Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 23, 1942, p. 4

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r23xw f the georgetown herald ksw0 of okmuinowh nobv1z oum wttihww ukkhocu nmunowx aasaaovz biwxjumb mu com subfiotbtton ratbs otnarta dalud statm ud ohhui uu y 8inl ooplm se uwtlttac katie ffl fee a a mmfitlf teutsonz ke t walter c bincn pubulhrr uary ii bzehh mttor oarheld t ucollvhay lire o uemnrtim bro ooihni uecnber of the canadian wmut newspaper aiaodauon and the oqtartoouebec dlrjjioc of the owjf a the editors corner dangerous and thrilling it the newett rnott thrilling nnd ruoardotu phase of modern warfare para trooping during a pilot course of training he ia some time required to take a couple of jumps so he wont fet cold fee if the time ever come when hell have to bail out but the general attitude of trainees is why waste time practicing something you have to do per fectly the first time that tarement speak for itself for para- troops there can be no comforting slogan if at first you dont succeed weve watched men bail out at different times and always with the same possible sen sation at the pit of your stomach for the second or two when the human body ii hurtling down through space with nothing to check it till the parachute open we often wondered how the man himself must feel there is what one paratrooper has to soy of his first jump the pilot shouted oknyjump thi was the moment id been dreaming about for weeks i felt an urge to turn and say whats lhot i didnt quite catch it but i jumped into a battering tornado as the chute opened sledgehammer blows collapsed my lungs made black spots dance before my eyes i w still fighting for brcalh when the universe came gradually into focus now i could see the plane hurt ling on ahead of mc everything seemed strangely peaceful silent motionless i looked up saw the silk lowing of the sun that chute seemed mighty friendly when i was about fifty feet off the ground the earth eemed to leap savagely at my feet grabbing my line i braced myself and woited the jolt bowled me off my feet and i rolled head over heels the ambulance raced up as i struggled out of my harness and the driver inspected me rather expect antly i thought then lie grinned no business to day i shook my head men arc be picked from every branch of the canadian army for paratroopcrn and they must be tops in mental and physicinl agility with perfect coordination of m ind and muscles the age time is thirty but most of the canadians picked are around twentyfour wc can be proud of our boys who arc receiving training right now for the exacting work of soldiers of the air more serious this year universities opened their doors again on tues day and this year college life will be different from that of other years young men and women of college age ore old enough to be influenced by a world at war and prob ably there are very few upon whose lives the war has not already had some effect therejl be no frills and furbelows to campus life this year energy which was formerly expended on teas and dances will now be dir ected into red cross work and war charities and ath letic activities will be replaced to a great degree by military training weve noticed n difference in the ad vertising splurge which toronto stores usually indulged in nt this lime of year to make the whole country campusconscious this year instead of urging slur nls to buy recklessly they advise that fewer nrti- cles he bought and even list ways in which these can be coivrvrd and this is us it should be even during the btrvs- ol war out educational standards must not be lowi red but in th- process of being educated our young people realize they must help in every poiihlr way the wai effort of the country which makes such on education possible a word of caution its ideal bicycling weather this factor combined with car economy seems to have brought forth a bumper crop of cyclists these days and bicycles can be extremely treacherous things though if traffic tiles and common sense are not applied in their hund- bng and we live near a busy corner and have seen a sreal many nearaccidents most of these in cases where two nre riding the one bicycle or when as many as three ride abreast enjoying a social chat as tjtey pedal along a little caution used will save manr freostlyaeddcnt do b careful bert colman writes the her jd again from england ttw hfld reouy reevd an- other totun wtttr from