Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 13, 1943, p. 2

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tbe gfctwkttowo herji wedaedy jaaowy i3l 1943 timely topics for women ly iartwi libit lsthjts ass ojlejsl arohsf hat you tctxwarieagad your cfarwt eu clu jf hai you written to that mend sho to lu or whoa i a reported mlafcnrr list you sent cot of cheer to th courageous young gaothrr who had her baby to etna of th nations outposts tanai an ruxld to h with bar tuistund asvlv hi call to m csirrmt tbrr imqi lo b so many nrrbtii for writing lettare today and uuir am to which to nu yet orr tun letter bean ao uoport- act you know from your own esprrleanr ho plrasrd you war to art an un expected card from frirod vto re- kadimd your wadding annhrrary of u pleasant niim the- bad enmt with you ian a jeer aro now hrtlrr and ntn bote and card gx great morale builder they art you know you are bring rrmrcabered thai srrnann share your ors or your sorrows or uat uomc utile alndneas you may hsw don was sppreculrd this u iru of folks ttryrty but u specially tru of those who ofum for th dm ub to thrtr htaa find then- athee today far away from thrtr on toug comer of the unlvm and among strangers aa regards tb boys end girls too ffitwu it b an old atory now that latum aod parcels from home aj fere a tontr though perhaps thry wouldnt admit it out from vilca ad other war srrvic workers mho hav returned we bra that atom a than vita moras and aula and indif ferent to hi wort trt ftrat cause thry look for la usually th tight arurser no letter from bom u u of utmost ijbpoftaac to at that snail cntneae go regularly and often and then that arr th thousands of young girls who hatf laft tha town and tulafte cf th land to go to work tn wax plant their new emtron- ment is tery tt rant io them and working on ahitu it u efln hard or thm to mak nw frlmda uanj of than ar lontly and yu horn tick lrttar from mother and dad are worth thftr vtlcht tn cold out lhy uka to har from their old echodl truedj loo- ttiaj o djt th cane art dotnt and all th bita of local nava and ajoaalp zn one ontarto tula ctrareh group of young people nave undertak en wtiat i think la an eaorptlonally ftn plaoa of work thry luted the name and addream of ail tha young peopla of tha ttllac who hare left it itno ui- war began about 40 than ai sea u all thougli it luuted wilt ahcut a saim there axe boya and a few girls acrvlng in tha armed foroaa a ntmlcg slater oversea and many young people strl especially who have left to work tq munition plant in nr caotraa t jo each of thee en at waa tewe town circle tou a bright newsy letter tailing of the doings in the village and countryside and aiked for a newsy letter in return telling of the writers bear experience in the navy or air craft factory or training centre as the case might be the replies received van read at the circle mealing and ware then started off tn one has round esiin to th young peope away from bom they war kept moving as quickly a possible and new letters put tn ctroulauon as received the reault though scattered far and wide that boya and girls were able to veep in close touch with each other and each noerred ao much mall they had uule axfortunltjf to get lonesome in larger centre a community plan gooh aa this would be too cumbersome to handle but x think it u a fine thing for a high school class or the w tn a certain plant or church roup to keep in touch with tla absent t the round robin way the increased volume of mall in war time is a big problem tor the postal uthortusa to be aura but they we come it in tact encourage it be cause aa long aa a people write let tin freely they know the morale ol tha master la high were a mans sorrows and disquie tudes summed up at the end of his ufa h would generally be