the georgetown herald wtledyr jfartary 6th 1943 brills dept store i s if local hews up eciai representative from sssstfnuaryoa a pecio showing of spring woollens and styles in january strange but true and here is the reason within a month or two tip top tailors plant will be busier than evar on uniform order for the government we know our good friend will realiz the vital importance of this work and will cheerfully cooperate with ut right now therefore is the time to order your new suit or coat from your election of 1943 british fabric v the special representative will be glad to help you aelect to advise you and take your 1 measurements personally it a great op- 1 portunity men so make a note of the date now tailoredtomeasure brills dept store comer mul and main st georgetown pbone 1s7 a a no is bold hlccbmfui concoct is school concert ol a a no is ssssasttaf wis tiekl on monday even- tag nmmkr n with a good etten- dano the prngranitrtc onmltad or fllilisjim recitations nvwiit najrtoten and amis presented btr the pupus sir w a wilson sxstsd e ch1im sod cjsus dutrlbuted gift tram a tree after the concert dancing was enjoyed the proceed will b and to supply man books far th school library your eyes the tahllc are getting- knew oar new low pete far tuua is a real bargain tar th hlffa oallly uwi sapejied why pay ssare than sar new law prleet our eye eaamlnallan haa al ways been thorooih aa we ban the lineal eeslpmenl and oier tx years experience the peapla wham we saw ser- wd are coming back t sb be- caaae they realize ear eye banloa la thafeagh came bi and lei na thaw yea s neweat atylaa in glass an 5 elty prices consult 0 i walker r 0 tshiattt specialist who will be at hi sine em tha bell talephana o hate street ttaergslewn iha seeend wsdneadar at eaeb mania r eu may esnsmlt o t wafts at his at tie in brsmptsa piionei oesrgelewn t brampton us umehou3e recent dutors tncludad mr and ilxa james roe and family wtui mr and mrs c millar for new year with ur and ura eacl scott for new vcari were mr and ura joseph soott and itamuy ur and mm thoe halnea and family and ur woods ol toronto ounner rjtjoald rvdii or peta- wawa vlth tua sister mr s dishy ulsaea helen and joan trealor and ur kenneth oradwell at toronto wth ura untnmery mr prank rnhlnson of ouelpo with the muter ux and ura james mslennan and joan with tk klrtpautcka or christmas misses susie and uarle seaney were home from iwi for tha holidays and ur edgar neesay was home from toronto mr and ura w ssintuii and ulia oorts ill and ur and ura e sanlord and lullle spent new years with mr and mrs j banford ur and ura a e meredith and mlu helen visited ur and ura james noble at cheltenham on new years mr spltzcr and dauahter uaraarot visited friends in toronto but week mm a j smcthunl has been vlilt- inu her daughters in toronto mr and mrs john ii scott and ur and mrs william shelhoumc and fa mily pcjil new years with mr and mrs s uuls in toronto un a aisby ur and mrs d a mcdonald and dorothy and onr don ald mcdonald spent new years with mr and mrs icsm at terra ootta at the local school meeting last week mr william dowdy the retiring trustee was reelected for the next three years c farmers we have few hone drawn sprtmrkn yatt- for euential uhn k c memiilib ffhome 40 you wrtt u lftu yht il rtj omflhioom vlntrr f rr hirlaf uii wetil and no mistake ttie featle waun oer oue morv c get dusva to uie bnu tartu ol dally rtxitlne slatx olf uw nrw vea- rtght b wlnrtn uox nibwtlpvlun to tac mr113 up to date jopl tn grncral arc dutn uielr djty iwivy b uwl tidralll stt9 of bcot wjc unto wrdncmlay jinj- ary ijb in ui la uij dancr in tom hall cj n w prtdaj janujinr w- uoiw old tim- dancing proomtu in i of lur parrrl fund admluloa 2sf juuy traffic for uw hir vj holiday u much 4jjitr uita at clirtrtmt and thofcr ho srrv trawt luxtf did no ripsrrtcnc much troutur lluy uur ucacu fur llu orrrn u my vajlry anovlnji 13th and 13th ol jattuaiy at orryury thratv from lhr txiuhtrr ol ih oronjr diurch 01c homrlon iupt to tour buy ur utrj tn uniform no fun no bujirr wr jott add thrtr ruuna to our tut nd wnd it out for yau nrty arc in thi 30tarnro column ot tha a cum prvr preu vr oouv that w j u hampsdilrr v duquring ttowniiiipt rrrir o applrhr drputyrror and counrluar rrr o o uroam t u laruli and wuuam oovy