onally what youd jng when he creeps the editors corner no boy and girl he hasnt forgotten georgetown weve jutt received word that jolly old santa will be here in person on saturday afternoon december 19th with his usual christmas treat for you therell be plenty of goodies for all now is your chance to tell him per- lilte him to put in your stock- nn wncii iic irrjj down your chimney xmas eve theres lots of snow to make it just that much easier for his reindeer to bring him io the community christmas tree sharp at 3 pm he knows every kiddie in town and will b disappointed if he doesnt we you there santa has to have his helpers you know and on saturday afternoon the georgetown lions club are going to be his righthand men mothers and dads youll be at the tree with the children we hope youve bought your lucky draw ticket for the big christmas fowl raffle which the lions club are holding after the kiddies have their treat v your support of the clubs activities makes such thinr ponihle we know there are thousands of needy child ren overseas ond we contribute as much as we pos sibly con to the funds which yo to their aid meanwhile however we mustnt lose iprit of the young ones right in our own town who need nisimnnce of some kind that is the job ol the georgetown lions club and ihey are deserving of support so come on everybody lets meet at the lions community christmas tree a week from satur day to wish each other a very merry christmas its decidedly awkward the new transportation ruling whereby a per son may not travel for more than fifty miles on the dime bus has given rise to some peculiar situations a person in toronto wishing to go to guelph may not do so at least not withou a great deal of trouble and inconvenience they may ro only as far as acton tech nically a few miles beyond but that would leave them stranded in the country there they muni rrt off the bus and wait for the next one to come through from toronto they board this bus ond continue their journey to guelph the part of ihe scheme- which is hardest o understand is the fact hnt the original bus is allowed to continue its trip right through to guelph and oflntmrs with only one or two passengers the bus mrvice is exactly the some to date and other than making it xo awkward fxt people that they will not travel beyond the so miles radius we can see no point in the plan he gave some sound advice we hope you heard winston churchills address inst sunday each time we lisen to him the more con vinced we are that when ultimate victory comes to us and our allies no small measure of credit will be due his sane leadership during these darkest of timtiit he faces facts and does noi believe in lulling the people ino n sense of false security by viewing the progress of the war through rosecoloured glasses he told us there were still probably several years of hard bitter struggle ahead until we have crushed the nii hordes but we have passed the crisis and have them on the run the latest war news is still more encouraging at time of writing the russian offensives on the cen tral and stalingrad fronts arc continuing bteadily and surely in the face of stubborn enemy resistance the decisive battle for tunisia npear to have been joined nnd already the enemy forces have suffered heavy losses montgomery appears to be about ready to drive rommels forces from el agheilo the latest turns of the war arc worrying mus solini greatly judging from his most recent speech he evidently heard mr churchills address and would do well to take the advice offered germany has had time to fortify the northern coast of france and denmark too strongly for the allies to attempt an invasion there he must see the handwriting on the wall our only alternative and the one to which we are successfully working now is to attack from the mediterranean coast mr churchill is right we have no quarrel with the mislead italian people themselves and think it time they awoke to the realization of where their path to salvation lies buy at home with the christmas shopping season now in lull swing wed like to remind you that by following the buy at home policy which your local paper has always advocated youll find quality nnd prices that compare favourably with any city stores the merchants have been laying in good stocks of christmas mer chandise and are deserving of your patronage in christ mas shopping