ooora a x oolman wtooto la bstjaj wttfa lb arnid f ore w prto it fare- wttb ettitor oorton hftfal da trfced weil u isv aouu urn alnca x vrou to your ppr at that time j told you about toy law to otajo mdffl- bufb id lotyixl wa z haw tlnee th had uuthar mm day leave and alto on er two week end lean ttiii uma my triaod and z ntu to dundee bdtnbwth and liwliti we were eotax to haw an other day to olaxjo but the wea ther vu pot too pood tn tint few daya so ttayad ionjcr to dundee the home ouamt and command os put on a mock tnrauon so that wt what we topped to if they made a lot of nour au oacumay ai- temorei nlsiu and bteuliy mornlnr it counded and looked tlfcr a war we would aifc aome of tfee home ouarde vhlch aide wai wtnnlxif we are waa always the tnraef at the next comer wc would ufc thr can- adiaxu and ret the umr anavar at flvw o clock our train litft and they wrre ull totns to atv whjoh aide won i dont know juxt ho i ean find out a z wont be ffotag back there on my net leave i hope to get that in beplember zunrlee b undoubtedly a nine plare u you dont mind going up and down hui reery time tu get oui wt put tn some time along the wtrr front you aee dunder is on the bank of thr tay wxrr it is a uree river and quite deep when the tide u tn thm we ur the tay tlndffe k 1a some brldfr and i tindrratand it 1a almcnt to mllr nrrou it wr wuncrd to alk qctou on it but the nuaxd ad no it is a funny thing orr hrrr and just when you wunt to re n plnrr some one and quite often with a tirv steps up and no and the mean no fiometlmm it make you think uurra a war on wrl e looked thr place orr betafrn horii but wlten it did loort to ruin umj mudi t mould look for a blvow or bume nuor to wx wo crt- in our nlkt tl tv vili u iliuit oer thr door that huld box vrii salrr tuid i dont uiijik it m tut a mlik bur dunr wt uim tm u m mum- ohit l4tri sudi its netlr-r- tfute uw oui hitiu- uir iloul arcji iuhi mji1ili cci which is one of uw miiuij r tarttj- all artnind iuii- d- ls a miialj tuu plore to fpcnd u itivr wr dim ranis- bjvk to vaui- burvn uiihh is on tin sain- litu us iuiulr- ii wii la ir uutroin lmn k dm rr no e dccdod r had bitut liunt up a utxl 0tr hen- that ia u- fir t tlild t do uhrn ou oj- liir in u pi i ct jot ou ma find xir- mlf u h ho j a bed far thr nlrht wc stjrl nt 11m- vjftirti ljtkur club that nlchi wc aofd thrrr before but r did ikrt like it for this timr like the ofiarr rwonic one tfot in the uronti bl and uutt ojwub mens xju n- out from oiu- to thrii hours f fucrp kvxt mcrnliik wr ataxtrd on a fclnht stin ptirliiiiiii rdlnburvh ts a irrind plir for thai but tlit fln1 thlrik v tlld uftr i i ir ixf b to c out and hiv a loik a the old cast to sjt if it uis in as drtl slviiw n mt iis uui marcii ulini c looked til it uhii dn in the tnonitni at- harlt ut to- a walk tuid inr tin flrv time on that trip the tin ram out i not rm eje m a bi rock wtll or cllll ujki i uild m cjiuni 1 uo ild like to kt up on top of a mid he v id all rtkht uts no will 11 just 1xl cd to be ocr uierc so l was it only took us abvjrji an imur to gt there und ultr tkiiut our direction of tw turn s we trc told to jitst k uirouirli uie pitlare drive titai into uir- klnt 1itk and tltcrc it as wr took one look at it and then looked for a place to e tt mu e r tal to the top but uirre were no ras nrotmd uwre so aa r vint up a patiiway after a while wr uiv a little rabbit but he just took one look at us and i think it must haw bvn a mind n nder for he laslir to the clost hole he miild find still io eats then- and the m k looked murh too imrd so awu we went un til w met a xiu i tnun and we asked him hm to tvi up mien and ulmt tin re was win n wi narhid the top arthur seal i up mil re in n pltel ami then we irkid him il ihi u a place to i it jip t in at d l teliid no i in o afuir tirs n tiikni h c it up vth htn afer i while we iot to tin- top v l in- rht nb e li li or nt i mi t it fiom uhn vi liid tartc t ttiit it ui u- ii willi the inn h it c imu after w rot o the np tint wis n womli r fttn thin neie is a tall stone ulkmit finr ir inch uili a uia plic oi p ponmr out to all he nnes aioiinil ti- it on m ji o i imi i a i i ii im tin- i v t h oiu coual onu ni i o i li null ii t11 plu- il in h v ir nut im im i tlir it whs no o m ud tn i ome down ami uheri wr did conic down it was nil im of l erces if wr hid marled to ml we would have tm- clouhwdlv iot tnimhfl on the rorks aliout 150 fn- clown but wr o back sir- alriqht