Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 7, 1942, p. 3

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hw georgetowa herald wedaes october 7tb 194 feature page news parade ttjouco indian summer saturdays weather was wonderful or thu time of the year in net we thought indian summer was with tit but it couldnt have been indian summer for sun day turned out to be cool and it rained most of trie day we got a lot of the fall jobs done on saturday gave the inwn a finul going over before the snow mica looked after a few of our perennials and did a little cleaning up of the frontnipped vines in the garden not being used to such a large piece of ground to look after it really keeps us busy but we trust other good citizens took advantage of the nice day to get some of their work done too sunday was rather depressing as we awoke early for it was pouring rain outside so we turned over in bed and slept in for another hour or so yes sunday was worldwide communion day so we attend ed church and felt much better after hearing a fine ser mon on the church in the world of tomorrow may be that wasnt the ministers test for it but that was what we got out of it we would liked to have told you the whole story as we heard it but that would take too long the theme centred around the christian peo ple in the various nations today and the story of the german and british missionaries in africa is well- worth repeating it shows how even at war christianity can work between enemies it was in a native parish somewhere in africa a german missionary hnd had charge of a mission post in a native village but wr are at war and he must be interned whether he is in accord with hitler or not the christianizing of these natives must go on so a british missionary takes over the field but the one did not just go to prison and the other to his place the change took place at u baptismal service where the life of an african native was consecrated to god and his church as both missionaries laid their hands on his head and blessed him can you picture such a scene it is a fine thought even in war time that the church is working in all lands that some day the sun will shine again and that a lasting peace will come to the whole world but we have digressed for wc really started out to tell you about all the corn still in the fields and the work the farmer has yet to do sunday afternoon we took out the gatbuggy and we dont run it very often these days and drove out caledon way to get in a little visiting before winter however as we drove along and noticed so much corn in the fields we couldnt help but think of the lessons we learned at school of the indians who always left their corn in the fields until indian summer so now that when we see the corn standing we seem to naturally say to ourselves well they still have indian summer to look forward to at the indians did but the fanner of today hasnt left his crop out tinder the same circumstances as our early canadians for he is faced with a labour shortage that probably the indians were not right now his tons are being called up to do training in the army and with all ploughing to be done the corn must wait so this year the farmer will look forward to two or three weeks more of frostfree weather in which to garner jits crop may the harvest moon bring indian summer fx first aid in war time to be able to render firstaid to the injured it something each one of us should be skilled to do in wartime it is even a greater necessity than in peace time and government bodies are continually advising citizens to prepare themselves for arp work first- aid and other means of assisting doctors and nurses in case airraids and war should come to canada we cant afford to sit back and say it cant happen here and do nothing about it already three classes in first aid and two classes in homenursing for ladies have been held in george town embracing a membership in the st john ambul ance association of about one hundred and fifty in about two weeks time another class is being started and at least thirty more ladies will be required to see 5t through georgetown is also proud of its st john ambulance