Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 14, 1942, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wedoe october 14th 1942 imftoved uhlfotm ihterhatlohal sunday chool lesson lemoa for october 18 improved uniform ihttrnayiomal sunday i chool lesson lemoa for october 11 flkoirh w cbmxkt yjtuou rrrrtttj n r ooldem tot- p h en at ta tmewli a sear urt jmj a rtjva reter sis qrowtb ti etvumsl thing w tkpect it of th child ladwhm tt sails know that sorathlag u wrong- just ao titer la soralhing very decidedly wrong tn the uf ot the christian who alia to crow to gysc ii a child alia to crow w re alarmad but if a christian do toot crow w hardly notice it or at t only express our regret wa bd rerial x neemsi ctulrea wtb orw oka giael white chrlat waa ood maalfmt to lb beth ha waa at tba aama uma true man and a a boy ha dvl- pad and grew in normal way tlntes w maat tha tragedy of ar- natad davalopraant we naad have 8a coooarn about tha act that d ehlld wol crew physically mentally and spiritually tba lord haa pieced in tha baba in a mother ami tha potential qualltlaa of tha man or woman to coma our chief rtiponslbulty la to provide tha op portunity for tha development of thot abilities and quallute which the child haa and of culdlng that growth in tha right direction that la all a parent haa to do but u la enough to call for all tha wis dom judgment patience and aldll of the beat of in yaa end even that la not enough wa need the wtadom ef god and hte grace upon our uvea to do this vital work aa wa ought the qusliue in boy or ctrl which will count gloriously or ood may be dreadfully affective for satan if we permit him to get con trol of our children may ood help ua to be alert and skillful in rearing our boya and girls while h ta true that we can do more for the guidance of phyilcal and mental growth than spiritual because that ta a matter of the grace of ood we can lead the steps ef the uttle child to the house of ood we can teach him to pray and to trust ood end we cen set an example of godly living before him that la all we can do out again we aay it is enough to demand our bast effort and more h normal christian wtd orow tj pet 118 in christ there are all things that pertain unto ufa and godliness there is no need of some added ex perience or some new end striking enducement for all tha unbelievably great posslbuluea of christian greet and growth ar in him we need only to recognize that fact and yield to him and there will be the full development of christian ufa and experience we have in practice ao far de parted from the normal in chrlatlsa life that w can hardly believe that the above is true in place of the normal christian ufa according to goda standard we have established a standard based on the average christian life if we equal it we are satisfied and u perchance we surpass it we count ourselves among the mora spiritual ones and all the time tha average standard is far below the normal christian ufa which ood not only expects but is ready to enable and empower us to live peter tells ua in this passsge that the great and precious promises of cod in christ ore not only to enable us to escope the corruption of this sinful world but to go on to a placo where we will neither be barren nor unfruitful christians how will this come about verses 57 tell us faith supplies in itself rathor than add to v 8 if there la diligence that la true christian devotion a number of other splen did qualities first comes virtue reauy moral courage or nobility of character what a fine step for ward 1 then cornea knowledge that is o discernment which wlu rive practical skill in effectlvo dally ving for christ such spiritual dis cernment will naturally lead to elfcontrol something much needed by moat christians the selfcontrollod one wlu always have patience that is the en durance to stand every hardship ami trial we need to be more patient not only with others but also with ourselves even in this matter ot christian growth of which we are peaking a lite like that is n ufa of godli ness which will blossom out into real brotherly kindness there isnt too much of that in the world today even among christians lets revive ltl than what the on who love his brother will love the whole world charity in v 8 should read love why not ar wa net all bntareq who irnow christ regardlaas of race position or creed lai stun cartow abound v 8 and twchrlatlan ufa will lack to rich frultfulnam tor ood in christ tf cfcrtsuartpeobja would let tha new iff within them grow it would sur prise us and them what ood would do through them far till own glory lotaarrjro chjum txsiotf tttxtumi t it- jcaa i t- ptrfdnpuxo 1111 09ldsm tzrr wku eases w sua maevua it loyalty la undoubtedly one of tha finest traits of mankind because of its strength its fidelity to duty etc shrewd men have ttsrnfd to play upon mans loyalty making it evil and ignoble ends un- vfdim lantern temple