau- hopper like legs the front pair being held up together in on attitude of prayer hence lhe name praying man- ton they are also praying insects for they seise with thasc praying feet any other insect they con bel hold of and feed upon many kinds injurious lo cultivated crops they should be thcretore clashed as beneficial and should not be destroyed just because they look dangerous former resident married at leevertoa uui ilarcait i3lubru uettyc duughut of li and un pred adam- on became the bride of ur wullam harry hayward at the bride a home at beavtrton on uaturday auguu 79ji 1mx the groom is the ton of ur and un harry haywurd of new toronu rev a u partridge offlclstrd with lira partridge at the puno the bride hho given in marriage by her father sore u diitj ol uirqucu- arol jerwey witii a coruur of tmrehrirt rosaa uiu w llmltl as the bridta attendant weurtng a moss green dreas th a c- of uihman rxx- the brat man a mr douglas adanvon brother of the bride pbllowlng thr ceremony a reception waa held the bride mooirr rrorlvlns tn jl forrst grren drs mith a corsage of pbik rotrj while uie groom mother waat gemned tn an air force blur corded crape wearing u corsage of ulianan roses and blur cornfkmrr tne luijp coupie left on a trip to northern ontario the bride travclllng in steel grey suit lth black acceu oriaa on uirir return they h1 reside la toronto herald staff chanses again this issue of the herald sec anotlier uiange in uie statt por thr past six mooth- the lit mid has had the rkc in ol p u mike oumorr as printer jnd linotype oittrutor but last arrk- tnd he jrfverrd his connectonv will un lit urd r to return to his horn- town uf osjiua ftpljciilg hon ui ilnotypist u mri o mftcdonajd und us lu- uikrt up n-aid- en4e in loan r hopr that the towns people wul give her a kindly welcome to our mktst witli her husband the late j urn s mardotuild she ikiblished iti unity tiaski couner und later the nillamvburg olit i times during tills second uorm r mr mnrdonald in connwn with thousands of other aornen has returned to play her part on the 1 ionic iron i to take the place of men in lndumr lute other local busjnrves the herald staff has seen many change in the num few yeara wii two mernbrr of the atail qgt lcalit- clark and acs res oroomhead uiih uw hcaf and publisher pie waller ilii hn aiui the nrm rtr the flrt lmr tn ils history the hern id aill no lui to liwi mtmbem of the niaft us mrs iiahn continuev ov ed itor the churches were uell filled on hun day os canadians ofttrid their pniers of rededlciition in uie war rfrnrt una for a swift and lumini vlctnrv and mace prominent toledo businessman purchases land in esquesing a piomllhnt buslnts mm fioin rcil- lo ohio lias purcluisrd u bltirk tl land 111 fsqutiuit tounslllp tile liml liirduimd includts tin- plrturesir oowdy promtty ut l4mehouse together ullli fin ins now owned by misrs kob- mcsms uobirt a mnw harry drv- erehiix uud the oyixsum unu co the tale wus urranucd by walter t evuns mil ehluu- oeoruetown the old land murk known as lhe old toronto lime co and now occup ied by wullam gowdy consist of fifty or more ucres nnd is oonmdercd one of the mot picturesque biiots in on tario limestone formations and lime kllms have long been an attract ion to tourists and sightseers a bcai- tllul sirenm winds ita way through its shaded and wooded banks in the form of a horse shoe in tho centre or which is a substantial modern brick buldllng with its fine trees and lawn on the other side or open side or the shoo rises a rocky limestone escarpment beautifully wooded with whits birch pine and cedar the stream is not only a thing of beauty but one of usefulness as well for it supplies power to run a mill which each spring sees thousands of logs converted into lumber his other farms are noted for their rich produchye soil jrleldng large nops u iiiij iill client nnd otlur iiln- unil tic ihuii kiiimn tu the public us the prtiprrtv il the lute inlli 111 lulelson nnd die llte ltobil t lllowil womevh ikhtiitte mirtivg the first meeting of the oeorgc- toun wiimens insiliute lor the fall mid winter term uis held at the h4ne i mrs e 8 thompson on wnlncsdiy nlternoon september 2nd at 3 pm ui li mr mcdoel irislln over 30 wire prccnt after the usual opening ode and priver tlie minutes of the previous meetum were read and adopted the in illiii a placed hi the hands of mrs k wlieelir and mrs ii cleave tin two convenors for the meeting mrs merry of hornby and mrs ilurton or pnhrmo the dlstrlot oflb- rers wi re pns nt mrs merry gave a very intcrestlnk nnd helpful iddrcu diillnn princlimlly with the duties of institute omrers and members mrs ilurton ulsu sxikc u few uords the roll call was answered by a war ume rcclic mrs wlireler hod a navy ditty has andrxplalned what sliojld go into it and it wils moved ulul seconded that the bag be packed and paid for out of the funds thcre uils a nice dlspi of luuih loom bou- quets lo be jiklmd mrs merry and mi ilurton acted as judges und fin illy awarded