the georgetown herald wednesday december 30th 1942 ittixr marly at lot 1 conutilca 6 ohtaitutooutqr on thursday decem ber tttb iml matilda jan lfue beloved wife of tb late william sorly seed tt yeara b kkhoaiui icbso id loving tannery or our l barbara woo puw away quulw ssth 1mt there if s link cvetii cannot hw lev end rttnembranee uit forever badly missed by pother mother end oiler betty weul and pkatkb hkkvtctti vok hoftvax monday january 4th anglican church speaker tev r d bunlop- tuesday january miv iriyterlen church speaker rv o o cochrane wednesday january uv united church- epeakt rev s- r- oole- brook brrvices will btgln at 15 pm all the member of the community ere in- vltd to attend to all those we have known and happily served during the past year it is with great pleasure we send these wishes for a happy and prosperous new year red cross news speights garage gudpb street phone 27ftw pure food store to our old friends loyal and true to our vaued new friends and to those whose friendship we strive to deserve we heartily wish unmeasured happiness and good fortune throughout the coming year a f arne ll phone 75 georgetown from the snetcb of hi uajasty king decree vi oo christmas day a former president of the united state of amnio uncoln uud to uq of boy who ni curytaf an even smaller child up ft hvl aild whether the heavy burden ti cot too much for him the boy an swered its not a burden u my brother fllood donotu qlood transfusions were made direct during the last war the donor and the pa urn t uy on tables side by side the doctor atood between as the blood from the one was transferred to the empty etns of the other the col our would gradually return to the death use chrhls faint fcigh would come from the dry cracked lips an rf lid mould llcarr almost impercep tibly and there before our ee was performed again the mlrwclr o laura r- us a few minutes more and the pa tient would open his ers and loo around perhaps smile the doctor would tell him mhat had happrntd and he would lean over and whisper thanks pal dut uw ecs the win dows of the heartecru red the real mrustf with an eloquence beyond uir power of word and for his sacrifice what did the donor receive only a whispered thanks pal and a look from the soul of a man who but far the living blood that had been freel given would in a few short moments have patted beyond the reach of all earthly aid that was his reward and a memory he would cherish in h ti heart all his life bo writes a lion ural veteran of the last war in this war your blood will go into a serum that so often means the dlf ftrence between life and death to a sailor a boldler an airmen in the front line of battle fighting for ou the act of diving- a small amount of blood la rumple and palnle requlr log not more than 15 minutes any healthy person between 30 and ss can do it when the opportunity arisen a it may do in a very short time through the mobile units working in the out lying district do your part and in imagination ou will hear thank pal ov tilt home front 6ewino the rooms open on jan 5th and wc hope ou are planning to be on hand only through our co operation can wc do our ttllahe in the most important wurk of the mom ent a needle is not a very big wea pon to look at but tt tun do u under in making articles for the comfort of our fighting men kntntno thlh dipurumnl will optn iwruln on jan bih to our ugh- ing mm- a woollen u rue it frumlloml- mtuns a warm bod a warm hrurt a higher morula a better flghter- and victory bpfx7lal protkctb have ou a ticket on that uoullllled comforter at the present lime our activities ore imitcd owing o the food rutlonlng this ex mm it lev lb desirous of keeping q dim nox tuus oti puni ttr in avlmlng with our projects buy a tl kct on the comforter at drills store una ou will be glad if ou are lucky enough to win thts lovely article vtt t wz the a tr e midnight show new years eve at 1145 week end in havana alice fave john payne 8elbcted shorts and community bino reels friday january 1st shepherd of the ozarks outdoor action picture with weaver bras and elvlry pacific rendezvous pyutrllur with lea bowman jean bocen fox news saturday january 2nd matinee at 3 keep fit george formby cenudy divide and conauci chapter 7 spy smasher pete smith victory vltuea tuesday and wednei eagle diana ban band richard ly january 5 and 6 tuadron robert btaek 9r and ojwirbstoa t o a with the navy league idle dossip sinks bwpo- thew words arc tvlnted in red ink aroui uiu cncloc contalnlna a letter from u gcurxeuuii hullur acjiowkd- tag cuaruttes bent by tnc soldiers comforui committee my sons brojo or fliendii flhlp anils at mldnlsht harmless words but carelttws uords and danscrous word ii they tall upon the ears o one unfriendly to our cause think it over ur tongue may be tile weapon that causes the death of those who are willing to die that we may live womens work committee our next mectlne will be held on jan 7th at the home of uic ditty bos convenor mrs mendham an invitation is extended to all interest ed in tho work of the navy leaoue relauvea and friends of our sailors are already rallylnff around in consid erable numbers wo are going to co ver all phases of this part of the work wo are collecting pieces of fur or tho lining of sailors coats used clothing that can to worn asaln especially mens for survivors and bits of cloth suitable for making warm quilts and afghans when wo tell you that some of the smaller ships have no heating equipment you con readily understand how these warm articles are appre ciated ditty bags are needed through out tho year tor rasupplying ship wrecked sailors magazines and books first picture you corns home in tine evening and otter a good meal retire to the living mom dally paper in hand turn on the radio and get program to your especial liking and we is as it should be becond picture after long watch active service notes awj eusbetb cottn was home oo christmas leave pie wilfred penson n of us and uxa j peruon