bai ley- cuaptntxtv worthy causes having thus gained the interest of man by fair miens or foul have demanded blind loyal ly even in the carrying out of crime there has been the suggestion that there is some kind of a coda of honor loyalty among thieves all this does not change the fact uut there is a high and holy im pulse tn man to stand true to the right and tn the christian to be found ever loyal to the christ whose ve ere and whom we serve fslth in christ our lesson of last week it rightly followed by loyalty to ham it manifests itself in three ways i rauawtag christ usik i lt- 17 without obedience there is no use milling about loyelty when jesus sold fouow me metthew levi arose and fouowed he was s sin ner v 17 a man of the despised coulng of taxgatherer v 14 but he was ready for tha cau of jesus notice alio thst follow big christ carries with it the privilege end ob ligation it is both ot making him known to our friends matthew did not wslt until be had made a new circle ot friends and then invite them to feast he celebrated his entrance upon the new life of faith by a friendly and effective testimony before his friends who were publi cans and sinners notice the words of jesus tn verse 17 it is not good people satisfied in their own self righteousness v ho set to heaven it la sinners saved by crace who will there magnify the savtoura name ii fsjtaiuhuss to christ john 6 coeo it is one thing to begin but quite unolher to persevere in weu doing jcu had been doing msny mirucles and a host of followers had flocked to him he had not only done great deeds but had spoken beautiful words about the fatherhood of god the power of the holy spirit etc he had fed the five thousand and they uked that too but now he hed talked about a broked body about partaking of his flesh and his blood and they did not like it this reached too deeply into the necessity for a per gonal spiritual experience and one that spoke of sacrifice and many ot the disciples walked no more with him v m how perfect a picture of the re ligious experience ot multitudes of men and women in our day tho true disciple however stands truest in lust such an hour we believe aaid peter and he spoke bitter than ever before in his life we dont understand everything thats the thought back of to thorn ahall we got hut we be lieve and we wlu stand fsst blessed word of loyalty observe that peter and his breth ren recognized christ as the holy one of god that is goda eon in o unique and intimate sense one close to and participating in the holiness of ood loyalty will not hold on any lesser concept of christ there is no incentive to real service und sacrifice in tho wateredout re ligious faith ot the modernistic ub- trull iii forsaking all or christ phil 3711 there were a number of things in tho life ot paul as a natural man of which he was justifiably proud but which tn the light of his relation ship to christ paled into insignia- uncc the best this world can of- ler looks like rubbish v 8 which t really is when one catches a ullmpse of jesus christ turn your eye upon jesus took full in ills wonderful fsoe and the things of earth will stow strangely dim in the uaht ol ilia glory and trace however that experience of pauls was only the beginning of a life of devotion to tho lord which is expressed in words the depth of which wo cannot fully plumb what does it mean to know the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings being made com fortable unto his death we do not fully know but certain we are that it speaks ot o feuowshlp with christ that is very deep and inti mate a ufe ofpower because he lives in and works through the bo- hover a sharing with him of the hotrod and bitterness of the world yes of death if need be for him in the assurance of resurrection this is an all out christian ex perience nothing held back nothing thought to be too difficult or trying everything gladly given in unstinted love and devotion to chrlat now the christian church la len for the want ot those who will for sake all to fellow him in oomplst falthftilnafst tt it was alter the cuy when ahe bad met osna in the olrn that jane be gan to be haunted by ghosts there was a ghost who waaevted through sherwood on moonlight a umptnx hnluutas ghost who said youre wine jane i must nave my dally a lp of you and there ni a shot who came in a fog and said you are a untera jane held htrh and that shoal in the glow ot the hrathttre you are food and drink to me jan do you know it ghosts ghosts ghosts holding out appealing hands to her and always she had turned away but now aha did not turn over and over again ahe lent her ear to those whisper ing words jan you are wins jane you ar a lantern voe are food and drink jan well ah waa having her punish ment eh hsd not loved him when he needed her and now thst ah needed him ah must not lov him town was aware of a differenc in her when b returned from mew york bhe