carrolls a w i a wither hm r at burlington last month quebtland pickles i 7ss oa1v w tie ar hnul hidw v jr jr7crs s attwrvmlhil rititt hadbs oakbruj mmmsmtm briiwitff ase ate tts wkf sfmsse vlte cereal sssa woulbb intiitirim to know bar the eompojtr of the word of dtticreat una t their lda or mitinri uu too ve w haw no banant today- we wonder her th writer of that too cot the itdca b tha one had been written recently v could undentand tt tor ther hat teen good many relallrre urn bat at uit tins that too waa wrujeo carnnii could to obtained al- mott at any etor throughout th country or take the tons tra dream ing of a white cnrtitnuu if you re- loall the crulctmu day of 41 and of you will remember that they were cmmtl continued from pale 1 itrtbuuon to the war chor- no major had taken puce and asy mistake male had been corrected ai toon at found oeoutyrree konnan craig jr- introduced the speaker ot the evening win j uocuuoch b i in wtll- chcaen worda hi uecudoch congratulated the gentlemen who had fulfilled their public trust accepting sever crlll- dun and getting very little thinv we ihould view with gravity our re rporufblltlln and tu dulln and it we you will remember that they were graao ohrtaunaaw alright and that the rt prrvene them throujh nealcct jo chrtitmae wa cold but we did have d lose the peace ry mu mow that day to that e wr thuuld raririir our franchlte on could underitand someone dreaming ery occasion it t a publk d ity to of a white chrutmaa alright and of vote no matter how you vote jle re potting hla dreama into morda then fcrrrd to the recent municipal clect- the bhowboal orui old llan k llamllon where only mfloo ih rtviwi ttwir franrhtftr out of a oat8 qtajl oaaar 9c oranges 3bc48c doz grapefruit i for 25c fir peter crapes 19 lb take the bhovtooat hjittf old item iuw which r nrvtr urm to orm of you cafey rrcu ttruiytonk thr hrook- fthir of uf rrrtn thi uvort porm hvr the umr crwung and hrrr it u tkit mm nuyoomr aivdmrn mijr go but i so on lortwr oocn par ing uvo4 oru ukrn from uir tortg km ui iiwiiu w lutd rirrrurd thrlr irarvrhlv out of a poulbla woo vntrrt bring lru than 30 prr crnt it wa a gloomy victory mhrn 10 nr cml of th lctoxs itay- rd at homr he cttrd uw town ot hun tin tie hrir ihr rturiu ba4 brrn nomlruitrd for uor and m fur teitva to free tptech and th irwdcu of the pjrts we hav had the freedom of out prru for ins than 300 jeara oeily an yfars ago pranler abtrhart of aloerta atrmpud to deprive a ucttoo of the prru of tta irccdcm tt press ot panada rose in ita might and foucht for 1u frtdun and the cltlarfuiup of canada and finally von victory lhroub tht decldoo of the privy council in england prtmwr abexhart lav provided that evrr nevinaprr in that promnoe would have to print a full paxc of propa janda ahenrvtr the governmrnt de mandrd and give the ijource of in- fcirmalon puhuhrd and rr filial of thej rttjurat meant the tunning of the nrnpaprr indrllnluly wlihout ir- 1 courv to a court of lav trie dwrliuon i of ute piivy council in faor of thr nevifxiprrt vat not ulonr a ii hi l the irrcdom of the prrfc but for dc mocrucy tc turu khould be cana rcmcvi nnuf bam in hcvubo edaratrs in cot laad and a paruian fcy tyfrwlia al adapuw ntlj hu antral is otuva tvrre at th nfv vae ttmra tva yrara aga alit aal cvaapuer at tar oafarvs dl- uasary reprraratattw aff ifjilu lilt iitoimxil ui sjm in mocrucy the iutl should be canaj uaxary repreaeaiaurv tin dun llrt wni bovp political influence brllkli aevtpaprra dartftg 111 mil it cn lulfi 1 ita kin punw ii i great war amd at ua pwa w d council and not one candidal i old uan rjr we quojled and anothrr nomination had vry different dd man river 1 lehut h mp not win the var keep roulntf along perhaps the writer lhr f cornflakes ow macaroni old cheese romar coffee v paneakeriot lses5e heinz ketchup 19c large chipso 23c super suos soc pal odcx a- tic ivarr ftaltaa ar now oudua cleanser dl of lun filter had that ld poem of tmnvtona tn mind when he com- posed the worcbi of hla eong many ot our readera will recall thr unuiually late harveit that we had tn ome parte of our province this paat tall hie acarclty ot threahtng ma- ohtnea with which to atook threah vaa mporulble u part for the delay in liartrtuiuj and then the damp weather later on hetd up operauona you may recall that labor day tu the latt fine