the georgetown herald wednesday october 28 1942 local news hav you purcfcssvd your tblm victory bond t the wsj a tfdfl of tnaw in thr lr on uooday and tuesday icmr soou wx xj hom a bingo la thr lgoc iuji rooms on non- ber ih canmcnctdf at pm pro- d far sodior oatcjaru good jprtim- you hraj a lot ajbojc freedom ri bt pttm tab dajv but it doent nmn r danl wnt ou to jn far our ttbtxi t iuoa- 71 wtor loan laerllk gorcnx wctrte mir now tn use hand d th jjdit wi nrxl itrras tor parucuiar boji and gul the wckrat inauufjt u1 hold thctf kowtrwbw nwruog t ow tuor of ura vyl uxnau watered nov ember vti pouhy tlrrader wlu or in trot ted in thu kern thr bab cthoi llatohary ax lumihon hjtutted crarij lour mi curta dumxg jic put tfajoo- aj th boldrrt comforta cotn- tnju lntrxxu tending cmfurrue to the boys mtuu far crum tna they would argrwatr tr rurm ntui ana ddrw plew phone 2m or a dance will far held tn hornby oranir iliu on pndiy october soui ptorrrda for ir wu very or- cbeatrm admluion 40c tunjile lie prr ccj lunch jtrmrcntvr iiir iodk lindr hair yo qjt partner to udie nay ilav toirihr omtlemin and ladjr or to urntloitu you puy with hir partner lhraualaout oar trifm oaounrnrtns njwnht 4th- lim umw fecuu lijva suul c company lie ticoto keme tuuk part tn uv imjirravthe drumhwl her tier twkl ut iutmilru iuifc lirunijiobi on tiundu ortobej- lfeh to mj thr tnauffurvuan of vrt ojun a turd victory leon under uir rrffuuuona of the fcar- almt piut and tradr board rvtall- r air not auord to make rrlund on nitlrlr which arr aaldlrr slfu tb hay hoarder nchansr owen this tnfonnauon wlu bo of intcfwt to niny in tlaw of uw ajiproach of thr chrlatmaa uraaoc tlic arta and c rat in cooxtaur ororgrlon ll jvold on ruilbll of handicraft at thr ikxnr of xlr a o bnm crxarlr bl ftldjiy cirninji ncnrmbtr 6i 30 to 0 and batuz- da altrmoon iran 230 to 00 yoj arr cordially invltrd aparty oonenvaiono fulrd aji- btotr unllrd cliuroh laat bundii on vcolng priir lnnrj arrr tr t il 0v 1st urn imul iurtwr 2pd thr occasion cf thrlr annhcnao btr- jcr bprctal music toy nonal united church obou oj giraui rnjotd at th mornlns kt ion a waltrr boabury of aoton utia thr prracrift and at thr cmintf lrrvtor rrv r o todd orortftftormti spokr the choir wmi axilitrd by hartley andrrvm and enunau mcolbbon thr woomi xnafviitr hrld ft very luceruful auchre um ttkda- wcit at thr uvb haj wtm atxtren uom playv8 unv norman boydtf lira- freo armatrcr and itn w uodowvfl ra thr cnrrrrtifr tn oharsr of thr ir 0ors hrmnittjon 3rd and urv c bmciiir vh thr ijcfcy tt prur u oo by ura t utencry thu uuir erw couvl eauily comr under thr heidioj unx it thr tkah ta cohclant drop of watrr wrars aaav thr ro4gh4 uonr thr constant ziavins puppy uukitatra ihr toutha bonr thr oonstant wxra knir oatvtt cc thr tljiuni majd ajd th consttnt adfrrtlirr l thr or ho gr thr tradr coooatnpth umehouse chrlstmu boip rrr parted last ra far ux local mm otrruaj wtlh thr conadun army ludh b ox mcuh- inti ut pojwl conaixvd 1 ctimt- ru rait fuu nojnd ttonry hilf po jua rhfnr rau pourrf ludi bu- cust half pound rut and mun i tt4l pd ad rmrktwv i twl ana aui ckth 1 mirrur 3 handtxr chvt gum corvvnl milk rnd umh podrr thawing tap suid i iukao crirt rrk card thr tatx ha 30 i ixr und ur ood matorrd tn illahilo it pittuy ua ur and uf a w iwnxn attrn dixl the nmcrl of the itlr iuihrn nethst in tvwph on knd i pu- jaa dnu of cump ourdri rpctt thr ihk roo ll utr nur iws i cmitjilqrt to ux ruj mr iu hfoid on tj urrlvkl uf a ton on liundwi monujii ttuuwt and uab prr ftouifc fine m a j emrlhorit u ill tn cnrv lie hurt- hcmilal turunto and at lorie to lifnr of hh imiinifmeti m ar1 mj w grrrnler nd cliudirn of ilitan iprrit kmdayiui mr nrd mr a w ivnton itecmt vuitor nth uliur ntk- hamer rrr the amwnljj mr nmhunuale llihh lliunirt ul ortun oil of toronto xtti ifrirn tt rv inmer vlilted 1ui frtind in tbront nroitihj mr w a horvr mr and ut i uuir- iu1 ituvrll ul4 mj ftot m itod the lcrry nror itoc4ood on iundi glen williams services of pilgrim holiness chapel held in library auditorium sunday at 730 pm h w hobbs pailor rveryone welcome i itm hirorrl pn ho l a p- im in toronto oeneml lobnuii unorr- it an ciwraticn ou tucm1u m om ml- ain ilil4in at llamltii sjn n the uvtlt ind tr u irurl at uir liornr of mj taxi itr ltojtt mc- matn r ond xlri imulam lan o to jnio unrt l dir alffttl hlur fcat- lanrd nt lonr ilrunch irv wrorn on indaj at the tsome of mr and mr- rifltnn allen jtrue fv nkiimtd to civtrjr btr- e itonplul on monday monilim xtr llod lxwi and murir an htajlnr nnr hilubtrrv at uw home of mi nnl mn ilaruul bennett bojoer uor isome on their nrrti nd lrac tncliided pte ctarrncr ilr- aument from urantfard ptr henry lornman from nurara on ue ldkr ptr clifford duvlsan iktr mnrvn kir- b and lac vtmon klrtry are you buying all the 9 the enemy were at your door would any sacrifice be too great georgetown