brigade of some twenty members headed by the lady divisional superintendent mrs t grieve and dr c v williams as divisional surgeon when the new class in first aid gets underway it is hoped that the women of georgetown will support it wholehearted ly and prepare themselves for any emergency that may arias not only will a course in first aid better fit you for die war effort hut you will find it as we have a course of study sa interesting that you will hot want to stop with getting s merit certificate but will want to go on training in the ar pf first aid until you receive more meritous medmuloniif i ua eases ttasrt at fcswtr and ate ah ttota tt a i kst returned to oanaa as a iaftrse tor sad p o walter qutnn ilhifch to soother station in rna bnw raton sews ttwiis tn to ibseee of tisjt jihnsv tfee editors sgnul tbst the toad u exreilfnt sad plentiful u i ttrad to use bars br sires of tbe w aaj these mrwri bra tars bttfbt racial equipped wish kbrtrfc radios grametfcanes and games sad trier is a very pvwant and cfcieerful etmof 1 phrre to til or ttxm otn remark that ee ttferd sts hat ths mew en th eta inn are very much better than the meala served on meet- of 114 basis bringing tit boys over 1a fact 11 u kuiuerled thai something should br done to improve the meals on the boat afternoon lea and 111 dlnnersv oc- curdtrur to ihe ehguh custom term u br the rule st su thrfce unuoos the fouoslng afternoon the editors tljl a lutfhl fighter station of in ouwr aerodrome f ed brsts ateec wtu it rlst t is lor ban after warns us tolls est cba day- bat tesaie to renew fcas eacud we ixouxc boy mors and mors victory bond you wj1 b helping y oounut bo inridently youneu niirv tina he llrrt l cu wallace mir nl til wiu pmuur trulure they teu lie hllrtlu utr litrm mip into tlir hmpulhillc rur ol her announcer partner twlii kuvkii tliewr tax lut formixl ma ot tin uakncn radio tt ami ui the cjiuluti uir durum uir ubl three ram nua lhr arr mak ing utrtr provcrummr aiafc tor the wvu tune in to tlicy trll u illi at i 4i m ixrt 1 15 pm aj7t mil th- c11c natluliul nitaoik poetry with the rcaf overseas ths u ik trrtrj of a ltru writ- un by millft h lcfr in ciubf mlln hh v v rurun rp rrnuuit f lb l nxtun rtily nrfipjprra morlatton on tip u cilvat biilstln ajlt u vt4 k lui aruua iioumucn of um- ciuiuiliiii ami hi tiiuuni c btiirlnj to mi uliil uu ltool cm- uliuti air jvittr is lolnx on siuinu h- psiiib- r 3 i siit ncvutd by air marrjwu ii i ul- ruvalr olllis r c nunaj win i- m chlci hcaf ovpilm ul un inlomuii prrkt csuajifi4 at aliki lit iftl uuarnxl ull uir qnni4ll put to liuli try the cuinriuin tlltora tlic air mardic nidi- it chtx uuf he fuli lkvikirs ciuuuluuilituii uir kcaf iimi uuit thtw wlx lu lls opish 11 to ck urui 11 ti t u undervaiui liat it mrin cuitulu- atlon ol uv iicj v jw i iiu u ihti tnrun um it lu ituy to tiimn wttii tin- mv of un- kcak ui in n than msnir tarrvois r mm 1 opcnitr tiuw pen tit tuiv it fk rit i the njrn tju tr rt nt hinh rii i- alc find ltslr in idciiin dttlu the air monshnl iu txpnwd hlnim if ns tj wu- i led iu hit- mntlini mil t mining ol the iritn uiiniiii imr nni cutuuui and mimrninl it i i n iti winds out air forct t sniwib at ittiuicr time he sdd iiils war will im m m the air it is tit onlj it ciui br uon not oiho t ju- aimv iitid tu- jnat but uernltl m the uir j afti mich un uheru ve roorr anxuti tluin vir o sttt u work of the hca at rirst hand tlw flnvt oqiuulron illiich r lsited uh he one commanded b tsquiulitm utidt r keith llort ikc of umdon ont- today why iirnr orr err of uw sutt need nuch our future avyf ttm psv dowi rruule ua natitw ti vruu u r todjl in ptinrt twlny muit nils tu- prtastt i ai with omre and oarrtm ne oy of living rtiyu tdoday ana orm of utr liltftitujitj thlnfta to br tttn at this ikatioti l a rvrruusubl fitkt ucinp bonst rosniauiiria phnuw and upitljuth ot utl niiutrih uutt auf lu km pucw at thtt iautii it 1a un rx- ntm idt a und to u ajttrd out at tlri- mutlon c rltaltrd 1th huht bt c ii o klrr vt wadn lischii 1o tpokr ol om puoruiir jl kit iruni 1 1 li mv oin rkjy whirfi he hai brrn rrcrulnw ull uiroustt 0c tt -un- lc luta brtt oxttmtut ano- thrr mrmbrr of tjrta