Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 18, 1942, p. 3

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the georgetowa herald wedaaday novtaiber 18th n fotcut maiiaiia carrolls smeqt ctmltspw 1 1akino owdei isectia je baking needs sjvw star putty f afmfll tmjjjm s4tfc te cturrltt 47 sutg u cuj mimhllswls rv ilrrtnlj crbttu cm utfumcj calfttsa f7 domestic shorum cut peel tc saw wibir peas a 9e itex tin xoo oats quk larfpacks 15c princess rukm p- 14vi para s ani wd pr 25c kleenex t 10c 25c z9e light bulbs or 15c catchup lytio t 17c shredded ww 23c sparkies 7 wheat u as- 7 wlsfsts oat is- as- se anlmuruola starch si tie yo teas nj 6im par ovamm uslesto hiiku vrinhi soup tsritt shuf hbtnaimt r ase foods u 7 as re warn lab pimt wax fcr ss tlakks i is s grapefruit large oranges 37c and 4 for 25c 49c per doien pktirr amd vsoctablb fsices cooo till satusoav n1cht only w i ou hh t ubm iimi- to umof vaaur nwlinmll j phone 357 georgetown safest tm timely topics for womih iyiriiito wis stcvfdto bou2 what tools omra an co uoc 19 00 rug and furniture short and towel and other houwirssd furnish 1 17 j aruciea of qjwuoixjc cihty and at prion whkcti are wrl aboa cha peoorumr average and uq dot tf of the patrfcuoc g rllfcrr lfcwmh today suory 1 all that matter x am ikjmg cf ho arding from uw purely htih view herald classified ads bring results why b it stupid to hoardt brcausr alur the w which may ral uoonrr than you uwik you 11 vr fund eorotaj chacgr tn the wsy e lie and furnish our home use grralru domestic resolution since the fina rate woman spread tiir nm brur skin rug and said thl u lumr wur our trek ho aay the indjitrul cricmlrt uudrfn rtifmlijy ha madr urtn rndoua uruira dur to hr linivtu ol aar and u only mjttng tor prure lo malt armiiama to u oomuxnrr poliic wtk hustrd 6f atarulng ktituir matrnaii atmngr cuoikmj cuo- uanor turf or ctrrnctn braukx and utuy truorl anytfiln w iimt fwr anovn and vnro utry oocnr on thr nmrt- t will vant to br aiku to buy uwca ttv nr plaaura limply mr tn colour brauufui urtdracml op- aiihcmt truuiarmt culour ttvy do not tfiatlrr tsrvma drnt or arrauh tttty may drapr ul aufe bmd tatr ruttwr v br u raud a l tbry hat tnaulaun proprro equal to mica thry may br mouldrd or ruurd savn dxlunt or rtvrtd airrd tliurrn dlffrrmt typna hart tarn dr vtloprd rach vtlh lu ovn cnmraxtrr latica and una cttrmlau art worklnf on nrv plaa- uc fumllurr rrfrtfrraton table lin- rna and draprrle that wtll make our jacobean dlrtlrurroozn aultra and nsa- oolouird damajat drapra look likr aomrthinc iril orr from thr arc who wouldnt vant fumrturr that orrd no poluhimr which oomra in cut nura to rnairti any decora ung achmr ltst prartlcajiv own and dorui t trraun or richly colourrd dxaprr and uphobjtrrtna matrrtal that can b cleaned mrrrty by lptna off liar a lit ol olkbxti and x3i lau a itfr umc tvell rrolutlrnlrr hounrarrnvnit afttr thr mr thr citrmlnta brag women lll find mark lightened ti thr andung point kirrythlrw ill lut lender br cojrr to rare for stay clronrr larnrer tte new pumlc bathtub mill enmr in eixjulaur colours and 1u br nuun proof and chip proof and vuldn t jtxj llkr to put off tanlng u nr frurralor until xxi arr ubw to ktx a pom nar moitoold modrl miulr of pliatir anui arprratr door to eoxh compartment ao die tttuiu rruwhuic won t tm u blast of hot ulr nrr uim ixm reach for a bottlr of mlia or a jar of jam no doubt ou har cm uluatratums of thr automobile of tomorroa u car to detlfcht anyone a heart and ulread ichrdulrd for moaa production it made of pbutlr in a vide urtety of aoloura it 1ll br lighter than aim ular modeu made sf merl but trn time oa klrong nor ul there be any nerd to worry about drntrd fm dera or acratchrd paint youll nnt to buy onr j know ptohtlc promlra to br thr miracle material of tiir building trade of to morrow oiao they can be uard ad- antagoualy either outldr or tnaldr aa they are unaffected by temperat ure or molaturv and will not ataln crock chip or marp imagine pre- fabrlcatrd walla moulded to auit xur rvqulrementa