krpjpr ajid olirr frvndi will rrviirt to traxd that ixu orucr wrtght dauahurr of ur a- w wrujit and aa- utant rdllor ot lhr itount porwt oonfrdrratr la rtporunl urkxuly ul una u a pattrnt tn a torotitu hotpttai ur llaxptn oaaumont ot prrsvoott aho v 1atlna hla futltcr ur j braumont qlcn wultaina waa laoufled by hi lhialnras partner uut hu homr lusd brrn complrirly datrord bj fuc in hi atnrncr no onr aa injur rd but flrrmrn mrrr unahlr to rrcur any fumlturr liijpiojtxs of thr municipality tuiir brn buiy dlincuur ua out of tha raornt cnoaiturm and arr htujlnu ursttl truck lojdt or aiom oo lttr ualn fltrrrl ajiiflr partdntf tiaa bran almoin trnponlblr use ut fr but uinun ttscri luimtit brcn o many cts tn ton to park thr niploce of orumont a wooufn uills ntrrutini oolrn wu- llitm daldrro nr vrafa ewe aitrr a vary cnjoyahlr tobcftkantag paxtj thtf rctumrd to thr laari hajj wherr thry acre irhen hot stxta and buculta canity onmsn and pop kt wjo thr odutta itartrd to drop in to halp iu- hrr tn thr- kww taar scbntrtvuntf a munarlpal avction for tha rrrmmp of tha- vuftcrv or tarn ur c v van duao ndttor of lhr ivra laaadrr and bnuvrrtnla of utm olndys and ur jacit mooib- bon of ororsttawn vaa rrtketrd over m opponent ur 1c u young editor clayton sdumn of the chealry cntrrnrlar wu drfratrd at tha polls tn cnaairy far lhw rrrvrftldp wttan thr count of balsbta abowrd clifford wilfht lhr hirenufal omwtklate mr jowph t donaldion mfner- ty of ilait now ttvtaff wluthu diufh- ter ufa j p rrtd wa hanoand chrlatvias err wftcn h vaa prntotm at hla heme aith a aoyear jewvl for u yrara rmbfhin tn watarloa usder 107 i o o p of oalt uf donaldaon ta a past mbtfla orand atar m paat ornnd uaritfinll of uui orand en campment and a charter member or ivy itettokah tsodcr 36 mm plareoae mahon of oamp- brllvlll u nrpioetna mrs jatnm crant un the public school tiuff and uat mondny commenced her teachtntt du- titi tn grade vtx mm efvnnn trndrr- rd her rcfllffnwtlon in order ur join her husband pfo james braiw m nasnau da human uts mahon whomr hiufcatd la in the army had not breit teaching for n year or two prlca- to her present oppototmem ptcturen on the holy tnd red cross news mrs richard marctiment burled in glen william mrs richard march men t passed away at her home wednesday decem ber 30th in her 60th year oiler a ions linear born tn olen williams she was fan nie may norton daughter of the late mr and mrs james norton party seven years aao she married richard marchment and they made their homo in oeonietown rev r o todd wndiiftted the fun era service held at her home on uui street on january and at 30octock rnlawment as made in olen williams oesietefy aunrirlac are her iwaband three brotheri alan norton or fimfwiee and jauea and mrad of olen william ura dennis tnuar ol oieh wtluams one son prttate jamas usnhuent of h sofdatt shiwa wx mm if bsll of 1ua mastov alio of owmailmb and blimhtxgh or rrxcr there cam to mind the wordi of the great pccr kotkour ahlch rnlht be thr thouzht oi any ccxdun to- uy who rau hi daliy birad in prtr rrtay thr bironc ol mi ckd 1 is oia woajteooms we au a ant pfcvcr wr all hop fox pracr wr all pra for pracr bat brfurr that comrt wr are told that ihtrr mint br morr tlgthlng the tlihx mut br earned to the eormy we mutt glvr up the drfenwr for thr oaaw- tha will mean caauai ttoa- ho ti iud croaa m ryy dieppe hr will be rrady whao tha usf cmrrgrncy coenra hhr u tjktrtj ui ail w wp hrr oir hoaptai oommltua nttit pw n- cruiu lo m u qtwkaa out en um and eaparuby dor oar itrwlnj oom- auttaa nerd worarnv if jou em taw mx alt w1u you plrur cau ura btu at 14 and aak hrr how yda rn hlp pruonfrotwar parrtu what do ihmr parcel contain wdto- is or f wholr uh pirwdrr i ox buttrf 4 oa xxrvt 12 oi corned deer 10 c pork luncheon ural s oc balmon 4 oa bardlnea or kipprrv s c drtrd apniaa 6 ox driad prunrt o- aucar is oa jam 16 oa pflot ntsvuita s oa eating chocoiatr 1 oc tall and psfppar 4 oa tv and 7 oa map a total of ml oun ce of food for one week a pmrorl pro vides 2jmq ealortea per dy for a seven- day period no tobacco u incladrd tn ihu parrel baeausr u la sent t hula oivi a dutrlbutad in th camps at the rate of fifty ctgusure per nun per meek the lied cross haa poalthe amu raicr that this food parcel togesthar with tits ration uauad by tha