the georgelewa herald wedne december 23 1942 timely topics for women ly iittofa l b flkc that money cjufnot 8by at oo ottr tlma floe cur own 1- allj fflita to syjcb to ua cj 4 ctmat- bu ivifcipa uuwjib tb j bftl ht5 oct fcfjuajbbl cxus fcsct- tzuv tlut coflqt cbutatmu m u il terrottm juit to u tufam to- ftiit urwirr on roof to eixuim to- frovr caer ttc parrfu thai sinu bu left under the trre to afiarr togrthrr lb ouhtiftm turfcry tad plum pud- dice p uijm cana dians ta to ut uo lor lhi eu eeeuion thi u riaptdnraa rraj happtnrw uw kind of happinnu boory cannot buy 11 u rupotnraa in trr home of veajui and tt ti happtnr to u faumiia horn not brofeui of uve uttla ertra txrurtr r uxoi with chrtrtrruu but brcmuw t air to- frthrr and it u the amacn of tood- tu and in contrmu can ou tmagtnr anything lonelier uian irrwlirw crutmaa itr only joorwlf or com pany t you may dtne at the mem exrluijtr hotrl br iurrojndd o all thr- luturlr that money can bu but co that onr day in thr jear all thr rvnr tn thr aorld voum mmn but utur it u th warmth cf human contact thr depth of family aflrcoon thr mrrry laujritrc of child rm thr arvsr trm of thine 1th lovrd onr that mala ua happy happtnr that vrakh cr prtrtlflrr cannot buy qoooq give to the auhhian uutt wkt why la canada at ar able to crlr- bfwl ohrutmaa in aairtyt if you are faoneat x think you will ajrrr br- cause of iluula we hair to think what might har happrned hrrr if h murn oerman fore that ruarla haa hrld in chrck aq thaa long month had brrn turned lootr on ua ft ni rwiian sco acd yocnj vena and cid fouks and child ren too took thr uov rhrgmnna and wy of than and thry ax ttli lfij u hat masj are sound ed and ecld and hungry acid oeaprr- auly tired- ur can nw ray thrtr hrrcacm and uli trrtlicr but there u a ay r can caj hiank oa wr can cmd evrou cfcwjjr to thr oana- dian am to iluula fund ooooo ctaumtwam komo binj a bunjt of chrtttmai thr good umr u hcrv wriromr chrrry yuirudr oner nrry rar tytrt bright iui canla uocalnx full of toy lloir full cf bonbon hraru full of lr thr happy brlu rtnt xiiam bug tjot u- to- nlmur bobada kc v cr thr anew iv t thr ctinuima tabir cut thr chrism liar tvii thr crrutm ttory rojnd thr hit by and by duni argrt thr poor foia ho h lr than thry lenr thr arod thlnx loo r muat aatrr fharr joar toy and carut pudding and thr rrt on a yoiiy chruuna thmrtnr u thr bwt ooooo the book or the week iry anna fbchrra mcruand and lurvart 33tpp t300i flnrtnh croaa la thr poignantly atlrrtnf atory of a man a etnapr from a orrman prtion camp a norl that haa rrcrivrd unattntrd praur from trirran crltlca carrolls gths clud peas wishing ail our customers and friends a very happy christmas mfluiy christiufls oc4u vaa caaapa toaaaaa soup smfe lilmrtt rwi himrtln cwfbwnf xs 9e mustabd loe mtctwta 7e pumpkin a si a auur ckslm sim 9 peas isw alair rik uha beans s xfe aykoer hlre el peaches zz5 a aylmw baitbtt pears tt 17o poalbrr draaalfig er sage u sse sbartbrcad xoe s oar chrbtmm candies v caurae dry gtagcrale ajflsse pfaihmh out dmuim coffee lb s8e carralla baking powder st- x9e gtaawoaj sauce to aae wubiliooia mlliu bulbs xse ilbpkuto soud sardines ztuxse laatiwm sllcad cocambar pickle xse i cn h carrollt vtrtarr sltq relish n x9o avlmar smt rad phoentos xsc ayliur vsnubu juices tir 17e aytmar toatato juice 9c aylmar cbolc tomatoes x ase juice xoo lyaa valuy apricots a is- sxc cheese 43c catsup lb tomato a blu a9 i oranges d m i ssc babijuicb ebfpeeob grapes 17c lb grapefruit 5 for 25c gor huir ww oet of rfl b6- buicxj prtionrra fao madr thr oh f raa wthof ca bui oar by on thr sutx tn of thaoatapo r est and crougbi thus bixau and onr by oat thr wis ctoum fititnrwl out of i puns trees atg rnf to pruon yjd recd their larjtliad tvtlaaj- despair cprcad through thr ranaa of thr vatdhln max but as k aa onr cress remained empty thrrr vaa hope cor all- and to it br eams s conftiot brtwro thr fanatical taaxn mho vaa commandant of thr prtion and thr prucmrr in fttfht thr portrait of orors u roxxt ful ku wr had not brm hrrcac lir had rrpaid tl br nmd klflrrck py marry tng hi gtrt and itim drtrrt- tog hrr jt not nro turtrr coj uuuur him brtray hla party cr u cj- anltau n ddcatrd to thr lfcbrri4i cf mm liar him if ty- cry of orcvr cuht tjr okwrur thr halrira4h u l unfurgrttbur wlh him to ruo sid couiiul him in hit daivrtt mctnrriu a tjw tflt ol walau hi lrivr onr cf thoir ho drd lfjn charartrrb rfiur cr nory thr lutlr prir of orrminy vtium u arttrr ax wj rj trh mith t djnrfoa irt to pz tn uj tltmilr outrxmr it u iul 1th 1fr mivi fikir rhlidrn and io tnjrh to ic t tn mot ton thr ulrnt mui- inrry tikti lh ijrk mlht fcac m filrnd anna fwsrt ncv lutng in ilrlro b hrrwf a rrfurrr frwu orrmany ghr know at flrtt hand thr crurk and brattalt of thr nrt ltant uji hr at ill rrtaini hrr faith