the georgetown herald wednesday october 28 1942 c news parade bj o ueo what does winter hold the present woi hai made many change in our everyday life we dont do the thing we uted to do nor do we do the thins wc continue to do in the tame way right now we ate thinking of sports ever tince the war started sport has been o near casualty in georgetown baseball was the first sport to be dis posed of for the duration and now things loou rather gloomy for hockey this winter during the past two seasons hockey bus con tinued in town although under rather strained circuin- stances player were gradually becoming fewer as the boys donned the kings uniform until now even the socallcd old timers seem to be few and far between war plants have taken some and their spare time is limited by commuting and with gasoline rolioning be coming even more strict it looks as though hockey may also become a war casualty here we dont want to paint a picture from a pessi mistic point of view but we must five the facts players nie scarce have you any sug8etions at the hockey club banquet last friday night trie president of the club said thut he would leove it for the publicto decide at a genernl meeting whether we should attempt to organize this year or not some outside players are still available but transportation would be a big item should wc not have hockey this winter there would be many long and lonely evenings for a great number of dyedinthewool hockey fans in george town we suggest that you oltend the public meeting when called and bring along any suggestions you may have for the continuation of the sport in war time if oha hockey is not advisable maybe a town or rural loop could be formed lets get something underway there are long winter nights iihrnd nnd the boysover- seas would enjoy reading our hockey roundup why bring that up over the week end wc called on some friends who had built a new home for themselves it was a fine home all so new ond clean and handy wc inspected it from the cellar to the roof and of course compared it with our own but all the time we could not help but think of cousin cyrus letter to his nin folk cousin cyrus had struck hard luck in the years of depression ond at last had got employment prob ably in o war industry and writes cousin george to tell kim all about it cyrus nnd his four kids and their maw et slep and lived generally in a space about as large as the living room wc were entertained in and to move into n sixroomed house was something to write home about but for us to try and tell about his success and how they became accustomed to their new home would spoil an interesting letter so we will let cyrus take over here dear cousin ceorge wc got a house it has got six rooms in it one room we eat in another room we just kinda set in then theres another room where maw does nothing but cook in there arc two rooms be dont do nothing else but sleep in but the wash room is the one we all like most there s n look ing glass on the wall where you can see yourself under neath the glav is a big bowl where you wash your face and hands in when you get real dirty there s u big tub against the other wall where we wash ourselves all over theres another bowl that sets on the floor this had us fooled for n while but we got it figured out now its to wash our feet in the bowl had two lids on it when wc moved there but i took them off as they kept falling down on my feet the top lid maw is using for a dough board we framed paws picture with the other lid come nnd see us sometime cyrus nazi eyes on canada those who heard the last of a series nazi eyes on canada on sunday evening in a cbc broadcast with orson wells starring as the weekly newspaper editor could not help but realize what would happen to can ada should hitler uhd his gang be successful the pro gramme stressed the necessity of purchasing victory bonds so that our boys might have tools sufneent to tope with a ruthless