the georgetown herald wednday october 28 1942 the georgetown herald wws oj hoatvai glsw wthiw tuotuurtowx hoatvai glsw wthiw uhsliovu mwuhow asaaxovk jllikajab tttu ootva 8ss8chhoh rab oasade oalud stilt and onoiu tt a year ftmfls copies le lltlillj rata cm w alllrl eat uthnllaa tsxavboksl ke w1b o kiehn puoctsier uary ii- btftm editor oabrzld l ufloilvray mrao htrdontvi boa hffl wan fur el th carta1m weekly tarwapaner assoc men and the ooujloquafctc drnjfeo of tha ojix the editors corner missing believed killed the cryptic word mean another one of our boys one more of our country bett some mother baby tome fathers pride perhaps some tiny tots daddy hns given his all for us if youre einglr and earn over 2000 a week dont pat yourself on the back when you say to the vic tory loan canvasser oh i guess ill buy a 5000 victory bond kneel down instead and beg god to open your eyes your heait and your purse and to give you s ome of the vision the zeal the love of their country our men in the armed forces have for ou ure not buying anything mister not a thing out of your priceless bounty and without str aining yourself one little bit youre lending the goemment a measlcy 50 00 to train equip and pay these very best of our young men who are so ready willing and eager to give their all that this canada of ours this canada they love so deeply shall never become unother polnnd czechoslovaloa greece bel gium france or norway even if you were to lend everything you have you would still be orterinr far fur less than they who are offering and giving their very lives and their family their home their canada are just as dear to them as yours are to you remember you dont buy victory bonds you merely lend some of your money to the government and your victory bonds are a government receipt for the amount of your loan victory bonds arc worth their face value any time you can get money on them from the bank if you need it just nt eacily as you can draw money out of your savings account we thought the above article by m a sanderson a particularly fine one by november 7th george town is scheduled to lend 22500000 to our govern ment by victory bond investments at time of writ ing general sales chairman leroy dale reports ales are encouraginp but there is still room for im provement lets put those dollars to work and hove georgetown exceed the quota set we can even hit the 30000000 mark if we really try t halloween to most of us halloween brings visions of fun and jollity its a night of mystery lit by grinning pumpkin faces in darkened windows early evening will bring forth a weirdly attired number of little folk with their familiar cry of shell out and later on par ties will get into full wing with bobbing for opples pinning the tail on the donkey features of the even ings fun halloween is an old old festival the ancient romans held it about the first of november in honour of pomma the goddess of fruit trees the druids cel ebrated a festival in britain at the same time in honour of the sun god and in thanksgiving for harvest and the wo festivals seem to have become one in the minds of the britons when the people became christian the early church fathers wisely let them keep their old feast but gave it a new association by holding it in com memoration of all saints and martyrs it was in this way the eve of the festival came to be called all hallow een the name comes from the old english word halwe or us we now say holy many beliefs have grown up about hnllowe en spirits good and bad were supposed to be abroad thus the idea of pranks supposedly the work of evil spirits played jon halloween came into being we all know that real harm has been done to peoples pro perty under the guise of halloween mischief no one can condone this and we hope georgetown will have no complaints lodged about damaged property this year take care of jute bags among goods that ore becoming increasingly short in supply are jute bags farmers are urged not only to take special care of every kind of bag but to keep them moving back into the trade with filled bags care should be taken to see that hiey are not stacked so high as to rupture the bags on the bottom no hooks should be used and every pre- caarjoo taken to prevent damage by rats and mice the bags should be stored in a dry place when opening tbem open by the seam by cutting the string not the fclodl empty bags should be well shaken then bung j s huogehferd and t ted mr huogariced