Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 25, 1942, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wdivetuy novesober 2sll a feature page canadian japslappers filot of tn rcat kittytiawfc hu ot the united tuat in thr nurthrni m cttmhn aboard hli plane brfot inutiurf hu alrrjdy uruii gtitof aloft m a patrol to alaska blood qtcftda aliroco urvlng with that new head for national telegraphs de galloway awlttant tcv prniint in fhomr of cana dian national trlrfftophs for the piwt ttotn ton haa rttircd at hi own wyjcrt to be lucwdrd by w m armitronr aailitant chief of rtrareh and dciop- mrnt canadian notional rall- q accord ing to an an nounct mtnt made by it c vnuffhun chairman and president of the national railway sys tem which op erates this ex tenslxe land communica tions service states that ur calloway has had m nearly fortytuo von of meritorious wrvua with tha canadian nt tienai nd lasr mf pan u n the change iwomts ef- fctic iccmbcr 1u david lrnctt galloway prior to btcomir arlntint vicepres ident of the rational system had erved an u tori to five pres- lnt- ofilo gtnd trunk and cunudiun n in railway sys tem ii hi i hmi carr bran at hamilton i 1901 and contin ued throui busy and fruitful periods 11 ruiluays htcnmhips and telej apha mr galloway havina been concerned with the organization of the canadian na tional suamthlpa west indies ur annatronc a native of ot tawa clrtl nanaer graduata ef qtiacni unlwiity has an uv timata knowladga of the dertlop- mant ef telamnn f for aw pairs ha was assistant to mr galloway wlven the lattrr uar in cl art of rut4itary romianir of the luniidmn nutional btm on irrttmurlur armtrtjn will tuvr charjji of a communica tionrt h hl m which dall o ruti i cj mile- of wire und thnnmh it it connection with wtnttrn union reachtti practically every jioint on tlo north am rican continent and by cable av iru luncu of the united nation- nd neutral countries the wur ha created a tremendous demand for written communication and under mr gallowayn direction the facilities of canadian na tional tclrjpaphs rc greatly extended and increased since the outbreak of hotiliti in 1939 one important ntp in the speed- inff up of trannmihsion woa the further development of the car rier current hyetem called the wired wirelchs which had been introduced by canadian national telegraphs in 1ht tvite ert- 1 able the si- 1 multaneoua ex change of ml meaaageal through radio i frequency i channels guld- 1 ed by one pair i of wires the increane in channel mllo- ngu of cana dian national w u austong telegraphs since the start of tho war would circle tho globe 3h times the national telegraphs maintain a special network of teletype cir cuit for the exclusive uko of the aeveral branches of the armed forces through canada as well for the ferry command wartim x tuavki tip so i l tickets ittuhitdiun uyntonnrllw tnmii uawllwn lraaahtvg hhtnuwi aatt aaul wnhaifam miaul null ia ewrwaaae si canadian national poetry hiduilv uuot uv9 th m uiian tint 11 af0 wir fchtj ir ihr tlae tle uw xuutt u t a ltiajmj tr pair oi ljkjt it brtuls ljl ijm rhl ljjw mil uu rlmji t wur r aiui ij var uvj tl kitty ltxi utu mi utur hjivv tvjn r in 1 un m litlr h t i ft la fcrt to a ttrfi jutjjj d lk ji uvody 1 nly1 rjoj lot uy tjmii ixuir ujih anil w tla i uiir ait uu i ill vt i- 11 txttls ui mu ium utrr buji ait jii uj lii un uj vcxi lil urtit ta tan utt atr cm klm lux tiau u j iwt tub uv aaiutufk fcft ultxpoli lit 1lal a mmxiui urtni qjtrr ltir kift utd n utd urkl and tje ut up ut njd nxaa ttu 4tii to uuikk uiu- uurr ctt tu tur tjlk rjtct uimi uxka lut 11 tjnn suk uirlr jkji kli wjt ii man uu tuir kwxi lujul aju urk co 4 jtht uuin duruir ulk ainl iwt t uuit kttjt rlu io d i rnropum ikii kiddir bfiiix tu 4 tivr utadmjnu nt- iry mtrm uidd 1iu ikirprlm i 1 t i ikxi u i e air of 4kh luilnutuir tnu fiindjup u u turxl uilntf lluit ft bulmil with tin utv lliath dlihxl lii hum uf 1u and ututid ut malt 14 ar ytki fjniol find it in tut ar am lailui it lit u tu vouti rtt to j irxt tiin knit arlim li u 1 1 nurnt iv j it wa vim c liino tri li lji oor iiid nor tjtlbi li wiji ui jnjl virim tu io pnm inr orth to u aju p n it n m it yriif rt iin iidiii slulli uu ii aih m im uni s oit uir n id yom ot in iiiirll riminl ajuj tmtr iiitohrf load vkii kl t uioiimiid taulu and mtr mi tin in i3n re yoa got lo trtioi uu ullnmlni and jur wttcn jou jrfulr youi kot u ojt tiie mynt uurut fyuii out te tcrute uf ftrv rjf frl ndsiup trttf cun mur livt wtii tiiu arr hiddi ii ter aj1 thi iwe pot to do uiul more if wmictlinc ou wikiid siy i kneu if one horsr lirart beaut true lt oirnc uliauwr rrw v ur othrrs mm at my mistakes and bruise me with their jeer taet ouvr taunt me in defeat and roldl- vie my teon i care not mtiat the wij of mc for i can feel the hand of one at least