enemy for his broadcast mr welles became n newspaper man and assumed the pa of sam j- dornan editor of the almeda dispatch almeda saskatchewan the broadcast showed by the description of everyday al meda community folk how their lives would change under the tyrannical heel of nazi conquerors sam j dornan has served 22 years as a director of the canadian weekly newspaper association he is known by every weekly editor in canada nnd by maiy of die most important figures in the daily newspaper field he has been a powerful influence in saskatch ewan politics today hia five eons are iii uniform his eldest a captain in ordnance was wounded an the dieppe raid back from libya matthew h h alton matthiy ii hjlm the toruno thii rommel ail never mrut now br- btai u onr of ouruidah nvt fumoua trr the pvmnuu to invoke the 40 ur curmpunduiu lit- luu juat re- rnturti that kxjtt doan turned from tin lv rt aiwr u jtai and a lull 1th 1m- litijiln jvjrrr ho jir drf rvdliu opt and the ntc lie npnki our civc njuiiu network on lkntu onor 4th immedut i ni ter his n tum in c uud t and h ivdd- int rc tlni e rt print 1t leduc j tu here a ira las i us in a aland ol teind and buttle 10000 mlu- un no i am lon onl a ff djjs apo i uukrnd ut itm lulu in urush tank leatywr m r tht tv ifiri iltiinv- ion aid un it- us t knoitrtiik in m heart x wo tttfjw home wc broke uagurr and dupe rcd uijj buttle for mation we rolled u our brd and mule la i bun- tin- imii uns and through tu -it- sanl utd taj- lid ut urlkjdr he ulquaru rs to i iuodbv ind then it divisional htd- qjardnt nnd then a corps md uicn rtchd i he rist roid nar the hot ahllr ulinduik kinloi of death called alimrln i hft1 a lit uiin in the sea ond drove lor tin lim umr down u dark and ciul ronl ulonti which a great host of british noldlcnv have gone to war doun tlx hocsbotk road we drove 1 uu rlad to no but raid to lrac down every foot of that road had wtn htxnruiiik of cournrf ot once e thojrihl he rrutit once the it prr mas iinur t in ills hxnd it ai uir infl of jun u hud irtrrat- d lor hundred of ml e luul lort rutjruk n a dnrprftiti r day our nniojr tone our aeal arm i nunbitn bu larilcs mltli uiclr font w uitilr tmwja urrd n uktrur and rtie atop to fire abojt crrfthui cf thsf men tuud fau- tt tn lne butlr cx prance tone of jirtu fcd brs qo toe brccties ax dun- klifc k to txch ihtm tu to tcb ifitn firu i h viib a fetrmrat ol y prxjujf nuiti a cc9dntd tliocc t t a ourtcsrcuatkkl ol ersmiy ivtf ujkj lcrrrd irjrliy cjirutf our pt- iioq trr pj ujo timu j3xi4f ur tnrdjr in ut in rura and at ur u- rr timr- vein u fomb iicsd ouj air- rrjt uir dnipj an tir txnr t it at a ft ulul utit wsrii it av ui f 1 crto a j ur tjtnk cclamn at kkijsi jj btattn nty fcr rui- lu1 no ut l iurfeuofi tteir tlr bur nt ojt tittty tjitr la tkidt in kttrir uu tiraj orrnum la djxldiit ltjmjn ij or- ul tnmi ud a it l- tt r in fix i iikjarr wt rrv o ud u v rjit miiar uiut vj ul out ol tht- ubt cttsrr aid in bujtiluj lajft day in diauatt h ts in utl 1a tn uit dtrt ttwie u ie dirar vuiiitd iit- ehuitf ii tw i f nilii tlitn vj he vast iljin ui hard fetutr jk3 iuit ujid u tnaj lauid itkie iu ux- dlmarr lllso ujuri dlslanor iul3tr than lunsiii rfsdurlntf rarpt tjut mrn ciklaft it te dwrt wrr at iu iidtst jd djtamjt our ran ttr uuit tiwe miuulmming rnrmy and entri italu wnx4d tn and ut amomi u rijmr and ckxdx cf band mlkn llh blrk unoke drifted unit lir ikacilai jilsun and ualdlrrt arrr fwrml tlortt iui tlkm dirt an tnrni pstij trur wxld nrplodr frtb tiove to unr in a paroovn of flunt and te aound of it a drp omjuri rukj tractwil ua a frw mondj ktr trw rnrmy drad and tocne of our cra u uwrr mvjx lhrir troubie and tuff- nln oser we mr djcbocnbrd the utukaft hoalinu down at ua at 400 mil an hour manhinrfrunntnu ua ua thry dird aivd thm rrlra41 uprlr bomb a utukjt aaj attraoui b our i1titrt it pauj in uk- air aa if aubbrd tn th back and it came down tn a lung moan tuid hit thr itround