found that be had euhterm more from the ap prehension of euoh evils a never hap- paoad to hta than inn thou evils mia had realty befaa hla ooaeri awtann the book of tmk whs uootc to tux urxtntasr- 10 qrand obnhon jr tozlord mtpp tu look to lb uoudulio is a book jou rsnnot bet using oca that you atll want to read lloety aitbojt hrry thai cu acay savour tiy pteuuaaoja ckarnciuao nrry hu of euloru to the iu2 u is a book-of-th-uoth- ctob srlktlod aod has hamrr a beat it t the iry of pknaer hf tn kew mimramre bomtsjcang on a kmrtiran tag interval dominated by qorvay unntiln tn th itio uat it might b th atory of a boy and his oung ortde setting out to max a pioneer bocne or thrcotew anyvtwrr ao unlitvaal u u siical whit had good rvaaoru for ansnting to lrlr ketllrlord tor thr tntenor and lor that matter so bad vlrluu tbtlr trtp tn by bratly laden canoe vu not without danger and for four uh they by out but already tbry are aaar of great y and baoptneaa tn atsipi ita prucjuw lsngu are the story of utrtr ufe togrtber unfcvd rtrvt came their ikane built ailh such care by whet li may hate had an animal sain oer tfie door and been without window but it had a tiunble because come the f lrt inovlsll a woman aark a ft truode th hooaw then came the rlesrtnc of the land thrtr firu cow a team of oxen the birth of their children the romln ol their ftrtt nrlahbour the flnvt votimt their grrateat hsrcuhlp was thrtr sep- srntton wheri whu ami to the asr dul be come home and again tlie aar srems a rrmol thing it it a aatlvlylnt tm-sn-asmiir- tory a om read there b no unir ol the hliterlosl or of flcuun it rrnt srr at usual as if tiie arrr hspprrung to you- vllll dance town halt acton sattuvtyitonuaiy 16 devi hub ordmtrw atooarn aita om tyme fob wtb vfobv- nxtttb iixaltm ix b victobv tne frut season u over all uie hotldsy avucadea have been eaten up ticrpl perhaps a luue tthnsuruu caa and now me muu get back to nutnsl living sstn isnt it an op portune uaw or the homemaktr to lit down and take stock and see i she u giving her family the right kind of food well balanced meals mean better health and better health u an im portant weapon for victory indeed o high an importance b placed on food that canada has undertaken a nutrition program to evjualnl the na- kn wrliis hie nj 41 lawtl rasenusl io prorlu tlit auitigui aij energy nadd to arm thar la nothing complicated about the food which luut always been abun dant in this country and the govem- gjaxu la taking steps to are that it u stn awaflarjl to an of us at reasonable prlcea w cvjah ornciai food bvixh cat these healthprotective oods every day in at least theac amounts tise more u you can uojcaduita t4 pint children more than dtot add cheeee as available rttuttb one serving of tomatoes dally or of a citrus fruit or of tomato or cltrtu fruit juke and one serving 6f other rrulu iresh canned or dried vtioartaniies tin addition to po tatoes ol which you need one serving dally two servings dally of vegeta ble preferably leafy grn or yellow and frequanty raw cerxaias tnd djieaivone serv ing of whole grain cereal porridge and four to six slices of canada ap proved bread brown or white meat pihh one serving a day ot meat fish or meat substitutes etc liver heart or kidney once a week eooeat east three or four eggs weekly chebby bread pudding to the housekeeper and the budget- keeper here is a find a tasty attrac tive dessert wholesome reasonable and easy to make and what is more it will fit right tn with your nutri tion program a cups milk 2 cups dry bread crumbs 1 3 eggs cup sugar u cup corn syrup si cup melted butter u tea spoon salt t can aour cherrleat drain ed heat the milk to scalding point in a double boiler add the bread crumbs and set uue to cool beat the eggs add the sugar com syrup and ssh add the