the georgetown herald wedaetdsiy jabttwy 6th 1943 t immovto uniform international sunday i chool lesson aftiawmwiiitof vikmm a halte jmasn tm anfwinrwbtdt hu jm twn mute ot the swards mad u cremsrevriri leuoa few jatvy 3 tea 1fei sag simiihs the gxoky of we bon or ooo i text icta nu ooldoi tdctua a war n eaves eutfc as own im tss we m ola w tke ton s a re t u vstta mil a ot jeee i 14 a hew year ii brings thrill to our hearts tor even id this ysr ol our lord lj w may look for ward wtta expectancy to oods bleating upon m and b hopeful that better mm sr shsad- yet w do so with sees ot ead ss we realise that our world is so ur from ood and wttb dssp fasting ot rssponilnllty for our life and tes timony la th corning months thr could bs oo betur way to begin say yearend certainly not this year then by ths etudy ot oods word this should bs dons in ths boms and tn ths church but may we suggest thst this is an spe cialty toodtlm t cstsr tnto ths feucwsfalp of your local fkjndsy school wsr we to seise a scrlpturs por tion with which to start ths year we could not find fintr on than th gotptl according to john th purpose of th gospsl u stat ed tn so si u being that y mllht believe that jssus u th christ ths son ot ood and thst beusvtng ye mllht have uf throuih bis nams this first luson ot th writs re- vcsls th lory ot christ l t tk beglesuag the uvtag word w 13 ood reveals himself to man as ths word is ths express tmege ot ths thought so in an infinitely greet- r sense christ ths living word is th express image ot ood ss bab 113 in ths beginning spoken ot in ienesls 11 jesus christ already was v 1 and hs not only was with ood but hs himsslf wss ood hs th living word the com plete end fins revelsuoo ot ood as both crsstor end redeemer the infinite and eternal ood hs csms to bring to men th manur ing massage ot oods redeeming love th profound depth ot verses is beyond th deepest thlnk- llh th junior club projects tn gar den end canning and calf clubs by agriculture representative j e whltelorsi- these project were spon- eared by the ados end the hilton agricultural societies in eooperetlon wttb th ivderel and ontario depart ments of agriculture at acton where the agricultural bc- ctky sponsored a junior hnniirfi otrden and oennlng club uls betty wlooeld warn declared he winner chile at ulkon the i nisei uarjoric uocready and ruth wilson were tied for top honours a total or 40 young unit from hatton enrolled in this project early list spring chile in celt ceub work j young people were in t throughout the season trie keuon ro epecul which eer swarded to the young people showing the beat oucnviry ilosetetn end jrwy calve were won by oeuy richardson of uuton ward brown rtdg ot georgetown and beverley eta rccsrwood respectively the lie- kandrtok trophy for th htih con testant on the aggregate eoo tn jer- ceye wee won by tom alderwjn ot llomtoy other swards were as follow arson otrw oarcten end fanning club lit betty wtnfltld tod ohsrtott ucoul- louch tod vrrat webster th lashede duttcholder th uargaret beenry th lean undsay 1th oeorglna uclntyre ten joan bommule uuton otru oarden and canning cvsv- 1st ilmiyoiu uooready and ruth wilson luri ard france oilppe tlh mm d bherwood 8th beatrice uolitan th jme wlngtleld toi givlyn tvustterlo tth rrmhoee peer 0ui urs john breokon 10th uerton oorrrdale ilth anna omtrdale italian jersey and ouemsey call cmu rrawt ucnahb and tom alderson 3rd beverley ci ui uobtl lumeden 6ui bun llarrop 6ih ken neth devlin 1th jimmy devlin fxb john rvstherstonr oui betty richard ion uuton hobteln oalf dub 1st ward brownrtdge 2nd wnv a brain 3rd wullam alnander tth oralg alrxan dcr 6th irvine thompson flth rutsru oraln 1th john w ptdrat ttli lone lawrence eth fred brl 10th allen wiuson tub france t ivcr 13th lfenk devrtee 13th pyf- bomcrvllle htn bui ford imh ted brown tath allied oconnor ilth duncan robing hon leth j c luohardaon those ol us who had the opportunity of obsewtng the young people exhi bit st th anton end uuton fairs will furree the young prople ere all to be mrhovcd unifottm inttlnational sunday chool wesson high war mileage for cep1 locomxttite lencs ot their exhibit this le all the more noteworthy when one takes tnto consideration the handicap which agri cultural workers in general laboured under during the past year hilton howmen elect w h robinson s president wwww r hit cusr wjuiii isarvmc sjr vu v wsr r but thslr glorious mssasg ot j xmgtatautrt u bera tlm redemption is simple enough for th understanding ot ths youngsst child w may rctv truth which w can not fully understand and be blessed by it n ta tk waeuth trtu tight w 411 ii is both th uf and th light ot men in fsct his ufs was th light that ahlned yet and still shin in th darkness ot this world rrveallng oods love but th world did not racelv th light his own world knw him not v 