ami nvht side utf and took the shortest way wr could to k1 to where there was n plnro to eat and bity did thnso nih and chlsio toodl prom uirre we took a saunter ar ound another part or uw otly and you know we are prrfcuim pdod now for we never rot lost in dundee or edin burgh thin time nt nil jbut l4ndon well m eome to that iru we next went out to fie pirth dv forth brldde but onre wmin it wob no s o we did not wa1kacrau that brldfle but we did ro acrois eloae un der it on the ferry boat poy that is some piece of work on that bridge i have been told that they kep a nood sleed aoxxtt or mon on it all toe time doing nothing but palntlnjr ft il takes two ye ars to paint it and s soon as directory thi get thtxiij tbey jdva ao bade and do tt all over aio- wtua aot rom tri tide was out ao after a abort attc und a way dova to tt water fee t bb btoe thtoa our oast eouna ol proudts u a abov w took la on or to of ttuaa very day ad ttaa xbm nest day wwtt to frrvvn la london tot a cood jtsem ter two irtintnf and au- penev and our tnakfaat want vtth tbat af w bad nr o that part of londoa e ent out far an boor or ao walk after supper tod tn next mnmrni w took tn tmdafsroand and came to tn atatkn tbat wt would hae to lear frao to back has that day w aaw gnvtrtfttrtem palaoe and ail tn other ug pkcaa around there ao th next tnlna that w knew we found ouraalrca tn pwmdtuy what place everyone puahlnc here and there and fotnc noatwre but araln we were looking- for come place to at when all at one i aaw a oard on a window turkey dinner three ahullpei and atjrpoe ao tn we ao doyl would i like to know what that turkry waa made of wall that dinner fust eoat ua four hlilnct and fiirrapenre be fore we got out co the first thing that we did thm waa to go and look for a real dinner and we found it juat around the oomer and thai time did get a dinner for a rfuulng and atapftto well apeakmg of eattag tt u time to go and eat now and i gunas h will be bully beef again tonight i waa wrong that time it waa cold roaat burf and potatoea wei e fuat had ano ther look around tandm after we had our dinner and took tn ahow then we rsine back to eamp our battery or i ahould cay half of it tn oh every week o i am cd evrry other week prom lfon- dty at 3 oclock to uonday at 3 oturk i hat been cai ojl and all ihl vrtek i have been on ftrat aid on fir aid when the irtreiu go we grab our hat and reaplrutor to make fortnr a i it wenl once thl week absit s ftiri nd did we hare acme fun trying to wake up at that time of and ret drrfcd tn the dark well it run be done and fam too aftri all our hurry and when we got thnr there am nbftflutfly nothlna to be rern v thv told u we eon id go hark to our hut but u fcrep all far thin on after an hotir or the ill clenr wa aoimdrd und uvwe of iv ho trn- no aslerp rrr rr n in h innrt o nod i wlsji i could trll rri about ihu cimfv bu onor ajriln wmccrj n no nnd no no t in but i nmrr knr intll thr oht nlaht that a frllt roulil po v fir nnd trrt nowtwrr i fnst it n llkr thl f mo rm chum thoiit n mile out of enmp the ohrr jrltrm aboii fi ond wr varied out i for the dr1l prncii bowl oh juv a mil- nnd n hnlf up the rond we part ed to nlk tnmnd the ttp ond tl tit u biff holr tn the frmund with ipe nnd crulllrs in u nftrr a rtiorl mv wr laruxl down a poth wr wen hulmnv down nnd jus hrpt on rolnir lli wr pot on a mad that looked rood so we d4tliltx1 to wnndrr around ond come ou nt the crthrr side well it nmr oil all rltrbt but im where r vip o tit knra hu rrr thlnt i do vtov ii w is f frn whrrr v ktarirvl in fir nv fir n- if polbr could he o wi svrlfsd bnck hu it is il th omi whrriat we turned left or ruv ii wis htlll wmntr m thine howri- hit wr did and nftt llin ithi niitrt of nn hoiri wnlk- inu wiis a new way back to camp wr did hnwevrr w hnrk nt 104o uie same nlcht wr had a piiw till 1100 oclock but thr funnv nor of 1 was thit wr nrxrr rnmc to n ton of anv srr and we wrrr on pood nord rmds mofil f rhr time vi rs jimt while t think of it i i hop no one pnt thtnn ui wnnc injiv whn i hnoke of our younu rirl 1 friend in m lvt lefjrr for the youwr tcl i had wns jiust fortysmen then 1 but is fortyclffht now l n married womnn and her husband 1a in thr urm as i did not we hrr on mv lis rar i have no soon her ince ind may not irt buik uirre aridn i in s i uont lie mmlnp hrr mv morr i ii wik end r wns to sloiiffh not fnr rmm wtnlsor i wemt to hoe n pne nli mnn thtr he ls vrrit thnr nnd