Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 23, 1942, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wednesday sept 23rd 1942 pure food store m wmotm wtsa shredwes 10 ox rjqt 2 for 23e kellogcsallbran 2 pig 2se bw na bnbt hlt rrakiujto quality s peas yobx uluvd u et tta chili con carne with bean and meal 16 ox tin 2 tint 21c lse hedlunlvs cheesit mkuw let teasus ckmt rssawubee 8 ox tin 18c aylhzs u buw grape and apple nectar 14c woodburys facial soap for the complexion mniui white serviettes 4 bait 2se ml cmmrioh btkltnl cat food 70 in pkg 18c 7 ox pics- 10c sausage lb 25c a uxk4 ba cooked ham lb 59c us sir vat par ft sausage lb 30c rithuat wetners lb 25c fresh fruit ud vegetables at mark price a e far nell phone 78 free delivery besme lejlxqu have the right number consultthe directory ca94t telephone lines for allout production taor ttltfbmm it part of a tut tatirfacsfjij eysuea now sliillngsisshnnraiil wsxtlmoloo1 lions kt noeduse dtlsyt fcnlf ttt isi iilililnniiilnilliiii iltiiliiii j msr dspsnd tw nmw telephone tactics- o speak dujitr u lbs esoulhfiisea ansveb pro- q btllftags bedbiep asest luhituu bse offpeak bjt long duuaet sagasgm avv gr5sry theatre friday september 18th swing it soldier vrsbeet longford and kan macmarray affair of jimmy valentine dennis tykeef e and bath perry fox news saturday september 10th hold back the dawn chariot bayer and lrdl deherlland cartoon sport serial assumes at t an tueaday and wedneatky september 29th and 30th feminine touch atitgwnl staatril ban aoetha kay itabtk canada carrie on voice of action pete smith baroq esti the dim lantern by temple bailey rem pubuhjono go wwu bzjivtce crau tfcetera waft an outward effect of tranqulujty ployed the hott after supper however ha yes ami the way you carried ft off i didnt carry it off it canted uhu art you sure k didnt hurt sha tmllsd at him from beneath bar big hat not a bit the momtfit was rlpa for ro mance but baldy almoat feverish- ly kapt the conversation away trora serious thine they had talked w- rloutly enough ood knew th other night by ediths br h had arts bar loetty in the thought of bar tu tor wbto unci frd marries i wont ilay hr he hid yearned to take har in his arms to tell bar that egslnst his heart the should never again know loneliness but ha had not dared what had ha to offer a boye low agstrut her gold so he talked of jane she doetnt want hrr engagement announced un til the gets back i think shes right i dont edllh uld laiuy if i loved a man id went to thout it to the world ttte qwrfmown hetwjd btttiab war victims fund torvsrded to toronto evening telegram cam on band acknow- lodged anonymous tale of mrs j j paul brid in ucnabsc nrtafcbourtood club ex r con tim it to oroaxizx tct death occured at her home to georgetown on tuesday gptrkfa ulfc of catherine mary paul widow stsoal of the late j j paul ux tha late jslrs paul wa bom to toronto on july 7m0 tih i mi a daughter ol john and uarf ktlt eive was one o four childm 2sc ail of vbom predecrard ner j in 1s87 the majtird john j paul and 5 00 nxnrd to srtirtnarvuk rtaidlnj the until 1018 ihra the family moved to 2m3 48 bunorlrnd in 1930 hr cam to g ervjetewn ahere her late huhand op ranl a medical practice and whfcfft practice ti now betn car d on b bsv ine psel rldlnu ajuoclfluon oouacll held a mrctinj jt lirt 1 a i u rail ti t lijno part brpumur olh ulikh i cll attecded mr huirty tl e prvtildrtit rrpoilru tiat in fiu ttv- tn airy on fltpttm- ler 2jd lo nuiuy prtmnuxl the vxix- uur council of hit cck onlurlo tccinn itli oi rjnijke lyvuin ot ilvr pttl ccp riding amxution urxl crr ri rxcwvrd lliiy npitu- they were ailttng on rustic oi nlt rrr mn and church news alid jiu hnucrulu uum tuvr faltn in ocki 7x i eant tttbd raocb etcltement took the boya with him to the 11- brury on the tublc loy o rrny voluntt he opened it and nhnucd the cruik tihank illustration i ip bcin reading this ita griut lull oh pilgrims irokrtss said sindy do you like it yes evunk liuniil ubove lhi btiok uhire ii loy o under hil light und started to rtnd to ihum thai nikht knns found out for ii c hrst time sormthllik oboul his muth r vou look tired dearest ht had raid when the tr iuett- were tone and he und the hud cotni lnt the great hall together i am tired she tui ouun on an old hnrihair tufa i cant btand much eylueincnl it makes me- feel like jn old lady you ii never grow old he felt a deep tenderness for her in this moment of confessed weakness she had always been to strong had re futed to lean she had in fact tok en from him hit tont prerogative of protactlvenett youd better see rillam evans sold ivs seen him what did he aayt my heart re looked at her in alarm moth er why didnt you tell met what was the use theres noth bench under the blossoming plum tree ediths hands aere clasped behind her head and the winged aleeves of her gown fell bock and 1 