Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 9, 1942, p. 3

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the cfeotytawn htrtja wejaeriay stptoraer 9 42 timely topics for women iyliiiwttthut eedlccd pav cbzoue fttetcny cixu3igz to iswurtwtvts 80 t last pay chfqor your nubnd brcujbi bote lookm pnuy vwny eijt ucj irsa no as tivt j all gotnj to br rattier uc but u th avjv bouwifr downkfjtst kot hot if uvy aj all itr lira a yof trlfod of vita wo onafl children vtata butftand u 4cext var acrt ta lcy thr u to uu hair my feusbaml tw m larfey to n fcjia a cocjorubtr notnr and pxd food wnat 11 the cotrmmrct 60 lair 5 percent d our pay ctqjr wr ulu are rrj ccn brttrr off than miioen of cim we tna ka lo rradj cj bor say ol ux ahe eocucrfd tout we icct iwflrx any iral fcardthj in tct to nur ojt waruffir pay cqe u a wn oi chjoirnjr i hae alwai brrti prt ood at tajfeg uurj go and no x ui ue red opportunity to arow how aotj a ffunntf 1 cm be a chaiie to proe mjwlj t 6oauvic ifixrtiry cx- prt jcin katr mail cf thr financing to me ihe epialned but wr aas ula orr diiluna- oi impouncr loajttfvrr brfoje mtir a dencee bo we hsr ut atit unciro riht to mtcj ojx budrfrt rjro uvtny t wfl hve to wony ibout u ttie la deducuyl at liw aouj- dt it u1 be toiler lo tatc enoogli to nrr car nurar pjrtn- lum mt jorm pait ct our comjxjlscr ini bjwi tlr rttia 10 prrrrnt ol the tax utal aill br due in a ump sm nrat ftrp u we hir alfrd ddrd uir cft to br tuir ol hjur ihr tncrw i tiaitl lien niedro u to drdjcl it trm nkh ra pjy cheque and dnwet tn a uparatr totcnt tirrr it ill not be uwd icr aeytiilnf tlir wru mr u ha oiadr a tftod ttart t rirrtriim tr nouwnctt budjrt co a vartlmr bc id uae to httr been b to luun in on her tall iin lur nubn4 and find ojt jut kav they pun to rut don on ihel utln4 rrprty- lo meet ihrtr rrduced income kot man famutr u1 be abie to rduce tnelr iitnrral otrrhed rrct or tox lurl telephone llghu kf to an uur dmrre kor u viae lo cjt dovn ute food ajkajue 11 healji u lo be minumel 1 ftwrrtimeot bope the tttel uilna- vrui br in the reduced bu1r ol bouwbol ttjjjymrci houuhold fumiahinta loiury ood and ckouvra and in the- tedfrd tpendlrg on car uplrp hj uie monty of milr on tnodrrate inoccua iil ilnd that only by oaitfol manxgrmrnt and rigid economy in nra the little uiinta will thry be able to mate the req aliel tatlngi and teep out of dtbt the famuim mot girauy handicapped by the nra taxrt are tboa vbo face hrao commiuntnta brcauw cl tnttalment buying pnveni that could be met lth eae be lot e the new taie went into esect now be come a burdrn bmau debu that formrrly could be paid out oi the u- dgi of a fe ea portent a bit of a problem nov that that aatlngn dtut ifn in the gotrrnrocnt it can therefore readil be wn that each family miut hate a bud- ti a drftnll plan for pending and for maajng the uttnga to meet lh gowrrunrnl requliemenu in order to fcrep out of debt ciiannin kahiqonh hie fad for iolng toe kinglet haa taken the nation by 4orm tlncc ilk bo air no longer oblalnab and b a labourite topic of com nation whrrrter ou co hut did you rralixr to rut an rrtrnt the halleia faihlon baa taken hccd x can recall the time and it at not ao icn ago ahrn onr jut did not apprr on opark buret in ottawa athout a hat dut ahrn i waa tn the capital the other day i aa aurprtbrd to are more than half the wtudreiard oung tan en who made up the fnr ociotk croida althout tiata onl in the dotiujan vcuon of the ijrgrtt cltiffc and in lhonbe hoel aid uarnt are hnu iu the rule on fkji in ubjjnan communltirr und unall towns and villagrt few mxxrun aear hau in the oumzrrrumr and htfth tchocl und courge stria arem to have dlatded hiut for bcih summv and winter the new pall clothrt though lti frivolous look juit a unart ai thry er did but it ukr a clrvrr ooua to know juh hat the 1 tar- tbf dcjjre it or not hrr are fcorac of the rew tourers of cloth for clolh- tng mlia pcanuta protein ucca plants glau and obeana the alacka and bandana glru har wt a ne faahlon all their own thar waa a time when a woman wearing navy cotcroua on the street wu fofuplcuoua but no longer in eery district whrre thrre art major mar mduatxlea jou will ax ilarkclnd women workrrs golna to and comlnj trozn work by the hundred the newer uniform are better fitted ana r smarter than