joined the army recent ly and is stationed at drantford where he u taking his basic training lie pent christmas at home pte jean tetinant has complrud her basic training at kitchener and is now stationed in toronto 8he spent ghjtsvtna at hex home hara one branch of the army vhlcfc has not received much publicity la the salvage department headed by co lonel dauley who holds the official title of chlrf salvage and disposal oeboer in irws than a year and a half they hsve recovered more than two and a half million douars worth of clothing and etjutpment from the dirty linen bag and the scrap heap there u not an item of equipment out of which they dont recover lattt yesr cleaning mattreuea alone saved more than a thousand dollar while the recovery of rags total arlgnt tot the eur jucxjoo pyundi uddrd an- othrr 113300 to thr dominions wnr chrwt pte iu11 fwiultr who was em- pked at flmith ac fltonc prior to his enlutment lst summrr 1 a local boy who a a mrmber of camp hordrns salvage srpiad lie robert harn ion of mr and airs campbell tueen r r 1 george town l tmr of the latent oung men from thu dlvnct to oln the amuxl forcra pie 8ten who u eprndjp new yeuri leuvr at hi home jrthe farm ih luklng hit basic training at no mca jj tc orllua in glancing at a recent tuue of the domlninn h orr rronhly magazine for empljreh wt- noted a irtter from lancrcil jack wats n exprefjung his thonkii for a parrel received from one of ih organlratlon h bocletles jack wtio was the popular manager of the local brunch whrn he enlisted in the lome bcotb went vrverseus in june 1w1 and ccltbruted hu rxcond clirlmmsi in england laat friday tn watson and buoy puulrne lhe on emery ctrttl pte fred tliillantlne son of lt col and mm jamr ualtantlne joined the srm about four months ajro and la training on vancouver island lie is a member of the bault 8le marie and sudbury ileulment popularly known i as the 800 sad wc like he tmoiirht of a district man nnd hi wife whose chrutmai aus fnt nlonc uus nr thr rouplr have a son and live nepheas in the i fighting torcev und as a tok n of ihiir nurd lhe rut ls hclr in u jbcird in earn t uhich u cand t was i inserted koch of the m mn wrrr piki informrd thnt at a certain j hour on chrttnas dn the cnndlrt olm bf hkhted and a tajt drunk to thtlr hrulth nnd uitv return it must have txen u rml tlirill to the ws- 1ttr nil in dlffttnt part of uie world u know that their thoughts were llnkrd with uiov at home and with each other all at the appointed hour as a chrlstnaa gift gnr a e ool- mnn cab e1 romn inim overeaa to hu wife and hn mother mn e oolmnn pte john oliver who joined the uirm bcotfi lust june nnd has been mntloncd at nnnnlmo dc for the pest few month has received his dis charge for health reason nnd return ed to his home in town lant week he brought with him a trprw of holly which is grown in brturt coumbia nnd it is on dlsplay in the herald of flee window ac1 wlnfleld cwru wheeler was home from vlctorlnvllle que for the christina holiday pte tom leduldfir of saint jerome quebec and mtsw audrey best of to ronto spent the christmas holiday n the home of hi parents mr and mrs c ledwldge emery 8t tom was employed nt the john ingll co to ronto before he enlered the army f n watson bill stbx otettntffa ose boars tut sxet ttuakay sttsreoess dr j burns milne oerfax tvwumoh zkat clifford a re1d okntut pcod us uam btrt avitowt lartry dale k c m sffco bebbctt b a barrbtsn aa4 tusiiun ibb btrwt u tt l n r nttbctxi rn lansdcio hauetter natafy rat pint uongnf ucmj to lean oses oratory theatre bldt lull stnut fksa ss u of ceatrlru trial and vlstllance on cold dark stormy eas from whose waxes at ony moment denth and destruction may leap a sailor lad seeks relaxa tion no dairy panel probably no radio for theyre so easily detected by the enemy and only a back number of a ladles masnrlne to bring him bark to normal life for a short while what about that new book you got for chrlimos is it going to be care lessly thrown on the livingroom table then put in a bookcase and eventually stored in the attic or is it going to be handed over to the navy league to feed the mind of some lonely sailor who is enduring loneliness and hard ship so that you may live in comfort yes in luxury contributions two whole dollars from young prod to help the sailors fred remember ed when tho twins were turn and mo ther needed extra baby clothes a double perambulator and various other llttlo prerequlsltles that the womens committee of the navy league rallied round in its kindly way and did a splsndld job in supplying the defici encies bo fred made little sailor dolls out ot odd bits of wool and cloth picked up around his little home so that he might help the organisa tion who helped mummy when daddy was away sesvflchthw tor canada it a sailors little son eon help the navy league well there is a lesson in his story or us frank fetch ucbnud accnonecb and all cuuan or inscbanct prompt strrtc rsaaa ml c px boa hi elmer c thompson dtoubancb stavice nr auto wiadrtorm c r aaoway aad aluni bdmmzm excuuionh iisw j ontm li a m nielsen mist vtaf frrrttit cyfofsrftcttw xray dstzttw tbeftjptst ut ihmijh oses ever nwnmwsn slcvs oarfto9 been 1 t m 9m ctni snaay rbw ihm radio repa we specialize in this work is yarn knit 111 j sanfordson okusujctown s monuments maur kit and lkttuuno pollock a ingham drsicns on rtqutstphoos mu irupect our work to ormbweoa ocmctary i ralph gordon j thr xtrutllt cntartaloar tar your rxt prograbi illustrated circular ne i address tobonto sttb crawfsrj good luck for 43 qtvennqs to one and all itcwdul we wish you health and happiness victory and the blessing of peace thank you for your faithful patronage which brightened the year 42 licalas frail market heres to health happiness and prosperity our wish for you and all our friends and customers may you have 365 days of happiness during 1943 maple letf dairy no milk delivery on new years day dairy will be open from 10 am to 12 noon for those wishing j to get milk