tfca gtottfetowa henltl wdnday novnber25tb ft tranc smm wee brya pot down hie coff ceavtary arlg eened them la lb slttlag rooca h reached into his pocket meehani tally foe hla cigarette c- ulfi4 if t arrot it low roead utu dbors tavooh her bead jew told m and ur io4 jfrtay told me too that that divorce u ey to get nowsdaja very eear i dljoi k ion he weei oo akw 1 aoawitilng i fuli uae asked la graddetbfe dav dttorre dreadfol id starrrlf brwrd tbera oeo uoeed a dworr waa dlagrwoefui thing tell ow la it a dlagrwrefui thing to be divorredt rvw ti mark oot u cso uuft ii so qtllmly thai bo oo will idov jottve been oiarrlr i deoorah- i wasnt thinking rurtli ut taj self tii aatd fslnt color to bn cbeeka nobody knows mrlt wouldnt mailer i was thinking of joo i wa woadrrlng if the tbe girl fuu that ta the girl you car about wont mjod rather dreadfully i don quit anderstand tbes things b berried on but i think if i were ib i should ratnd dd i u i csred shoot ftrir brio inquired in surprtsr eriiaps i saw fur ojwlf that tber ooal be uor yoo spoke of eacrtflcea too couldnt bat meant jour career berauar io told me jourwrtf it area ai a ataodatlll and woold be aulited b tbla agreement of our and aaw quite a lot of other joung men be said scsrtct bat determined an it areraa to toe tbat you and y ui friend ur fcrbea were mocb tbt tbe moat at t red it e ho tltetf mint be a girt i am glad of court it will make gary feel much better dut bat lb world become ao liberal minded tbat ah wont mind your tak ing tbla way to cam money for hcrf her eye lifted to hit walling bryn eooaldered if be aatd tbere waa no girl iieborah might take frlf h again gary thoroughly consdoua l tbe amount of lovellneae and charm and innocence which deborah poa erased would certainly do what bf coold to apoll thu frlendltneaa and truat wtjlch were beginning to aprlng to life 0 i maat telrtubby what you aald about mov be aatd tightly lie will be eitremly flattered aa i am and grateful aa for your other queatlnr i can aaaore yoo tbat no eompucn ttnn will art bh had begun to apeak perbapa t qoeatlon hlro furthy when a bell tinkled in tide tbe kitchen rbe ro haatlly thata grandmother ahr explained and hurried down the atept to tbe narrow aide door into tbe kltch a ftryn aat down again and lit an other cigarette thinking ii recalled blmaelf with a atari and got op haatlly lie lifted the ta ble dlahea and all and carried it down to the kitchen door ii aet it inatde went in and drew it acroaa tbe big room to tbe long white porcelain alnk beneath tbe wlndowa gary waa there wltb a big clean apron tied over bta trooaera waahlng up hla own break- faat dlahea deborah waa not id tight ita a beautiful day gary ye air were daya ilk thin all through the aatnmer it get a very hot in tbe middle of the day in auguat but the nlsbta are a 1 way a cool bryn picked up a dlahtowel what are you going to do today gory can you givu ro ome kind of an idea of your routine tve got to have aome thing to do too gary glanced op at him from under hla huahy browa thurca enough to do he aald slowly but its not like ly tbe kind of work youve been uaetl to well i can pick cberrie deborah aid you could uao them i auppoke the rtrawbcrrlca in the patch have to be picked too havent theyf and i heard hena cackling omo where a though i didnt aco them i preaume your fowl havo the utiual act of sig nal so i can collect egg gary sighed ho rubbed vigorously at a plato all them things baa to be done he suld and theres potato to hoc and corn to weed and cucum bers and melons to water and rasp berries to tie tip and theres some branches of tho apricot trees needing propping i noticed yesterday ho propped his hands on tho edge of the link and looked dp if you want to work he aald tacros plenty to be done bryn put a foot on the chair beside tbe sink hfttl your hands full hadnt youf he aald gary did dot reply he was still tea re hi ng bryns face bryn met his eyes steadily after a moment gary turned away without speaking and finished washing- the alnk