Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 18, 1942, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wednesday november 18th katafcsa ouftoun wads a pretty autumn wadding ca ttkr- oot to her uaany aorgom friend mi oaemnid on saturday novem ber 7th at 8t- ajbans anglican church acton when mary kafhtefn only oauibter of mr and ura john a ctmnman became the brtd erf sergeant robert william waff r c- ap ouelph only too of mr and mrs harold wolf of mount roroet- rev e- a brook occ td and mra geo btmpftn played he wecldlng tmulc tall candelabra and hlte mum graced the alter and sprigs of em green tied wtth while sattn twai marked the guest pea the bride enrn tn marriage by her filbrr ava lovely tn sown with bodwe of hory uun with ailk net 07tr aatln forming the full floor- lensth uurt hrr fingertip tu was fir 14 in place by an itory satin juliet cap bhe carried anvrlcun beauty roe and white heather bhe a attended by uu llary jlobeiuon or jlumllion tn a ftocr- length drew of heavenly blue brocad ed orjanra a circlet ol nwlchlng tat in held her abouideetlp tell the fafrmeacaojd flwtn war tansnian row and titt haehr uula carole ann lonta u at tn kate ortcnway frock of afcell pink taffeta wtth frilled nrt and baby blue bows htr bonnet of witfwnt taffeta and pleated net wma tied with ions baby blue satin streamers her nowcay was of ptak and whit baby mums centred lti a ptnk roaebud corpora wayne icrapf iloap of quelpn was tne beat man and the uahers wt bu william itonv oak and stuart lonts of the laorne boots recerve at a rvceptlm at the home of the bride parent the brides mother acre a burgundy street- irnjrlh dmt nth black taceasorle and a corugr of talisman rotea aauitlng her in the grooms mother in a vine crepe dmo brown accnxorle and a talis man corug for her wedding trip to montreal the bride wt a blue mool will brown uroetxert and kollmky fun the toupie will retlde in gurlpb mr and mra harry oorrtng and man robert ond ur and ura john tlful item litmcoe vuitrd lir and mn it c ucclure uu uunday gertrude mae cain school of the dance presents a fall revue to be held in the gregory theatre georgetown monday evening nov 23 at 815 pm with guest artists from toronto and woodbridge atfaatuioni adulu 35c children 20c pure food store buy war savins stamp and certificate supreme shortening rsrvly vrihabl lb carton 19c limrr llomra drufrt pudding powder auartfd uiar 2 pint u pkg- 5e lurry llriy daabtr crram cuttard powder sbkn pint pkgsc for mskjng irrcrrtim junket freezing mix vnuu htrawbrrrr cbsretau maptr pkg- 10c jatl mw llh walrr and bakr hhlrriira gingerbread mix pkg 29c rwlltf cidb brand umon pie filler lali pnrai i pint tin 15c am excellent plddino croat ti blarkwrlla date and nut bread 8 oz tin 15c clerrr lraf brand cvrrlrd salmon is x ea tin 29c a mral for in 7 mlnotra kraft dinner pkg 19c llomti ready it i green pea soup ml lib oalrr li r- 10c maple lea cake flour 31 lb pkc 27c ealmore brand touted wheat flakes 5 lb bag 25c hold dag food drhydratrd p a rd ii ot rartatia 2 pkgs 29c dont hpreao a cold ihe kleenex tissues 13c 25c 29c a e farnell phone 75 free delivery to aurvtoir the ruk of holding th- tn the ilrturfi liirt for malftunan and repair canada u today pulnj a mor rccr tn ovrrtiauilnsi naval on oarvo ahjpr of the united nation i naval dockyard many type of tm- arr houikcd ammurutlcn und rtulimrrt for crutd hp cf ar the mur ker tn uili photo i appytnu a ccuttitu cf tirlr to lorimn3o tall awxtnblfj mrchanum tn tail mu depth of tta the a tr e friday november 20 badlands of dakota outdoor action nlclnrc with ann bnthrrfnnl hubert slack true to the army tba order of iho day li ptn with alan janet judy canovs fox news saturday november 21 matinee at 3 all thru we night myalery and uiriiu wllb humphroy bonrl conrad veldt petw lorre pete smith its n dogs life cartoon the mighty navy chapter i the spy smasher tuesday and wednesday november 24 and 36 my favourite blonde funny any comedy trim bo rope madeleine carton canada carrie on quebec path of conquest novelties further prophecies of nostradamus unuiual occupations social and personal mr and mr j wmihtrmlon of tor onto iprnt the eek end milh tr and trn wrn nana ih in xlr and mr j e ivuikln of tor onto rrv mitk end vuor ilh mr and mr 8 t riram mj ultd lln