those that made thrtr oppearnree in the early daya of tha mar and look quite presentable fcr street ear in bummer but they are anything bjt attractive under a furulmmed drray coat in winter x sa do reason why the manufacturers cannot design an inexpensive tiwbchcoat suitable tjr winter wear with them pott otr scrassook x love the man thkt can smile tn trouble that can gather strength from distress and brow brave bv reflection t u the business of little minds to shrink but he whote heart is firm and whore conscience ap prove hla conduct will pursue hia prtnetplea unto death thoma pulne b tbe woetcts newt seen throofb the christian science monitor am uhnihouti dawy w wrttn itiuan mjatmlah ara twaaff md xastiwta taastaw wttfc tha waaaw uaawfaa bwiahifsi maal ffmiasyii i fa u tisv oriatfa ssmei poalam 1 mai ilto yaaalf wv im a hnan u laama ueawaaa miiali ttiiriiw- u9 lgafsw aacawumtottae bwocuaa ml mmm tamplb cwy on kbqubft immiiii h91 w s walsom fr immovo uhltotm tktttkattowal sunday chool lesson lfiama for seueer 13 booi ajfcifcrw an tvnpcur ftacu a joseph sold toto slavfatv ixsscmrrxr gouxx tkjt ttfci u a a v vi oh mw fa j ca aastasu war canirarf far caaubaa un walton arartng liw 1 o d i ilrtajl rurrler coat li the preaeot holder of the udlrt tirr badmlnu n chaoiplorulup and the cansdui ladjrs doubles championship titr i allkngund badminton rhsmtuon in all the pmn she played in the unltrd 8 late she a nrwr cr rated iuu la the world number on ranking amateur airs walton has vuhdnavm from uh competitions for the duration of the war and pus only in rmhibluon in aid of aar chsriura and for the unro forcea tills u the beaver coat cane of the prlrrs to br aon b m w ctnt tlruu tlckrttn the i o d n luttail fur1ukiu1 campaign now in progrraa have your ckilda eye examined before school start r i 1 am lh ncjfc uu too t wa1x ik ad hi j vi a minn 1 v ihv 1 our fttmimtton u tbewougb i nnrat rijm at cuy rrtan o0n9uit 0twlktr eyksioht specialist oho win be at hl otbce ovrr ihe bell trlephane oo luln btnet oeorsetovn uw teeosil wrdnedy of each month or you nu ooruult o t walker at his offloe in brampton rilone owirim t biambten sm the railway and the war by thurilan to pliant wir brauqht mvemendous lncrcmz in roll iramdbut elticlent peacetime maintenance of roadlscdaiklwuipincnt his enabled ikcnodlmt rilumjto cope with this obnormat tralf iclhere are constant and hcauy troop mwcmmls between caittmalrtrairtinq cctitrcsw4 mannlna depot to and front embarkat ion ports andnny thousands of ciolunsare traoelllnq dailu ottiuair butliiessthcojorjcratlonqnhc public isqredlu twisting ikerauunu bi carrying out this big toarilmc job the mous600uliuhdliel out jnpurptir and qold hauled the royal wajn in 19s9 isrtoulnmsir shuit handling troop trains there are wly thws ikttraiupart efirooes ruals niexid tlunrsi j ratasthi3 he ohlpijule dttuio hour faqsthedulm of train mwemenb iaioiluali1rinffftlttsj ma transcontinental rauaiau lines tn north ameriovmi ikrcoare acuiida too ueoperaimt bathe rational sustent 2 aitts1tuoe soklallg eulppdcnnlrinsor dunltions uiorker6 tcruc bitiuizr tianla invurious pwlset canada ancutqpeof car tuhlch seals 122 lenaers tuas desiqned hv ntcc- ital enqinters of the national svsientforuse in these tralnsthe iueroqe rallitui coach mjt 70 dora it pj to truct codt la ii fuy corrrrol atiout the o9ln of wit dora he lenow lh uula lud th hrartachra ct hit chlllrrat ttutt ar the crying qurtttucia oi today and thry rl ihrlr fcnturr in ckla dealrt with mm ol ue pt the tury cf juuti haa many inti truns and uvktructjvr phatfa uit pcihtia the moil important juit rvjw u lr truth cf cmt irkoo tta lcjd aaith thm that honor mr i 1i hcvr wr ftrat nnd icwh at he iraroa that i jeauy baort eluee rratt vy zjoo jovph i hia alhera tavorlu and a ohowri that fatnuirn tn many but ii waa perhaps rrott fully eipreowd to the coat of many rolora thla oa luxurioua long rche vith aim- tndlcaunj that ha vai a frctlrmoo and cot to do or dinary trk of oca who wore the urcvileaa knealrnfth tunic hia brothra deeply rrwntrd thta evt- lent of the father e favor the dnrama which joteph rather innocently yet perhapa unwlaely inld to hla brolhera and hla honett report of their anchrd behavior fanned tha flame of jealouay into rontumtnf fire which threatened hla life dut god