ttie geortow hezau widay sep 30th 1942 the uai bu1ni i fcxa ixww hen he i tm cii j drtt rataid tun fcj hut tyr x urn uut 0 iil -a- and le arur l cry djr is uu- to iorvj j- otn cum- pjl jji ttrf w iin thf k lie ft jt ujlntf lixlt o lintf tmt jojl he liw trvrd ln ntow thr t laid hr nrtrr ttacntkr jlr tut 1 o concdriacr in prop tad oautaucr no tnaur if the u u ffivy you k hi point of lr and u cfcjud brtfin to arajljr and trie kun eajmra twrtmni uvwgii youll tak film u you mh hto and jpu u find v oru you tir to cuuijt the rfcta of the w4n iwtotnd th sum auuor unknown aw k with the canadian army overseas ttu it rrld t ufw writ- un ifstart fur t jiviijb rr4jjr urmfiu la iubllsa attft vtiur lfl unilij ttkv htab ivinur iwinale tfnj star up toat th world heior ilov i vondrr tiwtv you n when dajlutht dana in tatfttlat your un r out o ih riiaht- help to liht us on our wmy when e well tnltvt bo uuty jjy ahlnlng down in tin brtftrt when ddlol dwtu ou anvh o into realm tinieen b nun bui imoati pcrhap to lecex ran thai- hn i mender wlwr ou ffo dll to tut jjsgrtuy ui cut i tin uiur ur rvuui an- iiv fctj mjj ut 1 uk luti ariit dici of uut 1 fi ivtliuu ujlckii ojriji u tjjitir mjjiju a i nov villi 1j jrft ujlj uw okw l ia un r r ktiu lu ppj ju itr jji djour uun rtf hituiite il la uxju v tjr tutlit n t ui ltmii im i u j u bls ijr tuiir mini fau tituli- ulr um- rn j t aaulliuil 1 diljit br tlir tiw j oj uir u3 flr uil lu i md to u- khtlld utiv tviioitk ttint nitkt i il r tm uj tm tu jtali uuo j rr riilnfc air hi lul vtu h l l ljl tlw fmtit 1 rndm ihil iv aoiro ou r oin luif ujt r rrnt uijr tu livid wu tniivii fitter ljk uj lit- l tin- uut uhudr vii toji 11j did umt cm cllrn tfvvllr muk unij ulto truty ii ti i li i rijl uki- um oji trr k to ui up uir tnr iiuwr ur uvrudjrtlun cl fr hr uuri fcrftrrauun lr ttmr cjj kikmt ui i o liun ol ijtr cji irt uuii fur rttunjomttcrn m 4u1aji ann tuuu i luu inn ojj pm inom jlnr ljt r m wi n4rul ilr to iuum u iik iiuau aim alf ii u kj u uk uwi u l ik mid u u- i ni jjj tv jxi u i j h it j a id ju li u t li l 1 l 1ji- u u 01 4i 1 it il hhj il 4 v n ju vi uji 11 j a h- i ik ijl atl j t ajlii i u j j v jl iiju iv tcrf ujm uh ii itijj ktfuu ku i tlw to m ut vl 11 1 u j ft hji it lw tlltf jk iat ij n tl ukt i mjrful ulu1 lu tl t ui oofcjl tjilllutj to uj oj auxil i it u rt juj ij j 1 1 tillu tu l u atlttuu ut l im ij a lul 1 xa- f tj 4u1hw lali uu uitm kjm x- tjujll tlk 111 jl lur brii l ou iuir month at night s4ln vou rwum iran ihmr unun nato iy ukr oi r plac at your helm and uicrr till nvim ou do rrmln jac mac to oib mothtlutno and to oubolorabav ood birr our mojirriand wij bo ua fox swy ood b eta our iwmi and and p our bojs each o tbi ar t n thr ixjd moklnu but the btujt haired drll k mart w has rouwd ihr pndr ol our col- onlra to irrpond ood oit each ud my bo mron o nn ch to m like etry mother a son ood blt uirm hixcnfilh and counwe to delcot the inhuman hun ttie jouiuj ruonb boal iuu uulld will live uielr llvra is ood run iuea but rifht oct njsht iu uitl m and lpe au the breed rrom thl vorld or sin when oold durlt wlntrr evmlngs oomr and we kno not wnere uy be ood be tth them every one in u sir or land or sctv lly boys nd fur boys hsve answered uieir oountrys call your boj and my boys ood prowct them au a true pio ujnh at thr uhr of su and djr to the tlkrugr or ln ttit uvjar wra xuju uu nu kpv hemr mure uian ury ir tvw for soenrtunr it rfiuuld or m rrl ueportunlty u be- cvmr srqitlriiru wiu thr tamll ttu stntrr tiic rthtbk tionk ot uir ir ol utose mtx i kr to ntrrtslrt tlu- crthrr ly s sd aa u mnu u hrr r- nrrlmrr at s sorlsi altiirirjon mrrujir the unrlj made up ot brrd simi buttrr sitrr and mrlont for dturrt khr rnrnuunrd that she did no care lor lorlcn bjt tnt on to trj ua tluit jhr drcjrd to br n ironrl ft and try u i t v- mrvn ftome of the lsdlrs rrluxd to ukr mrloru and unafilne nt thnita as hc 3 trlns to rsl yrt to find lint utfr lid rn that hod rr- t ivd to ial irvtin atr rlvn prirlxv and cr fmm or ojraln in rate th rct invri ar nfvrtx on in ltton to o purfctlc tfioup o a mrrurut in a pruit lum thr mutation rad drm oir omn eotf kuirar and ua nd 10 crnt iu1111 