the ti lo mix n snvtler a voti of thanks uas h lull rsl mrs merry mrs burton and the httess iilld the inistlni elnsil with the slng- iiu- of clod rive the king township council met sept 1st esquasllik township council held tlielr regular mccltnn on tuesday seitember 1st willi iteevc ii c may in tin ohulr unci councillors georito e cleave george currle and wm a wilson the council passed the relief ncc- ount amounting to 4009 and tho roads account amounting to 11 30710 other accounts ordered paid by coun cil were letter shop supply co sm bell telephone co t3m h robert son 1300 board of health accounts amounted to 13800 and snoop claims 11300 in order to comply with the tin- employment insurance act the follow ing were voted as permanent employ ees of the municipality harry robert son john blandish joseph bantord b r t j h bingham dr r t paul i m bennett council adjourned after a abort meeting to met again on october bth at 1 pan stewarttown last week i ac filllxrt hunt nf kingston lc c hunt ol llrtunptou mr uud mrs tlmtinoc or port creillt and miss iliiimnri or- ivironto were visitors with mis hunt iivei tlie week end svmpithy is eiirissid bv all lo mr clluord paul in lhe loss ol his father mr w paul who pwsul away at ham ilton general 1i piiil earlv sunday niornlni tlie inte mi paul is being huned at warkwnrth tuesday lifter- noon mrs joe stiiudlsh silent ll couple of days last week with frlilkls in aeonlc- town mrs ken hnrrls and evelyn of tor onto mrs e harris mrs h lusty nnd daughters juno and barbara of georgetown visited with mr nnd mrs n hodge sunday a sunday school picnic was held last wednesday in tlie school grounds miss p jcnkson nnd itcv 8 r cole- brook took charge of games and races for all tho senior girls assisted with lunch everybody reported having a real good tune the wi met last tuesday to quilt and to plan for the com roost to be held for the purpose of getting articles for ditty bags for the navy the wa are holding their opening meeting for the season thursday after noon in the church it will be a devot ional meeting led by the rector fol lowed by a short business session record crowd expected if weather pavorvable the weather dy ii l mult no frost yet alinough u wis cool enough a couple ot night last weak lo mskr one think of getting the fur nace started our first tight frost lsst year wis on lhe 17th hrre is boptng it will hold off much utter this ear pillowing are the local records for the post week- dale ii and l rain- temp tie hrpt i s3 61 wed uept 2 st m than hrpt 3 60 m pri oepv 4 71 s list opt a 71 61 hun sept ee 3 uort sept 7 61 tl fall ta- usiw wzene rally on thurvlay eeninjr september 3rd the annual zone rally for all aus- lliarlea to the canadian lrfloo wu held in the itrioa i ull ten auhliar- ira betnjr repreaealed oomnd un c oueey welcomed all vullora on behalf of oecirtuown then turned th nwetlnf oser to the tooe rrprru-a- tative comrade urt pen7 of toronto the provincial prtatderit and all provin cial officer were present tmch in urn maiing- ahort speech reporu i the various activities for the past cur acre read and showed that each aux iliary u busier than ever with all the extra work that a country at war bnnjis to its woraema otjplruaauonj ttiere waa a ouns for the offloe of aone rrpreenuur as comrade lira t srlrve of oeorgetown atoluiary aa returned to that office by aoda- mation all business being over a drllciouji supper waji servrd to 160 ladies who came from toronto nrampton oaarvllle ouelph oalu htsprler preaton cora prnrus and trilatletown the singing of th national anthem brought the evening to a close a record crowd is exptdtd fti oeorgetown pair neat friday and sat urday ivptember 11th and uth u ths wewtherman favours tb local abov blx show and a large entry u expaclm rntrtes are already corning in for th in ill clxum ax this dlsianoa oo aouid udge thla yearns failr as being far in advance of last aeasonl ihov all that rrmalru u for ttv town pcopi to get out and aupport trus oriiilsmt- lon which has been putting on th fair here for the past 04 year the same hlgn class enteflalntncdt will agalp mara thr fair hers raxjng high jumping potato rax baafcdaa th the fine showing of horsea oaujkt thrrp and awtns the baby show is another attract- ion for the fair with ut oat oulnrw donating valuabi prise for tht baat babira in the opinion of the judg the midway will hae its start of patrons and it promise to be ft footf one canx you upcll thote roambut- gen now there will be many other interest at this rrs fair but space does not allow us to 1 tenure them all dut loaf wm be a big crowd ua come along ants otn in the fun oee ou at oeorgetown pulrl msilinj utbccwdfd our mailing list has been corrected to ueptember 7th if your lahaa doe not retsd september ims then ou are in arrears and an early renewal mould be appreciated these are strenuous umea for all of ua but jour newspaper is a com modity necrvaary to keep up ths morale of the people and one which you cannot do