Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 7, 1942, p. 4

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tfc gthm htwu va ottebfer 7a 1942 i 1 the qtomcctpwn herald fe pobbdssr i4ary h oalorxzld l usoilvkav tin a toshm lasenfcsr of lb rnwaian wmut twwapsper sss tod ths oourtoqofc5bboj tt owjijl c60tstc0iumm a ib o u has wsb ku afat tnlrt as usata v lb oass tbe ay awcvwaaldris of os teoid b ur tvom bstfig nranrthtmntirt or x srrtsd taw toaaday and it was rb- tag to taet east irmly famta hot f4vy tiiiirr mimesr i afag- cred that was beald oases u only a cwbt ths has tuna m god t kmfttutf it per as assay d arty b a rasa of oa a fsasdsy seosa a w 10 orjaen y is esiaabw is issaaf it ato sad add ttnaty to too shear bm whsrs obs ears so ted rais bosh mmd um dire f r watson tvbja km osorgwtown obo bnn to em thursday ftflctboooj dr j burns milne dtntu uvmumoh xkav t clifford g reld tvdjs ujjj- dawttbt ftuoa 419 arw btttct oaxbtgajlowo uroy dale k c m sybil bennett b a tferrbtsrs a tuadtsr ten street w i a m nielsen fshb fear w plasties cmroprader xray dmsbca tbtnptat lady ihssiiss m rttui sice boun oitil tatnlty mn n kennetb m lanrinw barrister gajaiawheterypwlsv km uortgag money to loan cexc orsgory theetrs bids mil btroet frank petch ucxkrd accmohnot and all classes or instmanc prompt 8nrlea mum hi oeergstsra po bos 411 elmer c thompson lnsukance gxjlvtce ptn auto wlntfttorm c p iitni sad anted bdhmeb exoobsiom8 lltw sw o radio r we specialize in this work u ton araerlrae j sanfordson utoxoetown mw sad rhat to w it ifauad teteo for e btat taw ttmrfu ted coed etatre kb bo rl taste it to nir tta boom nd most oobuot- ujbto end db pcopl u toeb w at ttt b ttw raundi tav iootsd uin ova- od v brt bcao cnujr tmnrauad wltb it tu- tb wlou hfflj lots cor ir from t ma7 yj k8d umd umi to m tbr tulto urr tod dala voj bvrv tn otrertown havr t bciml ah an abundknoi of rain and th una and gmrdffu uatllr u nat th lawna ar tiut oolour ol grrrn vnldb onlj tn rain from itravm can t1 ivxnc ol uw una look uitkl and anrni irecn tnr fall vtnd and nar brsun to thd tlvlr travv and othm afaln navr chanxvd to auujnn ih hlch nf roui mrr- rtr aod to uvlr tout vour trrrtiat aril arpt ajul u- i ton awina to enjoy a umt of proa- i peruy tn praor a u aa tn var ubm- i jtxi hai not talrti all and tim no thins in mum but you ban- had yourtvaard or inunauil rtuum baw brlom to mak your town uv plaor thai h u a placr of brauty and joy u tnoaa artio imv trw brauti lul tnlnca in conclualon i 1 that i am pn- rlrvtd to inr ho to oijoy wub yoo tri brautllul uunsa whloh arr aorae thing that ntn ar haa not jt tou- ohad thr planra may droan orr brad hlub abovr thr um but hrrr in atttrcttoan all la vrll and ood ti ttlrn iupprmr in t bfrni if r iu clilarna of tht torn aoili aa a body barulod togrlhrr lor rood and to do our irtmoat to drtroy thr mrny which it lurking almoat at our r doora thre o wtll al- waji remain a brauty pot on thr hortiort wnrrr prap win ion to darl and u r arlll tair thu inotlo ctilrri i haw trtrd in tha darkn tlnva to taar aa our rutdr ihrn tf ahah alaari rrrtatn a unltnl famll jotnrt tojrthrr to mjoy tkr beautiful ihlnga of llfr i paaa it on for your ouldanor for 1 frrl that it la will wornh hrrdlnt ttirrr to much to make ua nappy in plu- of ad thata aad so in ua think of the joya ar hare pom the ul a evr had and too i think of the aorda of robert duma when he to ttewssb efos- ma t ta tfcat tor fctedeh ahw i bh m cba tiat el ail tiitrt ay ra mrtm ted trvjiin mr haoonwy fcr kw ey sat to- ucdattloo fetob b at to fc at cm imu fateab tbe of tt aaa w tues bat to paud by tb taaa to onarga tu uooumy wtio mad m wltb the ofso faoaraor and ata my work i tmmatlifav want to rk u linotype onaralor to help produce for you th dtlawna of oaorawtowm vwjuabla nrai and tnformitaarx boto from town country and outalde po- inta i alter hipper i waa taken to my rocmlns plaor on uxhtjb btrert llr uoouviay drow me tbera aa u waa atlll ralnlna and i returned back co ttw ofbor to tat tome more typr i dadoed ahortly afleraarda that i would return home and tn rrttm up for thr nrart daa work and ofcounr i thouiht it aruld not take me ion to art home as it had only wrmed a abort dlatanre i waa howrtrr to i meet with deep dlaaapolntment for i remind hlch i bunted low i dim- 1 bed hllu came down them again and- atlll i ooufd not find that home nor did i