ahowed her bars arme baldy want- 1 ad to unclasp those hands crush them to hit tlpe but instead he 1 stood up looking over the river do you at the ducks out therst wild ones at that a sign of spring i she rose and stood betide him and you can talk of ducks on a day list thut yei ha did not look at her ducks ar aafe he heard her low laugh sluy boy i he turned hit gray eyre fllted with limpid light perhtpa i am i but i ihould be a fool if i told you i how i love you worship you you know it of court out nothing can come of it even if i were pre- 1 aumptuoua enough to think that you j core she swept out her hand in an appealing gtttur say it i want 1 to hear 1 she was adorable out h drew back a little weve gone too far and too fast it it my fault of course for being a romantic fool im afraid uere a pair of ro mantic fools baldy j i he turned and put his hands on bcr hhoulders edith i mustn t why not not until i have something to offer you i you have something to offer oh i know what you mean out 1 wont somehow this affair of janes with your uncle has made mc rcc see what oh how the world would look at i im hapili c hturh it- how he d look at it mmlmr i j t oirom ua uncle krcdcrlckfllc hobn t any v1im mti lrav r rlot thing lo do with it im my own hl0 or mistress lundm amnilxr 27ui lur nkrui utll u tally luoluxl lilju j 1rolmti it- nir cojtitll no rui- uie uruanlr itlon of uw luauw ajmoelatlon wrl i under control und nt jw nut mr i- 1114 uj lay pluij for public work ii rapccta u carry o i in conjunction and i cooprruucci with tin uruu ulul pru- vincuil council conitnuous po- knun of public merurvn tbrouutiout liw ill and winter four icia mir he j k paul of oil tur r t paul of oeorgetovn it j paul of toronto anil o li paul moot tororto llr woo thompton of ot oeotge otlucii of fnulsnd coiulucted lunrrul rerrr ut th- luw on luu txnri on ttiuf hiy ulli niori lut wttb tnurmtnt taking 1 in mount pleasant cenvery toronto the psq txarrr t e m joiin lllnvtuun w l capp llol cirair 1 tarry oolclam it w robb and c o thompon utld uito uark ii ht gears thartb lorv woo tlumpion rrctor bratrcrrnuv oun- dy aforr trinity llety gbmmuruon boo wm tjunduy hclioo la am mutlru and litany 1100 urn icnborui 7 0o nm hi altons charrh otrn wulusn bornteenlh sunday after trinity uunday scnool 2 00 poi pttlajn 3 00 pin ht johns chareb hlevsrttevn itv u it ii brook hector bintrvnji buiiua alut trlnll j oo pm himdo faeliool 3 00 pm etnuut prajrr hi paalfttharrh nortl 0 o ujll stindl slw 1 7jo pm iiiiuim iryir priuriui ht htepbrns charrh hornby 10 j0 n m hulidny hchool liooam mnrnla irier i know out oh i cant ana lyre ii edllh i love you no end more than anything but i wont i obk you to marry mc do you know how selfish you arc i i know how wise i am she made an impatient gesture youre not thinking nf me in the least you are thinking of your pride r caught har hand in his i am thinking of my pride do you auppott ii is easy for me lo 1st jon take money from hlmt to feel uitt there it no man to our 1 family who can pay the blust i am froud and im glad of it edith- want you lo be glad that i wont take alms i her wis ayes studied him for moment you bleated boy you tag to be worried about only ho i m ays i mutt not push myself sssvs 51 fi juz1 i proud of you but my heart aenet you but my i for myself ho caught har almost roughly in his arms and in a moment released her im right dearettf no youre not right if we mar ried wed toll to italy and have a i am worried let me look aft er the men in the morning early thot will give you an estra nop oh i wont do it evans you hsve your work it wont hurt ma and i tun go ing to boas you around a bit he i villa j o and you would y p mntterplecea do you think too precious to lose mumtle my m0lu7 j u your tal she clung to him what would i entt well i dont do without you my dear deor et me prove my blcnt he helped her up the stairs and first a thing ore now i couldnt ot she climbed slowly his arm pay our passage to the other tide about her he thought or that dark my money a moment by the bridge if those young voices had not come to him in the night this loving soul might have been stricken and made desolate left alone in her time of greatest need j0 pm hunduy solion rullj day 7u0 pm exiling worship ttubjrot memories of th mlsalnn mr on rom will l and sin welcome holy cross rmitcii r pr v j xlorgan mu ai o 00 a m 2nd and 4th bun- dais 1100 am 1m 3rd and blh hundniii jivox prehuvteriav cutjkcn rev cluu c cochrane ba minister 10 00 sunday 8ohool 1 1 oo a m public wonuilp 7 00 pan public woriohlp lnreiiotne presbyterian nnircn 2 00 pm sunday scnool and bible class 3 00 pm public worship chapter juij onae more the washington papers had headlines that spoke of delo- flold slmms be had married n etenogrepher in trederlck townes office and it was townes niece that be had deserted at tho altar and most