irrr uir i ltiini to br hipul v lui no mmli ffnnd tnilt to br hid this rai rxc ll r d n 1 thnk tht ar bo ltd fruvi ten at l 11 ar hud to do a 11 oil it rntlrrj rvrhftp- it is no tlw brnc ht that ar arr r- ippod to at rlr frtim hjilr a nip ot ua no murh ft i ls thi suvrsmon or frlrnrfrthlp that a ill h m id ttinnk fiondn there l- no tmrutlorm on the uw of od cl dnnk aatrr made in cntna five years ol war and still this po- drat m make little rtandjrerehleta of homc- mnde lae weave patterns in the comers bruriw and bay the uttle stltcliea small and clooely made neat as the pattern in an old brocade five cais at war and still a uun old man oarves little futures an an ivory can or makre a tiny ood of precious lade a trinket box auth bits or peart inlaid a little wooden top of a childs toy a padded coat to fit a uttle boy rve years at war and still they plow and reap tne uttle rloe flema wnere the crick et keep their ttgeold rendezvous wltli sun and rain blngllut obove the fields of precious rain where peasants harvest in the dat um lull fart ot old oritra vast unconquer able edna joques would neveb bee it a aerman woman entered the mat ernity ward of a hospital in germany she saw a picture or orwiftt ln the room and she asked the nurse to take it down i have no authority to take it down said the nurse then you see your superiors and have at re- tnmed as soon u possible sold the woman the superiors in law hos pital said likewise that they had no authority to take it down my hus band is an army officer and when ha eomes in a few days i will bet him to muk that ltiitaken down the few day pusm and the husband ar- rrred tiw oerman woman told her husband 10 have the picture taken down ho started to interview one ol the authorities and aald my wife ad i do not want our boy both were tntfaw e new arrival would be a kwr tr to look upon the cloture of wsat jewl and even while he was waf word arrived that a boy at baan bom to the pswents iym bom wtadrrfbe ohoaen msli4uvaii kulaj ulisttlmk talilartl it u iltbavtur uj 1 x thtl iwjt ult- lrvid to uhr kxujaj rimroy ljjint lir tt ur lruruo caam to oiw tfkhaiaful ini- try iiwru irtl bj b jni mjstl irwrp itwjuir rtliuw u ibtvi uin cutiffa ln uiixk nd vr aviani turi vf lukxr uu ui ruo lmrvt 1u ornrnkj ucnihatix3n lui- orr tui ttour and nii und hr lr- traniuit i p nj by iuj f rtmdly uuludr and fu oooi tti4ruliuj4 nutmirr itnd brutally frank iajlkrk tu till our quafsuoiu ti h lb loard b aji ui nun srmrt utwlrr hini ttwl iadnurtl b hu oajtatfura in liiirti nulluiry tini ol oli uir alurd nauoru vm iir cjiu td ujuniull aitli itir lilh arni tnialala ui jujuur offiorn and vth th mm ln uv rana- uiid iwr lnifirfiti uui uh lu i ni tri mjiuiod s 1vj ijid tiuimrhatioivji ij ptlitjimnu in tit itii uiuvtk mjmr 1k cuiiw um ulljultj ulll ujlua 1w it 1u u lakimuaj juit ur tomul uncortd to uk l j tals l a fcrinil mix iuun 11i it- ijirrtju riktr iuj jiui bnust no niiauin m una tdxtr uji tttiim u umjui uh jo uutn uial n iioamilliaa in u hi tr it imu vt mith om hi rj ui uh- i ln i ii it lit t i i il il it l ui l- ri4 jt vt hiw bfulr luitl b u kltlsr ui c tlllmllaul i kill in ml ll latlh l il 1 ifctr i out 1 u iuridt on h uii i xjhiisu mijtr km vni i imiti tu usult tturm iiiul ltjitim i iuur com matidu i uk ih uh b ji rmi jihiau i iuv ut n uu rviii in 1 anil thi qtntfi iit usid iiumiik ii n m tin l ph iu il tti uu in t aiitl lirfcist ann uinkj in union aid murvilnd at uttir atxoiiiii ljini n f c null in ui- tant itt ihin findlaii is n no hit tin t tuni tinis ktiiir nio uuack irvr uluuvjtl ih ai ilu ui 0 iniuu tr in net ion uul nutruxl ai um atxiirao and pncim n nh 1uch tin carrui out tin s iifuniwl tavlu wc uiauind the uountkd bttn ukkrn irom uuilta puctm on u tjhtn m uu mid and uktn bock vo uic un for nec- ary trcauncat wc u tin otdiaitcr corj- h tr pham irtim d sixki orkmpt u thi bau to uu miultr out luruwr douit the lint tin utt vtdriki ol caiuul- liu lnbinti4ni und tncuiunual islull we ran at dov on dtntsl and pud- tvb driiluik iua onu uuoutrh p4ihulal training u luirtkii tlum up lor umr duu- vt- witmsjifd rcuuhuc bay onet llediuim motor cci rorpr btiiui trained