without help u keep this service by renewing pro mptly in cose of errors please notify ta at once lo that they can be rec tified thank you active service notes pte ii ijuty ritchie is now stat ioned at ouelph lac it urldfica of drantford is home for icven days leave lieut alan mac donald has been amurnxj from oolwood camp dc to suwx njj cpl bm1 hodjey or the wo of cuiutda stationed at espanol spent uie week end with his family in ton richard foster is tn the army and f at prchcnt doing his basic train ins ut brump4on pilot officer joseph kumt stationed uith the kcaj at trenton ji spend- inn a neekh furlough in town with hi liumly tlie latent son of mr and mra thomas allen piipermlll road to join uir active forces ls sffn stanley a- allen stnn iioa been uvinr in port arthur lor home time and enllmed uierv inter stationed at vlnnlnf and is now at vimy daxracltt at kingston mrs allen nnd children bobby und june art- vtsitimi in town with mr unci mrt tiioa alien aw2 lslsibith colli il hmnt the ueck tnd with her luirenln mr and mra l i collin kllmbeth tuts knvdukra from thr training bchool at ottawa where hr took n aixvlal teleprinter nkniiors cour and she l now stat- uud ul ilofkilhtt out ill- hoy zifiuiiennan wlio 15 stat- uiixl ut tiiai nhiirht with the vet- tmn tluiiml of canada uas a caller in uwii on tuesday roy was employed i j n oneill for a number of years before noun to kiu hener later enllbt- ini with the vo ot c ii li n bruce imiiuiiniiii ls o encn ulth the ii li f citundj soldlers home for the week end in- iticlccl o h uo kelr stt alfred collins toronto pie clayton bradley hruiimton pte walter lllehn orlllia pie w p smith iuiwmunvllie st cdavleh ptf oeorse laiunut pw omlfrey collur cpl don jourdaln nuclei- elmer stockford camp borden ac riiiluutd broomhcad st thonuit ac1 janiet loutli toronto aw3 ej- ljvbelh coflln rockouffe lust tliiirgday september 3rd was the being of the fourtli year of war with ocnnany on uiat date in 1030 britain doclared war on the axis and canada dtd dlkcwise one of tho first oeorgetown men to rally to tho colors was sffi alfred collins or george town get ooluins enlisted two days after war was declared at the brampton armories but was not called until tho 8th or september he enlisted with the lorno boots base depot and in those three years has been stationed at brampton toronto ottawa oamp borden and back to toronto where ho is an instructor in small arms foot drill sat collins ls a veteran of the last war enlisting at 18 years or of with the 70th battalion at kingston others whom we recall enlisting on the first day of the war were sgt henry perry and ur james mair aho failed to pas hi medical in our lost issue we stated that pta carl hornby had cabled hi mother from england to the effect that he was safe after the dieppe raid a a mat ter of fact carl has been taking a spec ial course tn london and was not in the dieppe raid and did not cable his mother we hurry to apologtar for lhi error in our lost laauc on june 22nd lost the soldier comforts committee sent cigarette through the imperial tobacco co to 101 aoldlrrs of oeorgetown and vicinity acknowledgements have been received that thtve cigarettes were delivered about the middle or august here or excerpt from two of the letter it think it la wonderful that wa rm c itomeonc back home to look forward to sending us parcels to cheer us up as things arc o hard to get over here especially cigarette i only hop that it can be kept up as im sure aq the bos appreciate what you ar doins for us and we all hope to be abla to return home and repay for your cood work which you ore doing an officer of the lome scot writes you people arc doing axgrand job for the boytt overseas and i am sure it miiht keep you busy but ix you could j ust bec how delighted the boys or to net uie thtnro you aend you would leel well repaid this committee it holding their an nual tat dny on saturday september i2th fair duy will you please be emrous a nlwa with the luggers nt jour home on saturday nvofntn nnd on the pair grounds in the after noon thanks a million as four out eery five acknowledgement aay cpl eduurxl frnnclii pte james ollluvet and the lute pte john okane formed the flrlne party nt the funcr- iil or their companion sgt sheeny tom overscas os r mcndham pujacd all his courscswlth good marks and is now on tlie mas dolnir submarine detection work born altchdeklwhon tliurhday august 3741 1043 at ouelph ocncral uos- ptal to mr and mrs elmora archdekln nee janet henderson a son stanley oeorge crbwbon at acton on thursday- september 3rd 1m3 to mr and mra bert orewon neo beatrloe han cook a fon kenneth john fred- rick deed bpjqwnrat lot 4 con 0 wiiasifi townahlp on tuesday september c ims albert joseph brown itelovad husband of the late helen w aged 67 ysara the fiineral will be hold at the rst- denoe on the 0tt sane stsuealnf oa thursday rvptemner 10th bsttjos af 30 qojy rntermeot oentstery nucvax tn

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