even bite the name of tha lady ww wtiarr i tl going to make my taome nor the name ol the atraet at laat in deaprrallon i vent back to where i bad atarled and i appealed to the wantlaman who haa thr atorr tn thr bua itop and aflrr some n- nunallon he durorrrad that the home i waa trying to rmcb vaj thai t ici i clratr on urnab otrrrt- 8o iaay i went again and i at aat had a name to go by i aaw a home bright ly ut up and i knew that lira clee did ue around there tomrwhrrr but i aent to the door and aaked at thla other home and fortunately for me mre dlnhn motbr waa there atten ding a meeting ao ahe look me to her home made a nice warm cup of tea and to tall you franky i never did have any tea that laated brtur than thai it hit thr apot for i waa cold and wrt and tired and weary but 1 jutt crnild not concalre now on rarth i rrrr could get lost in a town the tlar of oeorgetown i had of count no idea of the tm- merueneas of our town for it spreads out to a rry large degree but i aoon was to find out that although 1 bad been rather dlsupolnted at flnst and that n ntpretcais wrre not brlgtit yet that did not dwljallly my op inion in any way for you have un- uoubtrdl a brautlfu town where trees abound everywhere and where siiuciny the brotherhood of man bcr era grow in profusion in all their l bomu avl gracefulness a oy to t to man i tswa was way 1 l bod tv waak aaw la a ia tt aaosbd wwak of ay a rawu kcrav w awaawa waswar tsf fwasr psuwr wrifwmart aw aed trttiwai la yea atos t aeeat raw yti mot car s to an totrnrvirfvti to to spaax tut tt mad real aa on amorjc you to share your rartou tsaka and rsrrws tb usasatat that prompted the wrtucg of th artlcl waa era more- baautlrul it told of my past ea- etpenroce tn the nwwtprper field both tn the aeat aod tn th east and of my work with my lata rjuaband jamca uardoald in unity tusk and u- irr tn wiulanuburg oct he aiortled to the lowipntjr to gtre m a amdly rarrpuod in other words to aorrot me aa one of you and i know from what eaperimcr 1 already hatw had that you wll un- duutly d3 jtt that ano thrn the monuments maajlesu ano lerrtluuk pollock a ingham dealtni on requeatpnon iota tnapact our work in oreenwood oemeury ralph gordon tha reraatn mlartalnar tar your neat program muetratcd circular prm tmowro oib crtwfarl tv gray coach lines timetable now d fkaynght staabac ttoat leave oeofulatown rtrlmwna wa tjm bud 1000 in 04 tn all 6 in imo pjn mo pm lm pjn aytts da 4jm pin b 540 pin 4 ca o tjs pnv 910 pin is l pin b 1m sun dyioei pa alias pin adally aneept sunday b sun and bol only o dally except bun and bol tt sat sim and bol x to klfrhemur only y to atratford only cnr time table dayugst fuatef tm ul patseoger and uali i0jm svm pasamgw and alall am pjn pmaaengar sunday only ul pm paaaenser dally 04 pm thla train wag formerly use flyer but now atopa oamg watt puatnger and llall le bub paiatrifer bat only iii pm pasaenger dally except savturday ml pm dally exoept bunday tiw pa passenger sunday only 1ij0 pm dally except sunday 15 tun oawafnattsi pauenger and mall m tun 0vbursala patunger and mall 713 pm deatt tleket oae tata may t7 ittiles wituout a oubvb tbare ant many atialght atretobr cat asrway track to the more than mjm mllea of lines operated by ttia ra kalcnal ilalhraya the ettakaat belds on a tiranon una in we i oaaada tnli utngent oommen- sjatr camksae and eada at ast- daatanea of bta of tha continental limited from out- arm to just wast of alerrnle saak but of kent junction to west of cat amount na aoaa mllm u the long est canarltan nsaonal uutjent to the j6v lsatoond awaea tauumt utb miles s wffwsoy jatollno j trflfrt of tnata uat iltmtutn rsglon whlob tbtsta baataf ob taw ifouu on a una tiinnliui tnm durand to orand ffavus lalrav there to a stral- tht ptooe of track of 3103 males whfcb ft khe longest tangent on unas oper ated by the ranaiiia national rail way to ttw united btstes ttsmtbt btr um hawsid hold and i am sure that boh the trees and the flowera glr many a tired soul comfort aa they journey to and from tbrtr plaora of work bometlmee one almost feels aa if i the were actually nodding accent to our ihoughta and their aroma lends fragrance that cannot be forgotten aa we have wandered too and from our work we hate looked on tbrm with admiration and we havr thou ght too that here tn oeorgetown no sheila have tnm up that gtutul to deatroy thr living ihlnga