iu dinuth rtdits ond lruitti w lunrd inltv instrucioth tx- pluimnn to cliivs uic intricaaitt ol ltulr wur job so iniorumv to arm ccmituinic4uona aiur thit luhrt ttk wiui uu arnny ac arc forcfd to luiy uuit uic inunhc truuunn btlng tarrtfd on ixitc aft in- ctcwd a riwiiauon to ut all wc fitl aun that the avtnib penson iuls utut ooncxpuon of uic uork fiiuiiuxl ln prtp- parnu an army for battle our next iixk ulu be tpont wiui uic air force tliu ut liavc noiiic umt wiui tlw navy and 1u uu i-or- thtry ctin tljowli8 tluit opport- uy is to bt rum lor us to vtmt ny oullt polilltt of hjlklal ullwcfct till mehtrictto uat l ilcculclij it uic futaft and lndow uktiun on twmr of th city tucia nhould bf aclcomcd b uic moanta at iram wc oftm axjndrrcxl any thobc nton islffn allomrd rnptvaulh til int i iwrclloiu no doubt uic clt drlwj rka ustd to all uiorsp alffru and he olo mild know mven he a a upprwicli- juj mtftweuorvs but for the driver that only drlvea occaaionally in thr c ty at ntjm ukx wtirrunatcd hikni aer ofun a headaclie at a dttnnor they oold lonk like a traffic light will llchttd ut recti give the lmprelon of an uptooate toan and llkcawe poorl lighted ttreet ciiie one to form the opinion thu sxh a plice la a dead tevn m night at leaf again the lack of hahta often means more thieving even with refitxictcd ubhurm we are nuxh bettet oft than u we hnd to have total blwckout trvrry nlsht and again we haent hart to bo back to ooal- oll lampi or oandlea either it irookh ah though the houn that retail store may remain open la pilnc to be changed no doubt the idea la to aave llghta and fuel olw a few year ano tw iinent a holiday in the city of ottawa ecn at uiat um the cltj regulatwna called for clohln of all stores ot 1 oclock even on bat- urday a aa acu ha on other dni and it vra irnpoarlbje topuroruue a loaf of bread after ilx ocvirk wc liked the idea and cer idnre uc hae nttvocnte 1 earlier clonlnft this habit that most oommunluc hiv of keeping the retail storca open until mdnlffht oh saturd i midnight can ery rablly be dlnpensed with rural towna could rcarcely bt expeoted to close it mx like ottawa but the ciotutu hour could very eahlly be act at ten oclock if not earlier there la just k much bumnovn pow1ble tn almost anv eommunlty and if oil closed at uic fame time there would be the some amount of businoa done wo imagine uiat all bumnew men and their clerks rts well would welcome shorter hours tt always wvmicd to ua to be hard to keep milliner all dny btltuday and rlcrht up until midnight an well our canadian banks have what murht tie culled ahort houm tn which thev remain open for builneaa and most of ua would agree that they have prospered alright news parade heavy locomotives are needetj in war service weights of canadian national nail- ways steam locomotives vary ereatly the heaviest engine is the 6300 elans a series recently acquired to handle tnersastne wartime truffle mien in urorklni orderready to move a heavily laden frelsht train this olsos of iseo- nutlve welens 6tt6w pounds by oompnrlson the lightest oanadlan national looornouve weighs teas than onethird of the new giant or 100859 pounds the 6100 class whlth la eo- urpped with a booster weighing 13000 do not buy hlksh c11th of uaton oil ham dllllino nlxt iiw wteks an upptal to uic people ol can ada not to buy park particularly frerji outs of bacon or luim during the next low weeks is made by the dominion departmint of agriculture the rea son or tills appeal is that britain may contlnuo to receive ram canada shipments of baoon and ham so ur gently required tor military and civil ian needs the strain ol war on the people of britain makes nourlriitag food more important to them proper diets can be maintained by steady ship merus ai essential foods and one of them is park m tho form ot bacon and ham until early in november at least canadians can make up their menus with cheese beans chicken turkey egm nth ireeh vegetables and cereals they can also buy the following pork products which are not needed for ex- part to britain pork tenderloin hud oneem pigs feet pigs knuc ides and pork sausage in canada there is still plenty of