uliose rrtj u firm whose heart will undemtond and eu x know that up the road until the journeys md upon my right 111 always feel the prreence of a frtend b u ur hes a little etna with a ntubby tail and a motheaten ocat of tan and his inot are of the wobbly sort x doubt if he ever ran and he hem in ot nutht while in broad ouyllrht he aletipn like a booming log and he llkca the feed or a gutter breed hes a mont tomaular dog i call htm bum and total num hoa all that hu name impllee for hes just a tiump with a high way atamp that culture cannot dwculse and hlii frlendft ive found in the street abound be they urchins or dog or men yet he sticks to me with a flendbti glee it u tricky beyond ken 6o my rood old pal my irregular cvog my fctubtallod loyal friend lion becomo a part of my very heart to be cherumed until lifetimes end and on judgment day u x take he way where the righteous only stay if my dog ls barred by the heavenly guard well both of us have to pray what and how to teed war piiant woiucetib tho american weekly with this sundays wjovcmbpr 20 issue of the detroit sunday times polntt out that food experts sqy workers con pack enough pep into a lunchbox to avoid afternoon slump at the desk or on the assembly line and moke up many hours oat through illness without putting a strain on the pocket- book- be sure to get sundays detroit timw icobac 7o4mzcco does selective service work wr hnvr been hearing a lol about selective service ihe patl week due to a cucnion brought down by a tup- remr court judge and the ubtequeni rriignution of the chairman of the nationo selective service we our- wlvrt hud oflin quetionel the utefulnru of selective service and when the opportunity cume for u to learn more nbout it we wtnt into the nintlrr with one of u hrinrh olhce rrumircr we told him we thought selective service wi prov ing a fnifuie becauie it not onlv tied up the employee but alto put tome employers of lulor in a very seriout poaition the employee freedom had very largely been lalcrn away u lie hud to eilhrr irmoui in hit pres ent position or find himself either being forced into the army or a war plant when he might well be helping the war effort in his own particular line of work hie em ployer found that when his help was either called into the armed foict 01 foned to sever their connections jue to other conditions he was buffaloed in his endeav or to replace his help because selective service would not allow him to advertise under his own name at the kjimr time any who might desire to changr their position were discouraged because of the rid tape our opinions were soon shattered however when it was explained to us that we arc still far from doing a hundred per cent var effort that there arc hundreds of men and wonvn in ontario even in georgetown who are idle 01 doing little or no work because they arc dem anding lm pav wili little work we were told that sel ectiv- service has a big problem to cope with and if given a fnr rhance will eventually go a long wav to im prove the war effort even if it is not one hundred per c perfect selective sermce is a means by which it is hoped to keep labor and wages on an even keel and to discourage the attitude taken so often that if i dont get big pay in one plant ill go to another the case was cited of a contractor who win pouring cement it hod to be finis hed up without delay but the pheasant shoot came along ond some of he boys wanted to go out so failed to romc into work the contractor was stumped he had carpenters working on the job too at 100 per hour but he coudnt ask them to do inbor work for 50c per hour however he decided to ask them for a handout tit heir regular pnv of course they agreed and started pushing the barrows around the other laborers saw their chance and said if the carpenters are worth 1 00 an hour why arent we the contractor had a problem and he brought it to the selective service what would you do it was almost too much for this selective ser vice officer how can selective service work with an attitude bv the public like this how can we do with out it ond get the most for our war effort why blame the government when wc the people ore not yet to the point of cooperation nomination friday if at no other time in the year local ratepayers should show their oppreciotion of their town council by attending nominution meeting thi meeting is set aside as n time when citirens ond members of council may get together and discuss the affairs of the town if you are interested in georgetown in the representatives you have appointed to conduct public business then you will let nothing interfere with your being present nt this meeting let us skow our appreciation of the ser vices rendered by members of council let us attend nomination on friday evening news parade ir rtri 