th gamqttmm hnu w nov 4th 1942 will fail never yet during the great war or the preseat war hat georgetown let her boys down r the third victory loan quota for this fmm ef district has not yet been subscribed wofflc oil kmeorgbtowll f never let it be said that the old town u to fall down at one of the most crucial times in history our boys do not count the cost in ufe and limb why should we ithold a few paltry dollars you are not asked to give but lew tni atfecftucfittfit tponiond by the georgetown and district war finance committee buy victory bonds morrow id peel uffiwul hospital brampton to ur m un jack morrow tna ju trrwm slaufhurr bevtrty au nswarrr cowtandunil at ownwn on baovdaj october 311 uho tiy itrv woo thompson flossie isbrc tlu ammh daughter of jlr and un hertsrrt bmuh of sgt leon oowlan rxjap eon a ur and mrs v ooeun bramp- cabd of thanaul ur bouthunt and fsmll of limr- jaousr alah to rspreoi uvir sincere mnhi and spmaauon to their many fftmds and neiahrrsra thr jjoroe ocots uruss band c co lorn soot bronon 120 cunadsvi lewlon and oomrodcs at christie una has- fatal tv their kind espreraoons of aym- pttta 1 noral tributes extended thrlr recent aid benrwvemrni mew avdertisemehts boardcrjt wantid roan and board appll uouat on bourn aim op it presbyterian church day ll work wanted warned tu ow hour or by apply herald opt ce wo bale truck ips chevrolet xn good run- wing cram owner la the army apply a ma s jotfn moody rp olen wuuama loit cameo brooch reward offered apply ltbulidofltoe to let 3 or roomad apartment with every convenience comfortable and warm apply tj herald ofrwe local news to kent a i roomad nouse on ualn bt ju1 qonventannm ooouponoy doc- tsnher 1st apply ur8 buythe it ualn blreel lost small bald wnst watoh vicinity mar ket stmt and down town section tnder please return to herald off ice reward it to bent 3 roomed apartment with bath on ifurdock street occupancy about tovember loch it phone 394 r 11 fob bale we have a umued number woods tod ortnder ullk cooler and mitring machines for immediate del- jferjr alas mount forest threshlns ltrh dtatrlot representative wlllaushby farm anney t e hewbon georgetown phone 333 tf po box 257 boarders osd uodmmcdate two or more men fb oqtnflottable olead loomb oon- sinuous feet water and good meals taumdry dona inside apply mrs watt queen be apt it phone me cera7y cor en vetarara ttas baavday why not adp a aubacnpuon to the herald into ottt oversea boa you r pacinf nil muklply ms pleasure in a- onrtstma uk u time vtrdun rtbtkah uxlg vtll hold a eucnn is the oeorcetown arena tjiwday notnnber ittrt at 30 sharp oood ivtse and door prises admiuion 25c the regular mertlng uf norol junior parmrrv and junior inaulutf ali br hrld in notrmbrr 10th at uv home of bui and qlmbnth rrul jrd une cnuiuaroujtey halloween nltftu broutfht furui it usual crop of oosuanrd sururs apparency ohr lun was all hamurse too as wetr heard no anjro vvim ralwd tn protrat orr damaged uru- petty nonal junior in ulutr and junior partners a 111 hold thrtr ann ual chiirrh bernor tn norval prraby- trrlan ohurdh on sunday nowrabrr imti at i5 pro rev a m mllvri of oramptoo wul be th ueucat cava- 1te uunjcfpulty t t h lt hoj dan wafadarfuiuy veil tomurd uv tmnj victory loan tlur council lail ntafu purchxurd 135 000 in bonds the hydro ctwrmiimuxx htm tauntii 16 000 votui and use cmukcry board 0000 un k prwlon rvcrlved uvw paint of wmrm vwl mltu tor hr over- u pucei ujt ww4 from ulu j limrr mil the vy from wllliajii- bufv bhu litnrr u ft tlcter oi un u ttnycve ofotvrtown oh hod read about mrs prmtanx noad wxirt in the column of tine hrrid and tnought it weu dcrrvlna of donation a nrorobar ofuelient rooorda 04 performance tvavo onpitd by hal- ion county llrcttr ara nported in the current uwur of the icottrun morv ttuy tmt dujifltin harold dlnotiam oeonitrtovn took fourth puor in a otui of 40 mature oowii tihat com- pleusd yearly reourds of twice- day muldns with ueadovbrac