a variety of nourishing foods but it is different ln britain there luxury roods are unknown and moat staple foods awjmuonea do notttuy fresh cuts of bacon or pounds tips the scale at mmso pounds or oversu tans when tn working ham during th next 1 ew weeks to w- der to help britain to continue to re ceive agreedupon shipments why a fire prevention week fire frvcnhon wrrlt is set this year from october 4lh to 1 0th the question is sometimes utkrd why a firr prevention week anyway to which can lx sjid fur prevention needs attention liftylwo weeks in tin rur however or the pust twenty two or twenty threr years it has been found deairublr to des irfuite u week in which public consciousness may be impiesard with the enormous waste caused by careless ness not only in loss of property but in lou of life would you believe it that in 1941 323 lives were lost in canada through fire and that the property loss was moie than 2ft000000 these are bir figures for the individual for a town the sie of georgetown but every loss no matter how small roea toward building tins enormous total let us start next week fire prevention week and continue through the next fifty two to practice fire prevention let us make georgetown a fire free town- there is no need to use our new fire truck juit because we have onethr firemen will not be displeased our new truck is just o precautionary measure against acc ident or carelessness remember all fires are small at the start and may develop into conflagrations our duly it lo aee that they dont start do all you can to ward fire prevention ind your local fire chief will give you any assistance if c ailed upon i and why not the legislation granting municipal councils the right lo remain in office for two years has like us spon sor hon eric cross passed out of the public eye wc were against such a move on the start as we knew it would leave little interest on the part of the riitrpacrs in the council this fact was borne out when a public meeting win called last november when the mayor and councillors were ready lo present the firsl years work oi the council before the rat paver- only a mere handful turned out and a number of councillors failed to nliow enough interest themselves to even make an appearance at the meeting however no longer will municipal councils lx- able to choo-m- lelwen one and two year council terms and councils henccforlb will sit for one year only the two year term inaugurated no doubt as a war measure foiled to arouse public approval and while tome municipalities like georgetown approved the term they have since decided it was nn uncalled for measure the twoyear term baa gone the woy of all legislation on which little thought was given and local citizens can prepare now to cither give their sanction of the present council or go about the business of electing new members when november rolls around again you too can help getting out a weekly newspaper takes a lot of co operation not onlv cooperation with the staff but with its renders have you been doing your part are you sending in the little items of news that interest you as the days go by and that probably would interest others if you put them in print during the past month the herald has experien ced a labour shortage and breaking in new help always takes a lot of extra time and the time for news gathering is that much shorter we are not able to go out and contact each one of you and nsk if you had visitors were away or about any partic ular event taking place in your home your church or your club but you can relieve the situation and help us in a small way to continue to give georgetown a newsy sheet which continued increase in sales shows its ever growing popularity talking about weather a newspaper humorist says the growlers and com- plainers can help on the war effort by talking about the weather rather than their troubles and difficulties people who cant think of anything to talk about but the weather are sometimes called rather dull talk ing about the weather never hurt anybody it is a better subject of conversation than some things people constantly discuss those who are gos siping in