1 i fiyo u6q sfiseflbbbbbblabistw jj c kuilmv the worlds news seen lhrcgh the christian science monitor ah imtmullimal dally nrwitapr btratblul coamructlvs unmd frw from 5nullon tea bdiutisb an tlsuly ami iniiructlve and li pally flminmj toamut wiu ill wmtuy mlne section mil du m ttuml nwpabr for lh homt thicitiuii scimico pubtlihlna society oru narwsy strut bolton mauachuiett ptlm d 1100 yurty or iii 00 a momh sarunur law including macailns sacttsn tt60 a yaar introductory offtr 6 saturday iuius z cantr naaw addrau samplb copy on bequest imhtovfd unifotm ihitlmattqmal sundayl chool lesson leuoa for kmiw29 lsirrca saterto mftm yhe kusun of 9e cbtjslca lzssoh tcttiutlms is urt us it ittiu ii n4 mti mat n could telxtaj mj ttam tmxa tmt k to mad i km jca at si tbe church it tb nstsst lntut lion in all ihe world with ths moat ridrtprtad membcrthlp tod tnfiit rnce that it hue from pur vrculur or worldly tlaodpolct tbaa tn we rrullit that ht it mor uun a human crganifsuon tor it tt in fuel a divine organism that it 1 ur mrunt through which god t iuw muniftkung uut power to aurd mrn ue are the supreme lro- portunce of undrrttandlng th church and our relationship to tt trua week we turtt tha mlsaiobj if utr church we note seven uunfs i ucdlseta of ufa mutt ii 1511 in a turn uhrn grmrel ktandards jl dtctney und lont bty urt low rid no one uanlt to be tut brotb- rrt ketrxr the churcii needt to bs rvmlndid that part of lit mlttloa 4 to maintain holmrtt in ufv snet ihr relationship of one to another notice thul muna attitude toward lit frllowmon is first a motter for xrsono attinuon then it becomss if real interest to tha church and 1 no reaponse it found there ths iffendlng individual is excluded and ut in the hands of cod be tur to iburvs that all this is dons t guin or win him back not for r venge or in bitterness ii witness la diets rnrsr acts i 8 the witness bears testimony to hut which he hat experienced and n the case of christian experlenc ie ls assured of divine power la rorrylnj out hit sacred task the world would have laughed and possibly did at lb ides ot a imull group ot humble believers nuking the gospel effective simply oy telling others about the saviour but it worked because gods poer- ir was in it iii unity is fsilb and prattle act 2 41 the early church had not yet beers split up by thi philosophks of men snd the vagorks of doctrine which love since dividid gods people it as tilt purpose that hit people should be one ui tilm something we thould recall biforc we divide them lust to promote some theory of in terpretation unity is not only a matter of be lief it must reach into the proctlc if daily life- they were steadies not only in doctrine but in munlon and pracr a bit mo unity there might bring us close together in belief iv service spiritual snd boc acts 6 14 the church rightly put the mpha is on the spiritual the lesde who had gifts for ministry ot word did not permit themselves be diverted into social service t many in the church have failed that point even the good may the mortal enemy of the best at the same time the early ch did not neglect social needs me were appointed tu core for thsm in all too many instance the mod era church hat failed to minister the social needs even ot its own pic and has weakly and one f gladly turned them over to sac agencies what a pltyl v love la deed ss well s word acts 112730 talking about the need ot othe wishing them cods blessing tng a desultory prayer asking g to bless and help them is not s bcicnt in fact it is not christian all see james 11417 love acts it gives it serve it proves faith by works it tran totes tho gospel into a language unbelieving world can undents vi obedience to tk holy 8 acts 1313 cod has certain plans for work of the church in the wor and be suro that they are no sm or indifferent plans his mlgh agent in bringing his will to p in the world u the third person ihe trinity the holy spirit if church will respond to his guid and be subject to his control work of god may go on unhlnde but just there christian friends church has most inglorlously fall tho early church was directed the holy spirit to sot apart pa and barnabas for the work of m sionarles and evangelists know as wo do the marvelous results their ministry wo shudder at thought of what might have pened if the church had disc thf holy spirit that day i ii fellowship i john 1 hero is tho great secret of splrl si life and growth christian fello ship and notice with care the for it ls la the elureh if we do come to the church we deprive o selves and others ot the opportc tor fellowship the matter of ch attendance and twice on sunday not too much needs to be put our consciences lest w by our snc bear an antlehuron tea baton our neighbor but

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