was la the hum tr th eetwtty wbieh brousbt eootfcw- ibis sihitlnna to th railway allure tlm clttmtin mltkicaau dominion tht am oreat war vsiituie suwsi to tu ahim and be was transferred to toronto tn 1s17 aa tirdermtendct of rotting acock later be coming ooml uanscer of eastern line in wis nntnrui trouble crtaxva out of the abnormal cnndklnne of the war years compelled the oanrcbteei of the day to taka over the oansrntn northern and the natio tranccon- unrolaj luuwaya grouped with the canadian oosemmrot railways these linn brauu tin oa rutin n national railway an ur itunserford waa app ointed vleepmideot ol oper- atlng ualntenance and oonatruotjon of this important alignment two years later in ib he grand trunk panne u brought tolo the amalgamation mr lltaigerford men became vicepreatdrnt tn chute of these department and in 1021 be be came ocnerel uanecrr of the bratem the fouoatng year tea brought the orund trunk hallway into trie troop and under tor late btt llrnry thornton l cliatjman and prreldmt thr omel- igmmatton of lve canadian national lilytirm vaa oomnuted with ur llun- aerf d aa vice pmldrnt in charge of opratlon and conttmotlon thua within the span of 97 year the apprentice had proarwd from hie first ruimcie taia to mpomlbulty or the opermtlon and maintenance ot the tar- railway tn nona america it wea s frart ratpohilulity hot only beeautr ryom the daya of hb apprrnuie- of the great mlleare tnyolttd and the ahlp which braan in lt when he waa vaat terrttnry to be aened but alto be- fuurtem tla- ami ol kmii j hun- cauae theae rjvisu had been bulh gerford ctnrra a apon of irtyiu rar alihoul relation to each otlirr eaorpt all apent in rail ay wort prom hl in the oaie of the grand trunk padflc tint empujment in a rallaay marh- and the national ttanaarattlnmtal the nhort at pumhim unll lis jj ruilwaw and it wa heoraaary to co- polntment flnrt aa preidmt and jordinuu- the line the majuuoe of then aa chairman of the uuird ot oir canadian nvlanal iuumh mr llimperford tu bird through tlie pertfid of krruum di lninirt1 in cunacuan rail trunrpotuuen a per iod whlrl he hlmselr drrnbia u ft ihrllurj half century whue mrllururerfrrd ha bien n- rajred in railway work in cinada the rwpuiiilon of the rkjenlnlnn ha more thun loubled tlw value of itrnriurtlnn nd rrvxirrea ha muluplul min tlmeiv at uie bfirlnnlnti of hl npttrtn- ucetililp in 1u80 hie oruiul trunk and the int4rcolonlil mite mterimitk in rv n cunndu and the cutiuliun p-ar- uie undertaklntr cannot be proper dralt with within the llmlu of thla iketoh but it rrpreaenta an hnpnrtant paat of the tram porta tlon hutor of canada during the period of coordination of ute canadun national transpor tation fadutleft were unproied motive power eepanded tervlora evtended new ldeo1 tre rnrouroffed and a worm fjmll kplrlt waa developed among the tmplor- provuur nwxr uum a cure r durinft those year tlw batem ieled to develop new terrttorlm the rxpaircm of alildi ureatly uddtd to the rnlrurul forint inaufruw mia ag- if 1c line from montmtl to vncour ricullurul resoums of the country had jut be n completed the urtil tlu tnunuitlmiil dejinnalnn fell up- nlli mlliutf ww ilrun llioiand on canada b f ire the wtructure waa niiproxlni lv nne04iri of th es- tinlj compettd and ia effect were tnt mlleie o 700 in the ilrm eir b uie bivnn in onmmori with oil of mr llunkcrfohi f nppnntlo jilp uie uunaportation orviinuatton on thla nros1 rtirnuc of all ciuiailtan mil- continent in 1032 blr llenr njpmton woj nmountel to onl smoooooo in rr and mr lluluterford ap- rintraj the nnv niinu of j e c in- polntl an acting preldent the app ro vilonil ruilau hism nlon cantrrent aw cnjiflantxl in 1934 and in aire vwinnonoo in ifml i iojo jr waa made oholrmtn of the uurlnk tin vn of hl ktoli inl nnard of d1n-ton- in 1931 he tn adimnrmn the nfx nlnk up of tht came the first lindent of truns-can- oountr aas klvn mer to lh utln ufa u- urue in july 1941 mr llun- luid to tin ti ii liiwinil mr ilnnki r- ford come to pi i iui tmivirtint role brltlnnlnk in the i irl put ol the cen tury and durlnit tlie bus iira of con struction ireococlinb lie first oreot wur mr ilungerford aiui bum near rw-d- ford quebec on jul lftth 1873 111a btnhoud trnlnlrut was nlmltlar to that of other boi in rural districts and he waa in with school at the aire of 14 when ht father died that wiui th befilnnlnr of real reaponmblllt nec- nilty compilled uie boy to lente och- ool and ko to work the first