he was just untying hla apron to hang it up when there waa a light footstep at the other end of the room and deborah came in she waa very pale and there hat both sss stlttsfi4 ttisnltw lo- ulaolartly grandmother utad tte atrawber rtv- deborah said dismally fl ttkklgnt tbey war wonderfsl 8bt mfffet aav bate anaocrtag tb od ut tb world ubaf happeeadf gary aated gata bl far wottlg waata tbe matter alias drtwrabt did yoo tall herr did ate gvecs a boot htt jea went to rryo dtborab shook bee aaad fyoo her iket b prodorcd a loaa sheet of paper ttm th said trvaslooajy tbatl onr eurktusg tut for today uarketlbj lutf gary repeated kb otter horror a urd at tbt apr aa tf it wee a rnwni of 6 atructloa from uara ni doseo was taper of the beat quality gary read oat a cook and ft re boosetaida gary groaaad ctylc of ail th dodarn eugatlnea mrilcolarly tboa rtlatlag to ladle ftfimoes and tbe new oatbodj of eo itlalolag drborab swa hewed a plumber to inspect all tb plumb ing of tbe booae a man to put th iwirte plant to ordrr a catalogue of comfortable moti ir lajr or de nurdrnere a mm who unlrlndt hununi knuub where ihey may he iblalnl iud cao vatv for ihroi hrjn loobfnt up ulth amumj ejt yurr tmldrotly suing lo be taught rid- dthorab ilia eye went agalr to tbe hit ten kiuodt of tbe bet jamln ira klgbt dollars a pound gur imathed ttiatb brr tpertal blend a cow or eumctrnt cowa to gl plfnty of rtcb cream ui1 brjo aatd aftrr a momtm it a a fairly gooj brntnolog i duni upo ibea beurd of electric refrls em tort or vacuum cleaner or rmll r aoy oomber of other modern tntm tloox tbe magaxlnea will unduutit- ly help nnleaa we go over ihrro tin nnd cut out all the advertisement drborab aprang up oh what ft im of all ihltv the crtil i anni htite you laughing at her it a no u- making fun hhe thlnka rhlnka we can manage anything m she dmaot know hovvrr nm i g inj in tell her what am 1 going t lor gary turned away and began to walk up and down the door deaperale im onih ran to tbe door and atood gating ut over the lovely peace und quui f the june morning ita all ue can do to pay tbe taiea jury aald at latt there waa a tile nee deborah came back to the tohle ill have to pretend iro 111 ahe natd 111 luue to any ive a piiln in my heart or something like that homethlng thnt runt stand eicltement thata tbe only twng gary a tared at ber hut it waa bryn who objected you might as well tell her the truth he said because ape- clullata come high we wouldnt be iiny better on lets tell her the truth gary said mtmrply lets tell her miss deborah were getting in too deep bryn rose snd ssld the way out has jubt occurred to me mr uolwortby deborah caught her breath what could he dor ue knows tho circumstances he could advance us tbe money we need but will bet wo can try i think he will in the meantime wo can buy the smaller things i havo a little money or my own a few hundreds i am huppy to put them at our mutual disposal and when ue go into town deborah ue can mall a letter to mr hot- worthy we cant take your money xonsenuc of course you can tuko my money you can give mo a note if you like and pay mo intercut i cant possibly use it myself up here can it ho its settled gnry drew a deep breath of relief id thought of borrowing before he wild but until mibm deborub wu married we didnt havo any pronpectw of paying it buck now its all right i can see its all right if you dont mind lending what you have sir i dont like borrowing deborah continued to protost her c hooks flam ing were taking anougb from you wo cant take any ssare gary turned toward her if wo dont go through with it if yoo tell your grandmother now then this gen tleman wont get hla money at the end of the year ton know what your grandmother will do ton know how terrified she ta of fortune hunters she cant keep a little bit of the money for yott and ahvdlba afraid to keep it all she wouldnt flcognlie this marriage its too lata to marry anybody else ohav asaa ywv saarriaal u ttraager paid to aaarry yoo th wotavl tv it weau kul be ftd ttmy- b