Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 30, 1942, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wednesday sep 30th 1942 improved unifoftm ihtcrhat10hal sunday i chool lessen ofi s40q4j hnlslur t rjrilf ibs lewoa for scpuabw 27 i ts itajku aa stvsstur shis joseph i an example of roaoiveness tntwm text craa u i u n u golsett text b r otllau cbfx ufidstfeaartstfl torst vlcx o aeeh va u go fcv cfcrwe si sok torm tu- kpiwetiss a forgiveness opening the way or the restoration ol fellowship and thi- showing of kindness brought the sto ry of joseph and hi brethren to a happy ending under the good hand of cod the story which began with tragedy la brought to a conclusion f blessing following th earnest plea of ju lian the heart of joseph could no longer withhold itself from the full expression of affection and devotion to hla family i lava overcoats fear w ml joseph tenderly shielded the fern uy troubl from tha eyes and ears of stringers by sending out the egyptians it was tha bret step ol consideration which paved the i for reconciliation how often just the opposite la done airing family affaire before tha world ana humul atlng those who may be in the wrcng thus making it difficult for them to admit their guilt- then too this was a moment too tinder and delicsta to be seen by outsiders the taara of a strong man like joseph mean a deep movement of spirit a solemn and often a s crcd moment it should also be noted that the brothers were afraid and well they might be because of their sin against joseph after almost jo yesrs these unrepentant men found themselves face to fece with the one whom they had supposed they had disposed of and they knew then in had found them out it ll docs sooner or later but inevitably how greet and noble was the lor giving love of joseph an cxamplc to us especially appropriate and needed in a world of hate and bit temess n grace overrules 81s w t8 the guilt of these nen wss none the less and joseph could not re move it but he encouraged them by showing how god had used their evil devices to work out his ovn good pleasure he can make the wtoth of man to praise him ps 7610 it is wurth stressing again that in the very hour when the prospects for josephs future usefulness seemed ruined god was opening the door to tho greatest experiences of his life and was preparing him to serve the thousands whose uvea were saved by his wisdom and abil ity in the years of famine nothing is mora important in the life of a child of god than to bt yielded to his will unmoved by cir cumstances abiding his time re sponding to his guidance whether 11 be by the opening or closing ol doors prosperity or adversity and herein is the marvel of it all even sin may be overruled by goda graci for hla own glory that doca noi invite anyone to sin that grace mu abound rom 81 2 but it doci- offer encouragement to the one who has fallen that god can re deem tho years that tho locust havi eaten joel 223 our lesson also sets us an exam pie of how true forgiveness acts something wc need so often when forgiveness is asked or granted there is an i can forgive but 1 cant forget ottltudc which meant that while hostilities hovo ceased at icobt temporarily there is no nii friendship or the disposition to brum kindness is there any real forgive ncss at oil in such an attitude ol heart and mindt we fear not iii kindness provldei the best w 01s 4711 12 it might have been ci 411 to bunu food and a kind greeting with tin brothers to their own land but lovt docs not seek the minimum cxprts sion of its feeling it asks not him little but how much can i give in do bringing his uged father una brothers into tho land of plenty wu not enough joseph also gave t them tho best of the land 4711 his thoughtful consideration in send lng for his father gen 4057 w part of the same piece of kindness joseph puts to shame tho moderr hardboiled attitude toward needy and aged members of tho family in their eagor and relontloss pur suit of fame or riches many ignort or tramplo upon the members ol their own families often they art ashamed of the broken bodies the humble apparel tho broken or un educated speech of their parents thoy fear lest thoir nowfound friends in the circlo of wealth and supposed position will think them strongo or ridiculous god pity tin man or woman who is ashamod of a humble or aged father and mother joseph who really had an exalted edsitlon gained by merit and by the leasing of god nevor forgot his place before god as a son in the family and as a brothor let us consider him and do likewise un1fou4 intttnatiomal sunday i chool lesson leasees fee odette 4 if sffibsiieisihshs patyb in chxisy as ocb ftjuonal eulviocb oomim text ttnihn mu c tuox w t bum ad i ht uri itam canst kaauts 1 1 salvation through christ la the srsy and tha only way into tha christian ufa