Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 13, 1943, p. 1

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georgetown herald stfvefifyflftlt year i pubiktie whwfajr jisiuy i3k 1m3 georgetown council held inaugural meeting monday firit 1943 meeting for esquesins township council mhit llun hrrl i taaae fee tw 1 1 is 1 1 pre tvea as- kan teaaiw l ttrifca ru buwaruovn jtnmjj lllh imj the counflj elect tuf itir tuwmrdp of t- or u jeer imj met u ocaoca and having ejborrtbed to oath of onr tout thru- seat o howard usy rene o weer murray drpvtvrrrvv qeorge cuav ocorge dm and wvrom a x councillor ttw minutes at the tut mft sere read and edopt- after the cocabvinfcrartnrit had been nad it u mwvd by ourrtc tecorjd- d far murrey that u following b paid the municipal world sup plies and 0 dog lags int wbililrf on sllisgiei p t mst bjlpjc llraiiipton lgbie si council ifc a4 bt3 tvlephone os tarrtass tjfll letter shop supply oo ihit board of itydro oornmlsaionrre oeorewtewn street ugbls at olro wil liams mtd bam mmiim lo aptiu- tag and piling wood el ooundl cham- bar hu i u basnets to writing old aft periston ta imj tltoo on tario oood roadi assvotlauon mcm- bsmhlp i boo the narration ann rant tlo 09 oarrtsd moved by wilson seconded by oteev tbat we do now adjourn to beat at a pat juried ths council rasumed uom by wuson seconded by mur ray hat relief aooounla b paid ho tooerrled iforad by fflkco seconded by our- he that this oouncu appoint name jaan to act aj traaaurar pro tarn during tha ehtence of n r tfaomrjsnp oarrted ilineil by ourrte aeoonitad by cleave that tha rata of pay tor operator cl trader wbl b uc perhour and for day labor oc par hour oarrtad mo d by wdaon ase ay cteeea tbat jut council do hereby apply tor subsidy on tha amount of lsoijs under tha prortalona ol tha itigtrway improwunt ad carried iforad by cleave seconded by wil son that lean be granted to introduce bylaw to appoint a member ot the local board ot health for the year 1m and that amid bylaw be now read a ftrtt time oerrled moved by ourrle seconded by hur ray that bylaw so mi to appoint a member ot the local hoard ot health for the year 1043 having brn read a tint time be now read a sec ond and third time and puaed and the uau tuied tn itb the name of j it iuotam and uie teal ot the oorpcrauoo be attafted thereto ow ned uobd by hurray aanrrwted by cta that leaf be grazrlad to in- traare a b law to euouit a wj xxmcwrtor for the twrtutjo ot kojia- toa and that taid bylaw be now read a iltu ume ourtad ltod by ojrf caraoded by wu- kei hit bli m ui to appatnt a weed tmtur lor the twmeilp ol exyjaxtna bartng baeo faad a tret ume be dow read a amond and thud uiem ac peghi ad ttie bunk rul ed in vkb the naase ol wullam qusp- bru and the aeal of the oorporauon be aiuvofaed ihtrscx oarrtnd uoavd by wuorx eaconded by um- ray hat leal be iratad to intrcduor a bylaw to appoint mm e for he year imj and that said bylaw be now read a tint ume canted limed by cuaw taronded by cur- ne hat byuw ho mb to appoint umun for the year imj hartm barn read a tint ume be now read a sec ond and third times and passed and tbe blanks filled tn wrlh the nemrt ot cecil ftilaholm for wards 1 j and 1 and arthur w demon for wards i and e and the seal ol he oorpor auon be attached thereto canted uovrd by ourrte seconded by mur ray that leave be granted to introduce a bylaw to grant parmlaaton to the iteere and treeaurrr lo borrow money to meet the current expenditure ot the township and hat said bylaw be now read a first ume carried uored by osaee seconded by wil son lha bylaw no mo u grant prr- muslon u he reeve and treasurer to borrow money lo meet the current ex penditure of the township hartng been read a tint ume be now read a second and third tlmaa and paased and the blanks oiled is wtth tie sum at puty thouund oohars and the seal of the oorporatton be attached thereto qtrrud uored by hurray seconded by our rte that the road aocounu be paid idlfto carried uored by ourne seconded by wil son hat he treasurer of he coun ty of helton be paid fifty per cent ot hospital arrounta for the year imj ua9d7 carried moved by wilson seconded by mur ray that we do now adjourn to meet on monday february 2nd at 3 oclock pm or at the cad ot the reeve car ried mayer gibbons host t banquet for cfmfftcil and other guests taugura adtt feature el first piart of evteiajj mayor laprcrvwcl rfelaioeu wra aco bordl frb sot- lot foe- ike yootb of tka town tax rile rtaatiiea ra 1m3 aad ajo ruduotd hytvo rite rev j e owtreca cnnrlortd the dwotic9ul period urtnhere ol oecrrrtown