floor that look like coloured glaaa and need luur pollah ing doon and baarboardi and trim that harmonise with your furniture it arunda almoat like a fairytale but the moat fantastic thing about plaatiea la the everyday thing of wtilcti they are made milk coal mj bran carrots beeta wood aa their ue becomea more wide spread uie will fumlh a great stimulus to the 1 r ultural industry and may play an important part n eatabluhlnr economic equllibrtum in ow post r era it u foollh indeed stupid to bu today lust to hoard for the future when by aavtng your shekrla you will be able to buy tomorrow tie marvell ous things that wtq come in with uip plastic era for otir hcrap book the secret of sucrem in conver- utlon la to be able to disagree wttli- iiut being dlmwrreeable anonymoua the book op the week there latbday by josephine lawrence mcclelland and stewart 331 pp woo marriage in wartime la the timely theme of josephine lawrences ninth book oandace and andy a young couple living in an american city are faced with- the problem of whet her to anatcn what happiness they can before service calls or to post pane marriage for the uncertain dur atlon like most young folks with courage and faith thoy decide on marrloffe and wsiat is more they plan to have a baby they wont the only year they may ever be together to be perfect something to reauinber when the in evitable separation comes you will enjoy the way miss law rence cxnlsm the idiocyncraeim and foibles of their friends and neigh bours them is mrs pitts who wo uld rather parade hi uniform or head a cwrimlttee or do up bundles for for away places than took alter her home or allow choricy ho those in need near at hand there are hoarders spy huntev tancftw yfiomwtmi child less women who would only too gladly tiwtltheir eons if they had any whole host of ohanoten woven all into the uory candsf and andy needed to hatr court to face the baurry of rju- uona thrown at them by thr jw jj too tntrresled frtrncu and nelgtw tjoors ho in nmfed that andy was marrying to eacapr e draft and that triey rrr havlx a chid for tw omr muoi bjt they wrrr oot daunucl uiry knrw aht thry san- td ttjr only uong ukiy rrr ajruij of aa that uiey mlht die brforr tiiry had uvrd and they tried to rruvd a much rsprlrncr a poajule into a um rd time and utorr aa tnuvurtr- n rr u tuiuy u a tuud uory wrli uid lilcit sould ujue rrpun utr fiunu tn mobt frmininr riraru tlttivo ooun 0t iooo wahtih voj jt- qoltr famuiax llii thr olu iiit im- irn u mijthtut thaii thr hkui ilut uir nrvrr i ruo 1 tuit t11 br the ftaurrpon t mu iitlrr okan uir bomb aa thr r pfvvrrura food and ttmlti war loum inj up aa rrr more important lac tur in tirtory it ik oir aaur anitir in thr kllcririt that i vanl to durua today we art iraminjf ery akrvly vtua u mrtni to utr the atng fjf a tai4rpuon of ft or a bit of auur milk may suu term too tlttal lo concern ua but it la not a minor matter for thrr un inr happening ovrt and cner again lota up to a luggerlng amount tn a month or a year bo thr unui who dor thr family rooking and meal planning ha to praxtlrr constant watihfulneaa from lhe time fchr buy thr food until it apptfcr on the table tn order to film in waste wavh to have i thr wle buyer shops with a uk mental or in arttlnn bvurd on meal plan made tn advance i not buy moir at onr time tlian ou nerd or hae proprr lovwte for 3 buy food in tramm cabbage u at lu brtv ncr cruj and juif and cheap t um- plenty or it and tet our wuunin 4 xxasr good lir cf oor inemrr rprtabir r t or nrn three run br ptnied tnrr thr potaurf- lillc tht ar oolllni cubtxic rut nrt uirnlp r milfoil r nrpjy r k juxh hrr rsfkhl il k od s amid 5 hr t i t u itrr it u1 estmd a ran of r ndn id o ip nnd in ruie for nur vu put hpr you im iidopted thl- thrlfi habit for the dur jt ton 1 nn1 f r making tra s utul kattrrs fl 8ac furl b rtxiklntt jo ir r m plfle meal devvrl incjudrd in thr otn t bout milk has thr fjime food ilue as ravet milk um it to nmk pancaken bloulu rlncrr breod ric tl txa0 ml rf u ihob j dyank u hili buprrvlaor