the geois hapsutyilu tifaymumy 6a 1943 social and personal lb teal mitt el soswolo la leans ear us weak erl rat- csartan bravta ossp borden mibtti sor w tear its vtorl rwjer and sirs welter stabs apsst mew year to orutte dr j h wnamn use spent day in tssa last nk lite arm meter spent hew year whh friend hi tbreeao- itf and mr w ornsera rlstud ariesd la toronto si 89 tsarm in ti iran and bams bslrdj hunt rtt wits friend in fhnnl ro joseph bunt trenton was hern on laiiw ur and urs osrtleld ijoailirsy and family spent th new yrar holldsy with kuchaiw rrfsllre ur and un deamsr wallace vtstud urs wabsois mother la btrartavule ever is bnuoar ut sad urs harold barrows spent ctntilnu lithe boot of urs borows bother urs clark near grammar ur w n devrreaux montreal quebec rutted hit parrnta ur snd urs harry devrreaux si ohrtstna urs harry ualon of tvnrtaac peit last weak aid wrtb her methe urs cuxs king owen st ur bob orashy of brueaecs sprnl th weak end wttto ur and urs oaort uartia uu uurtrl keen toronto sprn hew years with hrr parents ur and urs alas ataaa ft walter cleat oamp borden 4m ftsw vsrs ium with us me- ttisrhea intel cww ur snd urs n uzmlvm sprat bsiurdsy ol last wek with ur and urs fsmlth brampton ur ourer j nhltmh of rowlands it spending a few days with mi stater urs gorg kafrtngton ur snd urs l x ouunghsm ol tyai war ohruttmss hatters wlui bar toother urs ingram queen street ui and urs o w urcallura spent hew years la toronto at trie home ol urs john arthur usa j kwmhwl sf ayr tpit new star weak end whh sic and litis osover morton ur asd urs charles acbbs ead fa mily ol aim smilsas spent kew years oa wttfe ur and urs alrto btarrat bugler elmer 4unckfard was home years wstb his parent mr an urs llotookfcrd ux snd urs pred packer ulas srrelusfae and we thomas packer ell of hamlmnn vlsltsd ur and urs bob lane last week cad ur and urs william jarrrut jr asd children terry buly and june i of brampton apmt crulrtmas stub etrfi theaaispantjtwfjmriscaau hou dan vtth bar uolhaf urs b cuhntr ur cbarles buscidcri jfao ieat weeu rsduatcd iaa the bttb si jlunn rtlv snd urs stookford apeat kev yearv with ur snd urn- jl btnaxloro ulas helen deveraus jiss saum- ed her studies at the ilnlwrsbs- of toronto alter spendbv the r holiday srtth her r ur urs marry damfaus- ur and ura bam uscktnrje chlldrai sandy and and ur and ubv wuuab uartsu ur snd ilin wujlam dutkworsh tbranto vuated ur and ura w urns- ton orrenrssird for the chrutms houitey ula lielra wuluau of the univer sity of toroso ipmt the ohrut- au hauti with her asrenu jr snd urs c v wikama oc jack kenuhead luufsa u hoane for tsorras fuough lie u ststloned at the admusky llooae in umsx jidsl bui samssn who has teen trsnxwrred from nanatav dc to kingston spent tae iwl end ith urs e uooultan urs jack btewsrt iwffl lau week end in toronto at tte home of her tsorher and amerlntev ut and urm ftsnk h kentner mr snd urs letll hail and eauh- ttr abate landasy and ur w can non of llamlkon were houday vlauora with urs r brauby urs w c beatey of toronto span ctwtitms at the homes of ui sif un herbert cleate and the anth onya ui and urs chailri ward am family of umffvlllr spent chrtiun with hrr parents ur and urs ed ward hill ulu ethel 0lmrr of brantford who teaches at the jsne layrock rom damp bssnen b spend r ichruaaas to basforth at the hoottof urs uacstmlej mother ms j u osrdno ftrr axd urs john a jlcdeml and son john of grand vauejr ohrutmas ultors with his mother urs j hroennld and attux ulu laahel ur snd xtrv waiter carpmler snd fsaill visited in truonto last wwek fend to sttend the wedalns o urs carprnlers brother qorpors a lew- ther to uies jjudred youne oeams- vlew dntarta urs james sjehsrdsssi 1m rvotnt- ly underwent sn opersttin in tnaeeito oenent lloaplux hat relumed fa kr yiome arid we an pleased to report u veil on the road to nwoszry ur sail urs ajbrrt ojalxrr asd dsuiituer annie of limrhoase urs u jaurdsln snd ur oeorsy unaa oarlph bt aprnt htm yrsrs day srtti un a uarthews sad dsucmer uu betttsh uatket st u edns ojnran spent oarrtitrr in beanttord at the hcaaes of acr su- ten urs usy uoaa snd sir snd ui hsrry fvtlt mr snd urs j duiutn of rumcoe vuitaf with sir duncan kew years day and week i ulia theresa uliesu and visa isa bel uley of aje and ulas tht ldey nurntrslntnc st bt joseph lloapltsl oarlph sjxnt the csjetetrnas houdsys at the home cf the totter parents ur and ura if isley eth line erin ulu uarjorte pry uuton