ouundl as- tesiblad fur thrlr tnauejral meeting tn the m onvva on monday nrnmg oouncu took ttr plaoee as fullowt mjlye- jooh ogjbone reeie n h breen aounrcktre k r uac- oonald cuitord llrtdlry josftrfi llau wullam ttmoenreon lledw iwiaw and thca 1 leona the small meatlng room wee filled to capacity to hear he maw uuut- rural addrnea as he was later lo be host to he council and a number of gueeu at a dinner after all had tak en ihrtr nlacea town cirrk p d ilir- rlion read the decurmtlon and admln- tstered the oath ol orfios lo the mem bers ot council and also lo the lldro cvxnmlttloaer oraham pamrll ustr olbbona dllerrd a irry elo quent and truplrtni addreu wlucri he addrread lo the ranru of imj and lo tha eluems ol oeorgetown genre slly rls rrenaivs not only bore evt denee of much thoht tn which tie beta the interval of the town at heart la eee twmttaw m their scope and could at lean a portion of the ideas put forth be carried out our own would lurel be a much better place tn which to live he cited reduction tn the las rale foe imj and said he would do all in his power to have he hydro rates radoned tn oeor getown tloejwe the ten ot the ma rors ui if i as fcoowt so we will not counrat further ho trtstnra u cncidmrted at thli meeting and after agraalng to m ariui on ttwaday january lath motion lo adjourn was paauid ambuufk assoxution hotifiwiol awards students enrolled tn tha ot john ambulance amorlatlnn course ot in struction tn lnt aid and home murs- ing held during the past few months tn the legion hall have been noti fied that they have successfully pass ed their examinations mra t qrteve instructed the classes and dr o v williams gave the leotures every member ot the class passed the exa minations held by dr r t paul eboruy baton christmas following an she names of those reoelvtng la bels medallions and first and second certificates labels audrey sharpe dolene mc- ry mrs d drill betty anderson medallions mlu f luke miss m tn mrs- wn smith margaret oaln mra pearl armstrong mary wataon sarah buck mrs edna oole sod certificates mrs margaret bplres mrs jessie bhortlll mrs de vrlee 1st oertulcotes miss fields and mrs d toumour both ot acton bar bara oousens mrs hazel robinson miss kathleen shaln miss jessie white mrs art scott miss marjorle bvane frances deans mrs walter peck miss phyllis tumbuu miss a staunton miss kathleen buclc ronoh press ontts hold bcocbssfiiif dance the nan ot flu was realised from dance last friday night sponsored by smith a stone punohpreavworkers and draw on bubterny nllt made by tin girls themselves put of the proceeds will be donated to the aid to russia und- nearly 300 people en- joyed dancing in the arena to doris huns orchestra mayor olbbona made tfia draw far the quilt and bruce ool- hns wag the winner there were ume trr in ohargw of be erent in local babdwake laksuciiant died huddenly last nlflbt iwwnsbeeble gcaerally and bis baalaeaa stasrlslea were shecaed a hear af the eimr passing el walter c anlhsny last night iu had appeared a be in e uvely gaed besltb and was aheet his business as mmal that day he saeeambed te a heart attack in the teeters atbee early that even ing is he hardware and sheet- metal business here far many years be had a wue circle el friends fsneral nstleea will ap pear later the weather by if l huu breaking records seems to be a fa vorite pastime ot old man weather last wook he made another and gave us the coldest week in many a year with three subsero nights in succes sion and low temperatures during the day the daily mean temperature for the week came down to 115 degrees as a compensation for the low tem peratures the winter clouds lifted and we got two whole days of full sun shine and wasnt that a delightful change just to find out how well old sol could warm things tip we placed a recording thermometer in our glass roof sun room and with no other heat than the rays of the sun the temperature went up to 103 degrees when the temperature in the shade out side was only is degrees when will some inventive genius give us some practical way of storing up all the surplus summer beat so we can turn on a tap and enjoy it in wtnterf dato b andl bnow- temp fan tties jan b it 8 3rv wed jan 6 31 u thurs jan 1 u 10 fit jan s 15 10 bat jan 0 u 14 ram jan to m u lion jan u to at wjo jwaktb ntwet tfwatajt gmwt wawaflwati ail ejxaa aas artta anat tav wajjienwef ifww i t to the ucmbrrs of the ouuixtl and clusms ot oeorgetown the membtrs ol the municipal oouncu are sarcnhlm here odsy for he tint merung for the csr imj and i am taking advantage ol this