is still working t dont think thu th cut dot too old to work orr here he hul thrtl in nnd around filouri nil his hfr so on situnlnv nhli nnd snndiv he tonk mr out noind ihe tii he told mo jit whti it w i- it-i- nhin hr wis a bv nnd ol how it hid rrow n one part or it his bom hull up in the list fllmi or iciiu inrs tlrrr nr me of the nlrot bouses ind nmds tlil t hue frill shue t hnvr twin tier- tn windsor t siw a hous tlmt built in rrft md it is st n iixl 1 xklni- hnn i is 11 ftlni qilkr 1ie now mcl i in to h in i lv tin fnr pt no in tin in i no 1 titohikr this oioiimlt to tlrml h lwvs of tlir vimv tmrt-t- mill for thr plv to ll tr h in irit nn ako nn om cm id stin lop fi tho oii o ii v h ill ermed ti i rrnie nt re rlrht time wkhlnr yon nnd uur liajwr the h rt lurk ml rloso for thb time hit win tn nnd write von nfrnln nflei mv nrvt lruo i remain ns evet netit colaf an nu two f r watson oa boon t to 8 baeapt ttiardy afurnoc g tbig gw iiga oft j burns milne bbttml suu1s0n zbjit clifford g rod ioji una oorrwr fbooa us uiin strut oorfiem leroy dale k c m sfho bennett b a btnuun 4 fbbritan tim ftlrrrt it i am nielsen cufcpncfar xray dratltm tbenpltt luf ihrttel osc ota tvhto barn 1 t tjs vm cum4 ftactar kennetii m lanfdoe iuiuif tulmurnauirpaabi pint uoiiffmff uenrj to loan ooc orory thutre ibdr urn stiwi frank petch ucxnuro accnonzzm and all rulflhcfl op insckancz prompt 8rrrloa flour s9i 0rfrimn po bat 41 nickel to be replaced by urided coin canada la bo nay goodbye to uie old round flveomt pleoe and have tnatead a twelve aided eoln finance mtnutr llalesr haa announced nte mininler aald hie new eobt will be minted from a different metal ttie purooae beku to aaw nlcbel lite new eoln will not interfere with telephone payatauan elmer c thompson inbtrance hub vice plrr auto wlndstonn c p lullnr mod atlltd rlnnu htmmtr exclrkions pbanv il9w or j georgetown well drilling a b clark wrudrlurr mt hamittov post oryicf tl liannan ea r tt 1 grav coach lines timetable now in cttect dayufht flaring time leave ckorgetoun eaftlbsond uatlbasnd n 7 m n m 93i a m 1300 pm 224 pm 4m pm 0 34 pjn 0 10 pm b 1 50 ajn 1000 a in xllla am 2i0 pjn ayl pm b ft 40 pm c 715 pm bx 820 pin dylooa pjn xil35 pm a dnlly except sunday b kim ond hal only o- dally except sun nnd lfol d iftt sun nnd hoi x to kitchener only to stmt ford only radio repairing we specialize in this work if vtan eay rrt rati j sanfordson ucuuietown m monuments majuuju and ucmjuho pollock a ingham dralgnj on requratpnooe s04i xjuprct our work in ortrnwtwd ormetery robert f worthy cemhwy lettering and monument p 7 po be o tis qm l w braupton ralph gordon ttir rruulr rntertalner for our next prograin must rated circular prre toronto aiumm etan crawford fit c n r time table daylight sarin tim going- east pawnrpr 53 ajn piirenacr and mall 1009 ajn pavrngcr and mall 049 pjn pinentrcr sunday only 8j1 pin paasrnrfr daily 043 pm stop for toronto and rut of toronto nnmengrrs only going wed pnsrnfttt and mali 8 38 ajn poasrnger bit only 315 pjn pntvnbrr daily except saturriny and sunday 014 pjn pnvenrer nnd mali 0 40 pjn piwngcr sundays only 11 jo pjn going north pivscnrct and mail 8 45 ajn going south pifvscneer nnd mall 0 32 pjn depot tlrkri office rtione s0w in our mail bag imitnr orort otni llcnul ocontetown ont dear fir tliu is a letter ol uppivihitlun fur your klndniwt in miirilnpr me your most ul- nablt papi r ricji wvvk for over two nrd ii half yiirs now and i nsmire you i enjty reading same nnd now my mhi litih urrhecl over here with the ar- mourod division i pass it on to him i may eny i have met many men fro georgetown nnd other points of en frot or ua don county who served with me in w old xialton rifles before it dinniqora name to lome boots i haanrf iml prcrwood from uie glen over mo nnd it ii euro nico to moet i buses leave georgetown eastnolvil to toitovto ft7 04 nm 9 34 im 12 00 pja 2 24 ni 4 54 p m 6 34 pjn 0 it pm bl50 ajn wkstboiinb to london moo nm xtl45 am 320 pjn ay44t p m bs 40 p tn c715 pm xb 20 p m b820 pjn dyio05 pm x1135 pjn n dally except bun b sun and hoi e dully except bun and hoi d sat bun and hoi n x to kitchener only y to stratford only the otfcera whom i had had thnen 01 of irxttlnir owcracag i wlah y l ceaa in your good wwfc e jjjp dyu bavln tlm your blnowely htfcaeta and informatien at peop aqua perth reorajf canadian army a long phone w y coach lines

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