hrtuik uuuner uiiu ojauaihur ulluu pju ialal ljl lit to runic ui the iuuu- of mi ujj u uunit lln jtuk itujj uiul rtiiiijjild j mtl- b loiunloau amidin uui u k wiui tur uui mj mul mm ii ttocklujd uruce coljuu- u jtu4 r niproin- o the lftrald ji joijud uu- air codrt ut uiamptun mr anil mr laro mntcy and dju- tuitr ituth uiul kjiuoit n ui ciali vtv vitk ind vuiuirh ului mm i mcoujifad mku ptxa ojiilvk mr mtcie- ur ti n j kiij iioisldi ul uic unntr- ill ul tiiioiiu uirc kitius al hv dumr of mu 1i4-u- wllliantx luu uixk end mv akiwi tcjt niil a klujicitr la t utnii amiiajin- lit unuidmn iri phiti n r m phi u mar- ln uool itcaj mr ard mrn win ausln of ox oixirsr mi iuwi mr 11 cox of lui- uno vlmii utui uitlr klattr mn a colli i ls uid tjtt culllils lut knk tna mr k m luiudim und mr 8 w orr held tlu- hmlirat hcnn lor uu- ucntl iihht ol piujliu in the iouk drlduu touniamciit lav wcdntmluy lugal mlsa muriel kraii of toronn aptnt the utriv end ultn hrr t mr und mrs a k an on sundaj mnnilntf ahc mint a u- cj rtnrtiunn of tir lords pmt at knx irrsbyierliiti church mi a f vilson of vancouver dc 1 making an ytcndil 1ai uii her str mr a c wt mra wilsonh daukhier mrs v austin ciuin- iast wili hrr to join tin liitjnd who is in ti aimrj icrcti at hiimlllon mio niit hunter qiimi isiris luui the njoituni- rticnil tu lull and frucuir lit iinn in iuj plath wi- wihli her a jxtuy recoiry the mod cni alrta had a good lrovu out to tlulr iiiincc ltt hmurduy nuht it vus tilt firht pui i a nee of thl oiorvjctoti orchehru id uu- kuliii ul this uilllal effort uu i utli or oic liodtivit l inori daikli in the lulurv uutsti a the hum of mr anu mn r lau la i utik tntl tiulaicd mr aiu mn victor ivddei uid hon- loin unci lkb lac tklar ouebt mrn iii a und chfluitti evelyn roy und marilyn all of toronto mn oeorrt miirndcn and carol tf ilrunip- ton pte c lum bilscx nb mri juxjc watson uua hotoeftsx to uie monday nlrhth knlttin club nut week oood prouremi uua made with the articles on liund and at the cott- cluilon of tlie cvenliik uic hotona her ed lunch a nucccbsfiful euchre party uva held laht nlftht in the arena under th eai-o- luvorhlp of verdun rebeluih lodre with fifteen tables enjoying the name prizewinners were mm george camp bell mm nclivon robinson mn s c mackcncle and mrs euracw tho door prize was won by mi w bpcncc the womens auxiliary of st decr ees held a very fuocessful rummage sale last saturday afternoon in the mcaibbon block with mrs d w baxter as convenor she was assisted by a cornmlttee which included mrs vi o o thompson mrs sidney mc- kenzle mrs w v grant mrs hus hes and mrs p blackburn monday nlfht the st ocoreos church boys iasoeuo held their regular wekly mailing tut dr relds home the evenlruj w spent chiefly in playing games and dlsousslng pluu for the caw tertalnnimtt planned for early in dec enbar tho lending library started a week or two ago 1b proving very pop ular among the boys anyone having books air tb boys wfcldb they would earn to laud rjoue wwwiwinwo with kari wahwt ubnraui or ttw leader mr j nd mi ti pa a und ten dald ojid frtir o prraton 4rnt lum eck nd vlh rui ajrrtiu mr und mra w bullhant laent del art aa icultrd fur uve funds of the true blue lo by a lii ltlu in lr luljn luonia wtd it siy nl li mr dun til j piw r mid v ifirioi nut mib t wr in cn the uprcul prur the t eru ng aa ui i nniid b mjj- pi txl mccartnr mri hmltn an1 mia tihunlll mlv ilftt opruju 1k la been mnlrt on utv orruuunil htuft of uw loioito hrhoulv fr the jut two nwn- uui jmla iuj received her pjlnunin t- the rtaltr traliliu all lw uill contlnut uarhlnft itradt f in uic duke ol coliluiud bhouj utl jradmitrd liom loionlo nunna si- ijk j list yeur the dunct held under lir auitpke oi the tthorjiiumiti clirl pip- hand thursdl nmiffibrr 12 tn tlw artnu i a rr uccrfjui rini hirh en- ublid the kirb lo add a fair jium to uu itojur i the orttilititni diboii bod orrujra mipplld the in isli fu itirk oo patrons mr ci vt mr- linxik vat ni lsuroifertrnooii s for the liekv dri firt piur itf iool hi iv ccrtlilcnt- went tr mr p uti u n mr win m nn lfanulton holdinit urke no bj2 won ii r j506 war tianiik cer- uljrate tu third pri4 another 500 jvir atl crrtll irate eit to cpl duuron b findxiy ilh tlrkrt no mn r haines wu in 34th yatr the community maa saddened ust