as well as everyday purchasing youll like the friendly atmosphere and in dividual attention which is present when you shop in town each store is a unit completely familiar with its own line of stock and so its sales staff can advise you how to spend your money to the best advantage we know that time is at a premium at christmas and one sure way to save it is by watching die evxa this week and for the next two weeks the hewh wul be brimful of ads telling you what the stores ttave fa offer pay particular attention to them they will grve you ideas for gifts you have not quite decided on and will teh you where to shop for the articles you imbb sstaiirjy decided to give the georgetown herald wednesd d 9h 1942 imwtovttr uniform international sunday i chool lesson hajuhju luwwuwt d o 6 ti umst bu1 tuuiul et cfcirsu imwovtd uniform international sunday i chool lesson l harold l- luubwwii w tu etj by wiiun ncwppr utl t leuon for december 13 ltuun uthu awl bnptur t1s ev i tl and coyrtfitr4 by uiunwt gnl ujaru of nvtlftou fcdutauon u4 by fmluluo thi value of ififtfrivitch to the social order lcuon ttxt uatthtw i j 1 usrt i 11 u i puf t 111 gotocn text v tr ull ol th 4rlh v art th light of in world mllr i u 1 social and political traders hof in thi- church ihe strongest inftuerwi for good in all th world one niur fu that thou who protest to neu ihr test for humanity who try rv r kind of octal experiment uho ijlxir with every expedient of man full to nw ond uu in full mennure the power of chrimmnity jvrliiips ih- i x pi a not ion u that some of he- leaders an themselves unsaved men who do not undemtund pifitu til things and are not willing to tftve hod the glory perhaps in the cute f tithers it in because of ignorant t or lark of contact with the church whotevtr the reason the situa linn tthould be remedied america oiuld fcole her problems both m i iu i and political by a nation widi renwil of true chriitmnit with the nt ompinv ing salvation of thou iiidv if untonverted if we can nut have thut let ui not fail lo have u revival in our imn heortv our own churchi s our neighbor hoods nr ctjrnniunitich we find in our lesson that the hurrh in i a powerful influence for moral iitikt mall s 1116 silt in the nndst of corruption hrht in a world of unheliev jibte t irknihs- what striking ond nu an ntfu tlkures with which to dcwritu- tin christum hi iii vers are the salt ol the tih l rnum they draw their ha t from god himself the chrii i church by gods own state in nt i his own powerful antiseptic a l ich preserve the mm ia i ordr i in falling into the moral d w rih sorm turns sim immitu nt it i uld thrrt fore be honored it 1 iii uraed b that nocut a hit h t rcs christians are thi huht d the mirld nnd it is the essential na tun of llkt to hhttu- 1 hi darker its surrounding the iimn niumii its brightness ntid the more m ill d l illiiimnition the kkm1 works id christians r licit the go dness id and so tin gtnrifv his wotthv tine ilrotlu r is iur light ihitii i- hrightlvm this wicked worlip ii a stabilising klemrnt in ha- cletv mark 12 13 17i the world is in social lirnn nt tid our own countr has its hir d isms and social thiories i all- ng men to follow- asking their l- dtv tnitklng them utopian prmisi s ithoiit foundation ah rt and intelligent american- in otcerned about these clamor tis voicis many of which an quid on per ly susp cttd of having pur i isrs far frim bcneflcuil our iiiesucan way of life or to u mor tal itself yet they dare imt op lose them lest there be the cry of hrnal of freedom of speech etc what can we do to meet them here is tha answer preach christ vting men to a saving knowledge ilun and to a godly way of living kor the christian is directed h christ himself to render unto cue a the things thnt are caesars md they do it too because thev have first rendered to god the things that are gods iii a my i ksample- of gihmi citlienshlp i pet 2 1317 the highest meahure of loyalty to ounli y is the christian ntandard here mated in ilomnns 13110 we u urn thnt nil authority comes from od und that the power of rulers is to be recognized as his gift that nu ins that true rulers will submit in him in every detutl of their gov- rninenl seeking to know nnd to do lis will however the christian gives loyal ih diencc to the powers that be ven though they may not xeeogiue tin source of their power this is i object only