waa more remote a little lata responsive yet these thing caused him no disquiet her crisp coolness hsd slwsys constitut ed on of her great charms you ate tired dearest be told her when they were lunching at th capitol in the senate restaurant i wish you would marry me right away and 1st me make you heppy oh she told him earnestly you promised i might wait until judy could come an in june 1 know but it will be very rtui and youu have e whole life time in which to sec judy but not ul my wedding shes my nnly sister 1 see but his voice showed his annoyance but it leemi as if your family have demunded enough of ou cant you think a bit at ut yourself and me she pressed her point judy is like my mother i csnt be msr- ried without her and th bsblea if ui babies come youu be looking after them until the last moment and it will be a great strain on you sweethesrt oh it wont be i adore babies his quick jealousy flared i dont he said with a touch of aulklnes im not tend of chil dren v 7 she at in ahanoe and presently he aald repentantly you must think m a great boor jans but you dont know how much i want you he waa ilka repentant boy she made herself smile at him i think you ar very patient mr town i am not patient i am moat impatient and when areyou go- towns noou at uy uttle lods thst was the kind ef thing to uv for to uv with ideas effort eh had always known it yet for a room ehau i take you up ta tha senate gallery no theres nothing interesting is there iu wait in statuary hall when frederick came he found her standing before th prim statu of frances wiusrd tired sweethesrt no i stayed longer thun i especltd it didnt seem long i have hud plsnty of company he was puuled what do you meant all these her hand indicated the marble men snd women he laughed great old freaks arent they freaks gods weu of course it au depended absolutely on the point of view i uke them all she said sturdi ly even the ones in the hideous frock coats surely not my dear yes i do they mey be bad art but thyr good americana his laugh waa indulgent after youve been abroad a few times you wont be ae erevlnctal if being provincial means loving my own ill stay provincial travel broadens the mind chunges the point of vl u but why should i love my couji u less 1 kno her faults aid i know beldy but i lov him rust th sams as thy walkd on he feu into step with her we wont argue you ar probably right and if not youre too pretty tor me to contra dict his gsusntry waa faultless but ahe wanted more than gsusntry there hsd been the vivid give and take of her argument with evans they hsd hsd royal battles youth hsd crossed swords with youth and from their disagreements had come convictions she hsd one more the luusion of frederick aa a feather cushlonl he would perhaps agree with her al ways i and her sou would be smoth ered i jane clasped her hands toawther oh i want my mother i want my mother her voice waa low but there was a poignant not in it old uary came out with the tray and whan ah had goo lira folteti said now uu m whata troubling yout im afraid of what oh of ul townss big bouse and i think im a little bit afrekl of him too lira fouett why should you b afraidt of the things ball expect ef me the things iu expaet of myself i cant explain it i just teal it ura follctt pouring teecolt milk from a silver pitcher said it is a case of nerves my dear you dont know how lucky you are am i lucky7 wistfully of course you ar tuclry bu all girts fsel as you do jan wheal the wedding day isnt far off they wonder and wonder ifa th ww ii waa th morning of th day that she was going to the delaflcm slmms and jane waa packing her bag she fele unaccountably de pressed during this weekend her cngsgsment would be announced and when judy fame they woum be married in the sherwood church and that would be the end of ul her lover had planned the honey moon with enthusiasm dieppe jene avignon the north sea such sunsets jan felt that ahe didnt care in the least for sunsets or trips abroad she was almost frightened at her ing to stop calling ma mr towne e indifference to the wonders of a when i can ceil you husband but i dont want to wait until then dearest but frederick is ao long and fred is so short and ricky sounds uke o highball she hsd thrown oil her depression and was sparkling nobody calls me ricky but ad elaide i always hated tt did you she waa demure i might say my love like the ledles in the oldfashioned novels he laughed delightedly say it she acquiesced unexpectedly my love we are invited to a weekend with the delofleld slmms ot their new country place grass hills are wo7 then in a sudden ar dent rush of words jane id kiss you if the world wasnt looking on tho reporters would be ecstatic headlines i am tired of headlines and what do you mean about going to dclnflold slmms they are asking e lot of his friends tt is his wifes introduction to his old crowd much will de pend on whether you and