rper chrtitmas at the home of ur an ura p johnson donald white of ur leonard p white puhlliher the uilton chsmplon spent tht chruunsa houdaya at the home of h alatrr here slio iiowaso c who was given hla second sccis- tnstion ss rswve of esqueslns township st the nomlnsuons held as btewarttown drstna the chrtit- eaas bohaaya a local ration board has now been established at the municipal offices telephone georgetown is personnel of local ration board chairman mayor joseph olbbont assistant secretary laeaar david and robert clarke ot toeoao ipeoi christmas week end wlti ur and urs w c anthony shortly after cfertotmss ur robert clsike ho had enilssd in tht rc av svsa called and is now potted s iatne quebec new years ruluas st the home 01 ur snd ur w c anthony laeluded ur snd un oeorre c be c oussph ur and urs victor upahsl of brampton ur snd urs will uc ouire alio of brsmptes ulas ban uodoee and ulas vclms csessr of bmsaptrm puathueut asd urs tsn usucen- sle of aimooe acj larry uackarule toronto bcb uackennr hamilton ulu era day of toronto ur and urs o e day oeorcetown wars pres ent st a family gatherm at the home of ur and urs sydney u dirtatjnai day ohrutmai matter st ihe home of ur snd mrs j b msrkrnzle included ur snd un wullsm psxmore snd usrgaret and edna of rockwood ulu usrgsret uaolennsn oeoroetoan last week end pll7htlleut tony and un uorruon plying officer kenneth nd un uscterale sll of aylmer sere ffueita st the same home mr and urs e ucklnnry and aonf rou snd billy snd daughter patricia jane mr and ura harvey e barre and donald and joan of brampton mr and mra prank lyons snd pet kranslln cheltenham mr llutro lyon cheltenham ur colun mcintosh t f of nlsgsra pslls sere among the vtil at the home of mr and urs thomas lyons ctulstmaa du the january meeting of the wmb auxiliary met at the home of mra llftf hlrd on tucein january mh j hon former limehouse resaxntto mle for herald ussy residents of osaretotra and district ib remaster b- w iimfmi whs far bftean years owned and oper ated the central stow at rjjjum with us post offiot in nnemaefww al ways interastsd in wrtttnc staos mor- raa up metis to thomlo oat h has continued his bobby snd during the coming months his article win be pub lished freenuou to time to th herald ills happy knack of being abl to tall of hi experience in an interesting way will we sre sure bring great en joyment to our reader in response to s request from us he wrote snd told us shout htmself snd bis family and we print below the story in his own words x came to the north country as al boy over it year ago the eldest of a family of six ploneerine wss no easy job and i asw plenty of it in its rawest state experienced many a prlvstlon and became so discouraged in the effort to gain a decent honest lltellhood that i left it for the south once more the first world wsr wss on and i tried 3 or s time to different place to enlist but was refused for physical reasons so took employment first in a factory for a few months then on the rsllwsy for i h years in the boring of imo i took oer the general store with umehouse post ofacw to connection the iste jsmss newton had been postmsxter for years but through ulneu be wss oblig ed to glr up the duties snd ur o e- tmlktncriorne ws appointed an assist ant snd th ocboe wss memd from newtons to th store it remained so snd sfter nearly a yrar of negotiat ing i ws finally anointed th perma nent peat ussier snd stall courier to snd from th station th chief industry 11m production had bsoome eshsustcd right in th ru lag when i moved there but wss being eiterulvtly carried on 1 mil further west and at th dolly vardea kilns our business wss mainly with th fsmllle of men who worked st this plant and in the few free stone qusr rles adjoining the village one rural route extended out from the p o for is mile which also helped some with revenue for both store snd p o we had three smsll children when we took up residence there and during the ij years which followed five more ramc o make oura the largest fsiruty on our tide of the rock snd 2nd isrgest in the whole neighborhood by extreme economy per tsnt in- duatry snd csrr if rslrd them clothed snd fed them well and each in turn attended the llmehouw public school x look keen interest in church and community activities i encouraged every mroaure with both my support and help to become a success snd en- gaged in almost every scuvity thst went to make up the whole community