weefc by the untrntly death of iojue emma bldveli beloved vtf of roland lutnea olen wuuama in her 3uh ear the late ua ilalnea vat boxu in oraneevlue the daughter of ura e- bldaca bhe ihed fur eighteen jrar in toronto and was employed tn the t eaton mall order lieaartmrnt for a number of ear after her marrtace to roland ilalrja- euht eara ajo th- came to ute in clum wuuam a mem- be of the churrh it enuland the took un alvr tnterrt tn church life and uju a wuurut womir tn tlw cornrnu atldlr- ikiides her hnttind fehr irue to mom hrr lo4 a trot her lurence ldl und a smrr mr w v koo- in sin belli of tuonto it in ru 4il r us hfm fiom albun s chureii ou n wiitum byfuv w i 1 tf mjroii on tilday notinbrr m li at j 30 o i lo k mr ujui mrs w p ilrjry oralmid in thrcitjir pill bar r re a flljw 1 t i r vt 7 t wmtaiton lt los tjrahajn and mi mile wurrui til lurtmfa ui hue n hr 1 ci in nrt 1 at inoiit 1 inur li ami ni und mrhln it aumont many uaulful flonj tribute and t aiririou 4 dtnputl une it lrd from uvr followtrui mn l wuitrrxon uiul tamiiy mr und un itr wlllunvs und tlm mr and un joa tlcutt and ftimj mr artd ua a rov mr and mr ortirjr prnvton and family mr l j norton and ion don monty idelrclu and eugene mr and mra w culn und oertrude art und marie butrin pamll llajry alrr and mx ilar- krr mr urvd mm 1 fiirvrant mr nd mra fuiu pittich mr and ura wrn lunroca btsx prrd lluru mjt herb pmton mn j craaford mra p wuictafte aunt reba pen and boya uncle charlie and fumlly aun ixhel and pumilr eileen and dick uarvuerll i unsc i uncl fred lunoori and pumlly vlolk and tom llatnia mr and mm iterb hancock the ifalnea fumuy julm and uuddjt llulnt motiier dolly and morn dtil nd em culhy putay und joy i tela clarencr mudeune und pumlly lrn htlcn und ilarbure trorui and adulr ixrnr and marilyn k m lans i li llod und lj7uly fastbrook mr and mrs p a olfftn and kami mr j drarutelis apple prtducl co aton machine co pi nni p oepta t fiton co dominion hed hour olen textile emulojm tele- hrrums mere ncrlvrd firm olrllr und tom ttd joan and joan ivuns mr f c tiiomphovh window hmasifed lie crash ol latertxi ilass brouh nunt c nslible ijnmtrvon on the run inst 5snturda nlnht ubut 1000 olock to th- otfee ol mr e c thompson btandlti in ironi of tlic laryr pla tlio ttlndom sahlh he ruid complete nash1 a a man ubout j3 jrur o a withrit waiting to be questioned rialllv ndmlttrd hnlnti thnn a lurie rvk thnuih the aindew ond iw oi ntpd the information hint he wlllliim rjinies of dilhl chief w o marshall took him to milton jail he lll come ip for trial before the makistrnte wnuifuiay afternoon at 2 k telock m kanaah wilcox bbriadjlart wc the death cccurred tn turonio last vecft oi ura hannah wilcox tn her 79th year bom tn england ura- wu roaame to canadt about thirtyfour years ago hhe lived in tcronto nritv to cbmliti to georgetown about twtlw years asjo andccuy durlnz the pool year had ahe letumed tc the rtty to majk hrr heme with her dauchter ura o turner her huahond prcdeceajbed her twentythree yeara ago al3 a son janej urvlvlnti are a family of three tons and one daughter brnard if ceo- rgrtoam joteph of tlaldwlrurvlke h v fchn o toronto and jean mn 0rae turner cf toronto alio amocur jtlie siandchudien it ft to mturn her los are josrpi and roy wilcox ho made thrtr h uie v id tlulr hrand- mctht r putr at ervlief ere lield wdnea 1u iroiiiin i finbrr 11u ulh in tel ii i nt li my tju llojie cmtter 1utu it s it e mini and iud if vt mcdwiald offl- rli j wh 1 in jtokit n mrs wdok ui a i iihtiiutr holy crov rc ctiurrh laht mi3ibjr op jame4 and wu cuvi ramilv dikh trw funerul of the lute ura don- irl earbrice uj funlvlnti memb uie jtimri und wlllum cewv nd njother of charnn n wsp t merl of purls onturla und nor toronto took pu to r- crmfrry on wednesday noini luh the pull tearrra were a bontis uw ur j ellott of toronto and five nephew prrd cleae of acton and lome oeorgr hrrbert and p w clrttir of oenieto7 many retatna and friends from oecrttrtomti ami vicinity attended the funeral guns and ammunition 9lutf a i iiestdecl war savings certificates jzl i on land in the air on ibe sea theres no christmas gift that hits the spot quite so well as the local paper send him or her the herald 200 a year in canada or abroad-

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