opporuinily to publkly corurraulate the members who hare bam elected for he tint ume the members who bate been rvrlacted whom i hae been easdclatrd wtlh in the oom and rerr n ii brown who i am rarrrlnoecl wtu represent he municipality of oeorgetown at county council faithfully and wao trte past year continued to show marked tmpcowment tn the fin ancial situation of the own with a current levy of lajynoo tflnetyfite percent or tioeiioo aas oojccted and the total imui ware reduoed from leltsm tn 1w1 or 110153 18 si the end ol imj the water payment ar rears also show a reduction ot tlttttft to imi to uoaos at the end of imj during utr put yrrr conildrrsble chsrujri vrrr made in the tax payment plan and the method to which the taire and water rates were collected if he arrangements made last year have proved to br unsatis factory and objsotlonable to he cttlsana i suggest that he finance com mittee afiould meet and submit raccsrimstvlstions and have them consid ered by the council at the earliest posxsbte moment the moat unaillifsclory financial mstter thai the auditors report will show sben completed is the tmvfctedneis ol h0xd0 00 by the arena company to he oorporauon realising as i do the problems that the arena board hse had to contend with down through the years know ing the benefit it has been to the people of oeonrrtnen and surrounding dtrlct nnd erprclally to the youth of uil oommium h providing an opportunity for clean upon and unuvminl in view of this fact i do not suggest to the council that ve should take advantage of the mortgage clauw thereby creating a possibility that this gtrat community asset might become die property ol private interests howcvrr i am going to be frank and say lo the arena board that in my opinion tn fslmrss o the public spulted men and aomrrt who approximately tvrnly years ago invested their money without any ihourtit of receiving either interest or principal in falmm to the taxpayers who have been conyng this indebt edness tn the tsx rate tn fslmnss to all clltsens who pay their accounuv to the corporation snd in view of the fsct that frequent attrmp have been mode to iirt nomr definite understanding with the arena board i do suggest that the municipal council should try and arrange a meeting with this board with the idea of formulating some agreement whereby from the beginning to the end ot the skating season the arena would be of greater community benefit and tn this connection if the town assumes part ol the financial responilblllty i submit all boys and girls up to and including secondary school age should be free to take advantage of this healthy recreation without any cost to themselvea therefore i submit the council should in the near future gtve some consideration lo this matter because in ray opinion if uniform methods are not adopted in collecting revenue in all cacs reganuren of persons or group o persons and it the council continues to ignore this unfavourable situation with the arena company then the present preemire applied tn collecting occounta from individuals should cease the total surplus of the town represented in bonds ot the end of december 1m1 was iis000 and i am assuming that he oouncu will use at least part of this to provide for some degree of tax reduction this year true essential servtoce must be maintained but with pvdcral taxa tion and other demands on the earnings and savings of the taxpayers at the present time the taxes collected for municipal purposes ehould be kept as low as possible although the admlnlstrauon of local hydro affairs is the responsi bility of he oeorgetown hydro commission i am taking advantage of this opportunity to call to the attention of the citizens that there is at the present time a hydro surplus in cosh and securities of gjoooooo this situation should not exist if we in the municipalities are going to follow the policy of sir adam beck the founder of itydro in this province which was power at cost with the approval of my fellow commissioners we shall make recommendations to the ontario itydro commission this year with a request to have the domestic itydro rates reduced tn oeorge town i am appealing to the members of the oouncu for their cooper ation while we are transacting public business throughout he present year regardless of how different our opinions may be or now freely our views on public affairs are expressed i nm confident the business of our meetings will be carried on with dignity and despatch i believe that we as a municipal council should during this world oonfttot not be unmindful of the