oertnan aiuuiorlur arr ample to krrp our mildtita in perfect health and hltff morale in case of stckraa lnus parcel ast tent from aupphra held in oenr and pruvldrd by the british itetl cro vitamin tahlata sre alao mxii in bulk and diatrttiutrd to canadian prtaaaen of war theaa are mnt from csuiada d a tartan tilk apron and a spiitf of wtiite hrulhcj- sent by a woman in aootland in appreciation ot a pared forwarded u her coo tn u oarman prt- yon cumthruueh uv ouiadlan fled croft pssvll diatrihutlon 1 a char- ihrxi puueaxion of ura ii p plump- tra honorary diiwetor of thr had croaa inquiry bureau ottawa ura plumptre in tpeaklna ol her work say and lo4 me say this that any oca who dttuht whether th pru- unrra set canadian red croaa food parcala would b quickly convtnosd u they ooold comai into our bureau and ana for themaelvaa thr 400000 acfcnow ledtfmcnt carda aoch iwpresentlns the recalpt of a canadian ited croaa food pmrcai by a drltlah pruonerofwar easwpt a comparatirtly few which come from prtoonata of the aluqd na- tlons flportlna a heavy woolly beard war rant officer vernon a bchnefilar 5 patrlhjh ctca- toronto whoreosntly rektomed tram fla- months toterxiasrnt in algeria rrlatra it was pretty ter- rihus in the camp the authormea dldnt care much how wo fared we got lentil soup twice a day and black bread once had tt not been for the poncala we received froan the canadian rod cross we would have been in bod shape there were about a down canadians in the camp and the bed cross parcels from home were ocr- tutnly appreciated thry undoublad- ly saved us from starving with the navy league i a ant ou to know uut iha nary h1 nrr irt ou down i want j to knov uut our is to4y turd- utttai sna stroa nty bo niclf vlctximinl p w ktra in hli ctuljni mrfcsgr o thr psop 4 d wr hop u ou art to use city to- iotioi oj iu plan to nm th cans- duo natal war ihim eii- ton rpsrlal rxmmjon tnowrooo rtrhmond st west ry dsy irom is am until 10 pn you wtii gas thr tnasnlaohit modrls ot th ship jn wfalfh ooil haw jlaht you will see th luns with which ocr haw fuht snd you will biz actual torpr- oora imca of admltaloo is ajfcilu tic chudm iv mo tas snd tns ro- ur ptocmxl win so to thr navy lcaorje op osxaqa nvwauxzm bcwsae t a scourac lo ufcosts an oar cana dian rortstlrs as thay cany ubrral supplr of orpth ohanrrs bm of thsar conrttaa balpsd oanrral us- mhowyr troop to fhtwrrara tn north africa truly our osnutlin nsvy u raahiw rood rtadln for our futun hutory urtoooka flxm new wwwwnstiry u1wn w c u uaa to ll wr har a urms claim at irast on charlir bsst who about twenty ytara back pant amcrsi s aaoh irmtw with at osdar oreat ttisrtal fan parsady mncrnbar htm bshlnd uv plat when ha playwl no raaan eaub- srs ssltt lr u in a btrtar tasar now and la known as bum takndr charus daat of torortarodlsooirr of i snd now head of the natal urdlcal rtraranh unit unosr his dlrocoon umn jarors oampbro toronto blochannst carrlad out laborstory and ripntasmtal work on th etbcrgrney rations ilr mads s00 experiments to dtseovrt a water hat wouldnt rust tnhd of cans also produced s enooolsto that wont melt at ju deems of best a food container to d inside th kk u a bui bitter tharr a aanfin can and holds ii chocolate tablets each w par estrt whole mm two bars of chocolste rnoogh to isst a man two days eat slowly is the only dtreo- uon ttten on the container this is hjr baosws of thr high eslorie content of the food what a oodaend these dlsrererlea wtn b to our shlpwreeldtd saoars huddled on llfrrarut thr irony ot istr thwy who are brtnftnr food to other often tfcmosdfs snjjtr pant of busfsr may suoees th esoru of sum laoasdr but and th psesonnc under his wtuakj1- wuek hmina remernber u is this thursday january 1th that w n twrkacsin at the home of urs ham be sure and brtni your snd fsiurlt needle with you w alio be tlad to hat any pleom ou might hate eultab up into warm qollts or shsns there s sneral woollen mif to the f in the home mar itl be needed to meet the ei tnoi-uiln- fleninfls of the nsvy rue skom hkuxjcajtreag ur it c ilauhcw prsalosdt mens oaremuts oatsjlo wlshs to thank ao chow who th has zu rtaott k eb both tn ditty had and woollen ims aooordln to annotifiobasct the lion anros i rrv iuqj ttrr lor defrner nsrai affairs branch mors ships an brio built for th