therefor there could bs no other subject mora suitable than that of our lesson to begin our brief sarle of studlaa la tha cnrurt life our lesson tor today una us erst bow ona comas into a personal sav ing faith and than give pauls statement of tha result of saving faith to tha changed ufa et tha be liever l ta quasi bear acta it u1s paul and his companions on thrtr important errand for tha uuur bearing the news of the gospel had first known his guidance by bin- drsnee by the closed door and then by the direction of the spirit into the open door revealed in ins vision of the man of macedonia her in phlllppl they found not only an open door but an open heart one which ihe holy ecu- it had msde ready tor the preaching of tha word of god faith comeut by bearing and hearing by tha word of god rom 1017 not that while lydla are wom an of ability and culture and a wor shiper ol god yet she needed the meassgw of redemption through faith in christ lydla evidenced the truth of bet profession of faith by open testimony and by a desire for fellowship in putting forward the work of god v is salvation la by faith apart from works but a saving faith la always one which works d tfe transformed ufa rom slu this is one of the great passage of scripture rich in doctrinal inatruc- i lion presenting through paul an il luminating discussion of justine i tloo by faith i this lesson affords an opportunity i tor tcochera to learn and present to classes much needed truth along the line of bible doctrine there is not enough teaching of this type pco- 1 pie seem to prefer a little devotional study or tha discussion of current events possibly in the light of 1 prophecy these are good but it i is of brat importance that chris tians be informed regarding doc trine we and in this scripture the glori ous transformation of life which comes to the ona who takes christ as saviour as wa note the seven results of gods justifying grace 1 pcac v 1 tho human heart craves spiritual peace and knows that it con be found only when kin has ben dealt with and put away tor aln cannot be condoned or ig nored there must be justification and that can come only through jesus christ our lord 2 orace v 2 a peace wllh god bring the peace of god into our hearts w have that peace be cause we have by faith come into the place of goda favor no long er strongcra or outsider wo have come in have access to his place of grace and favor 3 hope w 2b 8o our faith not only brings present peace but causes us to see future glory such a hope puts us in a right attitude toward god and the things of life including tribulations v 3 ore rightly valued and understood even our troubles becdme evidences of his love in which we may glory 4 love w 8bs gods love which gave hla son to die for our sins becomes the shed abroad por tion of every believer in him it was an unmcusurably great love and it all centers in calvary 0 saved from wroth v 0 the wrath of god is minimized or de nied in much modern theology but it is nonetheless a very real and awful affection of the divine no- ture but tha christ who died for sinners will surely deliver the saints from the wrath of god against bin 6 reconciled v 10 the death of christ which justified man has accepted by faith brought recon ciliation atonement had been made for sin and tho one whq died is alive again a living saviour 7 joy v ii and why nott such a revelation of what our re- demptlon includes should make ev ery believer in christ rejoice in god the one who is tho slnnors judge is the believers joyl that is the glorious transformation which tokch place when ono believes some unbeuover who has read these lines thus far must by now be eager to have these things true in his life well why nott bo ueve on the lord jesus christ and thou shalt be saved acts 1831 then read sain those majestic and joyful words in romans 51 therefore being justified by faith we have yes i have peace with god through our lord jesus christ dim lantern cytemple bai ley oljjy xi ran get isty at tetr well havl teasat the old inn keavnly ricky i hv a new blue hat eh told him all tha spicy gossip frederick ha most men ostensi bly seemed scandal but lent a will ing ear what eloia had said what benny had said what all tha world was saying about dela marriage and they wr married here to day i didnt dream ii until elois called m up just before lunch fdith had told her edith waa beret ye and young barn kh stopped there and poured th tes eh did it gracefully but fred- erlcka thought swept back to jane behind her battlement of silver four rumps ricky urn ye a penny for your thoughts theyre not worth a penny ade laide lots of lemon please and no cake i am trying to keep my lovely figure oh why worry 1 ilk big men thats nlc ci you marthas little sponge cakes were light as a feather adelaide broke one and ate daintily then she