men who have offered their services to their country and that weshould go as fur as the municipal act will per mit in seeing that the immediate relatives ot the men who are actively engaged in the defence of our freedom have the community considera tion which they so richly deserve and in this connection i know we all realise the time and thought that have been given by all organizations and individuals in the interests of the welfare of the armed forces it is my desire to express my appreciation and gratitude to all the churches organisations and citizens generally for the cooperation that has been extended to the municipal council in the past and i am confid ent that with that continued splendid goodwill regardless of the present or future personnel of your civic government and when our minds change from war to peace and contentment there will be more advanced civic legislation and a greater and better town of georgetown service notes heads masons e v uacooiutack local druggist who has reoenlly been appointed worshipful uastrr ot croat lod no 3i aj i all ui uacooreaack u slao sn active member of italian chapter anolivrr branch of the uasonic order row duncan iruttrti in toronto a wedding of local interest took place in ot clements anglican church korth toronto an daobbbar 2th wnm d roae dtravaa tea at mrs duncan and the late angus dun can anil uelan llrlrn ahurgln un ocal btrerl toronto daughter of mr and mrs charles v ehurgln wen united la marriage ths church adorned with cbxlaunas decorations formed lbs earttng for thewesmony st which canon w o nicholson of- llraled the bride gjverj tn marriage by her liithrr wore while french wool rtreet- irrurth vhh gold buttons and gold lacings bhe had on a white furfelt oflthcfsor hat with brown veiling and canled red and while roses and little vhlte mums mra hugh o jolly ass matron of honor in pale blue crepe with lsoe bows sppllqued around the hem of her streetlength drees a black feather hat and tell and nosegsy or pink roses and forget-me- nots leading aircraftsman james e d jolly was groomsman per the wedding trip to the east the bride donned a blue wool jersey dress brlge topcoat brown mufl and convsjre of copper rosea the couple will reside at niagara falls ont bdsrrm qrtalss msfescien toronto sprat the i ml at home bgn oecnj bargrct aas hoes from tururjto for the 4a cod hen ordl dsrvdsod has bean trans lned lo vlmy barraou ft tram no m oa8to at brjepton lr water behn orula wot bom for trr vee end 14 keith bpmcr ovvrus vkb uu lome hoots cearbraled his kjn btrvbday oo january uth btrthdst gnetings trom all at noma this k the second birthday keeth has cala- tsrsted omieaa ooragrelulauoru to uuoorpaxj carl hyde who rrrejvsvd his promotlea from he rank of nepprr wo waaks ago te cpl ifjo has bsao osrruas auh thr rch two years last august flytng ocsorr w o lindner son of ur lindner ot the apcie pro ducts oo olra wtuisma and mrs lindnrr lias been overseas with the rcap for the past year and has re cently been peomoced trom pilot offi cer lo the rank of ptytng officer tit and mrv mark clark recalled a belatad christmas cable from thai son bgt leslls u clark and a for mer member ol the herald staff how- eser the cable brought some cheertnf newt for u staled that leslie was la the best of health and enjoying fly ing the otd country- he said h was a grand sight to oy orer tha hills and lochs ot scotland he is tiei to the perry onmmsnd and flew over sea early last pan the two sargent brothers mum i0 douglas and lc opt jim cabled flowers to their mother for obrlrtmaa jim sent chrysanthemums douglas asl mm bargenl received last baturday from ths boys eaytng they en going on less they have been fortunate enough to see and visit a great many oeorgetown lome hoots boys what over there kealdentn might easily bare mlaoon- atruad information contained tn a recent issue of a toronto paper which reported the death ot tjo k a mackenzie oeorgetown later extract ed to toronto and his burial to eng land with full military honours wtth fk kenneth mark on lie son ot ur and ura j b mackenzie georgetown who is reported to be to ft health and carrying on his duties at rcap instructor at aytmer its coincidental that these two bay with the same name enlisted tn the air force at the same time want through manning pool together and then were posted to different edranee training schools both received thakr oomnlsslons at the same time f0 mackenzie of toronto was killed ta action following bombing raids ofar germany italy and francs about thirty guests including mem bers of council