in a pam of funv ttlat aa my ut day in the drvrc ind 1 all mtwidrr whlrh t the r j1 wkj orat or this tlr picture of a tank bntur is in rny mind now a tank bottle teems to mor m r 4ra h and ou hue a slruiw fetlln ol d turtun nt un u vutrh it tlir tankv udmincr lke huie poetry j the go0o youx 0oc to tiave ue coodj my boy u jrrxi ckjd tmub ttrflci a tjus kiy ort a urt vtti bjt not for lery lana a ho est lsck u by iuu wq faridom r xj throb voul tot to have tiir roru my boy and dooajnj clr vuj do flitrt u fttty ttifl my uay id call it rathr tei and all tae xla- lojy hit pk of ovate no tja w uaff tb opiiklin ufk urj- lraa tf talk to sum l una trtt voje got to tmr jrf- t oclt my boy and tnat t no ld m mv boy lir 4k v r cur lo mr jy lldr br m imtr a rtr rixvii iv jt irf d go to 1ij uo uiij fknvlnt hrd 1j ijn wnr to m rv- jtifwlt ll ss wlilst 1 d pat lilk utt rurl it ud and iv bvr sind tmlle hr ddrr kit uixl vtt to chocjl hr ariit u 1ljjk1 to itjd i 1 n3 lith komrtlnm with boj u lyir a hr trm bjcnrlmrr iiurt ir d cm lo me fyr cemfort for a tuk id pjt m hand uion hu lejj and jy br bae and unur kov he h pone aerou the ia u boy cf laenttrure to fuht to keep me afr froo harm piin u rutriie enemy xwfore he ent he rame to dm fir romfort for a while 1 held him cjcw and then h aaid oooribie be brae and arule and if perchance he rerr oomw back bafe unharmed to me but true hia life a othera do tor the caube of liberty ill pra that i ma hae from ood iii cemfort for a whlie and ktrenirh to ro on da by day and uat br bratr and unlle the above trne a at written by mn larv clark of lugrravlue and dedicated to her ton wilson clark tn the locnd ku id aruller itltl un ibom dilprx nd uurrnt and urntily mauled n nrt unlu lthdriw and oj i itimmirl puhrd headlnrw to aim in f4 ul rj irxjrn ont afour 23 pound- x ltd the deltt of the nile h b f ore him 1 kr a bol of nim if mouiuxl in atuirk md in uvvj dark noun l s4rm1 hii uie sjstj of liie fhhth army asft told tnkmy was liloj hut muiiio um- in m uas liekl oiw buotic rliurve in tin miunluht ti thr lexn cool ncu ia aland r- one killuit hkbcrlllre plx b a iuadron of british uiiks one nri jut anjit r dntlsli ctinadiun and tiouui ai- rirui alrnitn llrm lialf dead 1th ex- liiuinui- uft uilniu imld uw txl- umpiruit enemy and ikw our rrln- furcrnitnut arr ortlvink from kncund toufd the middle of july e v able to mdt counter atuirkit dralcnrd to kvoi thr enemy oft hla balance oa hr katiiertsl idmaelf to hjirin wo paid cm thank tht ood that i am datue- tjlij i ull rot hae to dirad the fear cf frar and can it realy be that i nu tn it ttiut rain of fr and huel and a till am hen had the desert nnd a miliu home j fnjn ug fctarl ine ftnd j wiif41k ounnota dred come bocjt but the enrm oh here uus the pot ulirre we stw the delayed tlw ar la ahortcr for ou runners dlr on their ruia on tlie day your soiu lives uill be acd becauftc of july the third heir il the nd- of that nwful hour and hnlf on the tncrd drewunr station where ut were momlnn of july 13th when the en- macmne trunnrd ilrrc s wliere our new gllsh lads went in their tank for their boys tre caufitit in the minefield heres where went in wtth thr ohu- rkaa in the nlit attark dickie a killed juht over thevre jou remember hercn immayid wtaklnu ist thrrci the petrol point we couldnt find herck the burnt out movrrhmltt and then tlir baturflrkl ls left be hind with its little cravses in the hand en parmilnk one of itamrnel n ba mark tvxir a it u oa if a urrt puff- bull re pusltlru a bet tie in enormous lranr und firuily m ut on it and en- nlops it and ut llmt r hae mti our on tanks cauklit up on the rne- m- s mijutb aniltank kuns and des troyed man of mkmohirb nuht filial last and coolncv came oil i uink n sat tin re mi tit und trrim uith victory on thrlr thouldera our cujumn drew together in ciom- la- nuci vthisrle ummlitntt elucle tank touching tank and wut flares lit the right as uoche slknolhd to boche men