said hows little jane barnes frederick was immediotely self conscious shes still in chicago sister better much when is she coming beck june as soon o mrs iteming can be brought home in a few veks 1 hope adelaide drank a cup of tea al- moat ot o draught she was owarc of on impending disclosure when the blow csme she took it without the dicker of on eyelosh i am going to marry jane barnes adelaide the engagement isnt to be announced until she re turns to washington but i want mv friends to know she put her elbows on the table clapped her hands and rested her chin on them looking ot him wllh steady eyes so thats the end of it kicky the end of what our friendship why should it be oh do you think that your little jone is going to let you philander 1 shant want to philander if thats the way you put it so you think youre in low with her i know i am the red came up in his cheek but he stuck to it manfully its different from any thing ever thot ive felt before they all soy thot dont they every time dont be so cynlcnl she shrugged her shoulder im not well i shall miss you ricky dear that was all just that plaintive note but adelaides plaintivcnes was always effective jane was home again judy was better philomel sang the world wus a lovely place its heavenly baldy smiled at her the some old jane she shook her hcaa and the light in her eyes wuvcrcd as if some breath ot doubt fanned it not quite the winter hasnt been easy im a thousand yoaiii older and with a wcddina day jtiead ol you yen du you m udv re leaned back in hla chair and surveyed her not a bit if you want the truth i shall bo jealous of mr frederick towns silly you know i shall never lovo anybody more than you bflhly sho was perfectly unconscious of the revelation she was making but he knew and was constrained to say then you dont really lovo him oh i do hes much nicer than i imagined he might be oh well if you think you are going to be happy i know i am daarebt sho blew a kiss from tho tips of her fingers baldy im going to have a great house with a great garden and in vite judy and tho bablos every summer townos not marrying judy and the babies hes marrying you ho wont want all of your poor rela tions hanging around oh ho will he has been simply dear i feel as if i oan never do enough tor him ho rose i must run on wvn to dine at townes then yes just the five of us it seems funny that i havent met cousin annabel but shes able to tako hr place at the head ot tha table sir towns tells me he told me too that she wants to meet me but x have a feeling that aha wont approve of me baldy im not fash ionable enough why should you ba fsihlonablat you in all right fa you art am i staid i beum my stack has gone up with you it hasnt janey you were al ways a darling but i didnt want to spoil you aa if you could she smiled wist- fully sometimes i hv a feeling edith laid baldy that 1 should like life to o on just as it is just you and me iluldy but of course it cant of course it can if you wish it you mustnt marry towne if you hae the least doubt i havent uny doubts so dont uorry she stood up and kissed him brlggs will come out for me und ue are all to sec a play to gether afterword edith told me baldy she had hold of the lapel of his coot how are tilings going ith edith do you mean am 1 in love with her i om are you going to marry her god knows she looked up at him in surprise what makes you suy it that way has she told you sho didnt care she has told me that she does care but do you think jancy thut im going to take her money he patted her on the check and knn off jone picked a spray of prlnces- pinc and stuck it in her blouse oh what an adorable world her nor id could there be anything bet ter than frederick towne could give her baldys words rang in her ears do you think 1 am going to take her money yet she was taking frederick townes money sho wished it had not been necessary each day it seemed to her that tho thought burned deeper she was under ob ligations to her lover that could be repaid only by marriage and they were to be married in juno she went back to her own little house and found a great box of roses waiting she spent on hour ailing vases and bowls wllh them old sophy coming in from the kitch en said looks lak dat mlstuh townes jcs fascinated with you miss jancy arent the roses lovely sophy jane wanted to tell sophy that mr towne would some day be her hus band but she still deferred the announcement of her engagement ive told one or two people frederick had said whom well adelaide shos such an old friend and i told annabel of course i dont ace why you should core jane i think im afraid that when i go into a shop someone will say oh shos going to marry frederick t iwnc and sec how shabby ehc is you arc never bhobby thats because i made mynolf two new dresses while i was at ju- dvh and this 1h one of