station wlui wtwrn me otuvrtrd iia mkjctit htft j w ciuij ion oj fudktunrn ontarto a tine fchow of fonnatlon nlnjr ana man- istiivn- aa uiuiimd tr thr edlton duilruc uw ifwnyan on motidi uiut tit u mnrr hitait kutimi un- vauuntf diun rre lucky ikjtui u bt ibl tu mt lit d ktruin uiul rviirn of u btnbt ftntiadmt whlrii lomifd jmirt if a mid m duu- imirv tlis natme r iilnu e lnd a iriman rani at n tirlklibourtntl toii nf hr idr ui sjrh un uniqut t i it n i tl- it uiu b uw mjurt pt nic uj14lc auk i tlitsr mlini ur mrt at um ssiuoii wire kllnlit ut ut lin vn t ui hum und otitivu lvo immtxltitil iisktl ut r mr nnd mrs j a mr- uinn tf tli llii r lxunuifr und ii im ofliitt arunir m-srluuri- hf in jut ts a iiiititljrr of tji- haifl of th luirwlniiiistu tunt- tirn an u num- th r if mditrtiurs atutfjsid to this lauun wliili- there n number of lialtfax itntl weill nkttm bumben mere iiiitet4tl by the editors hie iirv di ue nvoed on to ano- tiur stiitioti uhere wnniater bomb- erf are jorulrd luid ere krwn an op- liorttuuy to climb on bound one of them some of the larkent bomb be- ln ufted ajfuitvtt oerrnunv were seen i and ue fxlltorm tilro kas a bom her be- tnu londrd wltii bombn and ten wr- iocd for a mid that nlalu at uih million v miked with flight htrt hsjtiold qulnn of drnrnptonvlue who ha to bmlhers in the rcap flluht fitrt llarold qulnn who has old veler1 haa ud 11 lit why llnflcr mid kit borrow it bean ne rwirt in fulur crf it for tomorrow ux nexb loht a oiw i onr duj iirjdim stationed with the loin iw riu4n and dedloated to the 3ut rca by one of hla runner i if icniplre thlpa are lost at ua and ur haven t cot a plane tlie hc a m man their ffuna and da the job again raurun- ivinits lu unce more rise heroic dedi be done and our iruud bosun e tnoke affoln w i- never lost a gun a letter from dieppe we have just finished reading a letter from overseas we call it the letter from dieppe because it fairly lives the scenes that must have taken place at that heroic raid in which canadians played the leading role many of whom died in the cause of freedom it is a letter to a mother of a georgetown lad a letter that is hard to read for you find a lump in your throat as you read also between the lines and picture what boys you have known came through the writer of the letter is pte keith koopie spence son of mr and mrs w spence of georgetown we have gathered ed from the contents of the letter that only two mem bers of the lome scots regiment which went overseas from here in 1941 were in the raid the two members being the writer and pte gordon lane son of mr and mrs bob lane pte spence letter begins this way just gor- die and i went over the channel bert and bill didnt go and here we take it that he meant bert and bill tuck who went overseas at the same time i was sure lucky i was one of the very few whot came back un hurt it was really terrible and 1 hope i never see so many boys die that way again keith tells of how he had to fight hard for his life and when he felt like ly ing down on the beach for as he puts it the law of life would have called him dead something of the home land kept pushing him on and he kept his machine gun going he tells of how he whispered a prayer his mo ther had taught him when a boy as his pals were falling all around him and gives only providence the credit for being spared the letter soys cordon lane was pretty badly wounded and that as their boat was burning he used his first aid and dressed his wounds gordon was getting along fine in the hospital and would be out in a week or so we are sorry all our readers couldnt read this letter for the word picture of the battle of dieppe tells of the honors of war and of the brave canadian boys who made die supreme sacrifice v ii jxia ui nl kllllw r bqn floral llrm mill liiul ui allot and ahtu ajid if tiny try to brrak our lines wr 11 hut tnr llunic l hell and li tnry conn- attiiln our reach inland or by she dra wr 11 np uitir kuu uith clean cold sufl and krrp this country free wfll kami and toll in nun and heal weu pound lhem day and nlflht thc 11 cliish alut men uuu cant be brut weu teurli tllein iww to tight vor every pound they throw at