edith will accept and it was edith who uaked me to make you come she gave him the truth knowing you it to bo better than diplomacy told her that i couldnt moko but perhaps if you knew i wanted it she paused inquiringly ho loaned towards her across tho table ask me prettily and iu do it really she laughed blushed and did it wlu you go nay love could i aay no to that he radiated utlsiaetlon do you know how charming you ere janet am it but it is nice of you to go i know how youu hate tt not if you are there jndnow who else ere asked a oh mrs laremore and iffloan harper and a lot of others lucy ssys aheu be like a flats out of water but delanald haa mad up bis mind that his friends shant think that hes ashamed of her whan their lew came end their world of which frederick talked continually oh what were moun tains and see at p time uke this her heart should beat high the dawns should be rosy the nights full ot stars but they were not her heart was uke o stono in her breast th mornings broke gray and blank the nights were dark her dreams were troubled- she had found indeed that she had utile voice in any plans that frederick made for her when he consulted her on matters of redec orating the big house he brought to the subject a wealth of technical knowledge that appalled her jonc knew what she liked but she did not know why she uked it but frederick knew ho had the lore of period furniture at his fingers ends rugs and tapestries paintings and porcelains he had drawings made and watercolor sketches and brought them out to jane she had a feeling that when the house waa finished it would bo like some ex quisitely ordered mausoleum there would be no chintzes no pussycats purring no philomel singing as for clothes fredericks mind dwelt much on tho subject jane was told that she must have an er mine wrap and ono of persian lamb most of her things would bo made in purls there was a man over there who did things in just the right style for her picturesque but notbophlstlcatcd frederick was already having certain jewels set appropriately j3roy pearls and em eraldshe had even gone to tho point of getting samples of silk and chiffon that she might see the amokegrey end jade coloracheme he hod in mind for her samples a mens mind shouldnt he on clothes he should have other things to think of there waa evans for example he bed described the other- night the boys olub he wee starting in sherwood in tha old pavilion jar it will do u it le in summer and in winter well encloae it and we ere to have a naseball team coffee frederick aaid rv got to end play uionat tn surroundtoe spud avsubatjr la nfawiasttee that was la slsd et tfclag t tire lee moment she hsd forgotten had thought ot herself as curly locks sh flung up her hands tn sort of despair there was do way out of it sh wa bound to frederick towne by the favors ahe had ac cepted from him and that settled it sh went on feverishly with the packing of her shabby suitcase she rather glorified in its shsbblness at least it is mine own was her atti tude of mind drigga wss not to com for hci unui four in th afternoon she de cided to go over to caatle munui und talk to mrs pouette she would take some strswbsrrlee aa an ex ruse the atrawberrles in th ds- tle manor garden war never ss perfect as those which jane had planted evans ssld it wss because jane coaxed things into roslness and roundness but jan had worked hard over the bads and sh had her reward carrying a basket therefore of red arid luscious fruit jane went through the pin grove along the path that led to the castle manor under the trees was s green ught which she breasted aa one breast the cool waters of the se her breath cam quickly in a few short weeks she would be far away from this sweet and silent spot with its sacred memorise leaving tha grove sh passed the field where tha scasecrow reigned she leaned on th fence with tha coming of spring th scare crow bad been decked in gay ettlr ii wore pink shir of evan and a pair of whits trousers hi hat was of straw snd as he danced in the warm aoulh brer he had an olr of cartr4 suntlneaf jane found htrseu reecnttng his jaunty air she felt that she had liked him better u his day of op- peallng loneliness sh had resent ed in uke manner th change in evan he too had an air of mak ing e world or himself she had no part in it apparently sh we in effect the perl at the get his interests seemed now to in clude everything but jane he was doing many thing ear tax hey ef sherwood there was bis work la own the added responsibility he had assumed tn the affaire of thy form shes such on old darling jane doing tt with her duchess sir but shes not strong im trying to make hornet things go a bit but shes so proud of her success i wish you could see her showing edith town and her fashionable blends about the dally with tee on the lawn afterword you must come over and join in tha fun jane i am coming jane had told him