of teal beauty and how calm and peace- looking the tree and flowera are the trees in all their gracefulness tower- lug high above thr bulldinga atandlng out aa a ohauenge of defiance to any enemv yep we thought how blea ted we are wherein to lire where we can enoy the thlnga that nature haa provided for us then too there la a little atreaun what the water gurglee on and on and i nave stood and looked at thai rater not arawya dear by any nvraju for the wheelgjof pro- grew made that unnoailbu but it la water and it 1 there and in that land whrrc i spent my childhood we would call it s burn but no matter by what name we call it it to me la beautiful and juat to even know it it there and to hear it and i listen tr it each and every mornina and evening and we look again at the trees and our aoul aaya wtthln ua iluu beautiful lard are thy workv there ore too many lovely hocnes which have the appearance and tehlcb relect loving care and again we hope and wish inwardly that they are names tn the fullest sense of the where love reigns supreme snd where children are part of sis very ex istence that is a real home oeorgetown can well be proud of its many lovely homes and beautiful bulldinga the local post offloe is a fine edifice clean snd tidy always and its clock sends hope to many as its hand reaches that hour when mans days work is done snd he can uo to lila home and enjoy hlr family life at thr dole of the dav the ss- alstaiyta are pleasant and give pleasure i am sure to many in their task of dis pensing the mall it nwr be a letter from a boy orersess in the air force army or navy but no matter it is a well done snd that in itself it everything there are nurneroue stores who do their utmost to satisfy their customers and eating houses whew food can jw obtained and au grve service with a cheery countenance which means so much to one away from home and not only that but they add much to the town generally speaking the local tale- phone system to always at ones ser- vtoe baa been said that industries watts their urge smoke chimneys are rather unsightly thing but not so in oeorgetown in fact they lend an air of piwgreaalvenoss their biillrtings sre large well ifesmad and well ventil ated and their ohatnneys can barely be seen because of the height of the trees and unless ana were quite- dose to them ttley would not awn taty of their wry existence and hay un- tvoumadly aw an asset to any town and their pay nh tatspe linnvmv rttiem an atoo some fine looking banks where taanetal butmsasean be the world oer bsgas esas taster tor sassv btshb just set to hsvs b ta at all and chat i twa srvwhsr tsssasw that a atsaaf proves just what typs of crtlasati yea ar her tn oeortrtown ussasv tog cat th other persona wwuars twas that i am sure ta the type who are sb to any toss it haa bam proven a true sayma that no person can llr unlo thsm- mtr and is it not aonoertul thai we hat people who take urn to tbmal of their fellow men and women fos ihal u what is needed tods nuro teas rrrr before and wi such an tntro- duotson and auoh cherrlng words x thai carry on to prove my worth first a t cltisen and then to civ whs bast that la tn me to my work to carry oa p ti i auoh time when we again shall hse paor a uslrg pm rba pjvtmli all undrrvtancenf and aj kindly way tn whtoh h ataira uialj ato lira bcehn and ur uaourray aksog wvh triraaimi of otfr women itnank you j have retumad to play a part on the j home front that to me was the grm i of the wraolr ou advertise in the herald in fine lanffuacr it rmri atrcjuuly rw jt mnit t r rr iur to pet rwulu payment ol 1942 m laav a jatsl 9 tbe fouhh inriarmrnl of taxes la due and pajable at the oflicc ol the collector georgetown on or before thursday october 15th 1942 k m langdon tax collector pi m i- rf 5 the income tax is not tough compared with the sacrifices being made by the men in the armed forces the huomt fsx it not tough this is total war and everyone must pay employees and employers payment has been made easy as the government tjas instructed employers to deduct a portion of the tax every pay day you will not have to pay tax in one large lump sum at the end of the year remember our fighting forces and youll agree that the ituome tax is not tough the pulp and paper indvitby op canada ti son mpb boildiifq moht1bai ill s ui j hljv jdjg 0jj s

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