month dnd luxe thr peace if thla apathy conttnurt kald the kprakrr he chal- lenued thr prru of canada that had not denr ll duty to crltlcuj- und e- preaa thrlr view conitruclltely tn th present crlila the aprakrr then re- tnru great war aaa at ike rvaa ceafreeik that fejkwwa fn pfcluit earaaed by a tie at rurfc frwaa aeatk y irral war il he la a fr pe aer in the csc 1 lewee bear manoaya at am bjbu with dr jaaaea u htewrut aa watswn taiia taalag that tarai errry imm wee mr saa bearg aaj jaaaary a had even been alotrn oft a irrae we remembrr a report ot aome yrur ao of a tree bring atorn eff a rhurch lawn i in ot ctttharlpra then tod thrnlihr lairr on n w imlin ut tamanrr inr i reeau that tbor day waa the l hoicaalp thlrt who drum out the back hantaung day for almort j road and load up hu hurt taking the dut eventual the ftelda were all cirar fm dl 0nf kucn t el rtooka and the hanwing ope caimht nkcl in drcrmber g aagsse tla soc yablets st- sce htm htwrnas custard jttr vaa caiwpa toaaata soot a fa iso we cat ulmu peel otmaaw ae laaaaa peel fataa for barley r balk l peas california lima beans sim tha ttgkt to ullsaaatfti ef atu phone 357 georaetown impeiuala boca i ciduhtmah bingo i on wednesday dec 33rd the im perials section ol branch lu cuui- dlan letrlon held a well attended bingo froceeda ot the nlarft were donated to the chxlaunoa tree rund of the brunch which on the prexioja evening as hot to bonta ci a us fa all children mitkr eleven whose fatiurn are acrra tc- aldcs the children ot legion membeia wlhnera of the bpcclol prizes at uu imperial bingo wcrt dcxir piizt 10 lb turkey mr andy dehjit ooose mr k bpcncc ooov mn o btaccy seven chlcltcns wire ulso plutd lor and other items ot god value wrier jones little clrl uaa born 6he set their hearts aflutter ttiey named her olcimnrn rlnr lr they hadn t bu h r m o il report rott novembttt chicken pox 0 scare feer 0 meahles 0 german measles 0 mumps 1 infantile paralysis 0 typhoid fever 0 whooiiinitgouah 4 cerfbrobpinal mcnlnfiltu 0 chlebrateh htlvcb ww ding mr and mrs kenneth iluner eelf brated their 35th veddtna annlversjir lust ueek at t famll dinner party gh tn in their honour by hd daunht mrs ivun westiau at her home in i brnmpton mrs hunter was the f ir imer maruuret marchmcn daughter i mr and mm henry marchment ot georretowo wit nrnuwi j u ed of stoafcs and the harvmmng opera uoni mere flnurud for another year the tluiotlon though was diftwrnt out in aasaatchevsn that province had the bet l crop vlnce lwfl thu er even in the fcouthem part ot the provlnev the crop warn sway above the avrratre yield of o bushrli of ahcal to thi acre betnit quite common if you re- mrmbrr hol the houthem port of 8katcltren has betn called the dut boal during recent ears btrsuhe of the scsrcltv of moisture ou will reulire he difficulty the ahesl rroarra mould noe in hanemtrm o crop llkr thut after many lean tears when labor v as plentiful out there they imually stoolt u revhed but lth ull those uan vears ihut the have experienced and then tro the war situation other mean ol harvesting hoa been adopurd many ot the settlrns were unabe to purchase combines of their oui sa tlie hired thrlr harvenlliir out to owner of com bines of court ukt e here in on tario when e want to stock thresh ve have to wait our turn ukrwlm out there they had to do tlic same thine and lth big crop and quite a bit ot damp lea ther the wutunu wius ion per even than it was around here in a letter received ot christmas time from that port of j saskatchewan the mther mentioned that there voa plenty of wheat still un cut waiting for suitable weather oiat wn now bent don with snow and that there werv also many stooka covered valth now still unlhroshed again the wheat that had bexn thnshed recently was damp and it hod to be shipped in car lots to the drtem to be dried out be fore it was fit to either store or to be ofivrrd for sale as a result of bar- vcslna conditions movt of the western wheat this year wan grading no 3 tills of court mow trn money forthe pro ducer and ojjnln it means darker flour i because of marketing remilauons on ijo much vhctit con be marketed bc- cnune ot uie lack of soraue clevatoni eo that even if the western wheat rrowrr has a immiwr crop thu jxur 1 e still seems o have plenty to worry about ist atetev around chrtstmis time there nre