to the limitation that i hey may not demand that we tin hose things that dishonor gods name since their only real powei to rule comes from hun they have no authority to tell anyone to do that a inch ih ngulnst lllfi holy will when at happens the higher authority nkes over und our loyalty must he io him the king of kings the ihiistmn then will be the best eiti- eii eager to do what king nr conn u y may ask in order thus to bear n good testimony und to close thi i nutlt of foolish crltich of the hurch the history of our country und ot it her lundo rcveult the nnmen of many illustrious christian putrioth and the roll of honor of thorn whr oved and horved their country well in the humble ond difficult ploccs would boar its hundreds of thou- tiunds of names which are found also on the roll of tho church christians lot lis be earnest and intelligent followers of christ whose lives count for moral uprightness fur god and country is the excel lent motto of the american legion but it should be more than that it jhould be the purpw ot every christian cltlceiv lewm for december 6 lms9n eubjmtj rtx unj rmiuson t if j tb meaning op chtrch membership lxom tclttcolauuu 9 lif goldw34 tcktkow r u body el ojii and mimbm la partlculsr i carta- uuans u 1 church membership means i great deal a fact which has bn obscured by the prevalent idea that i joining the church la just like join ing any other organuatlon we need to be reminded again and again thst the local or denominational ovganl ration has real meaning only as it represents in the world a fellowship ot true- believers who by the new birth have become part of the living ond true church which is the body of which christ is the head it is likewise essential that be- levers know what their membership in the church means so that they may fully appreciate it and properly present it lo the world l a new ufa w 13 the church member la or thaoki be a christian that is one who has paused from death to life through the regenerating work of god in christ john 36 1 thus he has be rome o new creature old things nave passed owoy behold uu things ire become new ui cor 5 17 this new spiritual being has en tirety changed interests und desires i the things of the world which he used to love have now become dls- tanteful to him the things of the spirit which used to seem stronge und not understandable to him i cor 2 m now become the center f his life being risen with christ in newness of life tu seeks those things which ore above ii a changed life w 4 13 setting ones heart upon things obovc means that the life will be changed there will be o putting iff of the things of earth and a put ting on of the new miin in pro tice us well ni in cntd i although the christian is a new i creature in christ he beam with i him until be diet or jesus comes the old nature which tries to hold i him down to draw him back to the worldly and fleshl thingn from i which he was siud hut the christian la to mok the georgetown herald tdnsa of osobonowic weevu gum wojjumm vaaaaom kzkwaktrowm aboiu itiwya mma gotta uimimc sutss sv to hiimhh fsjstoomti ut wavzwh o xonsh potisaer uasy b exhm uur oabbj u uooilvhay j uatej lldu 1011 umabtr ol th fhatrfun wttkij hrspsr am kad tit oeujioqabmt bsruaea ox th ownx f r watson das mda oou hour to 8 emt tliiimuy sluraoaoj dr j burns milne mmntai ausuibofi xbjsv uhhhiw nmt m cuffoud g reh uim vdm dhhtikt pfcon iio umsb 8utt oimiiuwd a m nielsen ittfc tsw l ffiutm qslmpnttor xray drataw tbenbt ooos ow nnmlnww bup otartkcm ocas 1 9 13 tjo pa cttl tkarwur m us pnimhbn for hi ikti in luinil die luvt ttiirvof lloni 13- n leroy dale k c m sybil bennett b a btntiun am baurllan inn etrctt m rmsfw is llr kenneth m lanatloo riltu r in riikun htmsrlf to hi i di id inililil unlu nm but ulivi into cmmi thrnurli jcsui christ our lttd this call fur nn net of his will i nnl ji rrft or coiititiunu ikt t iaiiii1i he pa iwav the ninful ttulikh liunthtnid in vcrsvs 50 onr nutit bxn thtln up in two kruups 1 hcxuiil lnittctncy ond immnrul- i lt v 5 hut 2 wicked word ind iittitudin vv 8 0 the curly church had no corner on nuch siiih i they niur christum fellowship now they ciuht not do o for the church member nhuuld hhow the new life of the noul by o chnnucd bfe before his fellowmon iii a grsclous life vv 1417 too often following chrnt nnd church membership hns not uecmed uttroctive to the