jrwj fcoau gt tw iooaattr hot it woeld wu year m deborah hafffbd htf y dark hd smwhihag b tlfiad thaas at ust to brya so it jnat u a aaxeguard for yoorsett that yoer oeterleg your moatyr the atfcsd icuy 8oeftthlag of th sort bryo said with truth chapter iv brya weat opstairs to th socio wtsg wber tie own room lay he e tsred sat down at tb small wrltitu table brfor th window ufted tb- teatbrr caw from tb ftoor beside btm ualockcd tt took ool writing pap- aod begaa a tottrr to tntby after ttr osual jocular treetlg bryo asked blai to prorar teo poooda of jasmin tr from ao old cjsioe frteod of tbatra a took from aa eoloymeot agency threr bouseeaaldj aod a bo tier wltb it uttar aejd ta hi pocket brya et down th stslrs lo aesrrh of deborah u baard froa the frol of lb boos tb sound of tb- plsoo i want slowly toward tb- drawing rooox usientog tb plain was betaj baagod with fory utber deborah or grscdmotber was playing tb norwegtao bridal lror4lon in sorb a way that it sounded uk tb burch oa part lie kocked ugbuy oa tb orawla room door but th puo did not dot h opeoed tb doer aod went ta deb rah was pouortbg angrily on baodfuu of say and making them wtnee in pain brya stood for a moment eut leg ber li was restraining aa tm puis to walk forward slip bis arm- snderoeaih bar lift bar froa tb stool and hold has firmly agaiaai bios wblir ah kicked sod stormed and raged i bin whll b looked down into bar dark 9j emlltbg waiting for ber an ger to sobcto tber would b a mo ment thro wbeo ah would lie limp snd beaten tn bis anna snd then with her face at bta shoulder andbei balr shakra loos ow hla arm in to old tb mutle atopped ahrupny in m middle of a bar her handi droppi tu iter lap and the aturtl at hlni siutr aod aniry horry to intrrrupt rryo ali lite music mi beauufai hikb ei rvloq hut im going in to ton ind i wondrred if youv to go no ita a long drive alone hryo aali ilamtlely im sorry hhe iot up from tin t atol with ivlih of atarchei iklrt you may add something eitri o your bill for the trip the aald c1il mj tei ssjssssisi sui fis ztz out i am oolnp to town and t wondared if youd car to oo ly and turned snd went from the room without a backward glsnce he went upstairs sgsln and knocked on grandmother door hhe opcneil it promptly i have to go to town tn tbe car bryn told her would you care to put on your bonnet and come we could be back by dlnnur time her eyes opened wide go to lynn doler it in the corr the road is pretty rough but iii drive carefully co mo on grandmoth er lets go on a bust why i dont know her hands fluttered helplessly n havent been away from hero for many yearu youll be comfortable bcally promised bryn hhe lifted her chin hhe drew a deep brvuth very well she said at lust come eiuctty ua you ure grand mother ill glvo you flvo minutes and not another second five mlnutea iteully she suld helplessly but he did nut wait he ran downstairs und out to tho car ho started tho motor turned the car carefully cume to u halt ugaln at tho door and grand mother was there her breath com inn and gotng with excitement the hut perched at a careful angte a pair of glovos in her huml bryn lifted her gently and put hor down in the car bryn slopped the car at tho gate ho pushed the button of the horn a long melodious call rang out instant ly deborah appeared on tbe little bal cony before hor room bryn opened orandmotherb door and the old lady leaned out bhe waved her handker chief at the girl im going to town dear ahe cried in her thin old voice nnd tank back gain with a alga and bryn smiled behind hla hand at the aipreaelon of horrified ineredulhy that had come over deborahe faca ao aaprasaloa whkh fortunately hat grandmother could rjro had ifisowt all the tasportanl whit k4 aatmwwa town h had been to the bank had identified himself as th owner pi tbt account transferred f roes fig fran- rtseo a few days ago aad be boarcd out obagqaiooily ay the tiuai iter hlauetf ii bad bean to ti noat- m and had posted tubby utter aa weu aa a terse oa of hi owe to hoi worthy ii tad