remarkable of all edith town had been at the wedding it was elolse harper who told the re porter they were married at the old inn below alexandria this morning by ths local mtthodltt clergyman mist logan 1 a methodist fancy and edith wtu bridesmaid but elolse did not know that lucy had worn the wedding disss and veil that edith had given bar and looked lovely in them and that after the ceremony dtlaflsltl had wrung ediths hand and had said i shall never know bow to thank ou tor what you have bean to hot youre uperistlv baldy told her a thty walked in in garden arn it yours your talent mine a fair ex change he stuck obstinately to ms point of view i wont tie you to any promise until ive proved myself and well lose all these shining years we wont lose a moment im going lo work for you re was she perceived on the heights but she knew the weari- nsss ol the climb coming out of the garden in the late afternoon they were aware of other arrival at the inn adelaide and uncle fred by all the gods said edllh as they peered into the diningroom tram the dimness of the hall oh dont let them sea us adelaides such a bromide adelaide had been pulntlva and she had hinted tor the rids why not an afternoon ride rlekyt it would lest you sony but im tied up i havent seen you tar ages ricky i know old gttl ive had a ttumissius things ive missed you it wasnt easy tofredertck to nor that adtfavto was an atttaav tlve woman continued next the united charch rev r c todd da minister v 10 jo nm sunday school 1100 nm sunday srbool and oonsre- kation rally at pub lic worship preach er ro e a chea ter of oranor unit ed ohurch bramp ton 7 00 pm evening crvlce preacher rev h a bowrtng of trofnbmr tuesday 8 pan yj u eoclul sunday oct 4th worldwide com munion service help canadas seaward defence nrr eoahu m rut nn j ld chum coir mlt met coswsrftf jj asmcrove on bunday rnoerunsr fkptembt r 3f the eliurch urvlc nil be in chani of ihr wxifl ouiiuary ulu dorothy proron rrtiirnrd mltlonary from onuil india mlu be uie nuert tprakir the awrvlce win lart at it m tntert of 1150 the women institute held their rrtrular beptember mrtriina at th home or llrt robert ounntnuhaa 01n to llljeut un if ii ujw rnaj unable to be prrvnl but aiu pek at the october meeting the roll call oj annsrrrxl on fflvtu the mosu utuful lhinv in the utchttir the motto icurh tempera turr ut fatal to vtamlns salore if kept abovs bntujia point they peruhh by the rorv aiia prejurrd by mis oeorffe nuje m mad by ulu joy ruddell a paptf combinnuon ol vraetabltn for baud wu aiwn by ur ptnk ruddrll mrs john oellboddy gave tmt readlnn and mlu joy roddeu faoured with a lov ely nolo aires- the unalna at tn kins mn wlllred dnl ronductaxi an inttretstlnff conteflt tlve lunch com mtttre oaatsted the hoftieta in fcerln ruanilnchr and tea xfr llorao darncn thanltttj mrn cunnlnphom for oprnlnft her homt for the ocradon mrn walter ilrcranndbr and mrs jul in d4llbodd atttndmj the wma ral at wese unled church laft turwlj ti1 rom ashcroe cormrrcalon ottndfd tlie ltijicl unnliermoxy ner lri on 8mdi at moon und eenlrnf llirmt wllnn tvid tlir mlfortunc to noilxt a deep cul in rib fontmul when tht pull fmm the rlik pot at th mihooi rtrnck him new advertisements oldulu apply a n 1 t d pram pnltiah dirk ool- lliiiud olscc ixb tale cook sui clun jtuli durn coal or uocd porctlaui hliusji neorl new cash 0000 appj wm muiii 1 okaj victoria tttnstt college view lost stun of mono in occcgitoun ol norval fuwjrd lor reuinilnk tuune u it herald oppicb fob rent lajur roomi lor rent on ground floor apply mrs oeoroe davtb itp albert st tor rcnt tax or three comforuible room wlto idtchonottc and indmdual bathroom iurnlrhrd or otbcrwlse phone 23d or tf appl 11lralo office wanted elderly lady pensioner desires board where there are other diabetic ccn tral location apply box k herald for rent 4 roomed aportmeju on main surest nowly decoruleu poanenalon at onos apply empire lunch it phone ms for hale excellent purebred holsteln ball aulet and in good anape very crroouve flnr type two years old a dr paul beer it rft 3 oeorgetown for rent sx room prame homic all con- irffitenccs agraffe and garden on charles st mrr r h wright phone 371 it oeorgrtown wantkd live and dressed poultry irlgtitat asrket prices apply a barnett a boh phone brampton stf r 14 t revert charge auction sale a clearing euauon tale will be held at the farm of aordon wardens lot 8 oakdon no 10 highway on tuesday september jath at one oclock a fine nerd of bolstebis mostly registered horses pigs fowl implements ana fiimhnre frank pbtch auctldbeer notice to qvabatl and fatutcsui baring again secured our been handle explosives we are new bre wed to sen explosives to any aoaa ity also prepared to do rattling it htobl oeowtown phone aot it lawn eaesaaas aharntnad sad ad hru imbaal taarial

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