10 how trsglcl yst even dsap- r is th hurt ot vers 11 his own people received him not and it is so today nations r tut his light upon world problems and try to fight them out class hatred cspltal against labor th hav against ths hav not yss even th bltur fightings between sofetsed christians all bespeak th ct that th shining ot th tru light which ughteth vry man baa not ban psrtnlttad to pntru very tar into this dark world however it has reaohsd by ood grace into th hearts ot believers and than it has brought forth glori ous results m in the believer power aad clory w um those who receive christ are born again it is not a matter of blood that is of family or heredity nor u it by the will of the flesh that is by natural instinct or develop ment ot an inherent divine spark and it is not by the will of man for it docs not come by human will power it is of ood a divine rebirth which gives power in the life and authority to declare onos self to be tho child of god v 12 this is all so clear and so altogether de sirable for both time and eternity that one wonders why all do not at once turn to christ as saviour have yout tho believer also sees in tho word which was made flesh and dwelt among us tho glory ot tho only begotten ot tho father all that such an expression means we shall not know until w reach eternity but that docs not prevent the belle er from beholding by tho eye ol faith his glorious saviour the one who is full of grace and truth john the man sent from qod v 6 was a witness to the light to the intent that men might believe we too are to be witnesses and that includes every one ot us who knows jesus christ as redeemer and lord if we will all thug fulfill the re sponsibility and privllegs which i ours we may se in ims a real re vival of spiritual hf and power no oaed is greater than that and we pould render ood arid our fallow mail no greatm mrvla this new years sunday la th right tins u snlsw sail wetdo w w h robinson of oeonretown u elected prealdrnt of the helton plow mens attocutlon for 140 at the an nual meeting ot that ortraiunuon held in milton on saturday last the association again atsged one of the moat aueceaaful matches held in the province this la tndeed a noteworthy achievement when one take into con sideration the very backward season and unfavorable weather condition which existed tn kalton oouruy this fall friday kovember 6th wan neleeted sa the date for their snnual 1043 match which it is expected will be held in trafalgar township the election ot officer resulted as follows honorary president ron begawoith president w h robinson vlcepretldentrj a blott vlcepcetldentr w j robertson secretarytreasurer j e whllelock directors qeruenlng jos ounnlnfthom m t monahb clotxsrt mcdowell najnmaweya oeo ptnney l w ahlsholm roy ourrle nelson noss semrworth e m read- head w k shields trafalgar harold picket j a dix on john marohment cameron mar shall county dlrcotors oordon ohlsholm victor hall claude picket btanley hall prod robinson honorary dtreotora j h wilson p d halter peter peddle p h ou- roy wm a robinson auditor john irving tbee8 fob reforestation fanner can plan now for trees tor a reforestation plot or far windbreaks the government experimental station at ot williams will this spring have thousands ot tre available for tbj purpose and looih farmers are asked to take advantage otjjils trees and there are many varletleatare free for the asking just leave your name and the number ot trees you desire with township cleric j if bennett thay will be delivered to central depot and may be called for on delivery in she spring tjvm are not to be used for onumentsl purpose a you sewsing the hersld to your key la tmirormf no gtt it mot waist hit hrfflittiwn pa per lsjogea far jmsaarf 10 jesus otsncct a gsxa tcaxhes fjcscom textjk i i is onmaai tactvm oe h sent tket ml nlcedemus cam t our tuord hs hs wss la jerusalem far th psjucrtr jaeta had ckaim tta ot his dlsol pla had acrformad bis first miracle at cane aad had mad a brut vtau to cspetnsirm attar which he cam to jerusalem far th feaat in high and holy indignation he had driven th money changer out ot th tempi th fharts who looked tor th oomlag of th uta- i seoulsr oeoqueror won dered at this new spiritual uadar it was probsbly as much ea their behalf as his own thst hlcodemus cam to tacjutr of jesus in answering his erueetlobs jesus reveals the nacaaalty th nature end th method of regeneration the only entrance tsto the christian life is by the door of th nee birth re- generstlab is th act of ood whereby th divine nstur is imparted to th believing sinner and he be the child of ood h wh has net en tered by this way has not entered at ea he u still dead in trea- paase aad elaa without ood and without hop eph 11 u men seek to enter th house h id of god by almost any other means nature reform