cajiered m little knot to eat uieir bully ore i and listen to the radio cr m n m hn i u cf srsir5lssr5 tlssyfndhsz morht of defeat but all mtmones cf brluhh couraite und humour and kood comradfjilp and the positive certainty that we often withdraw but always at the last return whether it be to dun kirk or bcngul i shall think of the day when we went throuvh the wire into labia in our rreat offenlr last winter and of thr llrt clos iow of death and uas it i aboard the crowded i troophlp that tin luii pismask were they really mine did tltofa uho love me feel i was in dancer thrim- dtar oncts far beyond the horizon line it seemed to odd that they perhaps were sleeping j not knouins i utls headed out to tea the shores of france i and did my dad at vlmy feel this exultant thru this sume of power x erlppcd my bu never another dunkerquel i had been bom for this this war my hour new troops wrrr arrlilrurfrcm england every day wc saw more new boys com 1 1 hi keen and utileeved into on- dustt boul of buiue the hundreds or rav 5nounucrs were comlnk tip the hundreds of new onti tank runs the hundrttls of n tanks in pllt too the battlefield where tlie eist was the army van refreshed churchill had held where so many of ils learned in been to cc us me had vwtcd the tanka tn the drlfunr smokerack what vo were its lejt bflilnd and we come to the arnbn mandink beside the rood with crrs and tip in uielr hunds and shoutlntf ekkls ftblftl and so alexandria and onr lost look at the harbour where uo used to uuard the destroyer for the death ride into tabruk you hay koodby to the friends for whom alone the yearandluuf va worthwhue and then to cairo you fly from cairo to khartoum from kh artoum to west africa at dawn tn west africa you net into a bomber and 30 hours later you ore in mai mi and then at the nrw york airport where dream comon true whkre couraoe orow8 the controht between home and ft battlefield in the wofitem desert ls too wide and wild and btrange to des cribe i can only oak you to try to lm- aelne it we arc all flrhuruj for our lives for all wc have and are but aome are doing more than others they are futhtlna tn indescribably terrible oon- ditdonn so please remember them you who always have food and water and a bed to sleep in you who have your loved ones at your side oa i now have mine at last x ask you never to forffet you have tiroes you have running streams you lhavo the lauffhter of chll- iron and the unties of women to us all these things were heavens which did not bear thinking of and before ftulnff on x aide you to remember that remember it even when you see a flower or bear a bird as klpllna bald flower ye trample underfoot floods his heart abrim bird ye never heeded oh she calls his deadto him i the week before x left in that dead land inhere nothing brows but oourane x eaw a vlotory and a revenge the germans attacked whh their btrlklna force and tihe bgfaui army stopped them no major bottle was foufst yet h wae one of the oecwve aotlont of the war i am corrfident rlr hiiltduun positions nnd fflven us toush new litthtlnt renernla 8lft- ly the rrhullt army won hliaped and wc watted for the shock we knew rom mel was com ins ills rreat mass of mnnoemro of two oerman tank div isions und the crack 00th motorized division and his lmth parachute div ision from crete and o whole italian urmoit d corpn utw rathorlns at ifmel- mit the armj uorked like a hill of anu nnd every new day was a train our hones rose terrible initiation the moon ripened and beenn to wane there was a tension now especially nmong the new troops woi tin for the terrible initiation evary night when we ucnt to sleep under the btaxn we expected to be wakened by the shook of battle and a world in eruption a mornlntr oame when x sot out of my bed roll and wrote in my dairy for the fourth time they dont attack but a few minuter later a friend came over from bruiade headquarters its starkd ho sold i sat on