thocijh joaepha brother jujoh and ihjoujh the op portunity thry had to make money ut of telling him into ilavery kept him for his own purpoiet may we not learn that the darken hour may be the time cf goda drep intrreit and directing power the n1y way itrona men can be devel- ied it by tuffrrlng hardneaa and trial gd wonle iron aalnla and tnev there la no way of imparting iron to the moral nature than by utting hie people luffer hr tela ihm tufttr itcb 11 id meyer purenta khould ulao uam here the iincra cf faxorltltm among chil dren it is one of the moil destruc tive of evil influences that can enter a home it hurts the child who is favored alienates the other chil- dnn and it destroys confidence tn parents and respect for their author ity lrta have none of ltt ii dee tit attempts lo conceal us vv 31tt one of the tragic things about aln is that a wicked act dors not stand alone but leads into another sin to cover the first in the case of josepha brethren their sin against him waa covered by deceit they lied to tha father ond maintained that lie for years even though they saw that their aged father wa brokenhearted how calloua aln makee the heart of a man yet the very fact that they ued to cover their aln indicstta that they were ashamed to admit that they had fallen so low james strahan well saya evil never dare to be sincere it alwaya borrows the col ore and wear the garb of inno cence it ha a whole lifetime of hard tabor in keeping up appear ances hypocrisy is the tribute which all bad men have to pay to the ideal of goodness hi tied overrule evil for good v sb it waa goda plan that joseph should come to his greatest useful ness in his place of authority in egypt to he directed the sale of the young slovo into the home of potiphar a leading officer of pharaoh the story of josephs life in potlphors house i one of unusual interest faithfulness to duty loy alty to god and truth led to shifting experiences of imprisonment and of favor but ultimately he came out into the place of leadership in the government of egypt in this place god morvclously blced and used him since the matter ot the relation of men to government i so muoh before u these day it will be well to note that scripture hold very exalted view of the public servant paul aays wo are to bo subject unto the higher powers for there 1 no power but of god the powers that be are ordained ot god rom 131 the bible clearly teaches that every governmental agency and every public servant from the policeman on the beat to the presi dent tn the white house is only per mitted to exercise authority over his fellowmen because god has or dained that there should be such government clear it la that every rightthinking official of state and nation should be humble teachable discreet and wise in tha exercise of his power and godfearing in tha discharge of his responsibility our lesson provides unusual op portunity for thai teaching of proper tomlly relatlonshlpi tha right at titude toward government as well oa the biassed assurance and con fidence which w may have who have intrusted our uvea into the hands of god u msaitm ihm moat to or tea l use botung salada wfcale piriilmtg spice xxxjb vinegar cajtoajgsg iimmti pickles chicken haddie ketchup muffets old cheese macaroni st is fcaunmene lard pt- x3a alamr wr ft peas itoa u toe pi cut waa beans a ice our rtemir coffee iv ste fluff pka xc 3vk fur jm agftaj jllac certo ui xfe cafffjvtkartr tomato juice x 7 lc rcliltt blue pk he befxlati bars seed i7 i4e poi no rxoow wax xoe 4e oj dutch cleanstr tee soap a n xae moiar pfktr coffee xaele mlcrs doe biscuit x xce kllost corn flakes x sse kllo all bran xle hair rdud wheat x e campbella new pack tomato soup 16ox tins 17c ac wwii ntplilk i lorr s or soap w s4 flattes x xse ho potura nw coluj ammonia se cwpgo oxasxe nlee jaley i large sua otmnoc8 or me doa j iforkt peaxhea teauteea melsaa spaetal tnls week fntu awl vaauu imeaa cowl toi sarantaf nlfkt oal w i ik ristl t oj carrolls phone 357 free delivery main street fergus fall fair september 11 and 12 live midway harness races and otter grantlttaih attractions j come lo wellinoton countys oldest fair stwckl blade and white day will lw spoamki ly holatala fufmha aaawdatioa en sastwtliy satot latk

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