character building end neglect er reject oods wey lyme neeeastty at se w 11 jesus was not unduly impressed by th dignity and high station of his visitor nor by the visitors cour teous aclcnowudgmsnt of his own position as a great teacher with incisive boldness jseus declared thst this man a cultured and dis tinguished ruler of the jews must be born sgsln if b i to see the kingdom of ood ood is no respecter ot persons this doctor of divinity must be bora again lust as was the ulltarete fisherman th requirement or the asms tor all and the necessity ae great tn one level of society e in another the surprising thing is thst this teacher of theology could be so ig norant of the one essential element ot a real splrltusl experience he evidently thought he could bring his soul to eternal life by his own works when tn fsct h was not able to give himself physical let alone splrltusl life two reasons are given by our lord for the mut ot vers t i th kingdom of ood is e splrltusl kingdom and cannot be entered by way ot our humsn nature and 1 thst which is born of ths flesh is flesh end is radically and essential ly bsd to learn why the flesh is bad reed jeremiah is x3 end gale- tlens 51931 scripture oo this point le diametrically opposed la th leeching of unbelieving men when such a dlsarenc arises be sure of this oods word is right follow 111 rj toe natore ef begenerauea w ms the new birth is a divine mystery not fathomable by humsn reason those who insist thst all spiritual truth be put through the little norm ot their intelligence will never un derstand it or receive its blessing ths striking luustrstlon ot the llfc- glvlng end energising wind used by our lord is most illuminating wind is unseen but the results of its movement are evident even so the splrltusl rebirth of men is sn enigma to the worldly men but even he can see its results in godly living observe the clsrlty snd simplicity of our lords teaching on what is undoubtedly the most profound sub ject in all the world let us follow his example end always make the message clear and plain christ re- celveth sinful men i iii the method ot begenerauea w 1418 many there are who esk nlcodc- mus question how can these things be v 0 the answer is clear only by faith in the son of qod our saviour just as there was healing and life in a look at the uplifted serpent num 218 so there is ufe for a look at the crucified one faith re ceives oods perfect provision far sin john 111 may well be regarded as the greatest sentence in the greatest book in the world it pre sents the whole plan of salvation its source its ground lis recipient its condition and us result- it also reveals gods love its object character manifestation purpose and the result john w bradbury this glorious salvation la for all men whosoever but soma re ject it nolle that ood does not condemn them their own evil worka and desires c them w ims ood in his grace ta ready and wlllmg to save but men lev darkness rather than utht for their works are avll nlcedejsius cams fs bight hut hs earns oomst twul u eons aowl a record ef 19jk3 mcus la n month la ladeded la thle canadian pacific raueray locomo tive wartime ahcwlng la keep- lag with the coeepur poucy of getting mailmtrm ssrvte from all eoulpebjent la order to fulfil its vital role la th fight for democ racy suttittu is two other t leroeaotiv js1 ea ef the beys hadtoa clata wss doss to lis peak mark in mluete with totals of 1j miles ancflmu muesentl lu ilitricfllfes average was 1711 mile other borai hudson tlkklu eft eitra raue at present laclode imseactiv wh which operated 17647 tallee la ea month sad lfisnics zsjh rxrj roue aad t4i all ea ui toronto to rert wirttsra nra ehlcfc averaged lt000 relies raoathly over a halfyear period tk erewa preodly carrkd ea tu locomotive ruseis board is a mark of honor f er all of th ihoo class for it was leeomotiv ku deter eerrln ef th one new sot ting klgh mqeage msrkx wklts took their uajeetu across cas es t the iters vut ef lst atj martdag was memorsiu joorwy tht uel haia hilton salvage drive nets 142 tons scrap metal to date the county saltage drrt for scrap urtal sad rrjbbar organlsad in ko vember by the helton county ooundl and th usucra agrtouiturei war ser vice committee mulled tn itli tons ot scrap metal and l toe of rubber being eahaged nelson town ship under the leadership of deputy- rene w j robertson snd w e rreckon president or the agricultural wsr oervtce onmmmmr and thru co worker did a splendid job fathering and disposing ol oter 60s tons of scrap mrial this is all the more notevoruiy chen it is taken into oofuldemtlon thst tn addition tolocal- ued aaltaffc drives held tn nelson s irrnrraj township drive was held under he aplr ol the nflson ouajds mpprosunately two years ago th mult in nchon not only prove whst can be eocompltshrd by an organised drive with