v the georgetown herald wedawday december 30th 1942 carrolls grapefruit 5 for 2s intmr crapt 1mb sse ttjuw ql i it oats t pi wheat s xse baby food tu 7e aylamr tat its juice u e fdoentos lse lldnii stahw olives 4t ju- ate ctiectfcraael soe xle clams rsy flwilsasd dsltaw paddings x sie tuilid prslri mrrs i sse vu8 cereal i pi xe pai sa wtu4 paper looknu ase for hik traslaa worker fff ctwoal pi- x9e jaalil tablets s g xse drllkdnil postum i4se psrd ds food x 531 w mm k rlf at te limit qaaatlu at all mi phone 357 georgetown dance to doris hulls orchestra modem and old tymei in qoroetown arena friday january 8th 1943 dancino 9 ttll bpansered by smiui local hews it waa good to so many men to uniform horn or cnrlttmsa the wooat institute will meet at on home o ura fred jmstrotvg on wednesday january sth at 3 tm- the postponed christmas dance r improvement society win be in the parish httl nerval on day ermine january otn the january roasting ot th u po and ojwo tut cotla club will meet il the home of ur and lira lavero thompson oo monday evan- tng january th- those wishing to send tea eot- re or sugar to relative or friend to german prison camp may no do o without taking it out of their ration by applying or a special permit to thr wtptb its johnston of cuntnn ontario has told th oodfrey eatat to ur a hyde ualn b conilttlng ot two houses una on victoria st formerly oorupled by the uu ulss sarah ood- rry and ona on uorrle bt- relph lluura called at th llrrald omcr with tou excellent anapa ha had taken of the recant lira which de stroyed thr luohmcnd woollen ullls timin on kins buret ralph who b a camera raihuiuut waa ona ol th llrat at thr seen of the lira and he tinml to w tarns vool e4atj of h btu luntint out of season laat batur- day a party of mrn prraumahly from tha city klllad 10 htn phraaanu and 3 rooatera on thr arm o w o brown- rldtr thr blrda rrr practically tame and had brrn ird all iiimmtr by uie irownrldjira lir waa annoiad and m rant aay that r blame him in the drcrmbrr uiue ol thr royal dank magarlne thli caption appeared on the liulde of the corr for a rnrrahte map which haa nctr chang- rd durtng the courir o the war turn to the buck ot thin book- turning to that pane ar found a picture of jouy old bt nick atuiuig the kab a urrry chrtatmas rolling on the lo paxrmrnl on main blrrrt ui arrkrnd mm w a main lulalnrd tt brokrn wrlt injurtn lo her rlirht lr nnd cut on her face she wu ably uvlvtrd by misa alex- andrr and mr ororfie currle aah- urcne to dr william olllce and alter rrcrulnir n rdlcul nltinllon aaa rrmcnrd to hrr homr or murdock btreel aherr l now doing as well oa could be cupcclcd i as we see it t mt j a i knox hlnoay hciiool ciirihtmah patv asuiabion see sunc psbch preaa war weaken the annual chrnlmaa aupper and cntertalnmrnt of knoa pttgbjterlan sunday school iu held on tuesday ernlng docrmber 23nd in the achool room of the church more than fitly children gathered or the eaent and plaed gomea until tupperllme lad- lea of the women aaoclttuon pro vided the meal and lerved the children parent and children joined in the atngtng of chrutmaji carou after which the primary claaa under the direction of mlsa jraale batrd aoened out the word merry crirtatmaa huly devrlea uing away in a manger and barbara cromar gave an approprlata rrcltatton miaa lluntert claaa apell- ed out the word love and comment ed upon each letter in vera the children were then treated to the ahowlng ot the picture jack or the bean bulk and the programme waa brought to an end with the atng tng ol the national anthem baga of candy and orangea were dlitrlbuted among the puplla the superintend ent rev c c cochrane presided wrra so uahy dreaming of a while christmas and ot then having their dreams come true we think it might be in order now for them to dream ot a rare day in jane or change we wouldnt expect them to hare this dream come true but nen ii it only partly came true it would be a change trom that below aero stuff that unt so hot however cold wa iter u part and parcel ot this canada ot ours and none ot a would thick or changing this country or any other in the world right now or at any other lime either lor that matter tha skis and toboggans got a good workout this ohrtstmaa as compared with the last two christmas