melted- butter salad oil may be buhsututed for part of it and combine with the milk and bread mix ture add the ctuvrrlm and cum into a buttered baking dish and make m fairly alow oven mm degree v tea- one hour or until firm and nloety browned bern hot uh light cream or a sauob made from the cherry juice berves eight iviiollll votrs rtmivowm m w a 9 u ldou w key a aofjbasa the aollowtna poiea raad a andy clark on his hiaitirinrty hmm sroad- eau icat buoday eaoreiag atnjok us a being paruouarty good it a wrui by a scidler mnai and socuand in th ikrhmnnd hill uheral uat ek hrrua dlu- tttrrrs rumor eiirreot tbough strang tt may aeo of hrrr llmier and hb eooat sccderfc dream betng harrud on all fronts he lay down to bad and anoni other f b djwaml be was dead in til deep rasart gruzjy lytng in uat lil cold wasro frturr au froam with hau lie badnl been dead too wheo f found to his coat that hb uckri and pxuxns to th nrrt kd arte kail ttei wattm thu tytxjr be lought heaven straight doing the gousrurp ngbt up to the gal out a trntlnrls cruuvnre tn a vosoe strong and elear luld lucmirl adolnti luueel ve donl want ou brt adulonet ho be turned on hb lrel and off be cud r cvn tvkrv axmv tiown uwt m nii3 plaf tthor n wuli4 ouuisv r hrud ot nkt u hv to 1 flr co oj all fair im riprtrtlnst i wit liltrr cvjwti hnr uu morning dut oun t r htm tn fur to toe it quijt lrr wr rr mxi fr too food fur that monxjc doin hrrr oh fiaun my frlrnd uvr dictator tcii m rsrajrotn4a4l tl -ll- tnn ouuidr if ixj oont lrt nr tn vtvtrr fur tu i ot- wru ild tn anrli dnon 1 trmuf oast know oti pi lrt m in out ot thr roiij if it munr jou lljlle rot lot of prrnch d no rrplkru oatn u rurr u no wr don t rtvnr urn lor pvxilf- dprow 00 hr toclrd aoolph pnu u nr gtnlhrl tn unolir and juw at that roomrnl drr ruhtrrr idkt ita ul ia in n lii i itittblr mrat and critxl lllmmct ttit drrinl i shall nrvtr onnxt 1 cnl rot to heavrn i anow rnr mtu out tt tomffh lo br aicro elf an plum out ol h 1 oibire taae lonfitr to came than irttrris luxortuag to mr aih mr w mrndtuun tvo on tto lord a rrcrltl a chrutmaa trveunfi cable from mr mcndhom pwe in england uhlch dat7d dccfjmbrr 16th oil tf cfcutit ufiaa w tfct 6gaje ooeumpd oo aj bt ti bosr t woodlavs av bt o jctn osirjitol klrirood zitv cf bttjbpfcob ukd gcut of orfcl euat vgot7azgob ostraas9 mt0 cd oormwivortt- lis jcirtosooo ta pnb- ujj riitm drurtcaf u pjft forty yr aor vxgxa uivttuiri ugn aj3j otb man tn oarifcdg hi- u ptruaiasjti iiumxovr u rarr of tt ftf4 otfti ttd of iitt bjrjtfvr and 7xm brlorw u tu- fgrigtltawi wt ft itmmt of tfiry bntuad t wtol ptrtods church news january 10th ajid becaur iniquity ahall abound the knr of rruiny thai wx cold matt 34 13 si jahna chonh httvarilswn rv s r ooioronk rector 6cond sunday attrr epiphany 3 pm bundfty behool 3 pm pvnlna prayer annual vestry meeting on january 20th 8 oclock in the church l patt rukuk nerral 7 jo pin rvwtlft prayer vcatry hietlna on jan 10u a pm tn the rectory st hupbrna chtirrh ilarnbx 13 am morning prayer vctry meeunr jan 18th 0 oclock at the home of mr o buuu ctllj for ua bslncarr ud tsm trtr runi wuar from orrm mi kirtoood u boro tn bgruej- too tantatit txaur 4o a uo of wluum gclrtwarjtl to cordajrlcd cranro txoir al tfr mrrttr of mam and qjrwm sun itu twhrr- uilni crrr ttfran on hi fathatr 6uh rm ha atd to ifv ojerc ualrri ard frtum trr to tnaalxv ui fimcrrj 4crr llr ttxar or hao crr3 and ltli druxja fbth jtlf or thr utlnraa irmarajt at trial umr fur th emarcaj prorrdorr itarwling vsirrtiitmrriu fircn to vr in i mo aarr a brut tmalrfvt in ivjlaotfgtiu ptt at itrrrrntjte of thr ikjca ixwrrt laujran tr oxnr to ttaforrto ard otn- aj ur rn cf 0r urin uuf- tnff oo uulr ith ijuatlan t hr aa on aosfruunr ropjr vrtlr and futoru rtlrr on adtrrtulnji and cnrtthaxi- 3uin tn cturtr