unbeliever nor hns it recommended the grnce of god becuutic it hus been o mid unpleas ant negative thtfik which god never intended it to be to the uverafte nun christum nuhtly or wrongly the mntter of betna u chrktiun seems to be u ruther drub uffalr of denylnc ones elf the interesting nnd pleasant things of life those who feel that wny hnve never seen the real thing for if they had they would sense even though they could not under stand it that here was the rulllll- ment of ull that 9 best in life the purimse und plnn of god for man is that he should be in fellow ship with lllm und thus to be set free from the limitations nnd the dlsnppointments of human life apart from god the normal life of un christian is one uf love pence joy fellowship praise anil thnnkfulncss i ut us moke it just thut in this world of hatred wnr sorrow division weeping nnd ingratitude this portion of scripture merits u closer examination note first that love use love for charity in v 14 is the bond which unites these christian graces into u whole which is harmonious nnd well balanced nnturnlly thu peace of christ will be tho ruling factor in such n life controlling tho heart the sent of manh emotions and uffcctlon such a uf is cultivated ami de veloped by the indwelling of gods word and note it richly the weakness of many a church is found right horo thuro is so little teaching nnd receiving of tho word into the heart christian faith expresses itself in sang thou hast put gladness in my heart ps 47 and that means song how truo it is that hymns iind songs teach and admonish us the ills of tho christian church membor is always conditioned by one pertect controlling influence ihe will of god he does all things even the supposedly little or secular things in the name of the lord jaaus with a constant thankfulness which goes up like a aweel incense to the father through christ harruut salkttar vtly i pint mortgage money to ijoan office gregory thrstrr llldf u1l stmt u frank petch licensed alctiovtxtt and all classes op inrvranch prompt service 1hone 391 umfmr po dei 41 radio repa we specialize in this work u teu eisttb6 j sanford son ocoaortoitn u monuments tlksllhs am ix 11jtl0 pollock ingham dmffni on rxlpo smi izupect our wvrt it cireecwockl cvnxttry elmer c thompeon inslbamce heuv1cb plre auto wlndjtonn c p lutlny sad a1us rtrubfthls susiheb kxcllwionh phaiw lis or j oestvn ralph gordon th vrruuf rart2r sar yvur nv prevess illustrate ijciur pr tueovto cb cnwronl i gray cbach lines i time table now in etcot narhjht rsttlui ucavk ikorflbtown eulboand wmtbmbd a t04 am 1000 am sj4 am i13s an 1300 pm 130 pjn 1 m p iii ay4 o pjn tm pm b 5 40 pjd 6 j4 ull c 1is pm 010 pm bs 8 30 pjn b i so m dytooo pjn xlt3j pm a dally except sunday b hun and hol only o daily except sun and hoi d sat bun and ilol x to kitchener only y to atratford only c n r time table dayuskt sjrtm dohuj cut pssunasr 7 01 aju imxienjter and mall toot am paaaangar and stall 8m pjn paxvnger sunday only sj1 pjn ftamm dally 0m pjn this train was formerly tns oyer but now atop oatns west pauengrr and mall 8 38 ajn pttiiensvr btt only 3 19 pjn psassnier dally exospt batimlay 9m pjn dally except sunday 70 pin pauenger sundays only iu0 pjn dally bnwpt sunday vu ajn oetec narth pauenger and mall 84s ajn golnf bsnth psssencer snd mall 71s pjn depot ttcket office ihone tew north iialton ministkh1a1 ahhociation mkkts pllalvtuoutcnant drucc jeiiiilng i cliaplnln in tho roap was kiiest smnlccr at uu nopui halton minis- torlal assocuttlon tneotliur lulil mon day afternoon in uic united clmixili he told those asseinblod about tlw duties of a chaplain in the air ponce and of ttow they were of inwuinaole value in helping the men through uto dlfflnub period of mustering the gov ernment is just beginning to realise tlvelr worth fresstsw as ftret thalr wo was pot considered very tmpot nut tie quoted n lilh ranking obl- ier who mittt a ieriiin chaplain ho knew was uurui a million dollars to uie air tamv viory msvr uociiuse ot uie niimlkv of lives lie saved for otr crew uinmgli lielphui uicm solve do- meauo and mental problems ho com nuiidetl tlte high calibre ot ho wo men in tile fonws tlu mwuiig was tn oluuve of rev ik drooks rector ot action anglican lohuiyii lunlaters ere present from ulluin hornby acton and iihfajl due to u rationing it was decided not to hold any uxttwt metus uh ttnt