bylvla ptouy j who guv 30075 lbs milk cdntalntns lees ftn fat in th tmoyearokl claas of the 306 da dhiaofi texal janr from the herd of w u ttaorrkpflon i horn by was fifth tn a clam of 40 with her tvcesday milking produouon of 410 ihh fat from llftil un milk very cretluable reoord were al re- parted from the herdi of the folkwlnii breeder morlry wutaon tunnlry j c bell and fred w lumuum and son fnemun r c cbven ooonre- tovn luzhhurn evorlrui pajrrmo and john plcktrt liornby ljnn ftlver tviurn oltve a pire- bred halmrin cmnrd by kmenton ponl liornby hai qullfled for u certificate of iotnrtlnuj production wltti a ufntlmc total on record of trformunoe tent of 100375 ibn milk onritatnlnu 3fim lbn fat buirled on tv o u thrntr-yiear- old hhe han been milked twtoe dolly in all but uin first of linr sevrn lootajt- ton when rjie wun uinie tlmiit dally site non quuhfuvj for uie 30a dny divis ion four umn liar bfnt maord b4n in uwit dlvlnlon whwi an a nevm-year- old nhe vave ibj15 lb milk contain ln 639 tbft fat et lt tntnmmuna ut note that hrr hire 1m a irrandnn of tlie canadian onomiiton for fut prodimt- lon over nil navn and broed dkil plu- scffh dixie wlu 11r4 put fut from 33530 iuh milk in 305 dayn wantcd juva and dremed poultry hlhr nuttrt prtoeo apply a narnwit tj son vhaubi bnttptod mb r u tj cnvem chufta fttuubts wantcd wanted pullete mtt tujea and breedfl ywltaf toetuu alu while ihom buafiooroa cmekenta sulujble wtlt flocks to it ecu cor ims andblnduttted william dickeosodicd october 25thr the deaih of william ducenaon one- urtwl on ootober aui in the toronto oeneral hoapuoa qukbe suddenly al- thmifth he had boon in 111 heaw far aomey5art born in leeds enabuvd be coins out to canada in 1011 and ttta hved m the buwaittown dlatriot far ome yean bonthftiag am hi irldow one dau bhaer mtm chhetfcta ttt tune three hh john at hotpji hutfy aehs tno- infj ommial vfttlmbi fmwjihfitl ihb edtomm harry it believed ft prtaoner of war in oermeny ur itiffrenenn homymom moctfttilb coounufd from lno pj kttfv sotay wawlaj lyur aae t tad uvad alveyi to th auiod peace 0 ibe oukjouiu fliltl ii oaly a euitr of trip to fuo free ruroj twnom oar tbtre tee coatt go direct y to the both nraribvlhf aaew about the bottl at wfatrb ibi tad atayed iter ao aoj fros uf botfl coojj go to llr llolvurthy ooce bff hioart would tui ber htoan wu a urabara aad a grnile min aod u aooo a abe mt blm bi irooblpe woold be ofr for be wuum rll hrr nrrithloj abe aeedtm to know tbu ou what raodmnthrr aald tvl outwardly frborab arntrd hut to her be vii really a van aod trarurrr end id hrr haart wan a drud ly terror of aumlua aad whatever it auti aaeaa of cm log ihu atranjc bmo aod oajo with htm hhaf ahtrn itb bim i rtxti7i7lrti there ai ooihtn to be door hh bad to o flhr had tn be married tbey were la aocb trouble aboui uvooey abe aod oary that there icarcejy roougb lu bay brr tick ft to ban fraoctaco aod wbro it came tn bar coat o for the jourcry the prwb ira waa dreetfol wrafiijiimf furgutteo a bo at clolbev for year uhe iraa bonified wbao they came tn on irmplate deboraba wardrobe hh waated to write immediately to line loo aod hare m large lection of ar llclea ami not but tfborah cuntlnred ber that there waa 00 time aod thai tiey woald bare to manage with what waa to the house hu they made m traveling coatume from una of grand boibefe it waa quiet end reeervet hhoojtb perhapa the tloaa were not loch ae profeaalooal dreajmakir wrnild have pot into it it woald acr the drvea wag made of brown cloth vary oeet and plain a bat waa rath a problem bat tbey evolved ese anally a neat amau black torhwn with modeet elaater of velvet panalee ea one aide grand root her eald the hat waa perhapa e hltle old faihlooed but he aald that diboreh waa far ton pretty to travel alone dressed too at trarttvaty flhe cried when abe aald it and warned dtrborah again of the dan ger of epeabtog to strangvra tlraodmuther aeot only one ulhvr ijrvaa with tjcboruh hrr own