at canadian ororer rid trdgvrr and urtal trtvd pub- liralion in 106 he rm lo england wtarrr hr tor atorlrh of many flrttuh en- urprtu and ortflnatand n tpr of raly and tnmtax adtfiruilryr 11 brramr 1drly irjt in rnjund n irtran mn and thr author of thr tinrt mp of undona urwlrr- cruind raltaay itrm lt alto wa auncutrd 1u uvr ute lord north cmftv tn pfornotinr adtrruonc rntrr prura lututtjlnjt to canada in 1011 he oprnrd a canadian brancti of thr j walter txnpon adrtiun acrnc tn paronto and oontrtbutrd aidrly lo trade paper and other prrodkau durtnu ut rar trv he employed try the canadlao preai avocution to mtttr a rrt of adtrturrerit tsatlfned to rrttorr aiih in dtnjir xlr kirtood rrtumed to england aftrr the war and rained a national reputatgon aa on ftuthorlly on adatr- uitnf and marketing durtrm eleven fn there he come back to can ada in itoo a editor of market in a hu column my world and vourv apprarrd in fifty ekl neverpapen for aome year bejore ulhe10i forc ed hu rthlrement poor hejth ivad confined m recent nctultleft to the- klrkaoud 8peakin column he 1 rvurved by hla widow mr laottlc v portor klrlcvood two dauffb- trr mary toronto helen ljondon kv und a hon krnneth in arurt- tltia oik- brother also urvte ar thur klrkwood tnnontd mr klrktkod on ootober 16 1m3 wu the rue tt of honor at a rtlmoni- al luncheon attended by his closeat frtrncts in newtipaper and adertlilna circle at the national club a itenueman not by creed not by studied practice not by adherence but by hu oan innate coodnem and vlr- uwa vaa how frlctruu deacrtbed thu eteron of the printed word the funeral woa held on wdncaday of ion cek with interment at white church cemetery coledon it was in colfdon where the klrtcwooda flmt hettjed tn canada and tt twd axwaya been the wpreamd wth of john c klrtnood that the land of his fore- beam be hu final rertlna puce lrmertotbe b th tt that btada tot- lo by the ixrda fray ceaead th jocussry ffiiitt of th ihjw w i haid at th hem cf lara sctrfc- patrtck rstraurbtey teat thar were rwittif aod itra serby errwvikad th irtwtng th ro3 rail wu erarerad by narrtnf a haul to th second out war it carad- ad to ktji a ajarenent or aaeh kxsj an u was daeuad w hod a work wnflrig ct ura kirknatncars january tsch so prrear gaxmeou or a fiahatkaa army canon th inaatiiint staled that th wuutooo oodnrijc wjvj ta held tn oorgs- oam riccjr laarary january yrch from 10 to and all the itcur wrr ltgad to e ni tf rnartf r thoae tbtcrjd tng to go war to be thetr nasw with the president or lacfvtsry so that transportation cood b arranapd th local leather was to be comsctad re- gardlng pruaa tor th prjv s made pu- luie by a drrttrai from th tsiot c a girts circle hlch rrjlstad tier scm eara ago ura h korru m sp- potctad ecnvfckor of social or janu ary ojnrapondmr was lead jrvrn three vocal enwrsra mm sr3 from thoae masted merj stu tn osnsds tau had rervbed gift tseb mm k hsd rerelted cxareuea through v onnrsi hrajr tooacro rural ccxr possjue ty cr donation uru ac- nos inlreenmt ttr w ocesdy read current ehtnta part cl whlcb led to a cusruialoo re carding si aaltogr it aa hnall dfctded thst each famllj waie it own l wvh ura prcatoo in orcrvrtoara ut it ucvry read a motto lu from thr ullm ol the soil thst sprint the beat rtuarrj and the beat sxjdlera ura a w benton read he krrurth paper rnuued the unrtrd nsuons tim- ksuonsl arrthem was sortg at thr the young ivoptrs horlky held a euchre at the borne of lire henderson snd ur oaurge ltenderson oo uon- day riming of last week fits tahlr ol cards were played arj uiia jcoyr utnllh and ur joe ucoonald were atrmers ura itrndenon smed tea snd corauva whloh mere much anprrrl- ated the snow plow reached us on thurs day and made a fin job eg clearing rorxo or ntx rajr csinid ulsnd prcmtnc rmrjos kdwsrd