mrroetlc lo cal irsdnshlp but also indicate that one drive in a community or township dors not mesn mat ii selvage ma- terlsl hss been cleaned up vssram ryn slso has been doing a bood lob under the leadership of reeve alrz near during the past year unfortunately no records are avail- sole ot the amount gathered in the put 12 monthi but we understand isrse amount hss been turned in to the acton war services committee unfortunately the drive in many communities dashed with silo ftlunss and threahlnn end in addition dll llculty was encountered tn securing truck to mske the necessary collrc hon prior to the frrarup and snow fall consequently the drive is far from completed in at least halt of the county and sull much heavy metal so badly needed for our war effort in still lying in fence comers and barn yard we would lire however to take this opportunity of eongraralaun warden john blair the township itrevrs president w e drecfcon snd his township and school section key- men of the agricultural war service committee on the results ot their drives held at a very busy season ot the year an excellent start hss been made let us hope it will be completed at the eartlest opportunity halton farmers are breeding more sows llsltoo agricultural leaders st a re cent meeting of th ii lion agricul turai war tvrrtcea oonvi lite report ed without esceptloo thut adflmlonsl son are being kept in their respec tive areas c has undertaken produce million hogs in ipo in contrast to ss mhbon in iso true increase required in ontario amounts to approximately one extra eow per arm where pies are now being kept part ot this increase can be aacured by reducing tne mortality in your pigs which normally runs from 30 to 05 per cent this mnrtallly can b red materially by e ukie the sow before and after in the winter and early spring the failure to feed iron to the young pigs is another important fsctor feed aup- pliee are ample and the price of grain in comparison to hog priors is fsvor- able true labour is scarce but by means of labour saving device the progeny from an extra sow can be raised with very utoe additional la- rjour an additional sow bred imme diately can produce a ton of pork in ten months the average price wul b higher in 1u than in 1m3 it is th general opinion that present hog prices will be maintained for the duration of the war and for at least one year af ter by speaking to your local trucker suitable sows can be secured for im mediate breeding if such ore not avail able on the home farm action is however essential st once if we ere to effect 1043 marketing stewarttown crowded cut isst waekj the christmas concert held ta ths school wednesday evening was wajs sitended a good program was peg em by the boy and girls who all took their part wan snd provided sb en joyable evening for all present be whrte and mas ucphsll are to be con gratulated on th aenrs of their training oente dsus cam sad dis tributed gift from a beautifully de corated christmas in un e karris ot oeorgetown spent a day lau week with her dsughtar ura b uodgw ohrtstmae visitors aim urs jo idbson wee ux and urs frank jcnklnion ilerble snd usralyn of uount denis ui sad ura d stan- dun ted rosemary aad richard of thorold snd pt jack jenklnson at chlppswa was prances jenklnson spent ohtwsv cnas with mend mind riser una baity vtastad with her family k tsasssw oswsstmas day so a beatty ot campbellford was in btewaruown for the week end rutting her old friends and neigh bours a communion benic was held ta th church crrtetmss morning and a carol gerrte sunday ajtsrncon wtth christmas story for the ehlldren ewrybody here wishes th boys in this country and overseas a happy new year mskihinu rtutouuti htuixuri idt tunc chosen by vaughn monroe roeutxm jtjvbou bockky cujb donates fcnm to bolmekfr cvosgwofxts a hank balance from th tamer juvenile hockey association wfcioh ha been lying dormant for th past tour or five years wss this week turn ed over to the soldiers comforts oob- mlttee as there has been no juvenile hoe- key of late it was uk that some of the boys of former teams now on settee service would benefit by a donation to this fund the cheque wss turned over by the president of the club o ass- ailvray and the serstsrytresstn 3orge ridden br the whole nation will be staging it soon i the american weekly with this sunday january 10 issue of th i th time ot year to check detroit sundsy tune will bring you i litlmtomnjr tth ittn nin v ffi on y printing r u ta marching through benin tne ilrst nv n anw nti w song in a compleu aerie of 1i1u to be for 3 wstch for it complete with j jtsmt aortatler stb ye oetroli time herald members ol royal canadian air force sewancr of sj erew of a lloyallmoht they are wk bftst to mwlttl altaian ustf totcnbla eaptatal j a johnston tteure t torair gtmner oansr eratorsrwniner uwbbmoxwewlmb j