ol featurr broadrasta for the cbc 1 shoan twir m the oiic cr jj which he urllid id 000 mllr last aummrr with engin eer clifford uprrra and author orrali noxon to bbhrr matrrtaj for our canada 1ht cmblilou frttturr r u ahlcls will be heard on the cbc national nctmtsfc oundaya beglnniar nmembrr 1 at jo 15 pm edt ilt adt 1 designed to give a compray hmu picture of the mujutudtnoel fsrtora which have shaped and or shaping thr growth of the rwitj nation fve rkrtablrs thinly potat oes ur nvrr nutrltlotis when bakrd with lhe skin on or skinned after boiling 9 ute ull lat clarify and u for c oklng or baking 10 lie iefloer blu of evet- iblea for our soup or utr thrm up tnvvrd rrern ialsd wllh ftrnh drewlng koluilu vracci n h thi tuhls iurt1 hkhalu d 1mto cpl bell d p 3rd cun field coy ltd lmiodhn army chrrtaa 10 oober the kditor ororgruawn herald drur xtacam i hnr juitt rrnlved the fir i tn tpl of the oeonjtet n hirull cn tliiu uih thr krntroul of m r m pluor of braiimont r muu cln vlllvmn und brlinc mr i realh up mrlntr llr ihouvhtfi tiievt tn t elr purt to t ilia- r air lt forgot n thou ji mi many miles hu c rt lnh i 1 icllw nkn on t i n l h hi ii 1 itm not ttiitxl in i hnr md evmhlru from frcn ltir lo liack inrlud m he ndt nuns atil h by tw- a i look rrolh tmtttui alth rt trd to tit hti imntrrcj ui ta loncd foodstuff 11 ihl country hoaeitr i am more ortunatr uiaa some of thr frlkr in that my par ents are living in thl country a aa well a my ntilhes which mean that i have a place lo spend my prt- liege lr4ira becns in the rcz i hae not jaso- oome in contact with any of the olaja boya the majority of whom are in tfe infantry in thr twenty month that i har been over here i haw travebsd quite u lot through the south of eng land where i havr been stationed atnor my arrival although i have aeea some rry picturesque countryside i have not yet met anything that 1 avoid trade for thr district around oeorvrtown and the olrn ctr4t to the nvstrlcuona imposed on travelling by rail or road wtilctft rre put into f fleet trua month morw und more mill distend on our own nit atlve to provide enlrrtalnment and rec- reauon for oursrhes this cominsi winter at the ame time howrrr we dtt not fcruet hat i itrr all here far that one purpose a death dealing cnurk at the huns and i am sure thai mliri th time comes those from fha olrn and oeorvrtovn win meosunf up ullli the txft youra sincerely cpl bell d p 3rd canadian field coy rce canadian army overaraa are you coasting business u good in mtmt line today and for this reason there is natural tendency to let down on aggressiveness to spend less time on trying to win new customers and to keep old ones from straying to some other merchant business can easily be compared to a motor car as long as there is gasoline in the tank and you keep stepping on the accel erator the car keeps ginning speed or at irnst travels along at the speed you desire so it is with business as long as you keep adver tising you can gain new customers to replace those who for some reason or other are lost when you throw out the clutch on a car it doesnt stop it coasts so it is with your business when you slow down or stop advertising you cannot see an immediate difference in the tempo of your business it coasts on the speed which you have gained advertising but once again let us compare the motor car to a business when the car coasts for a time it slows down to regain the former speed you must feed it extra gasoline to regain the lost momentum this is exactly what happens to a business when the pulling power of advertising has been taken away for a time you must use more of it to regain the lost momentum there are a great many kinds of advertising available to the man who wishes to dispose of his merchandise he can tell his customers and prospective customers in many different ways of the service he has to offer but for a steady pull a long pull and a successful pull use the advertising columns of the georgetown herald 1

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