taken dhoraht letter to th lawytr from hla pocket looked at it kuted and theetwltb a smile had opened and read il no exactly a bualoeasilk document hoi eter and to tb poli at th hot torn a aajs waa signed jd aa hr read it h received a sever aheefc deborah uayce bryulldaoa deborah uaye brynltoaoa debo- rab was hla wife hfer bad ukea bti name lib was roeacteos of ber potl tloo far more coartou than be waa ivborah uay brynlldaoo aoase bow tb fart tbat she bore bis nats badnt occurred to him poor tlttl i hborah pvrbap ah bated that name grandmother waa waiting lo tbt car hhe bad been tlttl eg tber vtr pidc bryn had parked th cr whta they had reached town her eye wide ard etrltad rroa tlss to ttm bt ram back to her two or three tlmt followed by whlteaproeed clerks wltb tbetr arms pliad high with packages ohlrh ibey puced la th trunk at tbt rmr of tb long car now h aatd with a foot oa tbt ju board bow would yoo mat to com out sad sirou down th street grandmotbert nothing shall bappea to yoo i promts hhe looked op her eye sparkling for second ah looked aatoaisblngty like deborah i i doot thlak i would b afraid stuart ah said haltingly ilryn ram to sudden decision u took ber band tightly tn its black glore will yoo do me a tremendous favorr certainly my boy do satnd call tag m by the nam always here called t if yog ran bailer it almost nobody hae ever used th aaaaa sreart ooald yoo briag ourclf to tall me brynt ifa what my frteod asy and i acarctly know tar wlf by htoart- 0 its very strange ah aatd thought fully i donl ondtratand why yoort tulled llryu but i dont mind oalnf it a a matter of fact dryn ilryn abe repeated tou know ro ihi it aulta you euioehow htuart lol i aleaya fell aoeer aaylng li itryn thank you uraqdroota you know how l ta when you arent tccuatonmhl tu a nam he opennl tbe door wider and wait d hhe gate a tittle flattering breath nod emerged alowly from ber long r irvat hhe attpped out into the world with a hraltating air but aa ahe took the arm be offered and croawd th rurb the drew beraelf up allghtly ami inraroe once roorr the ahadov of an mutureiwumad of tbe world llotbtgetber hey aaw tbe ha i in the window it waa a amall window kllttrrlngly clean and the bat bung intlde the window it waa a amall win dow of a tiny millinery ahop at the nd of the atrevt on a pedeatal in tbe center waa nne hut a molded toque of gray velvet the ftuct abade of grandmoibera hair ilryn ftlt hrr hand move oo hla arm hi louked at the hat and then down at her face he tamed slowly with out a word and they went into the lit tle shop the hat in the window please hw nbld the girl put tbe soft gray toque tn the mlvered hair gruudmothrr tu riled looked ut herself in the si und then turned to bryn her eye wrrvdeep hlue und ablntng her cheeka ure pink we will lake it he told the girl and handed her a hill and now bo aali happily now lets go aboiiplng grandmother waa a little intoilcat- ed hhe made no pro teat a whatetvr she clung lightly to his arm and fol lowed where he led and bryn enjoyed himself thoroughly he bought her a long soft gray woollen coat he took her to a flurlats and bought her s hunch of purp aevnted toleta to pin un the new cout lie bought her five pulra of gray gloves and a gray auede purse to match grandmother by the time they were through was twenty tura younger und the pain in her heart had entirely disappeared they proceeded down thu street i- wnt the csr ive got one or two more things to buy he decided und unt into a confectioners ornml mother uccompnnuml him and atoud uniting i wtint he told the proprietor n very nice hoi of chocolates nnd a mund of your heat tutnicco und u gom pipe the pniprletor knew u hut wum nuunt thu urtlclcw were itelecteil uiul ptild for he placed irundtihithercure fully in the wut and got in hluihelf h thu sidewalk in front of the cur a small hoy in clunn fuded blue over uiih eume slowly along with u very htnnll dog on tho end of a teush the dog ahnim llku silk in thu lato after noon huil it sniffed the sldewulk happily