them you have the great art of looking lovely in the simplest things but some day you are going to wear a frock thot i hovo for you ho told her about the silver and blue crea tion he had bought in chicago now and then i take it out and look at it ive put it in your room jane and it is walling for you she thought now ot the blue and silver gown as sophy ssld miss jane i done pressed that wite chif fon of yours twel it hardly hangs to- gethatc ill wear it once more sophy im having a sewing woman next week with the old white ehiffon she won a olden rose or two and sat at predsrlcjta right while on tha ochar ssad ot be real table cbuafet annabel weighed bar la tha balaaca j sn kriew ah was being walghad cousin annabel was a will tjaurjewl that it showed in tha veins of bar hand and nose snd bar hair was dressed with a gray transformation which quit overpowered her thin little to with it this utu now as a matter of fact cousin anna bel felt that frederick had takaa usv of his sens- what could ba se in this shorthaired girl who hadnt a jewel except th on ba had givn bar jsn wore townes ring hidden on a ribbon around her neck soma day til let everybody ss h sh had said but not now you art as if you were ashsmad ei it im not- but cuvlareua must wait until th night cj th ball it was while they were drinking their coffe in th drswtngroom thst th storm car up it waa on of thos cyclouc winds that whip off the tops of tha tree and blow th roofs frosn unsubstantial edifices the thunder wsa a cease less raverberstion th lightning wss pink and msde tha sky sm like a glistening inverted sheo cousin annsbel hld thunder- atorm and said so i think 1 shall go to my room frederick you are not bit aafer up lhare thsn here towne told hr but ah went up and baldy and edith wandrred across th hall to xln library whrr edith insisted uiry couki observe other aspecta ui th storm june and her lover wre left alone and presently frederick was culled to the telrphon im not sure thst its safe sir in this storm wsldron warned nonsens waldroo town said und stepped uukkly across th pol- tshed floor thus it happened thst jane sat by herself in th great drawing room of th tea palace while th wind howlad aad tha rain etreamed down tha window glass and all tha evil things in the world seemed 1st loos and sh waa atraidl not of the storm but of th great ikmiae she was so small and it wus so big htr own littl cottag clusprd her in its worm embrace tins great mansion stood away from hrr as the sky stands away from tlie desert all the rest of her life bhe would be going up and down ihtia great stslrs sitting in front ol this greet fireplace presiding at ihe far end of fredericks great ta ble dwarfed by it all losing per sonality individuality bldtilng good by forever to little jane barnes becoming until death parted them the wife of frederick towne she set huddled in her chair pant ing a little her eyes wide silly she said with a sob the sound of her voice echoed and reechoed silly silly silly the noise without wo deafening the wind shook the walls she htood up her hands clenched then run swiftly into the hall a thundering crash and the lights ent out she heard frederick calling jane janet she called bsck im here and saw the quick spurt of o match as he lighted it holding it up and peer ing into the dark there you are my dearest he lighted another match and came to- aurds her as waldron with a brace ol candles appeared in one door und baldy and edith in another rredcrick lifted jane in his strong arm why youre crying he said dont my darling dont then baldy came up and demand ed whats the matter kitten youve never been afraid ot storms at this moment waldron re appeared to say that brlggs had announced the streets impassa ble branches had been blown down and there was other wreckage that settles it frederick sold you two young things may as well stay here for the night janes not ill to go out anyhow oh im all right she protested edith suggested bridge so they played for u while the big room un still lighted by the candles so thut the shadows pressed close jano huh very pale and now and then frederick looked at her anxiously you and edith had better go up he said ol last and you must havo alice get you some hot milk ill send waldron with a bit ut cordial to set you up sho shook her head i dont iviint it but i want you to have it 1hero wob a note of authority which almost brought her ugoin to tears she hated to havo anyone tell her what she should do she liked to do iih she pleased but later when hie kiobb of cordial enme up to her tfe drank it she did not go to sleep for a long turn jdil tcl by thi bed and tiilkcd to her 1 shouldnt she nrmlogizcd undo fred told you to rest jano curled up among her pil lows and said rebolllously well i dont have to obey yot do it dont ever obey edith t her winged