must go over the top in this third victory loan campaign are you doing your part notnng mat7hs now 6ut victory bonds if and when georgetown and district reach their objective and at the end of this campaign a commando dagger will be presented to a member of the armed forces at a service to be conducted by the local clergy make sure our boys get this dagger by buying your victory bond now this advertisement sponsored by the georgetown and district war finance committee stewarttown curtbralulistiona to mr and mnt ed snnfoid on the birth of a utue ton sunday morruns mn johruiun and mhv colcbraok nrprrscnted the atrruntown wa at the hilton deanery mcotlnff held at uurllnaton unit wednesday the lad lea nave a full report at the utekly w a meeting thursday afternoon on sunday word come to mnv dlc- kmson that her husband had pancd auav in toronto oenonu honpltal after a low hours severe lunewv mr dtckrn- son had been in poor hearth for a ions time sympathy is rvprcaaed to the pure food store buy the new victory bonds minute brand bos plan tapioca for delicious puddings 2 for 25c cratu b buckvsus 114 ou r brantson pickle 33c hlaffonla s u carton butterscotch fudge 19c kraft dinner a meal for s in 7 minutes pkg 19c bingo horseradish 8 u lar 19c domestic shortening 1 lb print 19c hostess toilet tissue 3 rolls 25c riugwavh 5 oclock tea bags 20 twocap alia bar all for one coupon 25c ideal for overseas bos croue s luarhticllb date and nut bread 8 oz tin 15c congress brand pink salmon 12s 2 tins 25c albums canadianmade face tissues pkg 400 tissues 25c iietnz junior foods for yoong children 7 at tins 2 for 19c iieinz infant foods strained 3 for 25c van camps tomato soup 10 oi una 3 for 25c wrote serviettes 78 in pkt 15c b d amnra the pan lalee si freab ripe oeaesrd grapes grape juice 16 oz bottle 25c a e far nell fh0nb78 j free delivery i iiomu in the lo of a huftband and lather ax a nwm mrounc at ue w i fuc ditty bas trf filled parkod and bent to the navy league headquorten jquuuhb a done at last ilt n meet ing nnd furuiet arrankemenlh made for boxe6 for the ho mencas i mir uine of mount dcnnli iprnt a dijt ami mr banford last seek soldiers comforts committee send gifts the ropdar monlhlj mneunjt of uie soldlen oomforis committee u iheld tn the public ubrar on wed- neisday cvenlnff october 91st at elitht oclock it mi decided ot this mooting to hend alt our boys ovcr- ea and oulide of canada a ohrlst- mn gilt of 300 clraretten each nnd to rtnent thb at eaitor if our funds will ollov ua to do no w rant to take uili opportunity of thanking alt those individuals and crrnnuatlons who haw made this vonderful work possible and the herald far their work ond ipacc in connection with the sponsorlnu of this pund we uould like to be able to publish all the letters of thankji that e rec eive luwrvrr that is impodilblc but v ttould like you to share our joy in heortnu omc of theno lowers trom time to time here li one of them near mrs ouyot nnd all hom it may concern very many thanks for your moat welcome rift of cis- urettes u could not have arrived at a more opportune time an i wns completely out of cigarettes and nnd half finished my nook of bull durham tobacco when your very welcome rift arrived all that i can say is thank a million not far your generous rift only but for re- mlndlnk me by it that i still novo back home friends who havo not for gotten mc it may interest you so know that cnpt johnson the r o padre tells me that i ought to be made a member of the georgetown chamber of commerce as ho has novor been such an nrdonl and enth- uaslasttc boomcr for his homo town before i novor boasted about aoow- town i merely descrlbod it george town the most progressive smau town in southern ontario this is the des cription in a nutshell again may i say thanks a mullon and more power to vou and your orgoiuratton are vov losino your wifet harried menl in the american weekly with this bundsys novom- bsrl issue of the detroit bunday times judith ctisse mils expert offers an onporturuw for any tnisband to sat the lowdawn on how he rates with his wife article illustrated with ainualna by soglosrl be sure to set the detroit sunday times this week and every week christmas may seem quite a long way off right now but do you remember that last minute rush for christmas cards last year you kept putting it off because there was so much time and the first thing you knew christmas was upon you that is why we suggest you come right down to our office now and make your selection youll find a wonderful assortment of beautiful cards you can leave your orders for parsonalized cardsond you can then send your cards out at your leisure if you order your christmas cards now boxed in 25s 225 to 350 per box your choice of any design with your own verse and name printer neatly thereon the georgetown herald phone no 8 waataatwk tlsylslslt