an unfriendly woy about their neighbours those who say unkind things would do far better to discuss the last storm or the next cold w ave those who persisently talk about themselves are more bore- tome of those who pleasantly remark is this cold enough for you km mr ferdttwr antttubces profrtm for meat prediktmtt in a sutrmnt ltaued on brptrav- bfr itth lion jamea o garctiner rvrnirtyir uirutfer of axncultore out lined u botj of a long pro gram for the production of meat and dairy urocu to meet the aaruma drenaxids of uir lnltrd vnvnr th i iclloat te dcmln en department of ag rtcul ure has for tao rara ttiroufhv wlct acrfier rrdjcuon prattus frm ajbtacrr prairie farm in conv aurjicr on frelgti east from fcrt w a m mil ant into rnsar ranjtj ard v- oer on fenlur ulnul li ltin ginad own st- trenifjik to tt rrl grain and fod- irr prod ielon tp iq i uvt1 ahrr a ions nn pn- rain of mrut and dairy irudiw jirodjcton could br bafrly mtjrnrd upon dann uiat prrlod of tao re liavr rorvimittxl farmrrt to nro- durr in tv rrat quantut aa pnulbla tlor nn rnwlllia w urh drltaln rw- un namtl clrfrt- and bacon xi rnjjlird thr uu of all arjrp x ta frrd aida icnro of uw aru jnp um ol uiiir lao prodiicta tn canada o rvkr rvlt r uir ajilpmrnt of us md tprr nmoiliu to urllaln ukst ur in ordrr to arc ore thr qanthlrw itoujtd ar it nrcraar to pre- tit th- ahlpmrrrf of frrds oul of ciiada ptml ir4 grmle trvr crntlng b aiulclal meani off a jiqcuir of vjpoly in rtwrw and pav u njlud in a run on oner tvwi jrodjc parucurly brrf until tnerr life drwloprd a temporary and anlnrl uhoru2r in brrf in errlala urun rrntrra the nartlrularly fawjrsblr we ahti a trd b tnr abmr mmtlonad pollt h pfoducnl a record supply of frd train trrom uu year u la powjbv to rritrr upon a tar rear prrgtun ot produoticn of mrats ahirli in fmm tix tr tarele months tune rrprridlnjr uk the product eon- ormrd mill result in bring able to supply ojr own people with r-aion- sblr kjppir of dalo producta and mrau of nl kinds and at the tame tlm- supply drltaln with the evprcted anvjnta of chrer and bacon and th unltad iiur with supplm of beat cattlr new barwti atrretaeat the dorrunlon department of artlcultjrr intends to make the rrormo is feed eraln crop the basis for hint a proamm thr first step in that dmlin alll br a new sgrre mrnt aith nntaln on bacon wljch srul hr loi ltrsrr amount t more favoux- nb- iitnt than that for 19114 wa wx id urce farmers to brood more hna rem now on o eruure rarry h ior- for thr h7 producuon proiam thr rcond srp will be one to iarr wrk aft non oa prrlblr back in full oumr on thr canadian mnrkrt without intirrtng with drl h surrillrn thus rrlrajuns beef for it- amrrlrun market wluch in turn mil rtlra beef from the amrrcin rnrrl for britain haspert intltrd ii hhouj be rtmrmbeped that whle there uv great eo adantagei in mantamtng a direct connrctlon brtwem the country and britain ln hoa marketings the economic adantagea an relation to cattle aie in maintaining our eon- nrctori with the united states any polio drimd must both in our own inurrst and that of the war effort be so nrranfted as to keep our meat supplies tn britain and so far as beef is concerned ln the united etatee as wl as canada wrh the rjrmous supplies of other food which we hae it is not ncarlv so important to keep a alios or any particular kind of meat which will help our aluea on our own plats at present as it 1s to ship it where it will do the roost good in the program which la betas prepared we hope for and know wo will get the support of all house holders orgnnlrntlonb farmers and the press remember news items are not rationed send em in buses leave georgetown eastbound to toronto a7m nn os am 13 00 pm 23i pm 44 pn 61 pjn 010 pan bl0 am westbound to london 1000 ui xll35 am 130 pa aytispm b40 pm ctis pxa x30 pan bs20 pxn dyloo pm kit pxn a dolly except bun b sun and uol e dally except bun and hol d sat bun and hoi x to kitchener only y to stratford only eastern daylight saving tims tickets and information at w il long phone st gray coach lines dancing i huttonville park r v bit wadnttsda a stiurtkr osli bay oufcaatr o0hd0h htstvt raraa ht m mm