my bed roll and looked at the men waltlnff at their tanks and ffuiu and x ihouffht of the cause and of the stakes i thounht of them airaln on my first morning in canada when i sot up in bed having breakfast readlnff in the paper that flshtdns had started offuln in the desert with british troops and tanks attacjdnff in the munomlb de pression this is where rommel had attacked us he came through our minefields in the south on the edae of the qattara deprcjuuon this coun try ls the wasteland ob nothlna and here as the am rose that day british soldiers set themselves to fight to the lastli necessary and without withdraw al or surrender for fairer lands for the life of ithe army for ejgypt end the nile the enemy oame moneouverlng prob ing here and jabbing there and cautio us as a flue and ai you know hey were beaten bade x was itinera wttb a briuth infantry brigade and us guns tobruk moon lights attack i shall think of the terrible tank battler dunnr thaw days at sldl rczc- ith and el duda and of our twopo under- pun tanka raclnu in to ret into niruif of the enemy tanks with the bljt 75 mm tfuba and of the two compan ies of the ercx rcfiimcnt charirtnn the enemy in the moonlight at el duda and taking 440 ocrmon prbsoncrs that nlkht countrymen on my word x heard the oerman hqucul i ahall think of the day when the main enemy tank force chased home of iik back to ekypt wc raced from noon till dark in a runnlrur battle and torc of our vehicle were deatroyed as we ran an erujllnh cameramans vehicle was hit and he was bleeding when wc picked him up and he roared it maken you larff dont it when ut pot bock to the wire wc wore out off go we wpertt ten hours rotrui through 10 ml leu of ocrmon minefielda and then fought our way through the italian pos itions to get into the arnu of the fourth indian imvtslon at bldl omar i anall think of that day nov 25 there at bldl omar when i stood on top of a truck to watch a battery and a half of our guns over 400 yards away stop and mnaah a powerful force of oerman tanks trying to overrun our positions and of the thousand men who stood cheering as if at a game i thai i remember the time at oaxala when x joined the hrlgado which was the spearhead of our left flank and chased the oerman enemy 50 miles in a day including time off for two baluee and i ghnll think of the buffs who were wiped out there charged qun8 atone i shall remember the hour at s3 adem when the battalion was blinded with dust find smoke and blood and one little oookney charged tho oerman guns alone x shall think of the shambles of dcr na almrome and of going into bengasi men singing in tho dark it was tho and of the way we sang auld long syne that nights when we were think ing as x think now of etout hearts now dead or tn captivity x shall think of the terrible moon light retreat from bengasi or of the young lieutenant commanding a troop i just remember horror all around me and men who ncer knew the name of fear i thank thee lord that i am battle tented that i have tasted death and u11 am here i of howlurn in the delaying action at solium labt june the boy who said youd better go now how nice of you to come and sec us or of the night when we were cut off by the ger mans near mcrco matruh i shall think of the hour when ob seemed lost at alamcln and we heard men singing in the dark it was the australians coming up singing waltx- ing matilda and of the cool men of the destroyer kandahar now lost with whom i ran the gauntlet into and out of toburk and of the great general oott whom i last s aw at buqbuq tick at heart with the news that tobruk had fallen and walking up and down in the sand and chen saying you never win if you wait for your rceerves it is natural that i chould never for get the eighth army but neither sho uld anyone else from the point of view of the men british australians now zcalandcrs and the restno finer army ever marehed nomtnbmattlpsnow auf buy victory bonds