seasona perhaps we better dust off the skates ourielvea and try them oul we are no past tha honest day ol the year once more and rprtng la jmt around the bend per haps it la just as wall that we do not know what ilea ahead ot us this year if we did we really might hat some thing to worry about we only hope that the coming year bring victory and peace a halt a fofxtj ot butler or each person sounds like a wry liberal allowance it makea us think of the fellow with the ltrgr family that vaint cure whether he could afford to buy all the sugar that hi ration books allowed him we think that the allowance for tea and for coffee and now butter are ubrral enough to suit anybody surely those of us that use part of our sugar allowance or home- baking ind that wr don t hate any o that commodity to spare at all and with thr sugsr substitutes honey and oom syrup scarce we have to curb the a ret tooth to torn extent most ot us are satlsllrd wtu the amount ol gas that e are allowed in act many o us hae not used much more than hall or what we might have used had wr not used our cars snarlndly up to date rationing lui not brrn much of a hardship as far a we are concerned and if it doeui t grt any morse we can scarcely llnd any eacuse for kicking ot course the ration books arr not the handiest thing in the world lo remem ber lo take lth one always but we muht be much mcre off before another iviue ol the her ald comes off thr prri we will be ujung new ftgures to denote the year time rolls along whether war are concluded or nol we wonder what the new year has in store tor ua the closing year has been kind lo many ot ua crops were good and markets were good also thr war situation or outlook has improved a good deal since this time lsat year may this new vear be a happy one lor you and you and you and we might odd the wish that it will brlnr back our loved ones to their homes once again perhape ims is the year ot victory we hope so any way loiehou3e eteeest visitor faesudad airmen thcrnn oorlag and harry oardoar ot cunloo rjlv school with tha acuharw lir alex wright borne trom toron to- mr and ura c a oram and ills peggy bmethuret ot toronto with lira j a bmrtharat ttx and ura a w lane and daughter mr and ura- ted morrow and elaine ot toronto uj and ura bob lane and oaroie ot ooegstosrn with ura r iab on christmas day ur and ura t iv camrewll joan and nillle ot hamilton with the nor- wkig lac lore norton bom from tax- hlne pte j l derby home from ljjcwf- wash camp ft jack darts ot kingston ctm the nome pte enrr burt of camp bonw with the llamllton ui and ura w oreenste and daughter with the benton s on bun day uu helen dpsfrtwui home from toronto for the holidays and ui wuilam devercaux home trom new foundland for ohrtstmaa ur and ura it o lloom and un e e yea of london and lieut and ura ftsd orubb with ura buth- erland or th holiday and weak end ui harvey norton had th misfor tune to fall an the ice christmas nn- lrvg breaking a small bone above his ankle we hope he may soon ba and pass the ammunition yea canadian lets make it our new years resolution to paw the ammunition to our boys whether it mean buying bonds or not buying but ter lets show them that we lite they can mate sacrifice to main tain the liberty we an cherish and may the dary be near when we can say and mean peace oa earth goodwill towards am men i hedley shaw church news unlen presbyterian chare 10 am sunday school 11 sun public worahtp rev r it armstrong ua ot neepawa manitoba nerval presbyterian cbarch 130 pm bunday bohool 330 pm public worship rev r ii armstrong ua neepawa manitoba ui and ura j n newton and itr bill newton spent ctirtauns in to ronto with ura oal and mis lien miss uargaret ortereon spent christ ina with mr and ura douglas orler- son toronto ur and ura e uluer and russell spent ohrtstmaa with ur and ura james roe ur w a lane with mr james miller and sona carols were sung at the opening and at the close banta claua paid a call and distributed gilta and orangea and candles to the bunday school children when the annual presbyterian church chrtstmaa tree took place wednesday evening moving pictures were shown by mr p l wright of acton jack and the bramtalk and banta christ mas eve trip bring shown stealers tlm oordon and flam bnow had an amusing