choice of employment was to reltle hu llfitime occupatlxwi he became machliilst ap prentice in a railway nhop erwd his time and laid the foundation for a career in trannnortotlon within tlmt pan the npprteiltce proffreflaed thro ugh the fthopfl themalntananoe and construction flelda aupervuj nos t- tona and executive post to attain ti e office aa president of one of the worm j mont important transportation ontan mtlons the canadian national rail way with the lanmt roll mileage in north america auxiliary aervloea o telcotapha exprena lioteui uuaiia and coastal steornahl and related ae- irtcce of ocean tuela and air lines the apprentice betrnn work in the ahop of the south eastern railroad ot pamham ouebec receiving nve een an hour for a ten hour day wond- bumers were then in uae automatic couplers and air brakea were just com- int into uae yet progreiwi being mode and the apprentice who carried n text book in hut dinner pall waa later to participate in the devclonement which led to powerful and efflcent ate- am loootnutlvca ateel paasenger coacticii and freight cam refrureratlon air con- dltlonlru heavier rail oomforta for pos- aarurers and rallwaymen alike the ad option of nunu rous safety devlcea and the extensive employment of automatic mgnoulng in 1b01 the joumeyman machinist began the flret ot many men en which brought him to work at polnta in que bec vermont new brunswick ontario and wcrtem canada until in 1003 when he waa appointed master mec hanic at calgary successive steps found him superintendent of all the winnipeg shops during a period of 34 years mr hun gerrord has been through nil phase of locomotive and shop work thus be coming thoroughly qualified in all mat ters concerning motive power and ils cmccnt maintenance tn 1010 lie became superintendent of rolling stock can adian northern railway with head quarters at winnipeg the ten years that followed was an active period in canadian railroading ki rford resigned the prcisdcncy of the nila nvsum and ol the olr lines re- malfiintc iuv chairman ol uie c n it board he was hucccsdisd on president of uie canadian national by r o vautthon then vicepresident in cha rge of piircliaes mortss and stcom- hhlpw and aa president of tc a b 11 symington k c canada year book ready for distribution the 19u edition of the canada ytar book published b authorizat ion ol uvc lion james a mackixuum minister of trade and oomnurce u onnounoed by the dominion dutmui of a u tla hot the canada year book is the cflvln biallucal annual of the country and contains a thoroughly up- todate account of the natural resour ce of uie dominion and their dev- elopecnent uie hlmory of uie country its hlsuiiiuonja ita dcmoruih uie dlftcrriit branches of production tr ade transportation finance education otr j brief a compnenhenjive mudy ujiin uie llmlta ol a single volume of the qtfat and economic condluon articles that arc shown in the edition tvu been thcroughxv rcued throiuh out and includes in all its chapters the latest informauon available up to the date of ffounr to press the 1042 canada year book extendb to over 1000 pages dealing wiin on phases of uie national life and more especially ultn those susceptible of btaustlcal meoauremcnts a statistical summary of uie progtcai of canada is included in uie introductory matter thlt gives a picture in figures ol the remarkable progress xliat the countrj hiu made since uie flrat cnwta of uie domlruon via taken in 1871 hpeclol uar article the pcclal arucies uiat are aliown in uie edition of the voir book iiavc been selected to illustrate the cjtccth of uie war on the canadian economy and to show such chanpea and de elopement as htue taken place to date there are many other special articles rclat- lntr to nianutacturlng resources etc the important chaplcre on labour public finance currency and bank ing and internal trade have also been directly related to uie war eff ort and the special war oluxmology begun in the 1040 year book is brou ght up to date tho drastic change that uie war has already brought about in the way of lire of the average canadian are reflected in oven a cursory comparison of the prcssent edition with that of rw s s b j directory agrssws 4 f u watson 0ca ose botm t to 8 cucpt tnnrdjit ofteccas ji or j burns milne cwntal mjaulmh xkat 4su clifford g rhd uu ujml doffut phona 1s uato etrtstt oienrtosa lroy dsle k c m sjtao btaoutt b a barhatan aa4 saschtn itm strati uearfatawb kecioetli m lsafdoa