us weu thro them bade a ton and bhow them viau it a like to meet men who never loat s gun we have u homage ax war unuinuihcd honor bright the r ca ran nrat to last ltoi alauya led the nurd and ii our nuns ore auesiced theyll toon speak up again vat shot and shell con keep them mute ror they ore manned by men weu drive lhem back from wnfct theyve knlned with a strength of lust mens in and av 11 not back a single inch while weve a gun to fire and when the batura finally won and we go home again i well know deep in our inner hearts weve fought and won like men tadi mortgage sale uhuut atfo i1y vuttue of lfa pvstn of lale mnlalnarl in a ccrtsla muraue ahlch wul be pioduobd tft the time oj tale uv ajl bs udana fur sale by i iraak ptuh aacllierir at public a on tilhuav octoaut zmh 1mi at uu hour of una o clock udotj u the aliaraoun at the farm ot nobman c vtiugullmwobtu otuvfustn ontario the foliowtss property camel all and ulnoulalt thai certain parcel or tract of land and priiinliis uiuau lyuu and being in lbs two uup of lquirui in the count si iittr gag being composed of los ral half ol lot number rtnl la the slh oudcoulan of the said toatv shin containing 100 acres more or less have and except thereout sos therefrom thoui pans sold to lbs trustees ot ocbool ueotion numoaf three under rrguitcred instrument no- 391d and no stoop on the tald farm there is said u ibe araoud a daclllng bouse with suit able farm buildings at the same time and nn4 lbs aulboruy of a ujuta warrant there trui be offered lor sale the tollotrios fiimiiri name 1 bay horse aged 1 grey mare aged i bay mare aged i work bay bores i ualsuin cows 1 ayrshire cow i brlndle cow 1 lloleuln calf one moo lb i calf 1 month 1 llouuin buu 1 years 63 lcuhorh hens 100 r4 rooatera 110 pullets 100 small roosters 1 binder 1 moaer 1 rake 1 roller 1 set herrowa 1 ucufner i drill u plate 1 cultivator 1 wagon and rack 1 ught wagon 1 plough 1 separator 1 buggy 1 cutter the lends aul be aold subject to s rescrvs bid termu on hale op fatu1 twenitive per cent ot the purchas money to bo paid down at the time of 1 sale the bala to be secured by s mortgage aith interest at four per cent per nmm terms op sale op c11attelo por further partlculars and condl uona of tale apply to ceaamlulane of airtrmltaral leasev tau block paruaeatnl bel 111 hum tobonto onurle deted at toronui this 3iu day t aeplember ad 1043 h dancing i huttonvills park iviii wednesday st saturday otiiiii bays ombastn 0 nt tvsues wnui oordom nookut or phone brampton est r ss ah niiadowh fail theres a huuli as evening shadows full tike a great mtat eruthroudlng all hut through the quiet you hear quite dear days dying noises about you here out from my window below the hill tneres a steamy noise from the paper mill while mixed with that like a steady wash the credits waters oer the dam do spuuss theyre pleasant sounds in s pen slve mood tin a place he oer our thoughts to brood thoughts which are serious or tls tine to bonder them at coming night there ere shouts from children s they plej away as night comes on to efcese the heat of day as i listen again more intently now x hear the far off bellow of s lowing oow the birds too have an air of ooosent auy to ttislr even songs gtra vent and all in all as the shadow i crow ibometmr la the rush has disturbed crow his esstbautvl train sear oer the mh brids itjoud enaush to set ones bstms on edge itbsn qujts as atkldebly ss h besaa i as ttts tswtofoss on tiis ecett stops buses leave georgetown eabtbount to tobonto 1m sjn 04 am 11 os pjb 32 pm 4a4 pm m pmb 010 fun bljo sjn westbound to umtoow 1000 am xll j3 ui 3m sat ay41s p m bb40 pm cms pro 180 pm b8 pjn dyloh pm xllss pm a dally except bun b sun snd hol c dally except bun snd bol a ost bun snd hol x to kitchener only y to stratford only eastern daylight saving tubs tickets and infermsllsn si w h lono phase h gray coach lines asthma t stave eft these mtssrsm ssuims attatks gel iuiw asthma bemedy imo obar- buks phakmaot wtd ss slusil te shew yea lbs weeks sapprjr is gel u new eczema hetuie r4nul hie iws eta del vaswmtatsbs ofeusf try tt ter bosra

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