weddlnu tlrvaa who thvy tried it on it lit led perfectly dvhorah looljitl at her mlf in tbe glaea and then qulckl twic at urandmotber with dark atur tied eyea 0 ite ue aim loutliiil hi aaecb ft te for your hutthaiitl my dur llnu tirumtiuutbur aultl mntly uml liflmiruha iiihh wua cold mtutu lu ut fltuk cadadiaa editora viait canadian army yi tic p nmhino in the natiouai park jlow are tluy btttnat is one of tfw flrt questions asked jy many visitor a thaw anter toe ffatea of oanadali national park and they are not ref erring to motojlton a holiday in the national parte would not be miiplsh for hear visitors un they ruul an opportunity to maxh their wit ir- tnst the wile of the came flan far which the park are famous as a prominent feature of most of canada national park is the many lake and stream contained within thtlr boundaries it is only to be e pected that flahms is a major attract on tn banff national park alon there ar iso lantjer lakea and at least 30 atreams wert worth flehtnff her a fish txttctiery is mslnulned shm more than 3004000 yeuno fish of half doarn game pedes are reared ann ually for atoeklng the park water stocking many of the lake and streams scattered over the vast area covered by the mountain parka is no easy matter the fr nrr lotxted in cans and token by the hatoherytruck a far a roadj wilt permit there they auction sale op reoihtered jerhevh and farm implements the undanuuned uu received in- structons from w j aleiander to sell by public auotion at aslurrove 3vu mile south of georgetown on uie county road leading to oakvlue on tukhday november imh 142 ut one oclock tlie following iiorbm i team of chestnut reotstbred jhrbbvb 1 cow due jan etti i cow due march 3tth i halfor due nor 3sui i hetfer due nov 6th i helter title nov 34th i jielfcr due nov lobh 1 heifer due nov 1st i heifer brad aug 8th hatrer bred aug 17th i heifer momtw i bull calf 0 months herd aim dams official test 11 its lb milk 4b0 b pat tet a per cent tupiiiarrajtb mover steel euku vator dxtll seed drill wn rack box 4 swotlon hsrrow msnurs anreader 0 ft roller number of ftrst total pips pu aidar 0uti frow m to lit thread block and tasks sec short slints number of hew doubse- ls mlal lllhawllll tkuki slmisslll sjil aswasw lacvmr w ft mid u rtlll- n u tastb tthtni bast ipims art ait lev rlrat class mps tarms cuflh h nuufk pbtott alshson prr bspt vkiktnff edltani at u ttirk bruiadr 6monatnuion rode about in theme tiuli bufutlea and marvrurd t the sssmms s iswji 6 ray thry could neeotlate any kind of ently visited orast britain ai th tough terrain the men were part of vttauon of th oarsirhsn s party of otnsdtan editor who rec- nre transferred to the backs of psek- hontes for the long ride over high mountain passes along the rim of deep gorge nd ometimrs throumb wooded areas wiere only the trails used by deer moose and other wuri animals lead to some alptne lake deep in the heart of the mountains glen vtll1am3 uls patsy coonoratv of toronto waa a week end visitor at the home of mrs haines br lao uaurtoe ohevaller lao osrry rclland and lac rawlegt bachsnd all of montreal and motioned at no 4 wireless school oueloh apent the week end at the home of mr and ur reg williams pte clarence beaumont of brant ford spent a week end leave with his parents ur and ids harold thompson of oookayule spent ehe week end with ur and mr wm bennett fresh cider 35c per gtjloa puis containib apple bolter a nseruktag aaal csamntrau 40c per quart pub container m h moyer phone 404 jxaamwkxaaxa united church anniversary november 8th november 9th sunday services nov 8th 11 00 am guest preacher dr j e todd toronto 700 pm guett preacher rev r t todd slmcoe mr harry higgins brnmpton baritone solotst t monday nov 9th 8 pm anniversary concert capt fred reid frgs i ur mud on beautiful britain with coloured movies and alula which indude i occupied channel island th britain ti the britain we hope will be after the wtfft musical adults 35c inud-