floral hsry shd man shin lor thr otmun usrohsnt nary this mean more man and mon men to bt cared for in the mat ter of duty bats and aosuasa this means a still mater mpaa- ausuity for ua if n ut proud of what our sailors an dotnt tn tht rest atrutbib and appreciate ehsa thry an doln for us than let th nsvy leavtue thank th sjiobj bshalf but w most the rlsry lc rue lomethlne to do that wtth vtr a wtik our liiinjw is real handy to u allrtrht on th ualn street so drop in and srsrw your apprseia- uon newadveitisiauhts rxxbalx w have tallied number wood ivod ortnders ullk ooolers snd arrung ilarhlnas for immediate d- utrry also mount rvirrst thmtaisj uschhsea dutrtct reprramuue wmoosbbr ym a t e urwsow oecswetown phon m tf vo box jot wajtttd wanted oockarel sultshu for bnsd- era bsored rooks new lumpshtn white tawjiorrts oood price paid also flocks to supply hatching eggs for th ims hwtemm season rtocks culled and bloooherted under oorenunsbt superrlslan free of chertre ouarantssd bonus paid for ess with sd premium ww for fun perllculai also wanted to ptirrtisss pullets twedabcma baxahastas uatltel ujmtb fsrius ontario nelson only halton township to hold election and etoypt were shown on the screen nt the informal aervtce in the bundry bchool room of th united lost sunday cvenlrur the gentleman who took the pictures rev j n moon of milton united church re lated these pictures to the life of christ the lnoldents of which hap pened at the spots pictured the pic tures also were related to incidents in the life ot the chrislan society as it grew and spread through the undent world a large sunday evening con gregation thoroughly enjoyed his pre sentation and was much edined tar tt last week esqucfilnfr ratepayers re turned the township council to office by acclamation nelson township was the only district in the county to hold italy un election and we print below thr stewarttown mr and mrs joseph hunter of nor- val visited with ura lamon new year day lccpl s hunt of brampton and lao oubert runt ot trenton wen horn for new year leave sergeant ken murray arrived home from british columbia en furlough and new tear leave abu nmuus bauey of oamp bor- den mu home tor a couple ot day iu j beodenob new toronto gpaat th wk and tt u horn hen school npsoed monday mormnc ttw deop snow ttatf mormns mi tnveuinc haswy until tb snowplow w wotlsd ik kktnf poiahw hn enjoy- in ajutlas m th pond lm names of the men aenrtng and those to br elected to serve on the councils church ror the four townships in the county ot uskon edqubanwa townsnn reeve howard may norvol depu tyreeve w cj murray councluors oeorge clcae george currle and w a wilson nasaaoawkta townsinp reeve alssonder near oounclllors lloyd crawford john robertson w vonslckle j b dlenton otsaon township reeve lsatte kerns mary 8 pettlt william j robertson john mcnlven deputyreeve elmer o poster e les lie peer oalln smith cmorge w thorpe counclllora three to be elect ed iletbert ahron john h allen el mer o faster william dale w a iber cluulm readheod msiy a pettlt o leue pur school trustom five to be elected j m aldenoo v j breokon brad- ford clements john frank duff el mer b bolter paul planar mrs- david hartley wuham hume leslie vterim msrtyn ismey- john utnhren msry a petttt ohatl nudhead wullsm jrolmuwlltolthioollnablth nuituami towhflhjp reeve nonnan b oubatt deouty- wlmam a bau obutmauow stanley btsty wim h unar and imwai mm mb ttiuu oaoi- uliet akmay v imb ud bobati umiwj aui tjmar wad um aumtaatr nnv w f dance to doris hulls orchestra modern and ctdtyme in oeobonown aura friday january 8th 1943 dahctno till 1 atsmtiwtow ka u rwseh war worker pure food store stuarts mincemeat 25 oz tin makes a delicious piel 27c toddy a chaesute flawed malted feed drink 1 lb tin 45c neuasas jersey brand cocoa 1 db tin 29c supreme shortening purely vegetable lb 19c salada tea bags finest orange pekee blend so tea bag 70c magic baking powder 1 lb tin 28c c a c atlmer oranteume marmalade 16 ox table jar 21c kleenex tissues im- 20c pfeg ulue necfc hard shell clams dellelao for btewschowder solids 5 ea tin 25c oengrea brand pink salmon vz 2 una 2sc armours bouillon cubes 10 cube 35 hostess toilet tissue 3 roll 25c we have a limited supply of bacon cured and cooked meata e far nel sone w georgetown m n r j mm ii mn