in thr no- btllty of thr human aoul ttir brmh ooa- u a tammt to hrr brurf that thr lafht of frrrdocn cannot br dlmmad ooooo to kemve on 4hkjats4ah hoamtno chrutmaa ail i br hrrr in a twink ling chrtitmaa thr bra knrd ttmr of au thr yrar ttrrr u an air of myatrry around thr houar and ahkprra tn thr hall lrryonr u happtly buay with uut mlnutr ahop- plng wrapping parrel trtmmirm thr trrr it la thr tlmr for carol rirurtnu and thr candlrurht trntor and brlu prrl mrrrtly on thr cold and frosty nlr and thr cold rrmlnda me jou will want a rrajly irood brruafdt on chrt- ma anomlny onr unit will mt jou uinxurh until it is time foi thr ctulm- mu dinner here it fcomeuiln that will be a trtw lor all the fmjl tr i rrmjl llurd itrrakfaa auas 2 j cup tilted flour 2 utimon bukinit powder 1 uxurpoon tjki 4 trmtt 1 crx mjfihtlj beaten 7 table- hpooiu milk 91h flour meoaurr add txixlng now- drr knh and liugar and rdli auin cut in ihortenlnu ipart butter com bine run id milk udd all ut oner to flour murture and mir until dour u damih ncd stir vlconnis unt i mix hire forms a milt douith turn on liklul flourtvl board nnd knead 30 v conds roll into obloni shm i 4 inch thick 11 cup me ted butter 13 cup brown miar 1 teumon clrummon cur ailnut mraib cup wxdless raulnft t teaspoon b rated ornrurr rind druh doush 1ui meoled buttrr and spprad with the other uiktrdlenu koll on for a jelly roll oonit va chant to form a ring and place on an unureased baklnir iheet wlji tcjvsin cut 1lnch allovs almost through mm turn li ut each llcr cutaide up and point inn outer edsea itakr tn a hot urn ion drknea p 35 mlnutra or until done rrmme to cake rack and whilr hot spread with n rbur made o 1 cup lcln augur and 2 tnbleapoorui mulc flmtiured with a uule vanilla delicious rred hot but may be urd cold gaem boum kpocatftgrts bgo a f mvaaft i bingo a held on fri day dec uth in the olen wiuuna torn hall au priafa arre doaaud by popjr of thr oiai foo cr thr fol- kvtc fxm tvxuv appto psodurta bfavumont hrllting u11 ux wo aubrnk ura cteorfr pttcxd ura fdl buth ura j crawfard ura i crawford ura hrrt piriioa ura clayton aum ui brrt 1cjx ura jloiirrt urm avtrr wraton bakrry canada birad aarr ui ivfcy waevtalfe and ur and ujx tom liwlnra grnrri donaticcu vrrr eiim by uj aarraclouiti and xli 0jrgr intli a total u m a madr strn u trflnj tmt for thwr for brtvuh cfclwirn tt- mrmbri f the ooinmunity ojt vuh to thaiik mil troar aho oojted and alio tho who helped tn any w to nukr he tno iuct a t jrtsta chbihttmh urirrhq 1 mn jtfluir o iu elertrtc llft tjlu for o iftrrs uihlblud hvitfnitjrf 1m7 ealtn rfira air almost h 1d tm fur rhr lilt brn uiid io l r wbiii- lnjj unoujiti uc pit o 11 rltur srlna the uv of an idbtlljr lllit tn and rwwnmnwl a ih adierrncr io he arwrr rrtiirtkin oorr cf the l n lnkai power owitiolwr qerry christmas to many friend and good cuiiomrra vho haiv palionuwd ua tn thr paut yrar a rxtmd our moat un- tm wtxhra for a wry urrry otirtatma in thr proa- prct of your future fnmcuhjp r tay happy new year to everyone k c mcmillan cor guelpl and water su pfeooe 40 its not loo late to hr a herald subscription to your frlcnda hristms dancf parade ryan auditorium guelph chriitmas eve dec 24th 9 i special willi tipping ore admission 60c per person chriitmas night dec 25 0 to t jerry harrisons ore admission boo per person saturday night dec 26 0 to 13 gibsonboyds ore admission boo per person the big frolic new years eve december 31st dancing from 10 to bob donekvs orchestra udlm tl06 gentlemen mm l beat viir for the holidny season and for happiness in 1943 h j sienko shoe repairing christmas greetings at this holiday season it give ua pleasure to tell you how much we appreciate your friendship and patronage and it is with real sincerity that we extend our best wishes for a joyful christmas j readys5cto100 store a light that will always shine r in the hearts of men women and children in this dnjda of ours gleams a light that will never be dimmed its flame is fed by an inward spirit of determination to put down tyranny at the cost of any sacrifice to enthrone frcccdom everywhere 6 one by one in countries all over the world the light of liberty has gone out but here it is christmas true outside of our homes there is less artificial glitter than of old but because of that the lights in our war industries shine brighter and there is more power available to make tools that will the sooner diffuse the light of liberty over there cr and so though our christmas may be a little less bright to the eye within our hearts and our homes the light of a great purpose is aflame the comparatively small sacrifices we make to conserve electricity will make more ships guns planes and tanks to speed the coming of peace and good will to all the world thi hvoioiuctik kwii commission of ontmio