the boys eye cuuuht bryn hocuiuhi out you dont wunt to buy a good dog do you mister this hero ones for sule two dollars what is it a cocker spunloli bryn inquired regarding tbe floppy ears ho waterwaved coat tho thumping tall yesalr a real cocker aint that a pretty colorr whufa the matter with uy well tho boy told him dropping hie voic its a lady dog and cod fldentlally you know what theyre like oh a lady dog what her namer garbo the boy grinned h take a look at her ue made uttte clue king nolsa with hla tongue in stantly the dog eat aft na maj rvajawaaaasaatseiaksialaatia limply befora hag mouih clhij silky nsaaabaaaaaswaa iww rs drooiqx bfrjrfi and whim fui and plwdfl vt tted it imicmb tu taujrli uwntly well uryo jeik- fthrt suo here yoremfaey chapteb v brya oa tbe morning after toa trip to town with grandmother paused la bis systscsauc and careful ezamlna tloa of the grounds leaned again it trve down at tbe lower corner ut a cigarette and cootldered tbe men who ere comic out fnoi town to mke garden out of tbla wfl deruee wuuld uae to work carvfullf ill through tbe tblrk grata were scat treed rare abruba bed of ouwertng 4m ota plots of hdrlltb and cnua baila crrreot uf trtt set loto tbe curcee but bla nuio cmaidrratloo tu oot dlrctd toward tlr garden he waa rrtnrtnbrrlng itebonha fare wtn ftey twd rrtorrwd yiktentay be ujhmi- iuotbr mtille aod ruld ah bad roh tlntn in tbe ilmnm ami ird orand nalt into tre jiull alillcg rttn to rrt fitr m ovrnwrn tfnn riif vlntf ir rmta omii ark hat ifcumh n liny munry viii il- rft- waj 1 lt1 likuftl hxi4- i utm mfrv iiwtl with hrrir ilryn dermrd w amllnt faintly b it r rlmai4atm win- put ii duo wtlhmii a gtanre utjn the tmall table blv iter tbat be prefrrred ber angry lit had swong no hla heel testing tr there with flrandatbrr and gone ui o tlary flary atood lo tb drlvr bla i carrel laid on the rata watching tbv i uity rolling over and over wild with eidtemeot and y tip j eg with joy at ber ret rue from tbe car mvrbap youll cell ulsa deborah that tbe poppy is for ber bryn aald curtly sod went bark up to hla room hut the puppy wasnt having soy dlf vulty in penetrating theae frosty lay- r and dtscovarlng tb reel iieborab itno bl window yesterday sftrrnoon bryn had wttneased tbetr bret meet ing deborah had com eat to gary and at ber appearance the poppy had rushed opae her with a fvrortous threatening growl which ended prwripl- latrty aa lb llttla dog fall over ber own feet and tumbled ta a heap before lmraha inatautly unqueatlonlng a thlld ahe had baot to lift it lo lr triua oh ar ahe cried lant ll t durllngt lint it a darling puppy sine hujftftl it clou and it anugglttl ir oxuiirnl cotufurtahl under htr 1 1 in then it put out a pink toncur uiid bikm ieborab fntirrly without iiwn youre a bad don ahe aroldrd but htr voice waa aoft and laughing ami iodr ilryn drew u dp brvuth vin alw apoke lo hlro her olce nt like that where did it come from oaryt hbra for you ulu ivburah mr ilryn brought brr out from town tih ivtwrah aald f course i intifht have known nut ahe did not dnp the poppy hhe atod allent thinking no look mlta rwtmirah oary tw inn doot think he meana any harm afttr all hes only acting natural th huahl imborah cried atonnlly tumping her foot hhe held the puppy flum- and ran off with her back of the t u down to aome hlddvo nook of lur own which alwaya aeemed to br hir chosen plae of refuge that bad been yeaterday hryo went down and got into the tar atandlng on the drive he drew from hit ktcket the worn piece of pa- mr which waa it only yesterday morning had caused deborah mich woe hla eye traveled down the hat on the paper in bis hand miigailnea cat itlnguea tea aervanla oardeners yea the bank manager waa sending them out na aoon as he could find them tiary came out tn him i muat say he aald to bryn you got way of getting things dona and id like to thsnk yon for that tobacco sir i suppose the electric light situa tion is nest bryn aald unheeding well i think i can fli that myself secrsl years of engineering