ftom that of farming snd lime produc- bulldlng and rrpslrtng fsrm look idt foryotifttma vswieaartaw up ue te kaf fats su w pawl pw u tl wmtf awahaw ajlwawaw apsa ilpal b st wlsi ill rsatja aeswsjlssf ialssi tea i t stacus sal lalhs esas jfaa tel wbat- s tsa fs how try ujua tk b ujallah u fllnl be wsilw fmjuim a asw swiariita atsai glen wnxiams mri thomn olffrn presided pinal und h mc bulldlnsa in addition to my rrpor s srrc given to complete im3 iown job aa merchant and postmaster after the installation of officers mra durtn t all those years the toronto waltrr tr vinldre ook cmrite of the suburban electrc rjl as in opers- drvoconal verod the rrmslnder of itlon in sddltlon to k t r or after- the mielng wss sprnt psnnlng the wards c n r ry snd our bsnklng snd nroersra for imj the meeting was j a lot of other dullness wss done in 1 georgetown the car nave ue a better lervlce to georgetown rather than ac- closrd with prayer l 1 7i s s hratt rntrrtalned b iilrncs nl a loe party on the occa sion of rrr 6h birthiuy 41 the home of her grandmother mm wm built- rant ouetts included kenneth lung- don michael lnmbert mra secretary p 1 p held b hurrlmtn uembers ur r u ucdonald mra roy arnold mra cheater matthew a near howard may mrs clarence have mra w e nodvrh hours jf business b 00 au to 5 00 pu territory under adminittration town op oeoroetown and towruhlns ol nansagaweya and village of acton eaqucslnic tbi board ha beon wtabllshod to iacullato iho saltloment ot adjustment ol lb ration problem ol people realdlng in tho district dellnod abovo rhe object la to ensure that laatrlctlon mado necossary by war are applied with maximum euectitroneu minimum lnconvonlonco and oqual lalrnou to all coniumers and suppllor tho basic reason lor all rationing la to assure 3 fair division ol availablo supplies to evoryone serving voluntarily on the board aro local citizons representative ot tho people this district and ablo to bring an intimate knowledge ol local conditlonr to this new wartime task at the local ration boards olllcos you can got lull lntormatlon on all aspecu ai consumer ralioning and prompt adjustment ol special problems such as what to do in the event of loss or damage ol your ration book whothei extra rations are allowed lor special purposes and olhor matters announced irons lime to tune tat utl ataahfagm of uiu 4mule atniiiltmd a tfou ctuttmithom cooperate wib your fellow citizens who are giving their una to your problems he wartime prices and trade board utitw ton hence our preference so we became very familiar with the burlness people there and made many friends i became a member of one o by ma lflm- prominent lodges and attended re- bcrt claudia milne mary mucdonald 8- sickness and isck of funds loulie oliver bluy bulllvant and mer- maac thl npomlbluiy then for a lene rnu they ou enjoyed games of i ihro an accident while ll kind rlnjlng and storle alter i m vhlch a drllclou birthday supper was f i wnd m erved the outsandlng part was of jt ln orae he enke and patsy h sent 0 j the pretty bird uhlch gracedtthe top of jsj- fljx i t isjj aj w s lour third elarat cnlld tnro on cplaetnlc 8chn of dlphtherl a great variety of other wno is overseas i dlawuragemenu developed not easily mrs w g o thompson entertained escribed finally the opportunity to make a change back to the north and the old farm where i had spent my boyhood days presented itself in the fall of 1036 and i availed myself dis posing ot my interest to ur a ben ton and negotiating the transfer ot post office duties to his father mr frank benton the morning following the earth quake nov 1st we left palermo and drove nil day in the rain most ol tho way landing 44 miles west of thorn- loe village on the t ti n o ry about s00 pm tired buthoppymohconcc more permanently located on a farm it was not possible for oil of us to come in the car but those left behind soon tollwed by train and we were fi nally all reunlted and thoroughly happy but rxremety poor and faced with entirely new environment a change from our modem equipment provided first by a delco plant i had the ladles of st georges wa an uon- day evening at the rectory mrs 8c mrekrnrle and mrs w v grant were in charge of the evenings program and nil presrnl thoroughly enjoyed a soclsl hour or two during the course of the evening the ladles gave mrs p black burn 3 crown derby cups and saucere mlkudo pattern in appreciation of her i venrn service as treasurer of the w