ttlrat avl honour one of u4 great laorjsrrs to th cbo iteror of carorfls srrte xim wee cm ituy jnavy a uiu vttxa irrwa u pay trtbuu to jhn fstresjt cramrcm of umiert iu ujn jl be um try a contrrcorory irince kdwad iv- und aatbur ra rrdrnt in to ronto ilsrr crneu rxstur at many tu jdk arnra hair pro- 1oeo dranallc muj1s for ci1c sllrrra llrrwa ct can- ads li tu rrvoet t 10 co the ccnty road of intra ttfdr from larrr atrj sit renpwyfd at utoim cuj not rufc the orep uio uut ktonday morning uis c r urieculh rerroed uie sad l rjras on wadneaday that tier uuer bad poshed aaay at hu home ta i usnluxiltn liland llad h llrd un- ul jarrary 3dtn b would hs irach- ed hu elghtyflnt btrthdsy we el- tmd rrmpsthy to ura lutrduii who attrndrd the funeral th end of la ulfc ilertiai liherboum tprnt a few days 1th be aunt un w o nor rle in toronto since krm years ur snd un wilfred iljeuuon and ur prank koclnton tutted ur w a lnr on uunday urs w ullohrll is pending a cou ple of week with friends in toronto mrs b ouhr u with her sunt un judre tn toronto the united chnrch at canada rev b o todd ba minister t sunday services ii 10 mi sunday school and bible lass it am holy oom- munlon t am public wor ship eubjeet the hand of promise friday jan 18th m 8 pm service to prepare the mind and spirit for holy communion oueat speaker rev w o o thompson rector ot bu oeorges church of england first baptist church minister hcv j p oetrom wednesday at b pm oodw people gather for prayer praise and fellow ship the young people meet on monday at 8 pm bunday jan nth- 336 tun sunday school 1 phi evening worship the secrets ot dod welcome to gods house of prayer narral and tjnvw iveslrytetlaii korval preabytertan church 1j0 pjn bunday school bible class 330 pm public worship rev a d maclellnn will preach joint oongregauonal meeting on wednesday evening january 17th at boo oclock in the norval church dance oddfellows hall brampton wednesday evening january 13u music b art snyder and his rhythmaires daactac i- u i aa if hi ha lew 5c pn ptnam 8tiljotni3irxiavttiiid3jjljllbt coal terms cash owing to the incrcnacd cost of the con at the mine which we have to absorb due to the price ceiling all coal must be cash the coal must be paid for at the office before delivery or to the coal driver before coal is un loaded due to the unprecedented demand we re quest that our customers order well in ad vance of requirements j b mackenzie son phone 33 o cochran bjl interim isoderetor tjhlott prtr3rtettan ohwsh ims avm bunday school auto claaj um avtfl rmlao wlorahlp ttv a d uatuuatt wumwwkeh oearus charch rev w o o thompson rector second sunday af ter qilphony bun day school 10 am holy oommunlon it om evenaong 7 pm hu albans cbarch olen williams second bunday alter bplpahny bunday aohool 30ft pm evensong 300 pjn knos freabytettab chnrch qeergetawn rev ohes c cochrane da minister 1000 am sunday school 110 puhuo worship 700 pjn puhuo worship llaielisawe prasoyterlan chareh 300 pj bunday school bible class 800 pjn sactoment of tha lords georgetown e uwasfii liuuaiunwi ur wssnsd from lot fsam annual bioeiaraj of the oon wedtteaday owning jj52 batr craa w- craarcn bw ft v j laorgail u tt s ik dmratulw let a special farm mechanics courses to be held ot georgetown ken mcmillan implement shop ok january 21 and 22 1000 am to 400 pm dst the prosramme trill include special instruction pertaining to the repairing and adjusting of binder mowers plows lao rops epbclng labour saving devioes tractor main tenance summ and motors tlw shortage of new aim errulpmcnt makes it essential that wasent eouipmetvt be put tnto shape at ones bwryona weloome wo ottamob ontario department of agriculture boh p if tvswejj ihnlltir 3 atisuaaoak aasouutwal ata

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