chair with her viking braid and tho classic draperies of her white dressinggown looked like a norse goddess dont ever obey or youll make a tyrant out of him but i hats fighting you wont hove to flgtw i do it because its my tamnerament but you can manage him by letting things go a bit and coaxing will do tha rest i dont want to manage my hus band said jane 411 woman do- would you waat to rnsnsga baldy eaiaksmlriii thsts different sh evaded not different- you know yod wouldnt go through lit with him pulling wires making a puppat ef him of yourself you want ccen radeship understanding youfl flare up now and then baldy and if do- but oh w lov each other janea voice shook edith looked at her thoughtfully jan are you happy i ought to ba but are you im tired i think i dont know- ever sine 1 came horn ive baas nervous perhaps it i th reac tion jan im going to say soma thing dont rosrry unci fred us- less youre aure i went through all that with del and you as how titu i lmw of whst i had in my heartto give sh stopped bar lovelyt fac suffused with blushes ive learned sine then and yosj mustnt make mymlstsk and jsn dear ah leaned ovr tha younger girl like some splendid aa dont worry about material things baldy and i will want you always wllh us jsn sat up are you going to murry baldyt i am sighing a little soma day when hla ship comes in h isnt willing to shsre my cargo- yet in the morning town had gona when jn cam down eh and edith had had breakfast in their rooms and thsr had been a great rose on jan tray with a not twilled about th etm to my golden gtrl her lover had called her up by the house telephone and had told her he wa leaving for new york st noon a ulegrans has just com ill see you tha moment 1 get back jan hsd a sens of relief eha would hav three days to hru brlggs took her out at noon and sophy cam in to asy lit ev ans called youell up hes back fum new york ha say hell coma over tonight that was news indeed i old bv- unsl june got into the frock ot fsdsd blue gingham and went about tha house ainglng thre days of free dom it was after lunch that aha told the old woman im going down us the glen there should be wild hoo ey suckle sophy there were bees in the glan and butterflies and a coo atlenc oa the other eld of the creek wtrs posture and catue grexlng but no human creature was in sight jsn u elklng along the narrow path had 0 sens of utter peace here waa familiar ground she felt the wit- come of inonlmole thirrgs the ouf willows the singing stream tha gcat gray rocks that stuck thslr hcade abov th edges of th bank and now around tha turn of tha path come suddenly a man and lo boys they carried fishingrods and stopped at a jutting rock to bait their book on of th boys went out on the bridge and cast his line ills voice come to jon claar- v- mr follette theres a thing i hate to do and thats to bait my hook with a worm id much rather put an astnathing that wasnt allv avhy la it that everything estf up something else -r- jan peered down at the man poised en the rock it waa evans i he was winding his reel against a taut line ive caught a snag ho said look out sandy theres something on your hook as they landed the small catch with much excitement jane was swore of the strong swing ot evans figure the brown of his cheeks tha brightness of his glnnc as he spoko to the boys it is dreadful evans sat down on the rock and looked across at the boy on the bridge but iher arc more dreadful things than death injustice and cruelty and hat and more than all fear and you must think of this arthur that what wc call o violent death is some times the easiest an old animal with teeth gone trying to exist thats dreadfulncss or an old per son racked by pains much better if both could have been deed in tha glory of youth ho had always had that quick and vivid voice but this certainty of phrase was a resurrection hs spoke without hesitation sure at himself sure of the thing he wag about to say you boys neednt think thst i dont know what i am talking about 1 do when i came back from franco there waa something wrong 1 was afraid of everything i lived for months in dread of my shadow it was awful nothing can be worse thin one night i csme to see that gods greatest gift to man us- strength lo endure he flung it at mem and thaw wide eyes answered him attar a moment arthur said huskily gsa thats great sandy sighed heavily i aaw picture the other day ot a boy who wanted to ploy baseball and he had to hold the baby i reckon that what you mean most ot ua have to hold the baby whan wa want to play baseball the others laughed than young arthur said it looks to ma aa s life is just ona darned thing attar another not quit that evans stood up im afraid im an awful pfiarty he apologliad but you win ask questions continued on page 4 9 i

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