dialogue and recitations were heard ram nell benton doreen ap- pleyard and jim oordon roas nor ton sang away in a uanger ec rompenled by his mother ur t il price was the capable chairman uj and ur john r bcotfs visi tors on christmas day were un 0 mills and wllbert ur and ura w o norrte and alex ur and ura art bcott and smlly ur and ura w bhefboume and amity visitor with ur and ura william mitchell included ur robert bcott and miss pearl bcott ur and mrs j son ford ur and mrs b o bennett showed exceptionally fine moving picture ot then- tour of europe in ism at the timehouse young peoples society on monday evening which included excel lent shot of country at dieppe they also showed very fine reel taken cm a fishing trip up the reaugouehe rtrer in new brunswick of lets ring in victory for 1 943 may health and happineu be yours during the new year our fondest hope is to help you stay well and on the job for victory fred sinclair t vubt row seriise station irtaw siiieet mta jnsniisisia greetings to all our boys we wish ihrm lock where ete they ream- may the new year send them marching home i and to our many friends and customerb a happy and prosperous new year longs confectionery phone 89 i st jtuy chared fttewartuwn rev b r oolebrook rector second sunday after onrunma national day of prayer uj0 am holy communion 1030 am sunday school 81 peals church nerval 11 00 am holy communion st stephens church harney 3 pm evening prayer 8nidev8 school cttrlstuag concert the allowing news item which has local interest la taken trom the oak- vlue record ot recent date the ohrtstmaa concert of snider school was held or thursday evening dec 10th the program which wo presented by the pupils evidenced s fine spirit and showed the careful training given by the teacher miss ilsa boney the highlight ot the program of choruse tableaux play and motion songs was the religious play itia plrat dy of christmas i and the final number n tableau bri tannia rev h b loverlne acted ra as chairman pouowlne the program friday new years santa claua paid visit and dlstrlbut- doy and feoat ot the ohrlatmaa tree circumcision holy first baptist charen minister rev j e ostrom wed at 8 pm 1 the hour for fel lowship in prayer sun january 3rd 3 jo pm sunday school t pm evening service sub ject the perspective or 1mj com munion aervloe monday initial service ot week ot prayer fellowship will be held in the baptist church rev todd will speak prayer changes things welcome hi oeerge cbarch rev woo thompson rector communion 10 im sun jan 3rd pro claimed national day or prayer sunday school 10 a m holy evjmmu- nlon 1100 am evensong 700 pm tuesday jan olh the epiphany holy communion 10 00 am 8t allans chareh glen william national day o prayer and second sunday after christmas bunday school 300 pm evensong 3 00 pin the united cbarch ot canada rev r o todd minister 10 am sunday school and bible aas it am pubis wor ship new year service and national day ot prayer t pm informal ser vice in the eunday sohool room we ther permhtlng rev j a moore oi hil ton tjnhed cburtth wilt give bis mua- tmtsd talk on tfas land of christa nhh poaltwoed from last sunday aatsvanvam wvtavmb bar owawcasmb law oa atndsy as hju ant new years eve dee 31st the big frolic byan atrditornjm qttelptl dancing from 10 to bobdonelle and ol oreheelr bats horns noveuths won for alii aibblsston latust cmvusmsn sim from the barber floral company were wishing you a heartwanning new year in the canadian tradition health and happiness now and in years to come your eyes n wswuon to feavev oar avsw law beta rr ttims to rwal eargai tar t hlga awahty glaaas illil why say than ar avw uw prlest oar y ho al ways ba tlimigti aa ww hae t years tfrrlier th p w ha s or earning oeh eaaa they fwaus war by srvtr l iharwagh cmb tn and let as sfcr ywa the neweai style in gtniis ad at city price consult 0twiu r0 eyesioht evtwuubt wsv iffl siukb te ssw th ball tiligkin o slrest oaarratawb us si wstrlhhy wf sea s yu away iiisstt o t wsavjr u ah atna is br rnonit ohuu sfliillmimllls the broad breasted kbw bronze turkeys with real bread mealy tvresas and standard markings government banded and under ojltjja tho band is your guarantm ot quality toms al 12 to 1 a2 10 to 1 ptdleto half torn tticja mralllbeel mmammmmmmmm