niwirta of christ man tree vi ullnu thls past chrlnmus time ua no exception an 1 we recall read inr nhont instances where evenrreci thief got caught nlcrl in decrmbrr ite waj from moncon und had driven up lo mlnto township ahlch ls located n h ncrth west corner of welling ton county it remained nr n lnri aho had a kuod memory for license number i enable the milicr to each up 1th the thlr he a flnd 12a00 mlcis ind hod to pav the onrr f the te as e 1 in this rae the thlif heemed to be junt ahst as rrmlnu lo him but i in the cnae if the pen m th it tukrs off of a grave f r tnmunre r wnnder just ahat a person of thm kind does drwnc mo doubt the tree aooli tv tnr ms ti home rathrr than for dhnnsail for mo ney and it teem difficult to imnulne none enjoln7 their chrtatmas tree knowing all the ahllr that they had utrlen it off mimetoody a rae can you imagine anyone explaining to their rhlldrrn the chritmas btory aroui irre thnt they them el es had molrn oft nome perhon t ktttve pomehow ve nre unable to imagine hat thief as havlnr a merry chrumns cn ou ind it can futfl 1 ltj nre purpose 11 urgtd his hearer to protect dtfrno and guard their duly and above au be kood canadians lest ve win thr war and kur thr pear w i dick proponed the toast to the esardrnt ahlch wus ably re- taponded to by es warden lmit krrru and chaa fuadhead thr toast to uie county council wj j proporal by the ulakelock ups aho urued iniryone to bupport our u ned furrev to the limit drputyftreve roberuon of nrlso ind reee j m uacdonald respond ed refernng to wffir of uve problcn deat with by the ounty council dur ing the ar they paid high tribute to warden bulr 1 mayor j gordon bulr proposed tht taot to warden dlalr and ipokr ol hit huh quslltles npt only at harden of ihe county but as reeve of the town warden dlalr expressed pleasure a havln tmh a large number as his vi i u fr thr etnlnx he referred tn the cfcrcasuw debenture deit and i redu tlon in the las rate in uu roi nt he rvpf shed hls tlinkft or the rmny kind aords of the nrlo vpeakert during the evening deput m w hall of trafalgar torwiip p mnted the wunlen ih a beiu 1 i chair as a slight token ol the emecm in which he was held by hl eoleu- luer warden dlalr thankad htfi frllov i mimberh for the gilt 1 mrs mnbly uinr four holo vein ccepaby with mm o oolton as n ejuactnivr uuxw w companul mra cclton also favret mili umited toronto who has the gathertn with musical number j prealdent of uw cuatultt noz o riei rs- woollen and kn t oooda mnnuiwrttst- rev j b roe said erne ajoion a muoh boperceal i imindin from oeoraett i mcttons of the industry u prtv wce exreeve harold cltue nr ductna munitions xllen cloh blank- councillor w a wilson of etqucmn eta and knit jooti tor he armed far- i burllnron oarc cee kuoii h lawbon emecutlve director of york loutttrist if qou marrij if qou move fat must report iiiiiimiill- oluli cat ion tl caitata ttfleciittph coiiipmtifbii iiikroasinq llieir lk iiaue catauii3ltiidauurtutb coniunibtlhii upl viincannofuhiluimniiiiul isiwi in th obtaining of tha asarrtiis uoanaa th rush of pwparauoo tha caubratlon of tha marhais da not forgat that you am raqulrad by law to notify tha national regiuratioa authoritlm about ta happy event tha bnda chana har nama often both tha bctda and tha gtoom chang thrii oddrvta alao whan any rtgutiiw person move at any tints from ona addrata to another ha or aha la required by law to notify the national rtautration autho itics about tha new oddreu cvary person in canada 16 yaart of sga and over urtleu aiempted in writing mutt ho tegulared it la a patriotic duty to comply with the national regis tration regulations you will avoid lubitantlal panoltiae by doing so every peraon so regiuttrrd who afltrrwardi martias or changes hit or her addreas ntuit report within 14 daye to lha chief rqitrur for canada all regiitcipd portont are raqulrrd by law to have their regiit ration certificates in their immsdlste pos session of ell umu you may ba required to produce your registration car tlficats by the proper authoritjas at any tints every duly registered person whose registration cer tificate has been lost destroyed worn out or defoceiv should obtain sduplicaiscsruflcais nacesssry forms end instructions for this purpose msy bs obtslnsd from say postmsster in cansda huuruiiv mtlchiu hlabmr al bkaw ohmw cahada