town ofclsls and men and women from almost every walk of lite partook of mayor gibbons hos pitality at a banquet table set in the lament ot knox presbyterian church the ladles of the ejniroh who did the catering served a delicious onloken dinner with ill the delloaolea that go with k following the dinner cleric p b hstftisoxa acted ak ctiairman for the tttformti mfxonther andtspsexes-aitfc- lat ttatxraawnuotwf front tie vast- out attto idapai wuw oaawd un- nn f rr miiii flisl tpiislifi wadraattw ttsos tttsw rded wwr1alwwir as aasswasj xor wkt wxxabt wwhaaii obuncillor clifford bradley for the old members of council councillor hedley show for the new members ot coun cil rev o o ooohrane for the clergy rev w o o thompson for the high bohool board ur walter oarpentor far the high school mr h o wrlgstvssworui for the puhlle bohool ur a o wetk cor the banks br o v willjsibs 1400 tar the board of baalxh ia walter blehn mr the status mr is rvhrav tele gram wetter ur o mnoaltarii for themydro ool jatttaw latlltlrtmei tar the old mmtaaty aowavaliim car tmhww mlhxaty wanto itmadtr ilviwab tmpmm aaxtk twmhfsitaw on hat pat i nortorbsirker weddinf the aeddlng of ruth myrtle daugh ter of ur and mra e e barker and ounncr james charles norton son of mr snd mrs r w norton and grandson of mr and mrs l j nor ton olen williams took place in ot james church on saturday after noon at 4 oclock rev a hamilton powell officiated the brides father gave her in marriage bhe wore a white gown mode with bodice of white salln and skirt ot while net her fulllength veil fell from a satin headdress bhe carried red rosea miss hannah lolllgan in orchid rhirton and carrying pink rosea was maid ol honour and miss wlllulmlne norton was bridesmaid dressed tn periwinkle blue taffeta she carried pink snd white carnations the flower girl miss myma norton wore yellow taffeta and carried carnations and chrysanthemums in hsrmonlring shades olfts to the attendants were n gold cross to the mold ot honour a gold compact to the bridesmaid and a silver locket to the flower girl mr daniel norton oeorgetown was best man and the ushers were mr james brand and gunner joseph norton georgetown snapdragons and chrysanthemums were arranged throughout the church as decorations miss laura west play ed ths wedding music and ulu vic toria barker sunt of the bride sang at the afterreoepuon the brides mother received wearing a braotded sheer crepe drees of oary btaa mat- med with white and corsage boofjuet of rases the blooms mother was aots- ed in a black crepe dntt trlmtnad with velvet and white oahar and wore t corsage bouquet of rosea the wedding tttp was to georgetown and toronto the bride towwlunf to a rust erepo vveas btattned in fold hha wore a maakr otatt a a brown bat trifttftud wlttt twzjawtjt swat bvtittl a inuaww last- arsdt her ay laamlst watw brown tha oottpla wm rtwlde ta m- mllwstii t j i v- fajtm faiek annodnces novel new oontett the fbmlly herald and wsttrjy star long renowned for us unions and entertaining competltlona has lust announced a new sooooo prise odnttat that promises to attain weudeserred popularity throoghout the length and breadth ot the country the prise list is an atraouve one embodying 100 prizes wtlh leading awards ot ijmos tioo00 and 180 00 called tun on the farm this con test might best be described as a pic torial wordbulldlng game tn whieh the contestant completes certain words pertaining to farm objects sit uations or actions then uses the let ters ot these words to build up other words represented to the putsle pas tures the object is to use up as many letters ot the original words as pos sible in presenting this contest the fa mily herald renders a valuable serrtoe in the field ot home entertainment these days tha average person hat tew dousrs available for reereailofs and amusement yet to offset thw strains of wartime living recreauob is needed more than ever the fany herald hopes that this new contest will help brighten the new year feratt who like to seek recreation end profit by working out paales the first puttie appeared in tha issue or ijeoember 10th but theres atut ume to ttart arangetaents hare been made to supply back puolea to thoat who did not get in at the negtnritng ran p to ur rank wltton on birth of a tor january 11th an axwauthw meeting of the t f tj met on uonday twntag mat twk a atsxtdtde of pivjghuai waa rattttaa forlma ura ft a mek xtattad ur atti ura aunt ituatoady iskaviraat a aw dam ita waste acawsmawavwr tha legend a her rbtwatmtll

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