but my days have been so flued he had known who had blled them but he had ignored that and had gone on with his subject the idea i have now is to keep bees and seu honey the boys and i have some books on bee culture they are quito crazy about it it was always now the boys and himself his mother and himself and once it had been himself and janol jane found mrs follette on the wide porch she was snowy and crisp in white linen she wore a block enamel brooch and o flat black bat which was so oldfash ioned that it took on a mldvlctorian stateuncss e my dear child ahe aald stay and have lunch with me mary haa bokod trash bread and weu have it with your berries and seme dutch cheese and cream id love it jene eeld i hoped youd osktiie we ore going at tour to delofleld blmms for the week end i shall have to be fashionable for fortyeight hours and i hale it mrs fauett emlied indulgently qf course you dont mean it and dont try is be fwhlnnahle just be yourseu it i only people who have never been artybodywho try to make themselves uke other weu eajdjane rm afraid ive never b anybody mr fol lette im jut little jane barnes har air was dejected whats the matter with jena it r with you wstawuiaxl lsytng flesh and spirit ta his hands jane quoted with quickdrawn breath i shouldnt put it quit ilk that mrs folktt said with some se verity we didnt talk like that when 1 was a glrl didnt you jane asked weu i know you wre a darling hre foustt and you war pretty theres thst portrait of you tn the library in pink i looked weu tn pink said mr fouett thoughtfully but the beet picture thst wss ever don of me is a miniature that evan haa sh buttered another slice of bread she hsd no tsar of crowing fat sh was fst but sh was also stately and on neutralised the other te think of mr fouett a thin would have been to rob her of her duchasa role jane had not seen th miniature sh asked tf she might iu get it aald mrs foltette and rose jan protested cant i do it no my dear i know right where tn put my hand on it she went into tha cool and shad owy hall and started up the stair ai ri it was from the shsdows that jane beard her cau there waa something fsint and ag itated in th cry and jan flew oa win gad feet mrs foustt wss holding on te the stsirrau fnsytng a uttle i cant go any higher she psntedi iu sit here my dear white you get my medicine it is my room on th dresser jen passed her on th stairs snd was back again in a moment with the medicine spoon snd a glass of water with her arm around th elder woman she held her until the color returned to her cheek how foolish ssld mrs foustt st last sitting up- i almost faint ed i waa afraid of fslling down the etalre let ma help you to your room jane ssld end you can he on the couch end b qui i dont wast to be quiet but rfl tt on th couch u youu alt hare eni wk to retb- so wjjh jane gupporttog har air fouett went up th rest of the flight and across tha hall end waa mode comfortable on a couch at the foot of her bed i j perhaps 1 csn teu you where te and the mlnlehrr mrs fodstte said ss jan fanned her it is hi evans desk set back under the row of pigeonhole you cant miss it end i want to see it jan crossed the hall to evans room it faced south snd wss big and square it had the same stud ied exstwaeaa that mad th rest of tht house beautiful thar wag tf tepwtc faded velvet ctishlons y7 evans desk was in an alcove by the east window which overlooked sherwood it was a mahogany desk ot the secretary type and there was nothing about it to drain th color from jan cheeks to send hr hnnd to har heart above th desk however where his eyes could rest upon it whenever he raised them from his writing was an old lantern i jane knew it ut once it wa an ancient ships luntern that she and baldy hsd used through au the years a heritage from some seogolng ancestor it was tho lantern she had carried that night she had found evens in the fog since her return from chicago she had not been able to find it baldy had complained sophy must have tuken it home with her but sophy had not taken it it was hero and jane knew with a certainty thst swept away au doubts why you are a lantern jane held high she found the miniature and car ricd it back to mrs fouett i told you you were pretty and you have never gotten over it she had regained her radiance mrs follette reflected complacent ly that girls were like that moods of the moment even in her own duy she spoke of it to evans that night jane had lunch with me she was very tired end depressed i told her not to worry its natural she should feel tha responsibility of the future marring is a serious obligation marriage la more than that mother what do you mean oh ita a great adventure the geateat adventure if a woman ved me id want her to fly to ma on wings tbered be no fear of the future li jane loved towne akis al watts low kin 8b i exjfaehatetd on rage i

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