ought to prove of some vatue lead on gary in the small square house where the dynamo stood greusy and unrvopon- iv bryn detached a pair of overalls from a peg on the wull and climbed into them now be aald when fiury had given him the pathological hlwtory of the electric plant if youll go und prepare a large and dclectahlo dinner and leave me alone in my glory ill see w huts to he done gary there was us ilryn had suspected nothing seriously wrong with the en- glne or the electric plant he opened the cocks to drain out all tho old oil cleaned the connections and made a note of thu few parts it would bo necessary to replace before the mo tor was sturtod he decided it would be wise to inspect thu connections at tlw house he removed the greasy ov eralls hung them on the peg he went to the kitchen und got u drink gary waa aliening peas all morning as bryn knew he and debo rub had sitent making strawberry jam und now every wlndowelll was oiled with small ruby jars which caught und hold thu sunlight u heros tbere a ladderf ho aakod out on the edgo of tho orchard gary told him but yoo better be careful of it it isnt at good ai tt might be bryn went out behind the house and followed wltb his eye the line of tho eloctrtc wires aa they crossed tho tree and the brook ue want out to the orchard lifted the ladder lying halfhidden in tbe trass carried it back and propped it up against the wall of the house beneath the placa where the attrea joared trying each rung cautiously he vent op she ladder cadct diucfo oot o o u orter tgi i th army bus ta wa ton ad tn private uf tfitctmiefa tat bubop a ooueg bottool aa ucnosrrtn quffcec vfeo baa been aprxjtntad tisr eotor of army owdeu for c avc srj ijutj county satof csutiptiga jptiklrrf exctlrmt freiwff thr county balraje drive for scrap iron scrap steel and rubber wfcloo at being conducted under tne atiaptnea cat the halt in county council th halloa agricultural war berrto committee fan rooprreuon artlh the tolunteer salvage organization la getting under way us all scuol tertlona of the county saxrard ar to warden ohn blair during th pa week fceymro have been acrnolo led tn ail rxnool aeouons where volun teer talvage oommlueea are not already in existence and tarmera have been r- qutated o ai thrlr ulvag ready for a truck to pick up during the current week aa indicated an the pre last week suppuee of scrap iron and scrap steel in canada are only sufficient for two or three months at moat and fur thermore lack of rubber may cripple our war effort so conuequrauy the need a moat uivent we reattsv it as moat difficult under present conditions for fanners to find the time to get hatr acrap ready and we can only point out that the necessity la viui to out r effort and rcrvequently it j oca ob that cannot be put off for thr mon the or t month or wtirncrst lime ta available in other word th ob must be done now uany reporta are already coming to hand re farm folk who not aitfulandlng previous salvage collection have anywhere from 600 lb to 1000 lbs or more of scrap metal ready for the drive this week that the iplrtt which l going to kelp so lets go and put helton over the top hal ions record in victory loans to date ta an enviable one the cooper alien of every resident of the county la rqulred if the salvage drive ta try meet with the same suoceu printing of every description phone 8 honeymoon nuhm snin wd herw la purest romance the atory of deborah sweet as a hyacinth in a spring garden who wss brought up tn seclusion and suddenly thrown into contact with gay group of young modern charming bewudered lvborah wtasebaxkgroujullaaheawedwtth mystery pilar a fiery snanlib girl who is a constant threat to deborshsnappuieasattsndadame to be guarded from the startling thrusta of reality s a man trying to woo a girl out of the mists of her own imagination thcee era the central figure in thle reermating romance presented by a skillful wyifavwbolasoembowtoteuataie saasaaaaaaaawsw est imt ormtlmwimwy w h imsroasa jjvvbwww sjs a ssss eswww wvu x