a the gift was a complete surprise to mrs blackburn who thanked the ladles and sntd how much she enjoyed working in the orgunlratlon at the clce of the evening mrs thompson wred refreshments to the guest mr and mrs w o bell entertain ed a number of friends at n new years eve party the evening was mont enjoyably spent playing euchre dancing and singing mrs edna dun can held high score and ura j h ulllco the low score for the ladle and i ur j ii ulllco and mr ernest tnstalled and later by hydro u at i a nd thompson respectively held high and j crowded out last week ur ltodley beaumont spent chrut- blu day st ancsster a guest st th home of ur and ura lee ashford ur and mrs oeorg allen aprui ohrlstmss day in owen bound ur and urs harry reed of ouelph pent the christmas weak end with urs reeds parent ur and urs e bludd ur snd urs robert ucuenemy are spending a few days with relative to ouelph ur and urs harold bennett and donna of uulsburg ur and ura harold thompson and bah or cooks- rtlle spent ohrlstmss at th home of ur and urs wlfllam i t delator beaumont student st a p b toronto spent th ohrlstmss va cation with rns parent ur and ura uattbew beaumont uargot william studentnurse to toronto general hnsplhi spent a coupl of days last week at her horn pte gordon oraluun returned to prince oeorge bc after spending two weeks furlough at his borne ur and urs gordon robinson snd children of erin spent ohrlstmss day with urs ilalpto ur and ura william everion jr toronto and urs a j williams were visitors over the chrlstmia week end with ur and ur o allen word was received recently from overseas thst trevor wuluunt hsd been promoted to oorporsl trevor u with the hli of canada the annual christmas concert of the united church sunday school waa held in the town hall on tuesday even ing dec und the program which constated of dialogues recitations and carols was enjoyed by a large audi ence mr norman pick was chair man for the evening and ur r k lrmkay presented perfect attendance awards to bobby addy audrey nor ton danny schenk carl schenk eleanor schenk carl hill and ken neth bohenk boyv and trls in uniform spending their christmas leave at home includ ed sn bertha schenk toronto pte una hill niagara tpr bert usrch- ment pte joe ucuenemy home from predeilcton nb pte henry lorrt- man weuand pte morris miller camp borden pte bill kortsck to ronto cpl panny weaver rockcllffe lac curly wheeler vlctorlavtlle p q aot jim louth ac1 harold schenk this week pe joe nor on returned to brltlsli celumbln last week after spending a leave at hi home raymond addy rccs stationed at kuizston was heme with ins par ents mr and mrs robert addy a few days lsst week pus mervyn kir by and lao vernon kirby spent new years leave at tbetr home pte clifford davison arrived borne on sunday from british columbia for a furlough on new years eve all the children of the glen between the age of six and sixteen years were the guests of the employees ot beaumonts woollen mill a sleigh riding party was first enjoyed by the children and later in the town hall they were treated to hot soup and crackers low scores for the men oueata nt the party included mr and mrs j ii ulllco mr and mrs ernest thomp son ura edna duncan mr and ura jack williamson ur and ura 8 t param mr e bailey toronto ur george cleave ur and itrt victor king and mr and urs a walters during the course of the evening ura bell was given a beautiful bouquet of red rose buds from those present sweet caporal iiximmvmml inc brought in our home at llmehouse was modern having a eomplote water system we were leaving good roads automobiles churches and schools close by cities and towns easily reached and many other conveniences but after a few months hardship here becoming cllnuiued once more we adapted ourselves to an entirely new condition of life being two and a holt miles from the school and four and a half miles from churches and stores in bitter cold winter weather for which very little provision had been made was not easy to take w but after 1 years spent here since then the outlook 1 much tufferent our home la established our family all in the north and contented were do ing everything in our power to be good duawis mid eontribuie to every wor iuwntsv wthfa first acclamation wm a wilson entered municipal politics in es- qtyeauuj township in lap but it was this year that he was given his tint snnlamatwin an ex- reeve of the township be not bold council seat