banmcr 8lwtrnurtm rrtt uortrue money to loan ooca orecory theatre nidi will otnet s uaamiaaa frank petch uctnsts accrnimm and all classes or instmancz prompt berrtoa pboba s91 geerfetawa po dos 411 elmer c tbocnpaon insvkance suvice fire auto wlnditorm c p railway and adled steaaaaal bummer excursions rtione lis ee j geergatewv gray coach lines timetable now dj etpbot daytlikt sartaf tlaw leave oeoioetowv eaatbamd waataaand iljmam 1000 ajn 0j m altis ajn um pjn 23a pjn 1h pjn ayto pjn m pm b 340 pjn 34 pjn e tj3 am sift pjn hi sj0 pjn b jj0 bjb dyloos pjn xu33 pjn a dally except bunday b bun and hot only o dally exoept bun and nol d bat bun and itol z to kitchener only y to stratford only am nielsen m yv a gabmsfacaaaqsjf xray drajrltas tcmffvxsct lav haahm osol ottr trlm baev oasrcatesb bean i tj9 sj4 nja i radio repairing we specialize in this work u taan i j sanfordson ueokorrown um w monuments hllath and ltrctumoto pollock a ingham dahctu on raqueatphona sms tnxpect oar work in oreenvesd cemetery ralph gordon the verutlle entartainar tar your next protrmm muitrated circular prae toronto ttsb oaarlarvt st c n r time table daylltot battnt ttaaa oatajf bat 701 am paatenser and mail iojos ajn passanaar and wall sm pjn paewenger bunday only smi pjn pasmmii dally 034 pjn thla train waa formerly th flyer but now atopa oalns waal paatenser and uan sss sjb paaaenirer bat only sls pjb pa animal dally except bahmlay 9m pjn dady exoept bunday t i pjb paaaeturer sundays only 11s0 pjn osdy except bunday irsj tun oauicnaith paateiurer and mall s45 tun galas sattth paaaennr and mad 74j pjn depal ticket obee tnana raw over a wire in a high dry place as soon as possible deliver the empty bags to your supplier or sell them to a second hand bag dealer or licensed peddler this will mean the bags will soon be in reuse again cleaned and repaired if necessary it is illegal to mutilate or destroy any kind of jute or cotton bag dont hoard bags get them back into the trade as they are urgently needed as containers for essential products due to war conditions supplies of jute from india are most uncertain of supply f 1030 and the above reference are indicative only of the main direction of chanfie each diapter hat been rccaat in ways too numerous to men tion here tn order to thow the reor ientation of uie economy that has taken place and is bound to affect the uvea of future generation tn a very real tense persons requiring the year book may obtain it from the kings printer ottawa as long aa the supply lattt nt the price of slio per copy thla covers merely the coat of paper print ing and binding by a special con- ccaslon a limited number of paper- bound copies have been tot aside for ministers of reltrlui bona fide stud ents and school teachers who may ob tain such copies at the nominal price a 50 cents each but application for these special copies should be direc ted to the dominion statistician dominion bureau of statistics ott awa who provide roe tugtr for threaaers is required to make up an lneolaa or prepare on hi own letterhead fallowing information name and areas of purchaser number of man harvest gang length of urns ttjajr will be working amount of sugar sola purchasers signature to indirata be took delivery these invoices win bs used by the merchant in npladat his sugar stocks the ration division explained that detail ot the arrangement are betas emphasized because some merohsn have been selling sugar to farmers without due regard for the conditions involved it was pointed out that una provision or extra sugar tor thwmhiwf gongs after the special purchase we thers had been abolished was in res ponse to numerous repreaentat from those whose threshing is 1 uils year it was also emptithsm that the special provision does not tend to tea or coffee huuau ueuulat10n8 rllb ittukhuimu uanuu to dear up inltunderstajidlng re garding special allowances of sugar for feeding threshing gangs the rat- ion division of the wartime prices sad trade board has issued fur ther explanation tntn october 31 by which time a is sswrmed thieehlnf ortentlons will hire been ekyutaii an applicant who is feedtoaj ttireahers may omam extra sugar on he beats of one fames per parmi per kiil as his special purebsss toutbefj formerly used for such wawbaats wars ahobahed benietnhr w he merttistst rionlotasr we found s dourle clover sally sally ooody goodyl that we will soon be married picnlckcroh but i thought meant good luck icobac